Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88929-2 - Converting Bohemia: Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation Howard Louthan Index More information Index Abeles family 303, 324 asceticism, ascetics 19, 238, 259, 284 Lazar 303, 306, 308–9 Augsburg 26, 171, 231 Simon 303–16 Confession of 88 Abraham a Sancta Clara 164 Peace of (1555) 19 absolutism 18–19, 49, 293 Augusta, Jan 241 Adalbert, St. 41, 77, 159, 161, 241, 260, Augustine, Augustinianism 101, 159, 187 268, 285 Augustinians 169, 255 Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini see Pius II Augustus II the Strong 287 Albrecht, Habsburg Archduke 60 Austria 47, 54, 60, 71, 128, 135, 136, 188, 245, 265, Alexander VII 98 267, 297 Althan family 297 Avancinus, Nicolaus, S. J. 219 Michael Adolf 47–8, 188 Aventinus, Johannes 118 Michael Friedrich, card. 286 Althusius, Johannes 124 Bakhtin, Mikhail 24 Altötting 254, 267, 273 Balbín, Bohuslav, S. J. 69–71, 114, 116, 130–1, Ambrose of Milan 44, 159, 222 132–3, 135, 136–9, 141, 142–3, 144, 160, 172, Amsterdam 305 209, 230, 249, 253, 266, 270, 272, 282 Anabaptists 5, 118, 155, 180, 185, 188 Bohemia docta 137–9, 140 Andrýsek family 245–6, 252, 257 Bohemia sancta 134, 135, 282 Anna, empress 248 Epitome historica rerum Bohemicarum 133, Annales Ferdinandei 33 136, 139 Anthony, St. 224 Miscellanea historica regni Bohemiae 70, 136, Anthony of Padua, St. 175 137–9 antiquarians/antiquaries/antiquarianism 10, 75, ballads/kramářské písně 241, 244 115, 116–17, 123, 127–45, 147, 180, 198, 257, Banat 298 260, 265, 281, 287, 302, 317, 323, 324 baptism 164–5, 166, 175, 303–5, 306, 310, 314–15 Antwerp 42, 43 Barbara, St. 249, 288 archaeology 129, 130, 144, 145 Barner, Jan 221, 224 archbishop/archbishopric/archdiocese 42, 65–6, Baronio, Cesare 128–9, 140 77, 294, 322 Basel 213 architecture, architects 10–11, 63–5, 143, 147, 148, Council of 3, 148, 323 204, 262–5, 273, 275, 317 Bassevi, Jacob 301 baroque 4, 9, 10, 65, 103, 146, 262, 263, 265, 279 Bavaria 32, 44, 94, 153, 158, 182, 254, 267, 275, 297 Gothic 262–5 Bechteler, Caspar 156–7, 283 Aristotle/Aristotelianism 101, 107 Bechyně 269 Arnošt of Pardubice, abp. 132–3, 140, 172, 247, Beckovský, Jan 133, 135, 137, 139, 142, 143, 266, 302 249, 252, 260 Bendl, Jan Jiří 157, 158–60, 161, 162–3, 164, 166, Arriaga, Rodrigo, S. J. 100–1, 104–5 172, 207, 273 Cursus philosophicus 101, 105 Benedict XIII 280, 284, 294 Arsenius of Radbuza, Kašpar 266 Benedict XIV 220, 284, 286 Asam brothers 294, 295 Benedictines 249, 260, 261, 262, 263–5, 282, 287 339 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88929-2 - Converting Bohemia: Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation Howard Louthan Index More information 340 Index Beník, Štěpán and Jiří 64 Brno 56, 213, 271–2, 288 Benno, St. 44 broadsheets 16, 22, 34, 71, 153, 241, 305 Bérenger, Jean 49 Brokoff, Ferdinand Maximilian 158, 166–7, Berka of Dubá, Zbyněk, abp. 322 174, 233 Berlička, Šebastián 209 Brokoff, Jan 170, 172, 174, 286 Berlin 5, 149 Broumov 282 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 168 Brown, Peter 44 Bethlen, Gábor 87 Bruck an der Leitha 290 bibles/Scripture 10, 81, 101, 214, 219–26, 227 Bruno, Giordano 