y r . ' i ' ♦ * PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1954 \ - ^ jlanrl^pBt^r lEocttiUg Ifpralb . '&• A verse Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended The Weather An hour ot Hartan and' Bucha-1 June t, I9M F erai^ of D. 8. weather Bareaa About Town risUc prayer fo r the needs ahd tn- i tcntkms of the Hoot Rer. Heipy' 1 1 ^ 5 4 Cloudy tonight. ^ Low. about J. O'Brien, ' D.D., Archbishop o f ! 99. Dr. mad Mra. Euftnc H . Dmvla. Hartford an<l'stbe bishopa of the'j A l l PIIST QUAIITY AND PKISH STOCK Member of tine Audit Little warmer, chance of eenttered local optomotrUt and thdr rmince wilt be heM at 3:30 p.m. I shower* tomorrow aftemooal Hlri> daugbtam Nancy and Lauren, plan QUAIFTY tESTfD Bureau of Otrculation' fune 13. Rev. John B. Uulj^ew, in middle 70e. to attend the twenty fifth reunion O.P.. will officiate at the. Monas- Manc/iesier-^A City of Villose Charm of Dr. Davie's class at Dartmouth end approved by tha Behar Fobocs Te*r<eg Buraou ter>' of Our Lady of'GrSce in North Coiiege in Hanover. N. H. this GuUford. I Teshien ApprevMi" CeUera VOL. LXXIII, NO. 219 week-end. O f c^>ecial< interest is (Claaeifled Advertlabif oa Pag* 19) CHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 10. 1954 the fact that Dr. John Sloan A delicate Taupe • A Misty Rose^ (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E CENTS ZMckcy, president o f Dartihouth. A son bom recently to Mr. snd ' is also a member of the class of Mrs. John G. Chsves of PI Bissell 1029. It' is also notable that this St.,- hes been naried Robert John: • reunion is to be held at commence­ He was bom in the Hartford Hos- 1 $ 1.65 SHEER 15 DENIER NYLONS i pita! June 6. '• Vote vNe ment time., in honor of Dr. Dickey, Ike Sees Defensive whereas it is usually held a week ' $1.37 Pr. after. Paul S. Kelsey of this twn , A marrlaffe certif.icate\w;a« and Theodore Gume.v of Glaston­ secured yesterday tn^the Hartford O n C o m ro l bury are also members of this Bureau of Vital Statistics by Cls $1.65 w a l k i n g s h e e r 30 DENIER ■ ence W. Frechette of Hartford Growth for French ; and Audrey G. ti’ pton of this town. N Y L O N S ............................. $1.37 Pr. Robert H. Moxser of 70 Hill Rd. B Y x fa n ie l haa entered' the U. 8 Air Force A son waa recently bom to Mr. and will take his baste training at ..and Mrs. Robert G. J a m * of 26L Since Fall of Dieh /Batnpeoa A ir Force Base in New i W. Onter 8t. at the Hartford $ 1.35 "THRIFTIES” SHEER NYLON Paris, JuneHO (A>)—The Tork, 1 HospitaL // specter of a prolonged cabinet $1.17 Pr. / ___L___t .. Washington, June 10 (/P)— '*hlm to endorse ell Republican crisis threatened Fhtnce and / ^--------------------- 7---------- President Eisenhower today ! Congreee »* he did in the Geneva conference today. / to Bar 11 said the French .Union forces He aLed'"wUif"a griir however, Premier Joseph Laniel fob the / $1.35 "THRIFTIES" SEMI’ SERVICE in Indochina are in possibly ' that he imaglnea. sbmeone could third time jh five weeks de­ N « w NYLON ................................... $1.17 Pr. better defensive shape th an 'P“ 'l aomethlng out ofTa hat that manded a vote of confidence SOFT AS before the fall of Dien Bien from the angry^ national as­ Welch Weeps at McCarthy Remark ik t h l Eisenhower -'"X 1 hu, but undoubtedly could be hower added he hopea thaXon't sembly. f / $1:65 SERVICE STOCKING . $1.37 Pr. much aided by outside mill- happen. x The deputies will vote'on Sat­ A WHISPER of 12^ a n ly I f f tary help. I ^ reporter then asked whether urday. .Observers generally were Still Against Starting W ar ! in making that re- pessimistic about Lantel's chances. „ on I O X O F 4 8 . $ 1 .4 9 However, the President told his The Premier survived his last con­ fidence vote May 13 by the thin bcUe^re*^” hiIT:ounUy s"hou^ Congress as for the possibility of margin 01of two yoteaVotes and aome of Tax Change war.war »bould start a . ^ ,p«cial s«aalon of Con-^ JUo-support seems to have deserted To Shift Hunt ._a'_ gressffTAAa AftUt*after fhmthe presentr\rAa*nl session«Aaai/\*i ada<4. llilllhim RinCAsince thuM.then. ^ 5 D't WeW#n(fi Instead, he declared, the United State* should keep its military re­ journs, probably sometime in Au Geneva Parley At Stake Washington. June 10 (IP )— ■.AUflCM nil C M M -s serves highly mobile, ready to gust, Eisenhower said he had no Enough of the lawmakers may Senate Finance Comltiittee Wa.shington, June 10 (A>)— Sen. McCarthy swore today Intention