Tutorial: Gaussian process models for machine learning Ed Snelson ([email protected]) Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL 26th October 2006 Info The GP book: Rasmussen and Williams, 2006 Basic GP (Matlab) code available: http://www.gaussianprocess.org/gpml/ 1 Gaussian process history Prediction with GPs: • Time series: Wiener, Kolmogorov 1940’s • Geostatistics: kriging 1970’s — naturally only two or three dimensional input spaces • Spatial statistics in general: see Cressie [1993] for overview • General regression: O’Hagan [1978] • Computer experiments (noise free): Sacks et al. [1989] • Machine learning: Williams and Rasmussen [1996], Neal [1996] 2 Nonlinear regression Consider the problem of nonlinear regression: You want to learn a function f with error bars from data D = {X, y} y x A Gaussian process is a prior over functions p(f) which can be used for Bayesian regression: p(f)p(D|f) p(f|D) = p(D) 3 What is a Gaussian process? • Continuous stochastic process — random functions — a set of random variables indexed by a continuous variable: f(x) • Set of ‘inputs’ X = {x1, x2, . , xN }; corresponding set of random function variables f = {f1, f2, . , fN } N • GP: Any set of function variables {fn}n=1 has joint (zero mean) Gaussian distribution: p(f|X) = N (0, K) • Conditional model - density of inputs not modeled Z • Consistency: p(f1) = df2 p(f1, f2) 4 Covariances Where does the covariance matrix K come from? • Covariance matrix constructed from covariance function: Kij = K(xi, xj) • Covariance function characterizes correlations between different points in the process: K(x, x0) = E[f(x)f(x0)] • Must produce positive semidefinite covariance matrices v>Kv ≥ 0 • Ensures consistency 5 Squared exponential (SE) covariance " # 1 x − x02 K(x, x0) = σ 2 exp − 0 2 λ • Intuition: function variables close in input space are highly correlated, whilst those far away are uncorrelated • λ, σ0 — hyperparameters. λ: lengthscale, σ0: amplitude • Stationary: K(x, x0) = K(x − x0) — invariant to translations • Very smooth sample functions — infinitely differentiable 6 Mat´ernclass of covariances √ √ 21−ν 2ν|x − x0|ν 2ν|x − x0| K(x, x0) = K Γ(ν) λ ν λ where Kν is a modified Bessel function. • Stationary, isotropic • ν → ∞: SE covariance • Finite ν: much rougher sample functions • ν = 1/2: K(x, x0) = exp(−|x − x0|/λ), OU process, very rough sample functions 7 Nonstationary covariances 0 2 0 • Linear covariance: K(x, x ) = σ0 + xx • Brownian motion (Wiener process): K(x, x0) = min(x, x0) 0 2x−x 0 2 sin 2 • Periodic covariance: K(x, x ) = exp − λ2 • Neural network covariance 8 Constructing new covariances from old There are several ways to combine covariances: 0 0 0 • Sum: K(x, x ) = K1(x, x ) + K2(x, x ) addition of independent processes 0 0 0 • Product: K(x, x ) = K1(x, x )K2(x, x ) product of independent processes Z • Convolution: K(x, x0) = dz dz0 h(x, z)K(z, z0)h(x0, z0) blurring of process with kernel h 9 Prediction with GPs • We have seen examples of GPs with certain covariance functions • General properties of covariances controlled by small number of hyperparameters • Task: prediction from noisy data • Use GP as a Bayesian prior expressing beliefs about underlying function we are modeling • Link to data via noise model or likelihood 10 GP regression with Gaussian noise Data generated with Gaussian white noise around the function f y = f + E[(x)(x0)] = σ2δ(x − x0) Equivalently, the noise model, or likelihood is: p(y|f) = N (f, σ2I) Integrating over the function variables gives the marginal likelihood: Z p(y) = df p(y|f)p(f) = N (0, K + σ2I) 11 Prediction N training input and output pairs (X, y), and T test inputs XT Consider joint training and test marginal likelihood: 2 KN KNT p(y, yT ) = N (0, KN+T + σ I) , KN+T = , KTN KT Condition on training outputs: p(yT |y) = N (µT , ΣT ) 2 −1 µT = KTN [KN + σ I] y 2 −1 2 ΣT = KT − KTN [KN + σ I] KNT + σ I Gives correlated predictions. Defines a predictive Gaussian process 12 Prediction • Often only marginal variances (diag ΣT ) are required — sufficient to consider a single test input x∗: 2 −1 µ∗ = K∗N [KN + σ I] y 2 2 −1 2 σ∗ = K∗ − K∗N [KN + σ I] KN∗ + σ . • Mean predictor is a linear predictor: µ∗ = K∗N α 2 3 • Inversion of KN + σ I costs O(N ) • Prediction cost per test case is O(N) for the mean and O(N 2) for the variance 13 Determination of hyperparameters • Advantage of the probabilistic GP framework — ability to choose hyperparameters and covariances directly from the training data • Other models, e.g. SVMs, splines etc. require cross validation • GP: minimize negative log marginal likelihood L(θ) wrt hyperparameters and noise level θ: 1 1 N L = − log p(y|θ) = log det C(θ) + y>C−1(θ)y + log(2π) 2 2 2 where C = K + σ2I • Uncertainty in the function variables f is taken into