Legend of Five Rings French Version: Ciel & Terre Liste Card Name Type Rarity English Version Accepte avec honneur Action Common Accept with Honor Assauts sans répit Action Common Tireless assault Bénédiction du Kaze-no-kami Action Common Kaze-no-kami's blessing Bloquez les portes Action Uncommon Bar the Gates Canaliser le Vide Action Uncommon Channeling Void Certitude vertueuse Action Uncommon Righteous Conviction Champs volcaniques Action Common Volcanic Fields Déchirer l'âme Action Rare Rend the Soul Déployez les éclaireurs Action Common Deploy Scouts Échapper à l'ombre Action Rare Escape from Shadow Introspection Action Rare Introspection La montagne est immobile Action Common The mountain does not move La terre de l'honneur Action Common Honor's Ground Le cœur de Rokugan Action Common Heart of Rokugan Le fléau de l'Enclume Action Uncommon Bane of the Anvil Le fléau de l'Épée Action Uncommon Bane of the Sword Le fléau du Bâtard Action Uncommon Bane of the Bastard Le Fléau du Loup Action Uncommon Bane of the Wolf Les cendres d'Aramasu Action Rare Aramasu's ashes Les leçons de la Terre Action Rare Lessons from Earth Loyauté renouvelée Action Rare Loyalty Renewed Menaces implicites Action Uncommon Unspoken Threats Moment critique Action Uncommon Critical Moment Négociation délicate Action Common Delicate Negotiation Observez l'ennemi Action Uncommon Observe the Enemy Position supérieure Action Rare Superior Stance Prélèvement des taxes Action Rare Tax collection Rédemption par l'acier Action Uncommon By Steel Redeemed Reliques volées Action Uncommon Stolen Relics Subterfuge Action Common Subterfuge Tatouage Avalanche Action Uncommon Avalanche Tattoo Tatouage du Vide Action Uncommon Tattoo of the Void Un nouveau gardien Action Uncommon A new guardian Coup inattendu Event Rare Unexpected Strike Déséquilibre céleste Event Uncommon Celestial Imbalance Désertion Event Uncommon Desertion Frondes de la famille Shinjo Event Rare Shinjo Slings Pour le Clan Event Rare For the Clan Une partie de go Event Uncommon A Game of Go Vénération ancestrale Event Rare Ancestral Reverence Adeptes de la main de pierre Follower Common Stone Hand adepts Bâtisseurs du Clan du Crabe Follower Rare Crab Builders Cavalerie avancée Follower Rare Outrider Chuk'tek Follower Uncommon Chuk'tek Étranges voyageurs Follower Rare Strange Travelers Goshiu no Shiryo Follower Rare Goshiu no Shiryo Initiés Kikage Zumi Follower Common Kikage Zumi Initiates La Garde Blanche Follower Uncommon The White Guard Le Crâne démoniaque Follower Uncommon The Demon skull Les busards de Rekai Follower Common Rekai's Harriers Maître des Cloches Follower Common Master of the Bells Pêcheurs ashigaru Follower Common Ashigaru Fishermen Piquiers de jade Follower Uncommon Jade Pikemen Toshimoko no Shiryo Follower Rare Toshimoko no Shiryo Wikki'thich-hie G'ni'ch Follower Rare Wikki'thich-hie G'ni'ch Zashiki Warashi Follower Uncommon Zashiki Warashi Ambassadeur de la famille Otomo Holding Common Otomo Ambassador Autel dédié à Benten Holding Rare Shrine to Benten Autel dédié à Bishamon Holding Rare Shrine to Bishamon Autel dédié à Daikoku Holding Rare Shrine to Daikoku Autel dédié à Ebisu Holding Rare Shrine to Ebisu Autel dédié à Fukurokujin Holding Rare Shrine to Fukurokujin Autel dédié à Hotei Holding Rare Shrine to Hotei Autel dédié à Jurojin Holding Uncommon Shrine to Jurojin Conseiller militaire Holding Common Military Advisor Dojo de la famille Kakita Holding Uncommon Kakita Dojo Dojo Sunda Mizu Holding Common Sunda Mizu Dojo Flagorneur Holding Common Sycophant Jardin de la sérénité Holding Uncommon Garden of Serenity Jardin de sable Holding Common Sand Garden Maison de la première pierre Holding Common House of the First Stone Marchand d'armes Holding Common Arms Merchant Oracle du Sang Holding Uncommon Oracle of blood Otage à rançonner Holding Common Ransom Hostage Sombre Oracle du Vide Holding Rare Dark Oracle of the Void Temple reconstruit Holding Uncommon Rebuilt Temple Tours