16th Sunday Ordinary 23rd July 2017 Year A Corpus Christi is a community of previously homeless men, most whom are addicted to alcohol, most also with serious mental illness. It is a community on the outskirts of Melbourne founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 1974. I lived there for over 15 St Ignatius Church years, for most of that time as Director. There were around 70 to 80 men in the Kensington Terrace, Toowong community. Virtually all of the men had spent time in prison—some for the simple ‘crime’ of habitual drunkenness’, others for more serious crimes of murder, manslaughter and other crimes. We tried to create community with such broken men. Despite the occasional violence we tried to create a culture of respect and caring. Those who were able helped in cleaning and serving meals, and in the cooking. Most importantly, men Holy Spirit Church brought meals to those who were sick, and even helped in bathing and clothing those Harriett Street, Auchenflower who needed that care. There was a special care for the sick and the dying, and for the brain-damaged. The loving care of some elderly Mercy Sisters who lived in the community was very important. And we celebrated Mass each day in the community. One of the men at Mass each day was Les. He was a man who lived the last years of his life at Corpus Christi Community. He was an alcoholic and a very needy man. He would never back down from a fight and had often been beated up. Les found a home at Corpus Christi and he found faith in God. He was wheel-chair bound in those last years and used to wheel himself to the chapel at least half an hour before Mass in the morning in order to pray. Someone had taught him the ‘Jesus Prayer’. His prayer was simple and profound. However, Les had strong dislikes. He didn’t like Felix, another one of the men at Corpus Christi. When Felix was sober he too liked to go to Mass. During the Prayers of the Faithful Felix was going on a bit as usual, praying for his mum, his sister, the Nuns, etc. After a while this became too much for Les. He wheeled his chair from the front left of the chapel to the middle. Looking up at the cross above the altar he said, “Sorry Jesus!” Then he started to wheel himself out of the chapel. When he passed Felix he shouted out to him, “You fat …!” Les could pray like a saint, and he could curse like a devil. In today’s gospel Jesus tells the parable of the weeds among the wheat. Les gives an example in stark contrast of what we all are. Each of us is capable of so much good, so much generosity, so much sacrifice and compassion. And yet, each of us has that side of us that is turned away from God and others, that is self-centred, narrow-minded and petty. We are, all of us, a mixture of good and bad, wheat and weeds. And our God loves us as we are—weeds and all. It’s not that God wants to encourage the weeds, and it would be better it they were not there, but we are loved as we are. That’s what we mean when we declare that God’s love for us is unconditional. You and I think that we have to be sinless in order to be loved by God. “God is love.” And God doesn’t change. We change and our sins make us think of God only as some kind of judge. God has become a condemnation of us. But Jesus tells us that the real God, our God is helplessly and hopelessly in love with us, unconditionally in love with us. On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council and the other leaders of our parish I want to thank parishioners for your generous responses to the document issued by the PPC. This weekend members of the Council will report back at all Masses this weekend. They will give an account of the progress towards a transition to a new administration in so far as it is known at this time. PARISH WEEKDAY MASSES & RECONCILIATION We respectfully acknowledge the *HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower : 9am Mondays & Fridays, Turrbal people, as the traditional owners *ST IGNATIUS Toowong : 5.30pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. and caretakers of the land which is the Toowong Catholic Parish. SUNDAY MASS TIMES:- *ST IGNATIUS Toowong Saturday 6.00pm (Vigil); Sunday 7.00am & 5.00pm. We acknowledge the Elders, past and Reconciliation: Saturday from 5.15pm to 5.45pm, or by appointment. present. May we, too, be good stewards of *HOLY SPIRIT Auchenflower: Sunday 8.30am. this land. INVITATION ~ S T IGNATIUS FEAST DAY CELEBRATIONS Parishioners are invited to join in the Parish’s Feast Day celebrations next weekend 29—30 July and everyone is welcome to stay after Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola , and 101 years of Toowong Parish in the care of the Jesuit Fathers. Each Mass will be honoured