account 14 Gradient based optimization • Minimization of L(θ) is a non-convex optimization task • Standard gradient based techniques, such as CG or quasi-Newton • Gradients: ∂L 1 ∂C 1 ∂C = tr C−1 − y>C−1 C−1y ∂θi 2 ∂θi 2 ∂θi • Local minima, but usually not much of a problem with few hyperparameters • Use weighted sums of covariances and let ML choose 15 Automatic relevance determination1 The ARD SE covariance function for multi-dimensional inputs: " D 0 2# 0 2 1 X xd − xd K(x, x ) = σ0 exp − 2 λd d=1 • Learn an individual lengthscale hyperparameter λd for each input dimension xd • λd determines the relevancy of input feature d to the regression • If λd very large, then the feature is irrelevant 1Neal, 1996. MacKay, 1998. 16 Relationship to generalized linear regression • Weighted sum of fixed finite set of M basis functions: M X > f(x) = wmφm(x) = w φ(x) m=1 • Place Gaussian prior on weights: p(w) = N (0, Σw) • Defines GP with finite rank M (degenerate) covariance function: 0 0 > 0 K(x, x ) = E[f(x)f(x )] = φ (x)Σwφ(x ) • Function space vs. weight space interpretations 17 Relationship to generalized linear regression • General GP — can specify covariance function directly rather than via set of basis functions • Mercer’s theorem: can always decompose covariance function into eigenfunctions and eigenvalues: ∞ 0 X 0 K(x, x ) = λiψi(x)ψi(x ) i=1 • If sum finite, back to linear regression. Often sum infinite, and no analytical expressions for eigenfunctions • Power of kernel methods in general (e.g. GPs, SVMs etc.) — project x 7→ ψ(x) into high or infinite dimensional feature space and still handle computations tractably 18 Relationship to neural networks Neural net with one hidden layer of NH units: N XH f(x) = b + vjh(x; uj) j=1 h — bounded hidden layer transfer function (e.g. h(x; u) = erf(u>x)) • If v’s and b zero mean independent, and weights uj iid, then CLT implies NN → GP as NH → ∞ [Neal, 1996] • NN covariance function depends on transfer function h, but is in general non-stationary 19 Relationship to spline models Univariate cubic spline has cost functional: N Z 1 X 2 00 2 (f(xn) − yn) + λ f (x) dx n=1 0 • Can give probabilistic GP interpretation by considering RH term as an (improper) GP prior • Make proper by weak penalty on zeroth and first derivatives • Can derive a spline covariance function, and full GP machinery can be applied to spline regression (uncertainties, ML hyperparameters) • Penalties on derivatives — equivalent to specifying the inverse covariance function — no natural marginalization 20 Relationship to support vector regression GP regression SV regression −log p(y|f) −log p(y|f) f y e f e y • -insensitive error function can be considered as a non-Gaussian likelihood or noise model. Integrating over f becomes intractable • SV regression can be considered as MAP solution fMAP to GP with -insensitive error likelihood • Advantages of SVR: naturally sparse solution by QP, robust to outliers. Disadvantages: uncertainties not taken into account, no predictive variances, or learning of hyperparameters by ML 21 Logistic and probit regression • Binary classification task: y = ±1 • GLM likelihood: p(y = +1|x, w) = π(x) = σ(x>w) • σ(z) — sigmoid function such as the logistic or cumulative normal. • Weight space viewpoint: prior p(w) = N (0, Σw) • Function space viewpoint: let f(x) = w>x, then likelihood π(x) = σ(f(x)), Gaussian prior on f 22 GP classification 1. Place a GP prior directly on f(x) 2. Use a sigmoidal likelihood: p(y = +1|f) = σ(f) Just as for SVR, non-Gaussian likelihood makes integrating over f intractable: Z p(f∗|y) = df p(f∗|f)p(f|y) where the posterior p(f|y) ∝ p(y|f)p(f) Make tractable by using a Gaussian approximation to posterior. Then prediction: Z p(y∗ = +1|y) = df∗ σ(f∗)p(f∗|y) 23 GP classification Two common ways to make Gaussian approximation to posterior: 1. Laplace approximation. Second order Taylor approximation about mode of posterior 2. Expectation propagation (EP)2. EP can be thought of as approximately minimizing KL[p(f|y)||q(f|y)] by an iterative procedure. • Kuss and Rasmussen [2005] evaluate both methods experimentally and find EP to be significantly superior • Classification accuracy on digits data sets comparable to SVMs. Advantages: probabilistic predictions, hyperparameters by ML 2Minka, 2001 24 GP latent variable model (GPLVM)3 • Probabilistic model for dimensionality reduction: data is set of high dimensional vectors: y1, y2,..., yN • Model each dimension (k) of y as an independent GP with unknown low dimensional latent inputs: x1, x2,..., xN Y 1 p({y }|{x }) ∝ exp − w2Y>K−1Y n n 2 k k k k • Maximize likelihood to find latent projections {xn} (not a true density model for y because cannot tractably integrate over x).
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