From the Divisions. MetroDohtan.~. macadam over a length of 3 miles, commencing about mile from the I'rkc's Hifihway at Unanderra and Contractor L. 1. Manstield is constructing a 5-span extending towards Port Kembla. Difficulty was pre- rcinforcetl concrete In-itlge. 202 ft. long, on the Great viously expcrienced in maintaining the road in satis- Western Highway at St. Marys. The new bridge will factory order. owing to leaks from an old water main be on a greatly imp-ovetl aligiiinent and will be raised under the pavement, and hcforc proceeding with the above the level of foods which have periodically inter- reconstruction of the road, arrangements were made rupted traffic at this point in the past. On the Great Western 1Iighway. improvements to grade and alignment are being carried out hctween Yetholme and Bathurst in Turon Shire. Widening and realignment are in progress between Faulconbridge and Woodford on the Great Western Higliway in Blue Mountains Shire. Good progress is being made by the contractors, Messrs. Joncs Uroa., with the construction of two re- inforced concrete bridges over Rocks Creek al X m. ancl 11 ni. from Bathurst on the North-\\'estern Highway ill I\bercrombie Shire. 'The former will replace an old timber bridge, and the new structure at I I tn. will be located to improve the alignment and replace an old tinibcr structurc on masonry ahutments. The McLean Construction Co. is carrying out the A stone arched culvert. built in 1819 and still in good widening of Lennox bridge in Church-street (State condition. at Tamarang Creek. on the Ilume High- Highway No. rj), Parramatta. The extension is being way, Mulwaree Shire. carried out in reinforced concrete, faced with stone to match the existing structure which was crccted nearly one hundred years ago. Parramatta Council has with the Metropolitan \Vater, Sewerage and 01ain- straightened the road between the river and Warket- age Board for the abandoiiiiient of this length of main street. eliminating a re-entrant angle, and the bridge and the transference of the services to an adjoining widening will conform to the new alignment of the S-inch main which is in good condition. road. A length of about j4 chains on the Kingswood- In Central Illawarra Municipality. the Five Islands Richmond road (No. .154) close to Llandillo turn-off road (No. 295) has been reconstructed hetwcen Un- has been reformed and gravelled. This section was anderra and Port Kembla in premixed bituminous previously very boggy in wet weather. '42472-A 2 MAIN ROADS. Vol. VI, No. 1. ’Hie regrading antl superelevation of the bends in approximately r,Xm ft. on tlie French’s Forest side of Spit-road (No. 164) at Central and Tda avenues is Roseville Bridge. The distance between the face of thc being carried out iiiitler supcrvision of the Mosnian cutting and the safety fcnce is ouly 19 ft. on this sec- Municipal Coiincil. tion and the width is being increased by IO ft. through- out. The pavement 011 tlie approaches to the overbridge at Morgan’s Gatcs on the Cross Roads-Camphclltown On the Hume Highway, in Nattai Shire, a sharp road (Nos. 177 and 178) has been resurfaced with curve in the approach to Berrima Bridge has been preniixrtl I)ituniinnus macatlam hy the drag process. improved to 500 feet radius. This work has resulted in a great improvement to visibility and alignment. Ornamental trees have been planted on the Great Western Highway on each approach to Penrith, and tree guards are being erected on various sections bctweeii Penrith and Blackheath, in preparation for similar work. Tree planting has also been carried out near the Richmond Aerodrome for a distance of 15mile on the Kingswood-Richmond road (No. 154) to join the existing avenue leading into Richmond. In Bulli Shire, approximatelyiz miles of the Lower South Coast road (No. IXj) between ’Thirroul a’nd Stanwell Park has beeu resheeted by means of the drag process. Following a grant to tlie Jamberon Couiicil hy tlie Bridxv ovrr Littlc Rivcr. on the Parkes-\Sielllnyton Uneniploynient Relief Council, the reconstruction of road (No. 211). Amaroo Shire. the Jamheroo-Kiama road (No. 264) has been carried r,ut Iby the L)epartment on behalf of the Council, the Construction in ccmcnt concrctc lias been completed Department sharing the cost of the work. A length of in Gardiner’s-road west of Botany-road, Mascot, along 4% miles of the old waterbound macadam pavement Kent ant1 Canal streets to thc I’rincc’s Highway at St. was re-sheeted and strengthened by tlie addition of Peters. Tliis work completes ;I further section of con- broken stone, and provided with a wearing course of struction (III tlie Daccyville-St. Peters road (No. 183) 2 to 3 inches of premixed bituminous macadam. The