PVBLISHED DAILY under order of THE PRESZZDENT of THE UNITED STATEX by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities VOL. 2 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. No. 476 NAMES OF U. S. PEACE DELEGA TES ANNOUNCED It was announced at the Ex- tary of State, the Hon. Henry these appointments before be- ecutive Offices last night that White, recently ambassador to cause the number of repre- the representatives of the France, -1Mr. Edward M. House, sentatives each of the chief United States at the Peace and Gen. Tasker H. Bliss. belligerents was to send had, Conferences would be the It was explained that it had until a day or two ago, been President himself, the Secre- not been possible to announce under discussion. CONSERVATION WEEK PROGRAM NO CENSORSHIP OF FILMS FOR EXECUTIVE ORDER EXCEPTING FOR WORLD RELIEF ANNOUNCED EXPORT AFTER DECEMBER 9 CERTAIN PERSONS FROM BEING BY THE FOOD ADMINISTRATION The Committee ort Public Information CLASSIFIED AS ALIEN ENEMIES authorizes the following announcement: STARTS-WITH WORD FROM HOOVER At a conference called yesterday by Dr. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S CERTIFICATE L. S. Rowe, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and participated in by the Cus- To Be- Read in All Churches on toms, the War Trade Board, and the Com- Privilege of Applying for Naturali- mittee on Public Information, it was de- Sunday-Meetings of Many Or- cided that on and after Monday, Decem- zation to Be Extended All Those ganizations Scheduled - Must her 9, there will be no egnsorship of films Who, After Investigation, Are for export either by the Customs or by the Save to Keep U. S. Pledge. Committee on Public Information, or by Found Loyal to United States. any other division of Government. America's food pledge for this Near to EXECUTIVE ORDER. ship 20,000,000 tons, two-thirds more than SUGAR CERTIFICATE SYSTEM Excepting certain persons from the last year, for the relief of more than .classification of "alien enemy" for the 300,000,000 hungry people of the world, DISCONTINUED AFTER DEC. 1 purpose of permitting them to apply for will be brought home to the people of the naturalization. United Stites during the first week in Sugar will not be distributed after De- Wliereas the act of Congress approved December. An intensive campaign to be cember 1 under the certificate system, the May 9, 1918, entitled "An act to amend known as " conservation week for world Food Administration announces. the naturalization laws and to repeal cer- relief," will be carried on. Every medium In discontinuing the certificate system, tain sections of the Revised Statutes of of reaching the American people will be the Food Administration emphasizes the the United States and other laws relating utilized by the United States Food Ad- fact that this in no way modifies requests to naturalization, and for other pur- ministration in its campaign to bring be- made of the general public. Consumers poses," provided in part as follows: fore the public the change from a war are still asked to observe the voluntary "Eleventh. No alien who is a native, basis to a world relief basis. ration of four pounds per person per citizen, subject, or denizen of any coun- Message from Mr. Hoover. month, and public eating places are still try, State, or sovereignty with which the required to use only four pounds of sugar United States is at war shall be admitted On Sunday, December 1, a message for each 90 meals served. to become a citizen of the United States from Herbert Hoover, United States Food unless he made his declaration of inten- Administrator, xyill be read in the tion not less than two nor more than churches throughout the Nation, and will MAIL TO SOLDIERS INA. E. F. seven years prior to the existence of the formally open the campaign. This mes- state of war, or was at that time entitled sage will outline America's opportunity - MUST HAVE RETURN ADDRESS to become a citizen of the United States, for renewed service and sacrifice in the without making a declaration of inten- n ork of relief of the millions released The War Department authorizes the tion, or unless his petition for naturaliza- from German oppression. The former ap- following statement: tion shall then be pending and is other- heal to the " war conscience " of the The Secretary of War has requested wise entitled to admission, notwithstand- American peoplo has assumed the larger the Postmaster General to issue instrue- ing he shall be an alien enemy at the time proportions of an appeal to the "world tions that no mail will be accepted by and in the manner prescribed by the laws conscience." any post office in the United States for passed upon that subject: Provided, That Meetings of fraternal and other organ- dispatch