Spellman predicts he'll win gubernatorial race Commission Chairman Dixy Lee Ray is before. Sunday, Spellman revealed that by Jack Arends he would veto any legislation legalizing Evergreen staff writer too close to predict a winner. Spellman, who had clashed with Rayon prostitution, while Ray said she would sign such legislation if certain conditions John D. Spellman, King County execu- a state-wide radio hook-up Sunday night, appeared in Pullman yesterday morning are met, according to the Seattle Post- tive and Republican candidate for gover- Intelligencer. nor, has predicted he will win today's for a press conference and to speak before a rally before flying to Spokane. When Spellman told his audience in Pullman general election, saying that the that four main issues separate him from "momentum" generated by his campaign asked why he decided to visit Pullman on the last day of the campaign, he respond- Ray. He said that those issues are how to since the primary is responsible for his adequately finance public schools and improved standing in the polls. ed by saying that he is pleased with the support he received on the "college cam- higher education, taxes, whether or not "If I had to pick the race right now, I supertankers should be allowed on Puget would say that I'm winning," said Spell- puses" of the state, and wanted to spend some time acknowledging that support. Sound, and the relative experience and man. past performance of each candidate. Polling organizations in the state and Spellman's Pullman appearance did not reveal anything new about the candi- Spellman said that the experience issue is surveys taken by national newsmagazines the hardest one to define, but that it is an have indicated that the race between date's stand on the issues, as had the radio clash from Bellevue the night important one and will probably decide Spellman and former Atomic Energy the election in his favor. On the Issue of supertankers, Spellman accused Ray of deceiving the public with recent advertisements saying she does not favor the big ships operating on Puget Daily. Sound. Spellman said that "Dr. Ray has spon- sored radio ads saying that her position on tankers has been misconstrued, but that John Spellman she does favor tankers of up to 250,000 tons. That's double what we have now. Those are supertankers, coming into Ana- support of Initiative 53, which he said Evergreen would prolong special levies, and said cortes, Cherry Point and Bellingham, and that is Puget Sound in any lay person's Ray's voting record on levies in her own Vol.83 No.27 Tuesday; November 2, .876 Washington State University terms." He criticized Ray for using district did not qualify her to endorse such semantics deceptively and said that if he legislation. is elected, he would support the state law "I think for someone to propose a con- requiring all tankers navigating on Puget tinuation of the school levy program as a Sound to displace no more than 125,000 means of funding schools in this state, and Voter turnout may be tons and requiring them to be escorted by then kind of drop out of that system, and tugboats. Spellman also said that sites for not participate in it, raises the issue of tanker facilities were being considered what kind of support there will be for for the Olympic Peninsula and Kitimat, schools under that person as governor," high in Pullman polling B.C. but refused to comment on where he said Spellman. would prefer such facilities to be built, if Concerning Initiative 325, Spellman said at all. he is against it, but accused Ray of being Voter turn-out in today's election is Precinct No. 59 On the issue of taxes, Spellman repeat- a "salesman for nuclear power." He said expected to be "better than average" Jefferson Elementary School ed that he advocates using the revenue his opposition to 325 stems from the belief according to local campaigners. They N.W. 1150 Bryant generated within the present tax struc- that the federal government already regu- said the voter apathy, predicted in this ture to solve the state's fiscal problems. lates nuclear plants sufficiently, and his dissatisfaction with the provision of the election, has not materialized. Precinct No. 64 He said that such revenue is expected to There has been a surge of voter interest Wesley Foundabon Bldg.