'■ I : < . el ' ? ? '1 - ''(■ ■ /.-i ' ■ .. A* •Ai • ■ ■V, ' _ ' , ./> • ; U.}- /■ r ■ { -s' / , ■!, V r' - - * )».' 'I- J ... fr.. \: v - ; -■^ -■ ■■• ’ ■ '■ ' 1 ■ . '■ gfS lj'j.T - ;?i,- v'^ -I . ^ ■ . ”*■.*4 t i -'M. ^ :. *1»NDAY, FEBRUARY 22, Wsi ii a m ^ in & g r k v “ ’ • - y A - ‘-•■■n- >w7- -psiWAW^-ii-.rr •• A'r- . ................. ...................... I g r a l f t • S V V >. \ AvbrHTff D bI ^ Net Preas R«n 'ihiiM , ........ .................v<a-j> ' ■ ■ . _ faafc-^ w w ip tiir. ttiiy' "ItSt SiSSsasafasssesi htrill rasH a atatsri com- Ma oommeatator, trill apebk on help to' damsgs the nervous ays- wh^eoomenem of Uvlng. When ^Ctu^s on '‘Fashion Treads for Spri^, itdi.” tenu of ehlkh^ as yet unborn. lit -libsrf trill when the Women's Club d Man* Jeeua Christ has captured our 11,136 O a A lcohol and >“Drink bedemea mUsd with hearts, and . becomes our standard BANISH -UNWANTED HAIR FORKVBB H-' Vat M lotrint Chester meets tonicht at • o ’clock crima la which othsra are hurt. Member' of tiw Audit Uw fWQitss'. riMstlaff. thO Itov. in Luther BaU, Epiahuel Imtheraa Of motHrs and action, than ws shall Bureau of araulstione The cpncluaiM eg n survey of the strike for purit;’ of heart, remem­ Why. let WMlghtly .hair eS your faoo veil , u w F n ey Snith trill civs sa addrsss Church. Duty ofdiu rch drinking ia^Waildngtsn. bering that It 'is t)te pure who ‘shall ghiw goad Weim. Let nw free yon of Nda 3. on a subfsct o f Intsrsst to all Ma* Mancho$$^r-^A City o / l VUlago Charm D. C.. paar sQRuaer 'Tnvsnled see Go<^';\^- -■ ~ soslal hsnriean Mrever. My m e£ally an. f4\it sona Worthtpful Mastsr, John L. Sons trera;4>o(n at the Hartford ^ nay war on crimodn that city mm Voa Dock, sxtoads a oorOal tnvl* Hospital on Fbb. IS and Feb if, re- *To minister rodemptimly. to ptovod ntethed la eale, permaaeat aad VOL. LXXIII, NO. 122 twist also Iw a hauls against alco- MBDT TtH ipU fm mOHT net mar the ahta. (Ctoeetlted Adverttalag en Png* ifi) tatlon to. all Mastsr Masons to at* RMctivbly to Mr, and Mrs. Joeeph. pemons bodnd by Stains l onged hX holl" MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1954 '.||4|^ ttMA iBsalaakl 44 Saultera R d„ and to --------- . (TWELVE PAte^) piitcg tsad and hoar this (tao spsakor. At alcoholism, the <|9irUtla|i Chjwcir Fhmlly. ths Ray. llr . Post point- Memorial Tempie, Pythian gla^ m A r Y C. WAiDi R.N. - .muTirn ths7 oonetuston of tho BMSUns Mr. aftd Mrs. Albert L. Falco, 70 ad out that the drinker puahM shut il«ito»N«law LanoK St. A .daughter was bom must be a sympatheUo feliehrahip ters, will meet at g t>.m. tomorrow Celrtlfled Bleefreloglat thoia trill bo a social hour and ro* Mtere the words of tha Apostle tke door of his heart, thgt he and Ui Odd-'Fellowa Han. The offteeira froshments. - ^ _ there on Feb. i f to Mr. and Mrs. klf Ctod'may not have communion. m MAIN BTRBBTv, . Tt|,. MI-»-2d|7 Franklin M. Lister. l(tt Melalne Rd,i Psul are translated ^ o aetkm: and degfee staff are roqussted to ‘Bear one another’s buidmu, and so *Ths drinker who- aaesthetiasa T/ear thslr white-drtasss for the in- . An Worl( By ApjehUminj . « • Power Go. Miaatoaomoh Tribo M. lOHM. fulfUl t ^ in wef Christ’," tbs Hsv. hia ODd-^g|m powers of thought lUaUon cercraeay. A sociel hour Fras Itrtnr**- ^ ii«rth win nwst tonicht iy Ttakor Hall, The Past Ghiaf Daughters of Jbha K. Pad. mipatsr of thd North and wilL^ alcohoL is unable to With refteriimenU wU foUbw. • wyi hav* M Its at t o’clock, to m'ako airaago* Helen Davidson Lodge, Na IS, • S'} tomoTTOir St meats t w the coming criebration DaughUrs of Scotia. aW hold i \ Opens Plea tbs amtth ICstb- o f the 42nd anaivonary of tho or* meetiag tomorrow night . at S Lt. Riker Witnaili Ofobikii-Hka caaisatkn. th e svoht trill be' o’clock at the home of Mrs. Looter Wolcott, m Mala St, fM t i t N «rtt Usth- stafod at the CSardea Oreve, March gathered ' ta ^ths ebuircb For Boosts trill iBsak <m ‘*nw at. Plans trill also, be aaaouaced A * -1 ' IS / V ww- ' rjIrsBaisb,’* tte look which for tbs annual essay sontast apon* Ih e Men’s Club of tho South / D n the oChsr iwad." ^ l U v . ibsetuiKd. sored in tbs Idih admol tritb local Methodist Church will be hosU tpr Mr. Post contiausd,' ‘^ns ^ u st Hartford, Feb. 23 (iP)—The catrias Judced for silootikMi-ln the night to tlitf MenV.CIub o f tu n * ’ never fofgri tlutt -jBOclag Jslus Connecticut Power Go,, tixlay PrsslbsBts*. Ohib at national contest. pie Beth Sholom, at a buffet^Mp* Clurist as our st«i|Bilrd. total ab^ He Got a Bargain TV Set opened its uise for higher tltsBsy AiMdllsry. No. IS, per at g:sa The guest M^ker Itlnsncs to tfir only policy and residential rates, asjnuniclpal 7, .wffibsm a dssssH-mssitinc Ih e Manchester Chapter, Ited Will be C. Bmore W a tK ^ one pmetlos worthy of smuintlon by at 1:S0 p.ih..; at tbs Cross, trill bold its bi-monthly of the leading businessmen of the tboss wbo proposs to follow Him. and labor groups . girded for 1I. < NMmIs. M saeitiae'tomeeeew at S lun. at the town, whose subJa4.hriU be ..