which is ii link in the important circumferential route iiiaterials were mixed adjacent to the State Metal between the eastern antl western suburbs of the Sydney Quarries, and were laid hot by means of drag metropolitan district. spreaders. The cost of the completed work (including repairs to bridges) was approximately ZII,~,and the benefit of the improved access to the railway at Kiama will no doubt be felt by the whole locality. On the completion of this work, the intervening half-mile of tar penetration pavement connecting it to the village of Jamberoo was reconditioned wi’th a lighter surfacing of premixed macadam, also laid by means of the drag process. In Berry Municipality, work of a similar nature to that in Jamberoo was carried out by the Department cn the road connecting the Prince’s Highway with the railway terminus at Bomaderry (No. 2~3).This road carries heavier traffic than evcn thc highway at this point, being used by the whole of the railway-bound traffic from the south, as well as that to Bomaderry ReconstruCtion in PPnPtration niacadani OIL the Cuyril- Station from the north. The bituminous material was Glen-Innes section of the New England Highway. in ;nixed at the railway station and laid by means of drag Guyra Shire. spreaders. The construction in gravel of a further deviation At 12% miles east of Bathurst, on the Great Western lias beeii commenced immediately west of Beacon Hill Highway. an old timber bridge, which formed an on the lioseville-Brookvale road (No. 328) in War- ohstruction to traffic owing to its narrowness and poor ringah Shire. The pavement will be tar-surfaced dur- alignment, has been replaced by a concrete culvert. ing the coming summer. Surfacing work has already Immediately east of Batliurst, the replacement of a been carried out on the fotir deviations of the same bridge over Vale Creek by a culvert has resulted in a roatl dcscril)ed in the May, 1934, issue of Moin Roads. considerable improvement in appearance of the This road is also llcing wideticcl for a distance of entrance to the city. November, 1934. MAIN ROADS. 3 Upper-Northern. Contractor H. M. Barnett is reconstructing a length An extension of the bitumen penetration pavement of 6,234-ft. uf.the New England Highway in Warrah north of Guyra on the Ncw England Highway has Shire. ' T#C whrk, which extends from LVillow Tree to the northern shire boundary, is being supcrviscd been effected for a length of approximately 2% miles. The highway is now tar or bitumen surfaced betwecn by the Council. the southern boundary of Guyra Shire and Llangothlin Contractors Farley and Leuers have completed the railway station, a distance of 139 miles. construction of reinforced concrete bridges, j4 ft. and Contractor W. 1. Brady has commenced the con- 8j ft. long, over Greenhah and Gowang Creeks, re- struction of the approaches to the bridge over thc spectively, on the Oxley Highway in Cotriiaharabraii Tweed River at Barney's Point on the Pacific Highway in the Shire of Tweed, and the deviation to the north of the bridge at Sexton's Hill. A 3-cel1, 8 ft. x 5 ft. concrete box culvert is heing .- . -..I constructed at 21% miles from Inverell on the Glen Innes section of the Gwydir Highway by Contractor IV. T. Addison under supervision of the Macintyre Shire Council. The construction of bitumen penetration pavement on the Gwydir Highway from Cowan-street, South Grafton for j miles towards Glen Innes in Nymboida Shire has been completed. A 3-spaii reinforced coucrete bridge, 8j ft. long, is being constructed by Messrs. Concreters Limited at Hall's Creek on the Barraba-Bingara trunk road (No. Construction of Conjola Deviation. with unemployed 63) in Gwydir Shire. relief labour. on the Princc's Highway. in Clyde The developmental road from the Coramba-Dorrigo Shire. road to 1-owanna railway station (No. 1079), a length of 3,500 ft., is being constructed in crushed stone by Shire. The same contractors have also constructed Coiitractor F. Gilbert, and Contractor J. Gam is coli- four concrete box and two pipc culverts, to rcplace structing a 3j-ft. span timber beam hridge at Little causeways, on the section of highway between 10% Nymboida River on the same road. Both works arc miles and 15% miles east of Coonaharahran. nndcr the being carried out under supervision of Dorrigo Shire supervision of Coonabarabran Shire Council. Council. A 6 ft. 6 in. x z ft. 6 in. concrete box culvert has On the Casino-Coraki road (No. I49), in the Shire been built by Contractor Smith on the Oxley Highway of Tomki, a worn-out bridge over Oakey Creek is adjacent to the boundary of Gunnetlati Ivlunicipality. being replaced by a ppan timber beam structure 95 ft.
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