104 Kralice Bible 220, 221, 224 Brus of Mohelnice, Antonín, abp. 65, 221 Mainz Bible 222 Brussels 36 Prague Bible 220 Buchanan, George 118 Rheims-Douai New Testament 222 Budovec of Budov, Václav 29 St. Wenceslas Bible 219, 221–6, 233, 253 Buquoy, Charles Bonaventure 182 Sixto-Clementine Bible 220 Burke, Peter 25, 163 Vulgate 220, 221 Bylinová, Judita 217 Bílejovský, Bohuslav 118, 119 188 Bílovský, Bohumír 207, 209, 226–7, 228, 229, Calasanz, Joseph 287 230, 302 California, Gulf of 35 Birelli, Peter Theodor 110–12, 114 Callistus II 5 38 43 53 56 93 bishops 8, 43–4, 128, 132, 140, 159, 163, 260, Calvin/Calvinism/Calvinists , , , , , , 101 112 118 122 142 149–50 152 153 155–7 319, 322 , , , , , , , , , 176 187 193 197 202–3 204 205 234 278 Bissel, Johann, S. J. 155 , , , , , , , , , 319 321 Black Madonna of Częstochowa 148 , 129 Black Madonna of Montserrat 249 Camden, William 112 Blahoslav, Jan 241 cameralism 16 Boccaccio, Giovanni 226 Camerarius, Ludwig 102 104 Bohemian Brethren see Unitas Fratrum Campanella, Tommaso , 102 Bohemian Chancellery 2, 7, 17, 113, 122, 168, 279 Campanus, Jan 118 Bohemian Confession (1575) 86 Campi, Pietro Maria 86 93–4 96 Böhm, Hans 256 Campion, Edmund, S. J. , , 93 189 192 Bohosudov 269, 275, 276 Canisius, Peter, S. J. , , 107 Boleslav, br. of Wenceslas 67, 166, 230, 258 canon law 11 36 44 45 134 140 206 228 260 Boleslav II, dk. 133 canonization , , , , , , , , , 263 271 279–80 282 283 284–6 287–8 Bołeslaw the Brave 42 , , , , , , , 289 290 291 293 295 296 297 299 Bollandists 282 , , , , , , , , 309 313 Bonaventure, St. 101 , 200 204 Boris, prince of Bulgaria 230 cantor, kantor , 39 54 65 184 218 273 287 291 Bořivoj, dk. 71, 164, 198, 230, 259 Capuchins , , , , , , , 90 180 185 187 234 Borromeo, Charles, abp. 128, 163, 294 Caraffa, Carlo , , , , 98–9 102 Bourbons 297 Caramuel Lobkovic, Juan , 267 Božan, Jan Josef 214, 237, 238, 240, 241–3, Caravaca cross 117 244, 290 Carion, Johannes 61 62–3 153 155 Bozkov 251–2, 276 Carmelites , , , 99 112 Brahe, Tycho 87 Cartesianism , 249 Bramante, Donato 63 Carthusians Brandl, Petr 166–7, 170 Čáslav 179 Braun, Matthias 147, 158, 165, 166–7, 170 catacombs 141 Brazil 287 catechisms 8, 10, 189, 192–8, 200, 202, 236, 302, Breslau 77, 87, 295, 321 305, 308 Břetislav I, dk. 133 Cecilia, St. 142 Breuner, Johann Joseph, abp. 283 Celestines 113 Břevnov 258, 259, 260 celibacy 86, 184 Bridel, Fridrich, S. J. 194–8, 199, 205, 208, 233 censorship 90, 106–7, 113, 211, Christian Teaching Composed in Verse 196–8 214–16, 302 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88929-2 - Converting Bohemia: Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation Howard Louthan Index More information Index 341 Černín family 64, 70, 81 Cologne 94, 202, 284, 290 Diviš 33 Comenius, John Amos 116, 117, 121, 123–4, 125, Heřman Jakub 57 126, 198 Černoch, Jiří 217 Historia persecutionum 120, 121, 124, 126 Cerrini, Gian Domenico 154 Compactata 3, 86 159 187 197 281 294 Česká Kamenice 250, 252 confession/penance , , , , 8 182 České Budějovice 255 confessional certificate/Beichtzettel , 7 17 94 114 115 181 Český Krumlov 158 confiscations , , , , , 117 162 179 181 185 193 231 262 291 323 confraternities 