1951 ' ' .. ,.. ' .... ~..,;;.__. ...... ' Peahead · ·· ,' · Deacs Take Leaves Wake Second Spot For Yale In Games re Volunme XXXVI, Num]ler 20 * Wake Forest, N. c., Monday, March 12,,1951 * * * Telephone 4056 " ~agan Coach Peahead Walker Resigns To Take Post At Yale University --~--~------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~--------- \ . Wake Forest New Student Body Officers Arm,y,, College Goes To Yale A-thletic Panel lay ..... · Ties Mexicans Officials ~eet, Seeking New : .. '::'·, ... ·.... •'" '/ :oyer As Runner-Up •. ·.. Discuss P_ \ans Football Head Team Was Due To Arrive ROTC Unit To· e Es­ $1,500 Salary Raise Yesterday About . tablished Here· ext Turned Down By tAIL" , Noon Walker Fall i,•: '! ' The Wake Forest College base­ High Army officials and mem- ,Coach D. C. "Peahead" Walker, ball team was unofficially schedul­ bers of the College adruiriistration Ithe man whose name has been ed to arrive at the Raleigh-Dur­ and faculty met on Weci'nesday of synonymous with Wake Forest l ham Airport about noon yesterday last week to discuss plaiis for· the Ifotball for the past 14 years, re­ (Sunday) from Buenos Aires, Ar- establishment of the Alroy's new signed his post last week to accept ·. gentina, where the Demon. Deacons ....,... ROTC unit on the wake Forest an assistant coaching job at Yale tied for second place in the base­ campus. The new unit Will begin University, and thus set off a ball series of the first Pan-Ameri­ operation with the openfng of the storm of controversy that threat­ L" can Games. college's fall semester on Sept. 10. ened, but never reached, serious proportions. tdy At Old Gold and Black press Representing the Ar~y were time Friday night, Athletic Direc­ Col. R. F. Perry, Chief ofithe North. Actually, at press time, Coach tor Jim Weaver said that he had Carolina Military District; Col. Walker had not officially handed - not received any official notifica­ Conrad Sturges, Orgaqized Re­ his resignation to President Harold tion of the team's. return, but serve Corps Deputy of the North W. Tribble or Athletic Director Coach Taylor Sanford's family h'ld Carolina Military District; Lt. Col. James H. Weaver. but his signing received a telegram stating that Dudley D. Brodie, Department of as assistant to Yale mentor Her­ the Demon Deacons would return the Army, Washington, D. C.; Lt. man Hickman had been announc­ to the States on Sunday. Col. Robert B. Johnson, Office of ed last Sunday by Bob Hall, Chair­ !!!day Cubans Get Title the Executive for Reserve and man of Yale's Board of Athletics, The Deacs, who left Wake Forest ROTC Affairs, Washington, D. C.; and despite a week of repeated February. 22, to compete in the Lt. Col. B. G. Honsholder, Assistant persuasions to the contrary, Coach Olympic-style contests in South Senior Army Instructor, North Walker remained firm in his in­ America, finished the round-robin Carolina Military District Major tention to fulfill the Yale contract. tournament with a 5-2 record. Ned B. Mabry, ROTC ·'Training .. During the three-week long affair. Branch, G-3 Headquarters, Third The big question remained last . the Wake Forest team, represent­ Army, Atlanta, Ga.; Capt. William Thursday as to who would take ' ing the United States, posted im­ J. McDermott, Office Chief Chemi­ over the colorful Peahead's posi­ pressive wins over Argentina. Bra­ cal Officer, Department of the tion. Although most of the State papers maintained somewhat dog­ ~·' zil, Venezuela, Colombia, and Mex­ Army, Washington. D. c:; and ico. The Deacons were defeated Capt. Thomas M. Holt, Liaison Of­ matically that line coach Tom Rcg­ :>ore by the Nicaragua team. which was ficer, North Carolina Military Dis- ers WQUld get the job, neither • the "dark horse"· of the series and trict. · Coach Douglas Clyde "Peahead" Walker, above, announced his de­ President Tribble nor Coach cision last week to leave his head coaching position at Wake Forest Weaver would make any commit­ lost to Cuba. Cuba, with a 6-1 Paul Bennett, left newly appointed vice-president of the Student College Officials . mark; won the championship. 3Dd go to Yale University as assistant to his old friend, Herman Hick­ ment. Body, and Tom Clark, right, new -Senior Class representa.tive to the College officials at the confer- man. Walker had been at Wake Forest since.1937. Student Council, are pictured in the Book StOre as they contemplat- ence were Dr. Harold W. Tribble Tribble, Weaver Cooperate IL" The United States tied with , -Photo Courtesy News & Observer. Mexico for second 'place, although ed some sort of. student government document. ~Y were appointed president; Dr. D. B. Bryan, dea~ President Tribble expressed his :elly the Wake Forest .