. ... A ■ r ^ a-i ■■ - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, .1952 , . ^ PaUyiietTrw Tbs Wsatiitt" V a g e t w e n t y -e t g h t lipfttino CpraOi Ended ■ Feteeaet a( C. S, Nov. IS. 1*62 Rev. Chester F. Austin of Middle Bala beceeslag lwswyTli*tiSfr Anthony 3. Salvatore of N Wal St. Bernadette's Mothers Orclc . explain Plays Host • " 1 0 , 7 8 2 which was to have held its meet­ turnpike east will conduct the Working for Tots Friday, esosMera* nut street will graduate from the prayer meeting tonight at 7:30 in - - 75- - ki' 1^.; .1, About Town Ward School of Electronics, Divi­ ing tonight ,a-lth.>trs. Franklin R. To Cii^ch Council Member ef the Audit aceaslaMl ehewere. sion of Hlllyer CMlcge. Hartford, Close, because of' her Illness will the Church of the Nazarene. Bureau of arcntatlaM Saturday evening. Tlie school, meet Instead with Mrs. Edward * / Manchester— A City o / Village Charm Th* tefulw meeting of the Coa- formerly the CRL School of Saec- Faber of 6 Dover road. Miss Gall Andersen. a'iiOphomore Capt Norman Xarshall of the $ 1 .5 0 mopolitim Club wUI be held Friday tronics, recently became a teclmi- at Connecticut College. New Lon­ Manchester Salvatioiv., Army at­ -» t 5 P-n»- in the Federation Room m P H o U ) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ THU^DAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1952 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE n v ft ClBNIE cal division of HiUyer College. Second Congregational Merry- don. is on the decoration commit­ tended his Srst meetlii|: of the VOL. L xxn , NO. 44 of the Cent^ church. The speaker Weds will meet at the church to­ tee for the sophomore hop to be will be Mrs: Douglas A. Johnston, Bt. Joseph's Mothers Circle will night at 7:30 and leave for a held on Dec. 8. She is the daughter Manchester Council of Churches Q uality president of the 8Ut.e Federation scavenger hunt. A* business meet­ of Mr. and Vlp4. H. Vlggo Andersen last night and also acted as of Women's Qubs. Tea will be meet tonight with Mrs. Paul F. Teslk of 117 Hollister street. ing and social time will follow. of 42 Hyde street. pastor. He. conducted a half •arved. The committee includes Mr. and: of worship for council representa­ ARKWRIGHT FIRST Trial Starts Mra. William Johnson. Mr. and Any nlembers of women's groups tives and guesU. By special request. Mrs. Ralph Fotherglll and Mr. and using parliamentary procedure in Mra Marshall sang a solo during QUALITY 60 GAUG E Mrs. Stuart Wolcott. thrif meetings are invited to the the serves and also sang a duet with the captain. Women of the For 1 4 T op Ike Names Dulles, entlUed ‘"The Gavel Raps' Several worthwhile door prizes to be held on Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. Salvation Army prepared dinner SHEER DARK SEAM will be drawn.,at the close of the to 2 p.m.f at the Ann street YWCA for their guests. ■ - Thanksgiving card party of the Hartford. Registrations can be One of the reports presented was FULL FASHIONED tizech Reds Eastern Star Cljapter tomorrow made at the Service Bureau for that of the United Canvass com­ night in the. Masonic Temple. A Women's Organisations, #58 Main mittee. The North Methodist variety of Thanksgiving desserts street, Hartford. Churdh reported more than $11,000 Vienna, Austria, Nov. 20— will be served at 7:30 oy Mrs. assured toward a budget of $12.- Wdihington, Nov. 20—(4*)— ^President Trun»»j4 Said today Christine Duke and her commit­ Nylon (/P) —Fourteen former top Among those from this area who 000; Concordia Lutheran reported he is very happy over Gen. Dwight D. Eiaephbwer’s views McKay to Posts in tee. Playing of favorite card $8,454 assured toward a total bud­ on the Korean prisoner of war iaaue, and declared 'This leaders of Communist Czech­ games will follow at 8 P- u’- with entered the armed forces yester­ day are Charles K. Rice of 78 Rus­ get of $10,650 with 77 per cent of country is a unified organization in its policy toward the oslovakia, including former prizes at each table. Mrs. May the ' pledges reported; Emanuel Foreign Mkiister VUdo Clem- Puter will be in Charge. Miss Mary sell street and Dale F. Johnson of rest of ths world.” In his flrst^ Lake street, Vemon, who joined l^theran reported $27,000 already Hosiery 1 ' entis, went on trial. in a Miller will receive nominal admis­ assured toward a budget of post-election news conference— i sion fees at the door.",' the Navy and have proceeded to his diat in fact since Sept. 25— Prague court today on Caase and Effect the Great Lakes Naval Training $83,000; South Methodist reported Truman laid emphasis on unity Station. HI., and Bdwarda G, i-cuii