to members of the American Ex- no alien embraced within this subdivision iNations, under tie auspices of State and peditionary Forces without a return ad- shall have his petition for naturalization local lodges, will begin Monday to receive dress in the upper left-hand corner of called for a hearing, or heard. except special messages- from the Food Admin- the envelope. after 90 days' notice given by the clerk istrator This action was requepted in order that of the court to the Commissioner or Community public meetings throughout Droper disposition may be made of mail Deputy Commissioner of Naturalization "the country have been arranged for Tues- which arrives in France for units and to be present, and the petition shall be day, when practically every hamlet, vil- individuals who have been returned to given no final hearing except in open lage, town, and city will hold conserva- stations in America, and whose record or court and after such notice to the repre- tion assemblies. Miscellaneous county -address to which mail should be for- sentative of the Government from the Bu- (Continued on page f) warded is no longer available In France. reau of Naturalization, whose objection 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1918. shall cause the petition to be continued from time to time for so long as the Gov- EXPLANATION OF INSTRUCTIONS URGES RAILROAD MEN TO SAVE ernment may require: Provided, how- ever, That nothing herein contained shall ON DISCHARGE OF ENLISTED MEN BY BUYING THRIFT STAMPS be taken or construed to interfere with or prevent the apprehension and removal, War Department Issues Circular Director General McAdoo sent from agreeably to law, of any alien enemy at Further Explaining the Pro- Ashland, N. C., the following message any time previous to the actual naturali- to all regional directors of railroads: zation of such alien; and section twenty- cedure to Be Followed. "It is of the utmost importance one hundred and seventy-one of the Re- that our people shall continue to save vised Statutes of the United States is The War Department publishes the fol- in order that they may help the Gov- hereby repealed: Provided further, That lowing circular: ernment complete the victories we the President of the United States may, INTERPRETATION OF INSTRUCTIONS CON- have gained in Europe, meet the ex- in his discretion, uopn investigation and cERxiNd DIScHARGE OF ENLISTED MEN. penses of the \var. and provide the report by the Department of Justice fully No Class C-1 and C--2 men, nor men means of supporting our Army in 1. Europe establishing the loyalty of any alien under treatment or physical training, will until it is released from duty, enemy not included in the foregoing ex- be discharged uitil the Board of Review and of bringing it back to American emption, except such alien enemy from soil. We must, therefore, keep up the (page 4, Form No. 135--3, A. G. 0.) certi- war-savings campaigns and Induce the classification of alien enemy, and fies that the maximum improvement has thereupon he shall have the privilege of been obtained or that physical disabili- every one to invest to the extent of applying for naturalization, etc." his means in war-savings stamps and ties have not been exaggerated or accentu- thrift Now, therefore, for the purpose defined ated. Intensive treatment and training stamps which are obligations In said section, in the,-exercise of the of all men thus held will be immediately of the United States Government and discretion so vested in me, I do hereby which are the best investments for direct that there be excepted from the undertaken and continued in order that the savings of the people. Will you of " alien enemy " all per- their cure or maximum improvement and- classification subsequent discharge may be accom- not ask the railroad employees sons whom, after investigation and report "throughout your region to save their by the Department of Justice, the Attor- plished in the shortest possible time, thus reducing the compensable cases to a mini- money and invest it in war-savings ney General shall from time to time cer- stamps and thrift stamps to help tify to the Secretary of Labor as persons mum. 2. All men, except those inducted for their Government and. our gallant loyal to the United States. soldiers and sailors who are still on WoonRow WILSON. special and limited service only, whose duty in Europe, and also to help them! service records are incomplete or for selves THE WHITE HOUSE, whom there are no other available records by laying up a fund which will November 26, 1918. in camp showing their physical classifica- be a protection to them in case of tion at the time of induction into service, misfortune or necessity.
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