On the Inside ~ Home, The Weather Iowa Triumphs In AAU fair today. Partly cloudy tomonow with ••• Page 2 Uttle chcmqe In temperature. HiOh to­ Wimer's Articlo Usod ••• Paqe 3 owan day 90: low". Yeatercloy'. h1qh 90: al low 69• Pollo Kills Two • • • Paqe , Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wireph~lo, UP Loosed Wlro - Five Cants Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, August 18, 1949 - Vol. 83, No. 221 LeHers I 10 Governor Charge rh(t 'b ITighe Woods Reveals Liquor, Gambling'Laws Voided .... 'i"'. • • 'l'hrce Iptl l' r~ ['('portl'dly hal'c bern sent to Gov. William S. B~ardsl('y point in~ (lui "!leg-rel \'iolations of state liquor and gam­ bling h\\l'S in ,Johnson ('ollnty, it W!lS learned last night. Donald [': ~Iyrl'!l, nn ~I! I phYRj('~ d pal·tmenl employe, lind Dr. L. L. Dunning-toil . l'a~lol' of.llH' l\1ethodist church, mailed letters Rent Decontrol Plans to Brarr\,11'1' '('~It'I'd I". '1'h!' t hit'li 1':"1'1' Wfl~ J'('port<'Cl ­ This'fI Hurt Me More Than You I I I II' Initten IlI'R 1!J 17 /rI'llnd .iu l·­ Action to Affect or who clnimed tne grand jury Bail ,Bond Jumper, DENVER IJP)-"He couldn't do It," insisted Elmer Johnsen failed to indict scv ral lavcrn Senior, "He isn't big enough." owners lwo ycars ago (or a series "Oh, ye_, ] did," said Elmer Ir. "l'U show you." Third of Area of alieged violations. Wanted by County, So young Elmer showed his dad and assistant Fire O~lef Floyd The grand juror, whore identi­ McCarthy how he turned in a false alarm. He Just stood on the se!t ty was not revcaled, reported that of his trJcycle and reached into the box. Under Control County Attorney Jaek C. While Held in Cleyeland Chief McCarthy let Elmer Sr. carryon from there. said at that timc there was not OLiEVELAND Itn - National sufficient evidence for an indict­ Robert Malcolm Eddy, wanted HOU5ina Expediter Tighe Woods ment-or a cOllVlction. here for forfeiture of a $2,500 said yesterday he will decontrol either White lIor SherH( bail bond on a burglary charge, rents in a third of the areas now is being held by Cleveland, Ohio, Norman Thomas Urges AI~rl J. (Pal) 1\ll1l'l'Ih could I under federal, rent con t rol, start- be reach~d tor comment last authorities, police said yesterday. • ing wi thin ,10 days. n1rht. Ccunty Attorney Jack White He also disclosed that a third of In his letter to Beardsley, My­ yesterday said Johnson county­ Universal D,sarmame n t the rent control stalt will be laid ers cl~im d to have recounted de­ au thori ties would try to return off with the firin,s to occur bolh tails of two raids on lavcrn~ in Eddy here for trial. The county lD the field and In the Washington Norlh Liberty last' Thursday and must go through elCtradiUon pro­ oWce. The present staft of 5,600 Frid~y. ceedings, unless Eddy waives the will be pared to about 3,000. Mycrs claimed a raid made by "gevernor - to - governor request" Wood. saId the action wu county ollthoril ics 011 Sh?nnon's for his return, White said. made necessar, b>y eonue slon· and the I,ighthouse in North Lib­ Cleveland authorities said al cut. In hi. budget, which re­ erty ThUl'sday f,uted 10 produce Eddy tisted Rocking, N.Y., as duoed It fr'3m S26-mlllion to any evidence supporting liquor his home address. TheY picked $l1-milllon. and g~mbllng violaliont. Eddy up and apparently are "This severe blOW," W ood.~ said. Tbe lollowing day, how'ever, boldlng him for Iowa City au­ "left me with only two choices: l\Iyers s.1i(\ he obtained a sC.1 rch thorlUes, White said. either] must tire one thtrd of my warrant from P"lire Judlre Emil employES and attempt to maintain Eddy pleaded not guilty Oct. 4, token rent control, or ] must de­ G. Tr\)tI, wh\) \V.th MYers and Hl4B, to an indictment charging onstable Roy Lewis, raided control a thIrd of the areas now him with burglary. According to under federal rent control. Shannon's tavern .1gain. infcrmation filed by the county Lewis laler reporled seven slot Okays 2 Reorganization Plans He's Prisoner "I have deelded on the latter attorney, Eddy was charged with PRAGUE (iP) - The Most Rev alternative." machin e~ and about 17 bottles of entering tbe Sigma Alpha Epsilon WASHINGTON (JP)-The senate Jost'! B<ran broke a two months- Those areas to be decontrolled, IJquor were found by the raiders fraternity house, 303 N. Riverside I WOods saId, will be where tht ac­ and confiscatcd. The seized items drive, about July 9, 1948, with appreved two ot President Tru- silence y~terday and accus d ~he "This Is an Imane program, a Irate Senator Calls man's government reorganization Says Lend-Lease , Communist government of holdll1g prograrn of war," declared Rep. tual city populations art under were turned over 0 Lhe county in ten t t~ commi t larceny. 