of doing so unless aome move to any point of danger, and reconsider during the Interim, action giving President EiVn- that Army Counselor John G; Adams tried to blackmail him to continue w-aging the attSLCk on -unforeseen crisis develops. however, to enable the government Restates A-8wap Ideas------ hower just about what he oiit of calling Army Loyalty Board members before him -for Communism on a world-wide front to squeeze through. Few of the ijue.stioning about Communism, "g ra ft and Corruption.” Mc­ toGvii^ful news... with Intellectual, economic and Atomic energy Eisenhower re­ deputies want to assume responsi­ asked for in tax changes to- iterated his belief that there Carthy said Adams used "a com- • ■:------------------- ——— apiritual weapons as well as mili­ bility for Jeopardizing the Geneva da.v dimmed the prospects of bination of salesmanship and should be a greater interchange of conference and there ia no certain­ tary ^nes. victory for a Democratic- threats" in a three hour talk at The President said thl.s country atomic energy information be­ ty any new government could be certainly, is in a truly serious situa­ tween the U. S. and its Allies. He formed quickly.- 'ITiere was a lap.se planned floor fight to tack on McCarthy's Washington JTIvieirt said thia country hardly can ex­ ,of 37 days last year between the an income tax cut. ment on the night of Is.st Jan. 22. O t r U n l (T l y i n g tion, although he declined to accept '.And, McCarthy said. Adams n ifi’sui dim-ci-year a que.stioner's suggestion that it pect cooperation from the Allies time former Premier Rene Mayer Finishing iU work on the 878- made it "very, very clear" that if wa.s in greater danger than ever without being willing to provide was voted out of office and Laniel pa^s tax revision bill last night the investigation <were not called To Dog Bite Victim before In history. such information. took over. after six weeks of secret delibers- off an unfavorable report about On other matters the President There was no questioning about The premier's confidence vote tions, the group accepted nearly Roy M. (Tohn.-chief counsel to the had this to say at his news con­ the public disagreement among demand came early today, at the all of the benefits for corporations Hartford, June 10 fJ*)—A new McCarthy subcommittee, would be anti-rabies serum Is being flowu ference; . me'mbers of the . Atomic Energy end of an all-night session of the and individuals sought by the ad­ made public. to Bradley Field this aftemoen Communism—what he person­ Commission over a proposal to assembly. It followed the deputies'' ministration. These would amount ally fears more than anything in give the commission chairman, refusal to consider an innocuous to about 31,400,000.000 in tax cuts At that time. McCarthy said, to treat a 'niempsonville man A picture-perfect ti-csne srinsrham plairl by the free worlds struggle against Lewis L. Strauss, broader powers. government-backed resolution on in the first year of the measure's "they had not thought up" the bitten 10 days ago by a dog BETTY HARTFORD. Nipped at the waist by Communism is the possibility of It was at a recent news confer­ the Indochina crisis, offered as operation. charges subsequently filed against which the State Health Dept. a failure to look the danger ence that Eisenhower made the the windup of a four-day debate. Drop Income Tax Cut Bid McCarthy. Cohn and Francis P. ' Laboratories Wednesday diag­ a black patent belt. Wa.ohable. Aqua and nosed as rabid. squarely in its broad face. Eisen­ remark about Its being reprehensi­ With deputies from all sections Democrats on the committee did Carr, staff director for the, sub­ Grey. Sizes 10 to. 18. hower said emphatically the Unit­ ble to convey secret .information of the House attacking govern­ not e't'en offer their propo.sal for committee. The seni mis benig flown from I-^derle Laboratories la Rock­ ed State.s cannot achieve its aims to unauthorized persons. That was ment policies, the assembly voted a big reduction in personal income "I told him we just .would not .98 by military force alone. in response to a question about 324-26B against hearing the re.so- taxes by a boost in exemptions. It be blackmailed." McCarthy swore. land, N. V „ for B. A. Gowyer, 12 In swift recital of his relations Bell -Ave., according to Dr. You don’t want to fniee tbn opportunity to ^ 8 He said that in addition to mili­ Sen.
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