‘The . .rrht. facta point oonciuidveiy to B a y S ta ter opposition. Starttl B n St. staff hesdyiarters ^ Canter St. Living IJncoln.'S/tiaSt year the a drinking projHtm in thto coun­ Resting on the outcome 'o f the f - -iMring before the State Public men of South Church were guests try of overwhelming msi^ituds. S teve^ McCarthy Get Medals of the Men’s Club of Temple Beth There to sn increasing number oft Utilities Commission are the mtes Sholom. / those who ‘take Just out* and of the company's eighty-six thou­ ■ \ eventually end up la> Skid Row. ; sand residential customers. ThoMary Cushman group of the There sro Tp,<H)0,000 drinkers in Washington, Feb. 28 (jp)— President AuaUn D. Barney, Jr., Second ~ Congregational .Wotnea’a St*tss--wan,.,. ..yr«n»i». _Aittoi:b.ex . General Bcowndl opened the company's plea by clt- and young people who hi some de­ 'ng higher operating-tjoartn 'arnTthr Is Outlined Ledgue wiU have a “dessert food announced today a federal need for financing lonp delayed ex’- Mle,’* Sunday, Feb. 2S, in the gree iltolnk beer, wine or hard li­ grand jury has returned five quor. One million parsons are pana'on projecU as the prime rea­ vestry of the church, directly after additional indictments charg­ the 10 a. BL service. The commit­ ctoasiftad by aociologista ns chronic sons for the request. 'Hie boost, he alcoholics, in ntsd of professional ing 18 individuals and seven said, would increase average resi­ By Ex-PW tee la charge is M^a Ralidi Os­ dential rates by about twenty-four A ,« eVEH l*P «» wald. Mrs. Robert Shooshan, and coeporations with diverse of­ ptr cient. , Mra Ral]d> Blodgett. Ths prsnchsr'Commsatsd upon fenses in connection with the Lt. (jg) AiuireWL. l^er, s a v e t o the tacraaae la liqiKir taxea since Such an increase. If gmnted. rtpooL disposal of surplus ships from would be the first in the company’s ni, Manchester’s oftly r«- Tho Manchester Republican ‘Ten^bilUon doUers."' he said, World War II. history, Barney said. It would add g itriated pristmlr of the Women’s Club will follow a lunch- Among the individual were for­ about 10 per cent or one and one- crean War, was called as a . Wednesday at 12:30 p. m.’ at “was received into the federal trsssury in 1W2 as compared to mer Rep. Joseph Casey (D-Mssa). half million dollars to the firm’s witness today in the Washing­ the TMCA, with a “poltical work­ two billion doUnrs in liqfior twees Ths Indictments, Brownell said, annual income. shop" in charge of Mra John Rott- were voted by n gmnd jury here Homes in Manchester, the Fafm- ton hearing on the conduct E L K m m m in 1M4.' Marine Col. Frank Schwable. aer, proaideat; Mra Robert Mc­ “Howevsr, ths fact which has last April 23, but were kept eesled ington Valley and the Torrington Intosh. Mra Victor Johnson and until the government reached the area would be affected along with: RIker, who formerly limd at 680 Mra WUHam H. Stuck. Former not bean brought out to that for Spring St, told a 4-amftti1buBal every g l received, about IS are .conclusion that some of the defen­ Middletpw’n, New London, Stam­ Secretary of State Frances Burke dants, living abroad, are unlikely ford, Darien, Thomaston, Canaan he was brought to hlir'Srit's end" SHEAR S SCISSORS paid out to pay for the tshgible by incfssant COmrauiot efforts to Redick will bo the prlncij^ speak­ costa of increased drinking! Amer­ ever to return to the United and Salisbury areas. er. Local members are urged to States, WaUng to be heard lb opposi- force a germ wanam rnnfnolnn ican families qpend eufftcleat mon­ from him whitohe was hold cat>- attend the meeting, whether ora ot ey oh liquor each year to provide The indictments announced to­ tlon were officials of several of they , plan to be present...at the day, which am a part of a series these communities, with Torring­ Uve by the^Ms.
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