Government of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ABVIMS &Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi F. No. 5-80/2019-RMLH/NS Dated: August, 2021 NOTICE Sub :- Recruitment of Nursing Officers in '4' Central Govt. Hospitals, New Delhi from the Waiting List'of the result of CBT Examination held on 15.09.2019 conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi- regarding. This refers to the Recruitment Examination for the post of Nursing Officer - 2019 which was conducted by AIIMS New Delhi on 15.09.2019for AIIMS New Delhi and '4'Govt. Hospitals and accordingly, the result of the same was declared on 28-09-2019.The vacant seat position category wise for '4' Central Govt. Hospitals after first round ofjoining process is given as under: _ SI. No. Name of UR EWS OBC(NCL) SC ST Including Total the PWBD Hospital 1. Dr. Ram III 32 66 27 14 18 250 Manohar Lohia Hospital New Delhi 2. Safdarjung 45 06 04 13 05 07 73 Hospital 3. Lady 05 05 11 06 07 01 34 Harding Medical College and Smt. Sucheta Kriplani Hospital NIL NIL 09 4. Kalawati NIL 04 03 02 Saran Children Hospital 26 26 366 Total 161 47 84 48 .. ndidates in Result Notification No. 113/2020 dated Note-t The document verification of the ca om 1 2019 dated 15thOctober 2020 MS/E m Sec 134-69/Nsg. icer . 13/1012020 vide letter No. All. xa:,. I Govt Hospitals will be done at Auditorium, as provided by AIIMS, New DelhI for ~ll 4 Ce~tr: New· Delhi-llOOOI as per schedule as per ABVIMS & Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Annexure-I. Page 1 of 2 -2- Note-2 Candidates may please see the check list for document verification as per Annexure-H. They are required to produce the original documents as per check list and a set of self-attested copies thereof Note-s Candidate will also be required to give an undertaking at the time of joining as per Annexure-III. Note-4 Calling of candidates for documents verification does not confer any right upon candidate for his/her appointment to the concerned post. The candidature of candidates is purely provisional. Note-s As far as possible, the offer of appointment will be given to selected candidate in respective Hospital as per his/her choice reflected in the result if the candidate appeared on the date and time of verification scheduled for him/her. Note-s In case, any of the candidates do not attend document verification process as per schedule due to condition(s) beyond his/her control, his/her case will be entertained after approval of Medical Superintendent, Dr. R.M.L. Hospital, New Delhi. However, in such cases, candidate is required to inform, with full justification, the office of the undersigned or at Y_k~:[email protected]::l..,.!lj~:.i..I.!latest by 06.09.2021. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Note-7 Please visit the website "Y"Y~\l:rmlh,I.!i~jD.,"Y"YY\l:Ymm~,sjh,I.!iG.:iD.,"Y:'-\l"YJhmG:::hQ~p!gQyjp, regularly for updates and latest information. *** Page 2 of2 ANNEXURE-I Schedule for verification of documents as per waiting list of Nursing Officers enclosed SiNo. Category SiNo. Date Timings Venue From To ABVIMS & I. UR I 125 06.09.2021 10:00 AM to Auditorium. 03:00PM Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. New Delhi- 110001 2. UR 126 250 07.09.2021 Do Do 3. UR 251 376 08.09.2021 Do Do 4. ST I 120 09.09.2021 Do Do EWS I 28 5. EWS 29 178 10.09.2021 Do Do 6. OBe I 159 13.09.2021 Do Do 7. OBe 160 318 14.09.2021 Do Do 8. OBe 319 477 15.09.2021 Do Do 9. se I 136 16.09.2021 Do Do 10. se 137 271 17.09.2021 Do Do ANNEXURE-[[ CHECKLIST FOR DOCUMENT VER[F[CAT[ON A. TO BE FilLED UP BY THE CANDIDATE SI. To be filled up by the candidate No. I. Roll No. 2. Rank No. Please affix recent s. Candidate's Name ([N passport size BLOCK LETTER) photograph 1·. Father's Name 5. Date of Birth 6. Age as on 21.08.2019 7. Category B. List of documents required to be produced by the candidates in original alongwith a set of self- attested copy of documents at the time of documents verification: - (Please tick( ..J) in appropriate column) SI. No. Particulars Yes No Not applicable Remarks, if any I. Printout of online application II. Admit card III. Photo Identity Card viz. Aadhar Card iv. Birth Certificate( 10,10Class certificate) v. Diploma/Degree certificate VI. All certificates/qualifications passed from 10,10 class onwards(along with copy of mark sheet) VII. Registration certificate with concerned Nursing Council viii. Experience certificate, as required ix. Caste certificate (SC/ST /OBC/EWS) issued by Appropriate Authority. x. (a) [n case of OBC candidates, is it In Central Government format issued by the Central Govt.? (b)[[ no, please mention the reason In 'Remarks' column. (c) Date of' Issuance of Certificate (Please mention In remarks column.) xi." (a) [n case of' EWS candidates, IS it in Central Government format issued by the Central Govt.? (b)[f no, please mention the reason in 'Remarks' column. (c) Date of issuance of certificate (Please mention in remarks column.) in case of Disability certificate xii. Disability Persons with Benchmark Chief Medical (PWBD) issued by Distt. Onicer xiii. Discharge certificate in case of Ex- serviceman certificate from their xiv. Age relaxation seeking Employer in case of candidates age relaxation as departmental candidate case of xv. 