with after-Mass celebrations, similar to last year’s Centenary celebrations. *Saturday 29 July , 6pm Vigil Mass (St Ignatius) stay for finger food, wine and a cuppa. *Sunday 30 July , 7am Mass (St Ignatius) stay for a light breakfast of pastries, fresh strawberries, sparkling wine & a cuppa. *Sunday 30 July , 8.30am Mass (Holy Spirit) stay for sausage sizzle, wine and a cuppa, AND, in addition to feast day celebrations, we will commemorate the 90 years of the “Auchenflower” community of our parish with a cake. *Sunday 30 July , 5pm Mass (St Ignatius) stay for a sausage sizzle and mulled wine. SUPPORT FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS . The PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL through the ST IGNATIUS PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE GROUP is sponsoring fundraising in July to support a group of asylum seekers in Brisbane who are temporarily in special need because their visas (and support) have run out and they have not yet been granted new visas. *S ECOND -HAND BOOKS & CD S SALE at St Ignatius Church this weekend after all Masses and next weekend (30 July) after 8.30am Mass at Holy Spirit Church. *RAFFLE of Sevenhill wines (2 prizes each containing 1 x Br John May 2010 Shiraz , 6-pack Inigo Riesling 2016 and 6-pack Inigo Shiraz 2014 ). Tickets : $2 each or 3 for $5. Available after all weekend Masses. Drawn : Following 8.30am Mass (Holy Spirit) on Sunday 6 August . *S TALL Next weekend 29—30 July , after both the 6pm Vigil and 5pm (St Ignatius) Masses offering Baked Goods & Plants; AND after 8.30am (Holy Spirit) offering Baked Goods, Plants, Books & CDs. * Donations for the baked goods stall would be most welcome. At this our last celebration, as a Jesuit parish, of St. Ignatius of Loyola's Feast Day we want to honour our great saint by joining in his mission to the most vulnerable people (see flyer on church noticeboards). We appreciate your donations, support and compassion for this worthy cause in the Spirit of St. Ignatius. ST IGNATIUS PARISH TOOWONG ’S ANNUAL Tuesday 5th September at 7.30pm - Stuartholme School Chapel. We are very pleased to be able to continue to hold this annual event as a legacy of the work of Fr Peter Quin sj. Announcing our speakers for this year — * Colleen Mitrow, * Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox and * Jen Tucker. - Watch out for the flyer soon. Readings : 16th Sunday Ordinary : Wisdom 12:13, 16-19. Romans 8:26-27. Matthew 13: 24-43. Next Sunday: 17th Sunday Ordinary: 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12. Romans 8:28-30. Matthew 13:44-52. Entrance Antiphon: See, I have God for my help. The Lord sustains my soul. I will sacrifice to you with willing heart, and praise your name, O Lord, for it is good. ? Spoken Response: Lord, you are good and forgiving. Kevin Siddell Sung Response: I will hear what the Lord has to say. © Morton Music. The Psalm Response text is set to music by permission of International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Toowong Parish SET 018 All Rights Reserved. The institution named in the box is licensed to make copies for its own use only. Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia Your Prayers Are Requested For All Parishioners & friends who are sick and in need SICK : Gladis O’Brien, Judy Galarza, Elizabeth Anna, Cirino Quagliata, Maria Rego, Jenny Reed, Philip Donaldson, Bridgit Gowdy, Mike MacDonald, Cathy Mamata, Beryl Clark, Corinnie Driscoll, Fr Peter Conroy, Chris Morris, Les Chillingworth, Val Tancred, Margaret Anderson, Isla Duns, Albert Jacobs, Tandina Gabriel, Jocelyn Rabaa, Maria Hanson, Clyde Towler, Beth Albury, Carmel Richards. RECENTLY DECEASED : Ross Bligh. ANNIVERSARIES : Marie Knox, Vonnie Sullivan. ParishParish InformationInformation Diary Dates PARISH COLLECTIONS: Including Clergy Support : $3,411, Other: $665. JULY PPC Members will be speaking at all Masses this weekend on *Parishioner feedback 23 16th Sunday Ordinary to the recent ‘Visions, Strengths & Challenges’ Statement (an updated “Statement” to 24 7.30pm St Ignatius Peace Through be available on parish website soon). *The next step in the parish transition, is a Justice Group meeting- Horstmann Rm meeting of Parish leadership groups and Faber CIS with the Archbishop on Friday 11 25 2pm Coffee & Chat—Horstmann Room August. *Parishioners will be invited to a meeting with Archdiocesan consultors on a 26 7pm Parish Sac. Prep. Program— date to be fixed (September/October). Parent meeting—Horstmann Room ARISH EWS 27 10am repeat of above session— P N Fr Gaetan Pereira sj will be away from our parish from this Saturday Horstmann Room until Monday 31 July .
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