9, 51, 57, 60, 72, 74, 192, 203, chalice , , , , , , , , , 206–7 208 228 250 288 290 291 Chanovský, Albrecht, S. J. 141, 183, 194, 198, 201, , , , , , , , 205 270 302 297, 312 , , 284 Charles I 9 Congregation of the Holy Rites 38 84 87 116 132–3 167 247 261 272 Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith 90 Charles IV , , , , , , , , 259 Charles V 3 Conrad II 183 277 278–9 284 298 301 319 Conring, Hermann 111 Charles VI , , , , , , 141 Charles Bridge 5, 47, 143, 146, 152, 166–78, 281, Constable, Giles 286 290 300 316 324 Constance, council of 3, 323 , , , , 11 47 49 52–9 102 140 144 171–2 Charles University (Carolinum, Charles– conversion , , , , , , , , 29 40 83–92 95–6 97 102–4 175–6, 182, 230, 239, 271, 278, 290, 300, 302, Ferdinand) , , , , , , 303 306 312 314–15 319 322 110–12, 121, 144, 160, 210, 213, 280, 283, , , , , , 289, 295 coronation festivals 89–90 92 Charles VI (1723) 279 administrative structure and offices , , 271–2 95, 110 Marian 88–90 93 court, court life 12, 13, 19, 36, 49, 51, 52, 58, 81, 152, Jesuit reform plan , 153 278 medical/law faculties 89, 103, 105, 107, 108, 111 , 91–2 103 105 108–9 173 289 Cranach, Lucas 151 students , , , , , , 201–2 207 208 302, 324 crèche/nativity scene , , 89 92 93 Cremonini, Cesare 96 theological/philosophical faculties , , , 259 95, 96, 102, 108, 111, 323 Croatia 11 183 crucifix 21, 32, 34, 47, 147, 148, 152, 154, 156, 167, Châtellier, Louis , 168 170 173 181 201 China 13, 124, 287 , , , , 296 crusades/crusaders 3, 75, 247 Chinese Rites controversy 68 133 Chlum u Třeboně 267 Crusaders with a Red Star , 261 Cun, Piet van der 124 Chomutov 101 191 196 Christian, William 11, 254 Cusanus, Nicolaus, S. J. , , 157 Cyril and Methodius 116, 137, 140, 161, 219, 225, Chronicle of Dalimil 230 249 257–8 Chroustovice 237 , , Chrudim 269 Chudenice 260 Dačický, Jiří Jakubův 213 Cink, Martin 167, 171 Danube 265, 278 Cicero 189 Danzig 108 Cistercians 98, 133, 169, 170, 250, 261, 262–3, de Huerta, Don Martin 182–3, 214 275, 288 de León, Lucrecia 256 Clary-Aldringen family 64, 80 de Marradas, Don Baltazar 182, 214 Clement, St. (Clemens Romanus) 159, 258 de Oviedo, Juan Antonio, S. J. 287 Clement VIII 220 de Pomis, Giovanni Pietro 19, 317, 320 Clement XI 112, 284 de Waldt, Ondřej František 230 Clementinum 85–6, 88, 93, 103–4, 105, 106, 131, defenestration 2, 4, 16, 51, 71–4, 110, 115, 147 152, 160, 173, 201–2, 235 Delumeau, Jean 11, 205 printing house/Academic Press 131, 196, Denis, Ernest 14 216, 242 Denmark 17, 71 St. Salvator church 159–60, 268 des Hayes, Jacques, S. J. 192, 210 Cochem, Martin von 218 Descartes, René see Cartesianism coins/medals/numismatics 36, 41, 130, 154, 155, desecration 147–8, 153, 155–7 291, 300 Diamond Monstrance 65 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88929-2 - Converting Bohemia: Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation Howard Louthan Index More information 342 Index Dientzenhofer family 147, 178, 259 Erfurt 185 Christoph 65, 166, 263 Erlangen 104 Kilian Ignaz 103 Ernst, Archduke 52 Dietmayr, Berthold 265 Escorial palace 278 Dietrichstein family 48, 64, 66 Esztergom 48 Franz, card.
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