·team had· beat-' to vacated positions·on .the Council and will assume office inu:itediate- of the college; Grady S. Patterson desire to work closely with Weaver en the Mexicans.. · · ly. Both men are seilicmi; -~nne~ ls. from KinSton. and> Clark Is registrar; Elli~tt ·B. Ea1'~Iaw; bur~ in ·the matter, ·Sa.ying;_''I shall wait · from Roanoke Rapids. ·: ,, · - ....., .. -Photo ·By J.· B. Benton: sar; Worth · Copeland, assistant for recommendations from the di­ The tournament turned out bursar; Jasper L. Memory, Jr.,-Di-' Lecture-Co'licert Commiltee rector of athletics." Coach Weav­ much as sports writers had be­ rector of the Placement Bureau er, although admitting that he had lieved that it would. Cuba had and Professor of Education; Dr. C. practically made up his mind as to been given the edge over the sev­ Bennett, Clark Named To Fill S. Black, head of the Chemistry what should be done, said that he en other teams entered, while the Department and liaison between Presents Noted Singer Here could say nothing until he had United States was adjudged a pre­ the college and war depar~ment; talked to Coach Walker again. By PAULA BALLEW numbers. Those sung were: game second best. Carroll W. Weathers, head o:f the Walker was due to return from Lucile Cummings, noted operatic "Christ Is Risen" by Rachmanin­ Heavy Slugging Featured Unexpired Terms On Council law school; Eugene C. Olive, Di­ New Haven, Conn .. where he had The Wake Forest playing featur­ rector of Pqblic Relations; and contralto, presented a concert in off, 'Loveliest of Trees" by Dough­ Paul Bennett, senior from Kins­ gone last Tuesday, either Thursday ed heavy slugging and numerous and Alpha Epsilon Delta, pre­ Tom Bost Jr., Director of the News the College Chapel here Thursday terty, "Anguish" by Eric Thomas, night or Friday morning. home runs for the South American ton was named to the vice-presi­ medical fraternity. Bennett plans Bureau. night at 8 o'clock before an audi- "File for Future Reference" by fans. Average attendance at the dency of the Student Body by the to enter the School of Medicine ence of approximately 500 people. Sargent and "Ecstacy" by Rummel Walker signed the Yale contract meet was 3,500 per day with the Student Council at a special meet­ at Duke University upon gradua­ Lt. Col. Brodie explained in de- She was accompanied at the piano Rapid Rise after learning that President Trib­ ing last Tuesday night, Marion Da­ games being held orl three separate tion from Wake Forest. tail the proposed plan and o_pera- by Conrad Forsberg. Miss Cummings' rise to promi- ble would not agree to the $1,500 vis, president, has disclosed. raise in salary which had been field,s a:t various athletic clubs in Tom Clark, who was the unsuc- tion of the·unit. Some of the perti- The concert was sponsored by nence has been rapid and steady. Buenos Aires: For one game, the nent points brought out by Brodie Within the past few years she )lqs recommended by the Athletic At the same time. Toin Clark, cessful candidate >for the vice­ were as follows: (1) Any male stu- the Wake Forest Concert-Lecture b h Council and which he had believed , ,. Wake Forest team drew 4;500. senior from Roanoke Rapids, was presidency of the Student Body dent in good physical condition Committee. This committee cas een t e recipient of ,many musi­ would be forthcoming. Tribble had elected to the Council as a repre- last year on the Student Party sponsored several concerts and cal honors. Besides playing the The Deacs considered themselves who is accepted for admission to lea"ing role in the New York Ct'ty said yes to a raise of $500, upping sentative of the Senior Class. Clark ticket has been outstanding in sev­ lectures on the campus this year " somewhat handicapped because W a k e F orest C o 11 ege .or is now a1- Center Opera Company's produc·· Walker's yearly total to $8,000, but received the unanimous vote of the eral phases· of campus life. In ad­ and has plan·s for a more varied they had to play on grass inflields. rea d Y enrolled may enroll in tion of "Aida" and play·ng lady declined to sanction the full $1,500. Council in election to his office. diti'on to making Phi-Beta Kappa program next year. At present ef- 1 Another difficulty that the team ROTC regardl ess of t h e course of Clarinda in the St. Louis World Bennett, who for four years has in his junior year, he was named study contemplated or whether he forts are being made to secure a P . f "A L Aroused Alumni faced was a ·shortage of players. 0 1 Because of the scarcity of funds, been a member of the College bas- to Who's Who in American Col­ enters in June, September or Janu- comedy pianist for a concert some remler u d ang Syne," she When the news came out in Mon- the team could take only 12 play­ ketball varsity, replaces Don Lee leges and Universities last Fall and ary; (2) The first two years of time in April.
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