Fodruve that-lU full budget of $48,000 had 'Jury Calls charges of treason and The ;i^illstow'n Grange is spon­ and on the effort to make-the espionage. — : O'Brien, 7» Wells street, who Join­ been assured; St. Mary's Episcopal New flattering shift of powsr to Presideht-elhet soring^ a card party Friday night ed the Waves and has proceeded ' Attorney Leon Podrove is in reported 78 per cent of its current Austrian press agency imports charge of making arrangements Elsenho\«-er as smooth as pos­ at $' o'clock in the Grange Hall on to the'Naval Training Station at budget and 00 per cent of Its mis­ shades for fall and sible OUphant In said dementia had confessed to re­ Hill Street, East Hartford. Set- Bainbridge; Md. for undeCprlvileted as .well as sion Wdget had been assured. sponsibility for ths death of Jan •hack will be played, door prizes physically handicapped thildren Allows Direct Quote Svermo, a Slovak Communist hero Second, Congregational reported winter wear. He began i^ith this statement awarded and refreshments served. The annual fall dance of the Co- to attend the circus being spon­ 75 per cent of Its budget had been who took part In the antl-Nasi up­ sored by the Exchange Club on which he permitted reporters to rising of 1944. Weds, the Snow Ball, will be held met on the first day of the canvass. f|Uo(e directly: . .j-^ T a x P robe Inlerior, State Nov. 28 and 29 at the State Armory The Girls Friendly Society Spon­ Friday night in Woodruff Hall at No report from the Center Con­ Had Platted Elimination sors of St. Mary's Church will for the benefit of the club's wel­ 'T want you to understand that • I" the Center Congregational ^ u r c h . gregational, Church was at hand. the electloh is over and that we The reporta said ^Rudolph Slan- meet in the parish house Friday "Frosty” Mitchell and hTli Eski­ fare fund. - A budget o f $270 was adopted Washington, Nov. 20—(AO eky, former Secretary-General of New York, Nov. 20—(AV-PresIdent-eleet Eisenliower an­ in DANIEL GREENS night at 7;30. The following Girl are trying to get things in shape mos will play for the seml-f6rmal To date Mr. Podrove has re­ for flnancing council activities. Of to make an orderly ttimover of the —Charles OHphant, former the party end another of the chief nounced today he has chosen John Foster Dulles as Secreta)^ Scouts. Barbara Kloppenburg. dance which will last from 8 p.m. ceived confirmation that all the this $200 will be raised by an as­ Chief Counsel of the Internal defendants, had admitted to pre­ Nanev Weir, Betty Ann Trotter government to the successor, and of State; Charles E. Wilson, president o f General Motor*, aa to 1 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wil­ children afflicted with cerebral sessment of 3 cents for each mem­ that we want to let the world Revenue Bureau, was among venting medical treatment for and Carol Ann Robinson, will show son and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie An­ palsy In Manchester will attend, ber of participating churches. Svermo. Slansky waa charged also Secretary of Defense, and Gov. Douglas McKay of Oregon padded sole comfy slippm^! pictures and tell about their trip know that this coimtry Is s unified vritnesses called to testify to­ drew are co-chairmen of the com­ also all the children from the Tol­ Pair organization in its policy toward with plotting the "elimination" of aa Secretary of the Interior. Eieen-'V to Europe this summer. The hos­ mittee in charge. land County Home, and 50 chilr day before a federal grand President Klement Gottwsid. bower's press secretary, James C. tesses for the meeting will be Mrs. the rest of the world. dren each day from the home in *'I waa very happy to see that jury looking Into tax acan- SlanXky; a former vice premier, Hagerty, gave the news to the! Marv Frazier, Mrs. Dorothy Warehouse Ppjnt,...........«........ pleaded ^ I t y befor*. the. five vnan fin is while the general ,waa lunch-1 WohlgertiUth' and —Mrs. - Douise The Friendly Circle will hold ,Ita Personal Notices --Sen.. - Eleenhowee had told. Bea.. Aolz--"- - —T’ -.i ■ Arrangements are being com­ Wiley that he was with (sic) the court to all charges against hlni. Anthony EdAH, Briliai' PolarR oute Hotchkiss. monthly meeting tonight at 8 pleted to bring In children from OUpbant, raepon(Ung to a eub- o'clock at the Community Y. An policy on the prisoners of war in ponea. arrived at the court houee He answered “yes”Jto each charge Foreign Secretary, at Eisenhower's the Children's Village in Hartford In Memoriam as it wga read to him and a re­ HoteV Commodore headquartert.
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