'No Objection Certificate' In candidates already working In Govt. Service xvi. Two passport size Photographs in which one should be pasted on checklist. -The crucial date for submission of Income and Asset Certificate for the candidates qualified under EWS category through online CBT Examination held on 15.0fJ.2019 conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi for the post of Nursing Ollicer in 4 CG Hospitals will be 10.02.2020 as per Mlo Health & Family Welfare (Hospital-l Section) letter No. Z_28015/01/2019-H-I dated ](i.b December, 2020. DECLARATION I hereby declare and certify that all the statements made in the checklist above are true and correct to the best of my knowle~ge and belief: Ifany (~fthe particulars furnished by me are found to be incorrect or suppressed, my candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage duringor after selection process Date: Place: New Delhi (Signature of the candidate) (For office use only) . The particulars furnished by Sh.lMs. checklist have been iheck d r d f d .~:-;:-:--:--:-------- Roll No, In c c e an OUl) correct except the following discrepancy(ies):- ----------- s,.~.--====================-= (Akhil Kumar) UDC & Document Checker . (Anil Bhatt) Office Supdt , & Document VenifIeI' (Dr. Sachin Mittal) (Mrs, R.K. Boyla) Member Secl'etary Dy. Nursing Supdt. (~ajeev Jaiswal) & Authenticator & Sr. Member Dy. Du'ector(Admn,) & Sr. Memher Accepted by (Dr. Nandini Ouggal) Addl. M,S, & Chairperson (b,J ANNEXURE-III UNDERTAKING I D/S/W 10 Sh. hereby declare that I, after selected through online CBT Examination held on 15.09.2019 conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi for the post of Nursing Officer, have joined Hospital, New Delhi only and did not join AIIMS, New Delhi or any other three hospitals in accordance with SI. No. 3(Important) of AIIMS result Notification No. 168/2019 dated 28.09.2019. Signature of the candidate Name __ D/S/W 10 Sh. _ SL. No. NAME CATGA ROLL NO. OVER ALL RANK i 1 MONIKA MAAN General 327837 300 2 ARZOO General 352937 303 3 SHALU PATWAL General 334431 305 4 SHUBHAM General 322469 311 5 KANICA General 314090 312 6 SIMRAN General 335049 313 7 ANJALY RAJ General 322765 315 8 SONIA General 325380 316 9 RAJ KUMAR General 323621 317 10 A KRISHNA General 302550 324 11 SUMAN JOSHI General 343114 328 12 SHOBHANA JOSHI General 331850 329 13 MANISHA MISHRA General 324112 330 14 SEEMA RANI General 307824 336 15 SALlQU4 SEHAR General 332315 337 16 DEEPIKAASWAL General 354975 341 17 MEGHA General 305166 344 18 ALPANA GURNANI General 323072 346 19 SWATI General 333003 349 20 SWEETY General 328742 352 21 GUNJAN UPADHYAY General 314588 353 22 USHA DEVI General 309625 355 23 AFIQUE MUHAMMED V K General 330996 358 24 SOPHIYA E S General 354818 359 25 ANIITA MATHEW General 350577 362 26 HIMANI General 349574 363 27 RITU General 321148 364 28 SRUTHYJACOB General 353543 365 29 RAJKUMARI SEHGAL General 331018 366 30 SALOMI NIVEDITA SINGH General 331303 368 31 BHAGYARAJSINGH General 338263 369 32 PRASHANT KOTHARI General 323310 370 33 PAMELA BHAITACHARYA General 341448 371 34 PREETILAKRA General 307604 373 35 UPASNA SHARMA General 353991 378 36 SAKSHI General 315796 381 37 SINDHUJA S General 326957 382 38 ASHNA SEBASTIAN General 306045 385 39 LALITA RANI General 342467 387 40 NISHA SHARMA General 313694 388 41 TINU MARIA JOSE General 330334 391 42 KARAMV!:ER KAUR General 322976 392 43 RAJMITA CHAKRABORTY General 346096 393 44 TINI THOMAS General 335234 395 45 ANJALI GOPINATH K General 347057 396 46 VARNA P General 348351 397 47 ANJALI SINDHU General 319898 400 48 GIYA PRINCE General 321077 403 49 BARKHA General 343037 404 ~ 0$ 50 KAJALBISWAS General 308658 405 51 DEEPTIKADIAN General 307427 407 52 PRIYA General 348656 409 53 PRIYANKADEVI General 336311 410 54 JYOTI General 329625 411 55 PINKI General 340647 415 56 NANDITA RAWAT General 314990 417 57 SHUBHAM PRAKASH General 352426 419 58 MADHAVI General 341023 420 59 LEKSHMI V G General 303317 422 60 MEENAKSHI General 354855 423 61 ANU ELDHOSE General 353499 424 62 RAKHI General 312005 426 63 PRANITA MAlTY General 347444 427 64 JYOTSANA General 321233 428 65 VINAY DHAMIJA General 323135 429 66 DEPIKATHAPA General 309870 430 67 SHABNAM THAKUR General 338866 431 68 SURYAKANT TIWARI General 354493 432 69 JYOTISAPKOTA General 316011 433 70 SUBIN THOMAS General 315652 436 71 BABITA DEVI General 342518 437 72 CHINKY DEMBLA General 321983
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