de siège Holding Uncommon Siege towers Troupe de théâtre de marionnettes Holding Uncommon Puppet Theatre Troupe Troupe de théâtre nô Holding Uncommon Noh Theatre Troupe Bannière de guerre de la famille Hida Item Common Hida War Banner Epée bénite Item Common Blessed Sword Éventail d'acier Item Common Steel Fan Katana de jade Item Common Jade Katana Katana de la Lune Item Rare Katana of the Moon Lame du massacre Item Uncommon Blade of Slaughter Lame grossière Item Common Crude Sword L'armure de topaze Item Common The Topaz Armor Le daisho de Kokujin Item Rare Kokujin's Daisho Le Masque du Mangeur Item Rare Mask of the Maw Le no-dachi d'Akodo Item Rare Akodo's No-Dachi Le tanto de Tsudao Item Rare Tsudao's Tanto Mempo d'obsidienne de Fu Leng Item Rare Obsidian Mempo of Fu Leng Sombre Pacte Item Rare Dark Covenant Yari de jade Item Uncommon Jade Yari Étreinte des éléments Kiho Rare Embrace the elements Purification Kiho Rare Purification Terre mouvante Kiho Common Shifting Earth Une fois encore Kiho Rare Once and Again Akodo Rokuro Personality Common Akodo Rokuro Akodo Tekkan Personality Rare Akodo Tekkan Asahina Itoeko Personality Common Asahina Itoeko Asako Toshi Personality Decks Asako Toshi Bayushi Eitarou Personality Uncommon Bayushi Eitarou Bayushi Tai Personality Rare Bayushi Tai Chunigo Personality Uncommon Chunigo Doji Jurian Personality Uncommon Doji Jurian Doji Okakura Personality Rare Doji Okakura Gargelara Personality Common Gargelara Hida Benjiro Personality Common Hida Benjiro Hida Hitoshi Personality Rare Hida Hitoshi Hiruma Tsukiko Personality Common Hiruma Tsukiko Hoshi Yoson Personality Common Hoshi Yoson Ide Tang Personality Uncommon Ide Tang Ikoma Fudai Personality Decks Ikoma Fudai Ikoma Tomaru Personality Rare Ikoma Tomaru Isawa Junichiro Personality Common Isawa Junichiro Iuchi Yue Personality Rare Iuchi Yue Kaiu Waotaka Personality Uncommon Kaiu Waotaka Kakita Chiyeko Personality Common Kakita Chiyeko Kakita Soichi Personality Rare Kakita Soichi Kanashimi Personality Decks Kanashimi Kitsuki Tadashi Personality Common Kitsuki Tadashi Kuni Rihito Personality Uncommon Kuni Rihito Matsu Watako Personality Uncommon Matsu Watako Mirumoto Kyuzo Personality Rare Mirumoto Kyuzo Moto Chaozhu Personality Rare Moto Chaozhu Nairu no Oni Personality Common Nairu no Oni Shiba Gyukudo Personality Uncommon Shiba Gyukudo Shiba Mirabu Personality Rare Shiba Mirabu Shiba Yobei Personality Common Shiba Yobei Shinjo Guan Personality Common Shinjo Guan Shosuro Kamatari Personality Common Shosuro Kamatari Soshi Aki Personality Rare Soshi Aki Soshi Natsuo Personality Common Soshi Natsuo Togashi Kinuko Personality Uncommon Togashi Kinuko Togashi Tashishai Personality Uncommon Togashi Tashishai Tsuno Kira Personality Uncommon Tsuno Kira Tsurayuki Personality Uncommon Tsurayuki Tsuruchi Ichiro Personality Rare Tsuruchi Ichiro Tsuruchi Kaii Personality Uncommon Tsuruchi Kaii Tsuruchi Sho Personality Common Tsuruchi Sho Utaku Yisheng Personality Common Utaku Yisheng Yoritomo Toyozo Personality Common Yoritomo Toyozo Golfe des lames maudites Region Rare Cove of Cursed Blades Le col de Shamate Region Rare Shamate Pass Marais empoisonné Region Uncommon Poison Marsh Déchirer les Ténèbres Spell Uncommon Tear away the Darkness Fumée brûlante Spell Common Burning Smoke Kanji de pouvoir Spell Uncommon Kanji of Power Les portes du Tengoku Spell Common Tengoku's Gates Les Ténèbres se lèvent Spell Rare Darkness Rising Plénitude du moi Spell Uncommon Wholeness of Self Sinistre transformation Spell Common Sinister Transformation Château de la Gloire du Matin Stronghold Decks Morning Glory Castle Kyuden Ikoma Stronghold Decks Kyuden Ikoma Temple du Neuvième Kami Stronghold Decks Temple of the Ninth Kami Daigotsu Wind Decks Daigotsu * All 50 rares exist also in Foil version For information: [email protected] - last update 28 May 2002 Copyright 1999-2003 by Carlo Brozzo - All rights reserved .
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