k Trim Size: 6in x 9in Mellen433835 bindex.tex V1 - 03/31/2018 6:17pm Page 465 Index Accountants, 69, 251. See also Professional Advertising capacity, 147 advisors Advisory team, 69–71. See also Professional Accounting Alternative for private advisors companies, 311, 316, 325 Alliances, 78 Accounting standards Alpha, 142 International Financial Reporting Alternatives to sale/transfer of business, Standards (IFRS). See International 71–73 Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Altman, Edward, 59 U.S. GAAP. See Generally accepted American Institute of Certified Public accounting principles (GAAP) Accountants (AICPA), 312 Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Valuation of Privately-Held Company ASC 350 Goodwill and Other Intangible Equity Securities Issued as Assets, 311, 325–326 Compensation (Practice Aid), 358–390 ASC 718 Stock Compensation, 354 Amortization, 335, 336 k ASC 805 Business Combinations, 311, 312, Angel investors, 355, 359, 360 k 315–329, 331 Appraisal Foundation, 312 ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements, 311, Appraisals, 200, 217, 218, 226, 353–354 313–315, 320, 323, 326, 327, 334, 336 Appraisers, 232, 251, 312, 313 Accounts receivable, 55, 202 Artistic-related intangible assets, 318. See also Accrual basis of accounting, 109 Intangible assets Acquisition method of accounting, 323 ASC. See Accounting Standards Codification Acquisition premium, 9 (ASC) Acquisition team, 80, 81, 85, 383, 384 Assembled workforce, 317, 328, 333, 340, Acquisitions 349–351 described, 78 Asset (cost) approach planning for. See Planning for merger and accounts receivable, 202 acquisition processhttp://www.pbookshop.comadjusted book value method, 102, and shareholder value, 91 202–208, 231, 418 and strategic plan, 91 appraisals, 200, 226 target companies, 82–85 asset surpluses or shortages, 207 types of, 79 book value versus market value, 200 Activity ratios, 53–57 as check to value, 231 Adjusted book valueCOPYRIGHTED method, 102, 202–208, defined, MATERIAL 101, 102 231, 418 in economic or industry downturns, 201, Adjustments 202 assets (adjusted book value method), and fair market value, 202 202–207 going concern value, 201 control adjustments, 110–112, 117, high-tech start-ups, 364 215–216, 224 holding companies, 201 financial statements, 109–112, 117, 188, and income approach, 120, 207, 208 221, 222 intangible assets, 333, 349–352 premiums and discounts. See Discounts; liquidation value method, 102, 201, 202 Premiums and market approach, 120, 207, 208 465 k k Trim Size: 6in x 9in Mellen433835 bindex.tex V1 - 03/31/2018 6:17pm Page 466 466 Index Asset (cost) approach (contd.) Bloomberg, 387 methods, 102 Book value, 20, 35, 57, 110, 136, 170, 177, and noncontrolling interests, 201, 202, 200, 231 206, 227 Bottom fishers, 200 nonoperating assets, 120, 204–207 Bring-along rights, 281 off-balance sheet assets and liabilities, Brokers. See Business brokers 202, 206–208 Build-up model replacement cost method (RCM), 333, described, 143 343, 349–350 Duff & Phelps Risk Premium Report Size reproduction cost, 333 Study (D&P report), 149, 150 use of, 103, 199, 200, 208, 218, 219, 226, equity risk premium, 143, 144 333 formula for, 144 value conclusion, review of, 226, 227 risk-free rate, 143, 144 Asset sales, 185, 271–279 small-company risk premium, 142–145, Asset turnover, 35–38, 57 157 Assets specific-company risk premium, contingent, 324 143–149 contributory, 335, 340, 343, 344 use of, 223 highest and best use, 315 Business broker method, 231 intangible. See Intangible assets Business brokers, 5, 84, 185. See also surpluses or shortages, 207 Professional advisors value of and measure of investment, 20 Business combinations and value of company, 23 ASC 805 Business Combinations, 311, 312, value of in income approach, 120. 315–329, 331 See also Income approach defined, 316 value of in market approach, 120. See also financial reporting, 315–329. See also k Market approach Financial reporting k ASU-2014-18 (customer relationship and forms of, 78, 79 non-compete non-recognition), 317 Business Exit Readiness Index™ (BERI), ASU-2014-2 (goodwill amortization), 317, 325 257–259 @Risk, 113 Business owners. See also Buyers; Exit Attorneys, 69, 70, 81, 89, 251. See also planning; Sellers Professional advisors divorce, disability, and death, impact of, Auditing standards 249, 250 AU-C Section 540–Auditing Accounting and financial planning, 247–249 Estimates, Including Fair Value investment versus employment in Accounting Estimates, and Related company, 245, 246 Disclosures, 313http://www.pbookshop.commultiple owners, 244, 247, 250, 253 AU-C Section 500–Audit Evidence, 313 succession planning, 63, 65, 69, 71, 199, Audits 200, 266, 287 fair value estimates, 312, 313 Buy-sell agreements, 354 legal audit, 71, 72 Buy-side considerations cross-border transactions, 381–390 Balance sheet entry price, 