10105C Cooperative Extension Service July 2002 Prepared by: Stephen R. Schafer 4-H and Youth Specialist Livestock, Equine, Poultry, and Rabbit Programs University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Reviewers Milt Green County Coordinator, Wind River Reservation University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Brett Moline County Coordinator, Albany County University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Eric Peterson Agriculture and 4-H Extension Educator, Sublette County University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Wayne Tatman County Coordinator, Goshen County University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Bill Taylor County Coordinator, Weston County University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Rindy West 4-H Program Associate, Campbell County University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Editor Karol Griffin College of Agriculture Office of Communications and Technology Graphic Designer Tana Stith College of Agriculture Office of Communications and Technology Acknowledgments Some of the material (both information and illustrations) for this publication came from 4-H beef project manuals published by California, Colorado, Louisiana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and other state Cooperative Extension Service presses. Information also came from Modern Livestock and Poultry Pro- duction (second edition, 1983) by James R. Gillespie and Animal Health, Livestock, and Pets; the 1984 Yearbook of Agriculture. These contributions are greatly appreciated. Mention of products, companies, or individuals, is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement implied by the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Glen Whipple, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071. Persons seeking admission, employment, or access to programs of the University of Wyoming shall be considered with- out regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, political belief, veteran status, sexual orienta- tion, and marital or familial status. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication or program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact their local UW CES Office. To file a com- plaint, write the UW Employment Practices/Affirmative Action Office, University of Wyoming, P.O. Box 3434, Laramie, Wyoming 82071-3434. Table of contents Introduction............................................................... 1 Selecting a beef project............................................. 1 Parts of the beef calf.................................................. 2 Beef cattle terms....................................................... 3 Beef cattle breeds...................................................... 3 Housing, care, and feeding........................................ 5 Health care................................................................ 9 Fitting and grooming............................................... 10 Showing the beef calf.............................................. 12 Identify the beef calf parts....................................... 16 Introduction In keeping with the name of the project, The 4-H beef project is an exciting and the market steer project participant pur- educational opportunity for 4-H members, chases a young calf, feeds and cares for it, especially in Wyoming, where the beef fits and grooms it, shows it, and finally sells cattle business is such a large part of the the steer. agriculture industry in Wyoming. As a The club member who chooses the breed- matter of fact, it is the largest and most ing beef project also feeds, cares for, fits, valuable segment of all animal production grooms, and shows the calf. However, in in Wyoming. contrast to market steer project partici- pants, breeding beef project participants Selecting a beef project exhibit breeding cattle (bulls, cows, and There are two main types of beef projects: heifers), which are not sold at the county (1) breeding beef and (2) market steers. fair youth sale. The club member is able to The breeding beef project is designed for return home with these cattle and contin- 4-H members with an avid interest in beef ues to care for them to produce calves. cattle, cow/calf production, and the beef These calves are then kept to show, sell to industry as a whole. The market steer market, and/or sell to other club members project is designed for club members inter- for their projects. ested in beef cattle, but to a lesser degree. 1 Parts of the beef calf Before you can identify and select a high Selecting a calf to show is as important as quality calf, you must know what one the feed and care that you give the calf looks like. The first step in this process is once you bring it home. The beef project to learn the important parts of a beef calf. should begin with a healthy and high qual- The drawing illustrates the most important ity calf. parts of a beef calf. 2 Beef cattle terms registered: an animal whose name and as- Understanding the vocabulary used by signed number have been recorded in the beef cattle producers, exhibitors, and record books of its respective breed asso- judges is also a necessary step in learning ciation; this record also includes the name about beef cattle selection and production. and assigned numbers of the calf’s sire and Knowing the terms listed below will dam greatly assist you when communicating sire: the father of a particular animal with people in the beef cattle business. steer: a calf that has been castrated breed: a group of animals with common ancestry and with similar characteristics yearling: an animal between one and two that are passed on from generation to gen- years old eration Beef cattle breeds breeder: owner of the parents of the There are several breeds of beef cattle. calves when they were mated Breed characteristics; such as frame size, bull: an uncastrated male calf weight, color or colors, color pattern, pres- ence or absence of horns, ear length, and calf: a newborn, infant, or young beef ani- hair length vary quite widely. Breeds also mal have a wide variation in characteristics that calving: the process of giving birth are much harder to see and/or measure; such as meat quality, mothering ability, castrate: to remove the testicles growth rate, and fertility. Taking these and cow: a female that has had at least one many other factors into consideration, it calf becomes quite clear that is there no such thing as the “perfect breed.” crossbred: an animal with parents of dif- ferent breeds The characteristic that makes a breed pref- erable in one location, is quite likely to be dam: the mother of a particular animal the same characteristic that makes it unde- heifer: a female that has not produced a sirable in another location. A good ex- calf ample is the Brahman. This breed is very resistant to heat, humidity, and items re- market steer: a calf that is raised for meat lated to these environmental factors (such and weighs within the market weight pa- as huge numbers of insects); thus this rameters – it must also still have its baby breed and/or breeds derived from it (milk) teeth (Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, Gelbray, etc.) polled: an animal that does not produce are highly desired in the southern United or grow horns States. However, these cattle do not do well in cool, cold, or wintery climates; thus purebred: an animal with same-breed par- they are not as desirable in Wyoming. ents and that could be recorded in an asso- Wyoming producers prefer cattle that are ciation registry longer haired and more adapted to the 3 cold and snow–breeds like Hereford, Angus. The official name is Aberdeen- Polled Hereford, Angus, Limousin, and Angus, as the breed originated in these two Salers. counties in Scotland. Angus were first im- ported to the United States in 1873. They What does all this mean to the 4-H mem- are polled and black, except for an occa- ber? It means that the breed selected by sional white spot near the navel. They were the 4-H member is a choice based on per- selected solely for production characteris- sonal preferences, because each breed has tics, resulting in good milking ability and its strengths and its weaknesses. When high quality carcasses. They are also a making your choice, consider the follow- smaller-framed breed. ing questions: Red Angus. This breed is essentially the • Are the breeds being considered avail- same as the Angus, except for the red able? color. • What are strengths and weaknesses of Charolais. This breed was developed in each breed being considered? east-central France. Charolais are white to • Does this breed fit my climate and envi- light-cream in color and may be polled or ronment? horned. They are large framed and heavily muscled, because they were originally bred • Are feedstuffs and feed resources readily as draft (work) animals. Therefore, they available? produce very lean carcasses and have a su- • What are the availability and size re- perior growth rate. They are often used as quirements of housing facilities? the terminal (last) sire in crossbreeding programs. • Is my preference for carcass quality (meat) or for reproductive traits (milk- Gelbvieh. With origins ing and mothering ability)? in Austria and West Ger- many, Gelbviehs are Over 100 breeds of cattle exist in the golden to light tan in world, and 40 to 50 breeds are fairly popu- color and are one of the lar in the United States. Of these, about few breeds that was actu- 11 breeds are fairly common in Wyoming: ally bred as a tri-purpose Angus, Red Angus, Charolais, Gelbvieh, animal (meat, milk, and Hereford, Polled Hereford, Limousin, draft). They have good maternal traits Maine-Anjou, Salers, Shorthorn, and Sim- (fertility and milking ability) and a good mental. It is with these breeds that a Wyo- growth rate. ming 4-H member would probably have the most success in locating a calf to use as Hereford. This breed a 4-H project. Each of these breeds will be originated in England discussed briefly so that a more informed but has easily adapted to decision on breed selection can be made.
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