100,000. "I hope we will n:lt have sheriff. Five resldenlll testltled Eddy H V h plans yesterday. R . him captive in violation of his Vito Marcantonio ot New York, to go into cities over the 100,000 only American Laborlte In the A condemnation he~ring for lhe entered the house about 4:15 Genl arry aug an One of them, officially called USS Jammmg Part con~ ~t~t ~~~:~/If~~~ ' 60 -year-old mark," he said. seized goods is SCheduled in house. Wfnat has happened In the Woods said ihe decontrol a.m. and charged him with talL­ plan No.2, gives the stripped- Roman atholle prlDl3te ha not countries of Europe, he said, was Trott's court lomorrow at 5:15 lng $70 to $80. 'F" I" B I' Of·. measures would apply c untry­ p.m. mag mg ung er down l~bor department .a pote~1 Klrk-Stahn Talk apptared In publlo slDce June purely domestlc- "their revolu­ to wide, with the most 8p~r ely­ Eddy was bound over to the transfUSion by transferrmg to It 19 when a sermon he tried tions were purely domestic," Ihe job-fin.d ing and unemplcyment WASHINGTON (IP) _ U.S. Am- preach was sbout d down by aeUled area affected fl l'lt. "The grand jury {)n a $2,500 bond, with WASHINGTON lIP) - Sen. Karl .. I believe it Is necessary tor compensation fun c 1 Ion snow bassador Alan Kirk threw out Communists heck)~rR . He now smallest commun\\\ea wl\\ tee\ Two Congressmen trial scheduled for Jan. 17, 1949. E- Mundt (R-SD) yest rday called congress to go halfway now," said handled by thc federal security feelers for improvements in RlI~- clairns he has been Interned the effects f\l'It," he sald. "There When he failed to appear lor Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan a "fi­ Rep. John Vorys (R-Ohlo), urg­ are manl such pl&ees along the trial, the bond was forfeited. nagling bargainer" full of "in­ agency. sian-American relations on two and Isolated In his Prague pal­ Scrap on DP Sil/ The other, plan No.7, trans- touchy issues when he held his ace. ing the house to hbld back haU eut cout and wes. coast and In timidation, bluff and blusler," and the $1,160,990,000 requested for the southwes"" WASHINGTON ItI'I - The chair­ Sm. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) fcrs the publlo roads admlnls- first talk with Premier Slalin in Archbishop Beran accused the tratlon to tbe department of Moscow Monday night. government of illegally seizlna his European members of the Atlantic Woods said there were about men of lhe ~cna lc and house judi­ demanded that John Maragon be pact until they agree on a common 1,000 coun.tles In the country ciary commllt cs, i"-cn. Pat Mc­ U,SI to Provide Tito indicted for perjury. commerce. It now Is In the re- Secretary 01 State 0 an Achc- consistory (administrative oCfl~) cenUy organized general servIces son told a news conference yes- and confiscatini the funds ot hi s plan ot defense. Vorys announced whc're ac1.ton will be taken in the Carran (O-Nev) and Rep. Eman­ Vaughan is President Truman's he will support an amendment to next 30 days On some form of re­ uel CelieI' (O-NY) truded angry army aide. adwlnlstratlon headed by J eS8 terday Kirk personally had men- Prague diocese. Steel Mill Material Larson. tioned to St8lin: II made the MargeS In a that effect by Rep. J ame~ Rich­ duction of ren! contl'()). words yestcrday over displaced Maragon, Ia dne..itAme Kpnsas ards (D-SC), who was applauded The housing expediter told the City shine boy, has become the The voles mean that plan No.2 I. American objections to Soviet leUer to the state procurator persons legislation. WASHINGTON (IP) - The will lake eflect, since the house jamming of the Voice of America (prosecutor) whIch wa.s ..Iven loudly when he explained hls idea. naUon.al convention of the Dis­ They called each other "disa­ United States has granted Yugo­ frifl1d of many a Washington of­ abled American Veterans that the ficial, including Vaughan. has already approved it, and plan radio programs to Russia and ' Iio the f.,relm press through greeable" and hotly dispuled cach slavia permission to buy the ma­ No. 7 is virtually certain to go 2.
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