June 1, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E945 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE NORTHERN PRENATAL NONDISCRIMINATION IN RECOGNITION OF EVAN R. HIGH SCHOOL PATRIOTS ACT (PRENDA) OF 2012 CORNS UPON RECEIVING THE HERMAN ‘‘RUSTY’’ SHIPPS LEAD- ERSHIP AWARD HON. STENY H. HOYER SPEECH OF OF MARYLAND HON. BETTY McCOLLUM HON. PATRICK J. TIBERI OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, June 1, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, June 1, 2012 Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Mr. TIBERI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in recogni- honor and congratulate an extraordinary team tion of Evan R. Corns upon him receiving the Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today of young women from Maryland’s fifth con- Herman ‘‘Rusty’’ Shipps leadership award. in opposition to the Prenatal Nondiscrimination This prestigious award is named in honor of gressional district. The Northern High School Act, PRENDA, of 2012 (H.R. 3541). Rusty Shipps, Class of 1913. The Award, be- Patriots won the 3A Maryland ‘‘state softball Every Member of the House opposes the stowed by the Ohio Wesleyan Alumni Board of finals on May 26, 2012. This is their fifth con- Directors, recognizes exemplary leadership, secutive softball state championship and ninth abhorrent practice of gender selection, includ- ing me. In Minnesota, prohibiting sex-selective stewardship, dedication, and commitment to softball championship overall. This incredible the advancement of the university. abortions has passed on a bipartisan basis in achievement was made all the more signifi- Mr. Corns’ support of his alma mater is leg- cant given the caliber of their competition. the State House of Representatives in 2007 endary at Ohio Wesleyan University, as is his and 2010. Unfortunately, the bill before us is commitment to private liberal arts education as After an undefeated season, the Patriots not about protecting girls. It is about politics. emerged victorious over Thomas Stone High reflected in his 2010 induction into the Ohio H.R. 3541 is an attempt by House Repub- Foundation of Independent Colleges Hall of School, Chopticon High School, Huntingtown licans to restrict women’s access to legal re- Excellence. High School, and Reservoir High School to ul- productive health care services by threatening Throughout a tremendously successful busi- timately meet Linganore High School in the medical professionals with legal action. ness career, Evan R. Corns has made his state championship game at Robert E. Taylor mark both at Ohio Wesleyan and around the Under this bill, health care providers could Stadium at the University of Maryland. The State of Ohio. An active member of the univer- Patriots prevailed, overcoming the Linganore face civil penalties or even criminal prosecu- sity’s Board of Trustees for more than 20 Lancers with a final score of 10–0. tion for failing to report confidential conversa- years and a supporter of many Ohio Wesleyan tions they have with woman about terminating This victory demonstrates that with deter- initiatives, Mr. Corns has never ceased to find a pregnancy. Ten leading medical associa- mination, willpower, and discipline we can new ways to enhance the campus and mis- tions oppose this bill, arguing that ‘‘H.R. 3541 sion of his beloved school. For example, in an work to overcome any obstacle in the path of would require that medical and mental health effort to make college available to others he achieving success. The Northern High School professionals violate doctor-patient confiden- graciously provided financial support for a Softball team has gone above and beyond ex- tiality and report known or suspected viola- number of campus scholarship programs, in- pectations. The Patriots end their 2012 season tions.’’ Physicians take an oath to be trusted cluding the Woltemade Center’s Corns Busi- not only with a state championship, but also a counselors for their patients, not secret inform- ness and Entrepreneurial Scholars program, perfect record of 25–0. Additionally, Northern all in an effort to support the students, faculty, ers for the government. Many recite the High School has become the first softball pro- and staff at Ohio Wesleyan University. Alumni modem version of the Hippocratic Oath, which gram in state history to win five consecutive like Evan R. Corns represent the finest as- states: ‘‘I will respect the privacy of my pa- state titles. pects of Ohio Wesleyan University and sym- tients, for their problems are not disclosed to bolize the finest traditions of citizenship. Eighteen student-athletes contributed to this me that the world may know.’’ It is wrong for f triumphant season, remaining focused and de- Congress to empower politicians to interfere in termined to continue the streak of Northern the very personal and private relationship be- TRIBUTE TO BARBARA HUNDLEY, JACKSON CITIZEN OF THE YEAR High School softball state championships. tween a woman and her health care provider. Mr. Speaker, I offer my heartiest congratula- Women must have control over their own HON. JO BONNER tions to the members of the championship health care decisions and be able to trust their OF ALABAMA team—Jessie Clemons, Kierstie Schaefer, doctors to provide confidential medical guid- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jess Cummings, Sarah Bennett, Sam Gatton, ance free from ideologically-driven misinforma- Caroline Clarry, Marleigh Smith, Lindsey tion or government interference. H.R. 3541 Friday, June 1, 2012 Schmeiser, Madison Marinaccio, Baylee threatens these basic principles. Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Hutchinson, Erin Adams, Julie Keleti, Carleigh Congress can and should do more to fight tribute to Barbara Hundley, who has enhanced Ruleman, Kristina Lozupone, Kailin Case, Alli- life in Jackson, Alabama through her civil serv- gender discrimination and improve the lives of son Garzone, Kayla Grantham, and Sabrina ice, dedication to her church and talent with Beil—on their victory. And, I also want to ap- women and girls. I urge my Republican col- gardening, earning her Jackson’s Citizen of plaud Head Coach Robert Earl Radford and leagues to join House Democrats in our efforts the Year award. his coaching staff—Devin Hall, Beth Radford, to increase women’s access to affordable, Mrs. Hundley has served a variety of roles and Qyntia Parks-Lewis—for their dedication comprehensive health care, achieve pay eq- in the Jackson area, working for the city plan- and commitment while guiding these talented uity and ensure all girls can obtain a quality ning commission on projects like a new com- student-athletes. education. Bipartisan support for such policies plex for the Jackson Police Department, re- would be the strongest statement about Amer- modeling the White Smith Memorial Library, Like all Southern Marylanders, I am very ica’s commitment to gender equality. the construction of the Jackson Senior Citizen proud of these young women and I congratu- Center and also a new fire station for the late all of those involved in bringing home a I urge all my colleagues to oppose H.R. downtown Jackson area. state title. I ask that my colleagues join me in 3541. In addition to this, Mrs. Hundley volunteered applauding this great accomplishment. at the library, helped bring the Regional Child ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:50 Jun 02, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01JN8.001 E01JNPT1 jbell on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 1, 2012 Advocacy Center to Grove Hill, prevented St. Anne Home, Indiana basketball, he discovered his love of acting voter fraud as a poll worker at Jackson City Franciscan Alliance through school plays. He went on to attend Hall and was a member of the Jackson Area Our Sunday Visitor Walker Junior College and then the Kemper Chamber of Commerce, helping to revitalize Michigan Catholic Conference Military School in Boonville, Missouri. In 1952, the downtown Jackson Area. Mrs. Hundley Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO after earning a scholarship for his skills at also has been a 35-year member and a past Catholic Charities of St. Louis, MO quarterback, George received his Bachelor of president of the Jackson Woman’s Club, and Diocese of Jackson, MS Bioscience from the Florence State Teachers taught drug awareness and other classes at Catholic Charities of Jackson, MS College, which is now the University of North Jackson High School. Vicksburg Catholic School Alabama. Even while doing all of the aforementioned St. Joseph’s Catholic School After college, George enlisted in the U.S. Air activities, Mrs. Hundley has taught Sunday Diocese of Biloxi, MS Force and, while stationed in Puerto Rico, school at the Jackson First United Methodist De I’Epee Deaf Center, Inc., Biloxi, MS married Joyanne Herbert. Upon his discharge Church, provided lunch for senior citizens and Catholic Social and Community Services, Inc., from the Air Force in 1955, he returned to Ala- those with bereaved families, sang in the choir Biloxi, MS bama and began a brief career in education at and researched and authored a history of the Resurrection Catholic School, Pascagoula, MS Hazel Green High School, teaching history church. St. Dominic Health Services, Jackson, MS and coaching baseball and basketball. However, Mrs. Hundley’s greatest passion Diocese of Rockville Centre It was in 1956 that George Lindsey’s acting might be gardening, which has developed Catholic Health Services of Long Island career began with his acceptance to the such a reputation that groups will take tours of Catholic Charities of Rockville Centre American Wing Theater in New York City.
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