· Felluwship Room-Basement increase by 18 per cent within the next bill which calls for two-thirds of the legis- lature to approve construction of any new during the final days of the campaign," N.E 325 Maple biennium. said Margret Swanson, at the Republican Spellman also' criticized Ray for her nuclear installations. Headquarters in Pullman. The closeness Precinct No. 72 of the Presidential and gubernatorial Adams Elementary School races may be the reason for the increased N.E. 600 Colorado interest in the election, Swanson speculat- ed. "But perhaps people are just becom- Dorm- drinking policy axed ing more aware," she said. Precinct No. 79 A spokesman at the Democratic head- New High School quarters downtown predicted a 60-70 per Larry and Hall Dr. cent voter turnout today. "I think the because of 'bad publicity' apathy projections are over- reaction-we're looking for a good tur-' Precirwt No. 80 The <:xI.erimeli~..I drink ing policy approved for Goldswonny Hall was cut short last Thursday after what dorm president Steve Agnello called "adverse publicity" due to an nout." Jefferson EJementarv School The Democrats are predicting a victory N.W. 1150 Bryant Evergreen article explaining the policy which ran the same day. for Jimmy Carter in Whitman County and The policy allowed transportation of open alcohol cans and bottles from one room to the nation, however the race between another and was approved Oct. 15 by George Bettas, director of residence living. John Spellman and Dixy Lee Ray "Is a Precinct No. 81 Agnello said that Bettas told him Thursday afternoon that the policy would be toss-up," according to the spokesman. Baptist Church of Pullman-Areplace Room in basement discontinued. When asked if it was Bettas' decision to rescind the policy, Agnello said The race for County Commissioner, Dis- s.t, 125 Spring that the decision was "out of his (Bettas') hands." trict No. 2 between' Harry Wegner and Unidentified students at Goldsworthy said the decision was due to "pressure from Anna Jim Erickson, along with Hubert above" placed on Bettas. Donohue and Ron Wachter's contest for Precinct No. 82 Agnello said the Evergreen story was "misdirected into a Board of Regents versus State Senator will be the ones to watch in City Hall-Community Center students clash, rather than the students working with French Ad. Whitman County, according to cam- Pullman "My intention was that the article was to inform the other dorms on how to obtain the paigners. policy," he said. Pullman Mayor Karen Kiessling has Agnello said an Evergreen graphic which accompanied the story depicting a Board of expressed fears that a light voter turnout Precinct No. 83 . Regents-student tug-of-war, and a second page headline which read"" .Are keg? far may jeopardize the downtown beautifica- Community Congregaticnal Church behind?," were misleading. tion proposal also on the ballot today. N.E. 525 Campus Agnello's final comment to the Evergreen last week was that "the Board of Regents According to Kiessling, the fate of the isn't going to like my comments." beautification may rest with the students Bettas is out of town until Wednesday and was unavailable for comment. who could "swing the election one way or Precinct No. S4 William Bierbaum, food and housing service director, would not comment on the another." Streit Hall-WSU decision, nor would the assistant directors of residence living, Barbara Rexwinle=l and Polling places for today's election are: Stadium Way and Colorado Robert Fahrer. Precinct No.2 Precinct No. 85 Adams Elementary School Stevens Hall-WSU NE 600 Colorado Administration Rd. Precinct No.6 Edison School Precinct No. 86 Stadium and Valley Rd. Presbyterian Church Stadium Way Precinct No .. 12 Stephenson Hall Precinct No. 87 Stadium Way CUB Second Floor-Room 216 Pullman Precinct No. 13 Gannon -Goldsworthy Lobby Stadium Way Precinct No. 88 Precinct No. 17 Neill HaIl·Recreation Room New High School Pullman Larry and Hall Dr. Precinct No. 19 Precinct No. 89 Lincoln Junior High School Franklin School S.E. 315 Crestview S.E. 240 Dexter Precinct No. 21 Old High School Precinct No. 90 Sta te Street Jefferson Elementary School N.'N. 1150 Bryant Precinct No. 40 Edison School Stadium and Valley Rd. Precinct No. 91 Trinity Lutheran Church Precmct No. 41 N. E. 1300 Lybecker Rd. Franklin School S. E. 240 Dexter Precinct No. 92 Precinct No. 48 Sunnyside Grade School Adams Elementary School S.W. 425 Shirley N.E. 000 Colorado Precinct No. 51 Precinct No. 93 Sunnyside Grade School Jefferson Elem,ntary School WHICH L.EVER. FLUSt1e~ IT ? S.W 425 Shirley N.W. 1150 Bryant • · . TACO-TIMI grind out Meat Burrito -, Dinner publicity Includes: Salad & Mexi Fries Buttons, window decals, yard signs and bumper stickers are part of any campaign and this year is no exception. Both the Democratic and Republican headquarters in Pullman are teaming with publicity for the asking on nearly every candi- date. of their party appearing on today's ballot. OFFER GOOD MONDAY, The campaign material availa- ble at the two headquarters is TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. strictly on the basis of what the candidates get to the head- quarters for distribution, either in person or by mail.
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