313 adjustments, 110, 111, 202–208 Buyers off-balance sheet assets, 202, 206–207 bottom fishers, 200 Bankruptcy, 58, 59. See also Solvency financial, 7, 23 measures motives, 65 Bargain purchase, 324 strategic, 7–10, 12, 13, 23, 357 Beta (ß), 140–143, 152, 157, 223 walk-away price, 9 BIZCOMPS, 182 BizMiner, 176 Capital, access to, 146 Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model Capital Adequacy Opinion, 290 (BSOPM), 115–117, 213, 357 Capital, cost of. See Cost of capital k k Trim Size: 6in x 9in Mellen433835 bindex.tex V1 - 03/31/2018 6:17pm Page 467 Index 467 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) Collars, 275, 276 assumptions, 139, 140, 157 Common stock, 138, 139 beta, 140, 141 Company analysis, 52, 53. See also and closely-held businesses, 140, 141 Competitive analysis; Financial analysis cost of equity computation, 141 Compensation formula for, 140 control adjustments, 110–112, 117, modified capital asset pricing model, 142, 215–216, 224 143, 156, 223 employment agreements, 285 use of, 139, 223 stock options. See Stock options Capital expenditures, 21, 31, 105, 106, 147 Competitive analysis. See also High-tech Capital IQ, 182, 187, 448 start-ups Capital leases, 206 company analysis, 52, 53 Capital structure, 31, 146, 354 competitive factors for nonpublic entities, Capitalization of cash flow in single-period 53, 54 capitalization method (SPCM), 102 financial analysis, 54–59 Capitalization of earnings in single-period industry analysis, 49–52 capitalization method (SPCM), 102 and macroenvironmental risk, 49–53 Capitalization rate overview, 59, 60 discounted cash flow (DCF), 126, 128, qualitative versus quantitative 132, 133 assessments, 41 single-period capitalization method risk and value drivers, analysis of, 42 (SPCM), 121–123 specific-company risk, assessment of, Cash basis of accounting, 109 48–53 Cash burn rate, 355, 356 strategic planning and value creation, Cash terms, 279 43, 44 k Cavendish Seafood Distributors, valuation and value creation, 41 k example Competitive Strategy (Porter), 50, 132 adjusted book value method, 418 Consultants, 69 background information, 10, 11, 399–401 Contiguous acquisitions, 79 economic conditions, 402, 403 Contingent consideration, 324 fair market value, calculation of, 11 Continuum of value, 264–265 growth forecast, 404 Contract-based intangible assets, 318, 332 impairment testing example, 325–326 Contractual backlog. See Order backlogs investment value computation, 420–427 Contributory asset charges, 335, 340, 343, 344 investment value to strategic buyer, 12, 13 Control adjustments, 109, 110, 215–216, 224 owner’s concerns, 11 Control premium, 8, 158, 211–212, 215, 216 potential buyers, 401, 402 Controlling interests purchase price allocation,http://www.pbookshop.com 324, 325 control adjustments, 109, 110, 215–216, specific industry conditions, 403 224 stand-alone fair market value, 404–418 described, 209 value conclusion considerations, 427, 428 valuation considerations, 227 Certified in Entity and Intangible Valuations Convertible debt, 22 (CEIV), 312 Corporate culture, 66, 97 Chakrabarti, Rajesh, 393 Corporate practices and procedures, 332 Change-in-control provisions, 281, 286 Cost approach. See Asset (cost) approach Charitable remainder trusts, 266 Cost of capital. See also WACC (weighted Checks to value, 218–220, 231, 232 average cost of capital) Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 387 build-up model, 143–151 Closely-held businesses capital asset pricing model, 139–142, 156 and capital asset pricing model (CAPM), common errors in computing, 176–179 140, 141 common stock, cost of, 138, 139 and WACC computation, 170, 171 debt capital, cost of, 136–138, 169 Contingent consideration. See Earn-outs described, 135, 136 Coefficient of variation, 113, 118 discount rate, 22, 135 k k Trim Size: 6in x 9in Mellen433835 bindex.tex V1 - 03/31/2018 6:17pm Page 468 468 Index Cost of capital. See also WACC (contd.) Damodaran, Aswath, 362, 388 equity cost for target company, example Days in accounts payable, 55 of determining, 157–158 Days in inventory, 56 equity cost versus debt cost, 136, 137 Days in receivables, 55 Ibbotson SBBI 2009 Valuation Yearbook Days in working capital, 56 (SBBI), 135, 144 DCF method compared, 124 international cost of capital, 156, 387–390 Deal negotiation. See Negotiations preferred stock, cost of, 138 Deal size, 4 private cost of capital, 153–156 Deal structure required rate of return, 20, 22, 24, 34, 135 as part of offering memorandum, Cost reductions, 93, 94, 120 75, 78 Covenant not to compete. See Non-compete stock versus assets, 271–279 agreements and transaction multiples, 185 Coverage ratios, 53, 57, 58 Deal terms Cross-border transactions cash, 279 acquisition team, 383, 384 negotiations, 279–282 buy-side considerations, 381–390 as part of
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