THE III INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE tional cluster, aimed at harmonizing the requirements of RESULTS: At a research of the surface water from the customer enterprises to the professional knowledge and Zhem River increase in water hardness is revealed, avail­ skills of university graduates. ability of Calcium, Magnesium, carbonates, hydro car­ 5. Development of the sector of additional vocational bonates, Sodium the Potassium were defined. In tests education, includi ng the training of specialists in working of water from the Zhem River: in points No. 3 (at item specialties with assignment of qualification categories, in Emba-5), No. 4 (at item Emba-5), No. 5 (Emba-5) are additional specialties of vocational education, the organi­ revealed the content of copper from 0.063 to 0.073 mg 1. zation of advanced training courses and vocational train­ The maintenance of radionuclides of Sr-90 in water didn't ing, internships for teachers in enterprises. exceed maximum allowable concentration; however pres­ 6. Holding joint events, conferences, business meetings ence of Cs-137 was noted. In test of the soil in point No. that influence the development of the atmosphere of mutu­ 1 (Emba-5 ground) the increased Copper content (3.91 al cooperation. maximum allowable concentrations), Zinc presence 10 - The cluster as a mechanism for the innovative manage­ maximum allowable concentrations), Lead (0.23 maxi­ ment of the development of the general education system mum allowable concentrations) is revealed. At all analyses ensures the effectiveness of the activities of each educa­ there was Manganese not exceeding maximum allowable tional institution included in it, including the develop­ concentration. In analyses of the soil in Emba-5 (Zhem . ment of social partnership, the attraction of extra-budg­ Emba-5 (No. 1 the ground), Emba-5 (No. 2 the grourci etary funds to education, the emergence of resources for the maintenance of Cs-137 was made by from 3.25=2.2' innovative training, advanced training of teaching staff, to 4.15=2.90 Bq/kg, the maintenance of Sr-90 made from qualitatively new educational results based on continuous 5.68±3.98 to 77.15=54.00 Bq/kg. human development. Contents in vegetation: Cs-137 - the Zhem River CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the cluster approach can become - 4.25±2.97 Bq/kg, Emba-5 (t. No. 1, the groun. - the basis for the formation of new education systems that 10.78±4,43 Bq/kg and (t. No. 2, the ground) - 13.55=- 11 m ore fully meet the needs of modem society and man. Bq/kg; Sr-90 - near the Zhem River — 7.28±5.09, E m ::-: (t. No. 1, the ground) - 12.8±8.96 Bq/kg and (t. No. 2. the ground) - 23.9± 16.73 Bq/kg, Measurements hum noise scale apart showed 50 cm from the Earth's surface Condition of ecology of the Territory of the (F-50): in Aktobe - 0.13 mcsv /h, Alga - 0.14 mcs' a M ugalzhar district of the Aktobe Region Mr. Kandyagash - 0.16 mcsv/h, the Emba-5 ground - 0.21 K.M. Kibatayev*, S.K. Sakhanova, G.M. Urgushbayeva, K.Sh. Tus- mcsv/h. supkaliyeva, E.I. Kussanova, Zh.T. Nurgazin CONCLUSIONS: In tests o f the soil, water and vegeian-ж West Kazakhstan state medical university of Marat Ospanov, Ak­ of the territory of the ground “Emba-5, Copper corner: л tobe, Republic o f Kazakhstan increased; there are heavy metals (zinc, lead, manga- : - . ‘ Corresponding author: Kozy M. Kibatayev. West Kazakhstan state and techno genic radionuclides (Cs-137 and Sr-C. Tb. medical university of Marat Ospanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan. gamma hum noise is higher, than regional average ::: ■ E-mail: [email protected] cators. BACKGROUND: Except the Semipalatinsk Test Site in the territory of Kazakhstan the ground of Azgirsky, and still the whole series of other proving grounds and The comparative analysis of results of screening : f platforms was located. One of them is the military prov­ the mammary gland in the Aktobe region ing ground Emba-5 located in the territory of the Aktobe region. Tests were carried out from 1964 to 1998. In 2016 K.M. Kibatayev1 *, A.K. Amreev2, G.M. Urgushbayeva1. A К Z a - kan1, G.Zh. Kandygulova1, Zh.M. Abilova1 Russia stopped rent of the ground Emba - 5 and transferred 1 West Kazakhstan State Medical University o f Marat Osjbзяеч to Kazakhstan. The returned lands can be used for the ben­ gional Management of Health Care Aktobe, Republic с 1 шиш efit of the businessmen who are engaged in agriculture, ‘ Corresponding author: Kozy M. Kibatayev, West Kazakhsca: s ле the organizations of the minerals which are carrying out Medical University of Marat Ospanov, Aktobe. Kazakhssc activity in the field of exploration and production. E-mail: [email protected] Purpose: To study an ecological condition of the territory of the former military proving ground Emba-5. BACKGROUND: Frequency of diseases of ~ ..— .' Tasks: To carry out environmental monitoring of the terri­ glands steadily grows in recent years. Various pash: iar tory of the former proving ground “Emba-5'’ for identifica­ of the Mammary gland occurs approximate:;, tr 25 * A tion of pollutants of the soil, water and plants. women aged up to 30 years and at 60% of wemer A yese METHODS: Sample soil was made according to interstate are more senior. The undoubted threat of life and a: rasilfc standards. Measurement of a gamma hum noise (MED) - of the woman is represented by a breast career - A MKS, RKS, DKS AT dosimeters 1123; an eskhalyation of steadily keeps the first place in structure of once apaB a radon and the DPR - Ramon; determination of content incidence and mortality among women in the am ; • cec of radionuclides - alpha, - beta, scale - spectrometers (JV countries including in Kazakhstan. There:':-: are гтгпю- Progress) etc according to standards and techniques of a lem of diagnosis of diseases of a mammary a'a" a - - research. Measurements of levels of a radon in the enclosed remains extremely relevant. space, a gamma hum noise and a research of tests on the Research objective: To carry out the comparatr.: x x x s content of heavy metals and radionuclides were carried of incidence of a mammary gland of women : f a s КашЛк out by the accredited testing laboratory Aliya & Co LLP. region by results of a mammography research. 98 MINERVA MEDICA .Чип THE III INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE i the METHODS: The analysis of data of screening of a mam­ businessmen who are engaged in agriculture, the organiza­ vail- mary gland of women of the Aktobe region for 2014 and tions of the minerals which are carrying out activity in the car- 2018. The second reading was carried out in the ZKGMU field of exploration and production. tests Medical center of Marat Ospanov. The report is submit­ Purpose: Research of the state of health of the population item ted on BIRADS scale. In total underwent reading a mam­ ofMugalzharsky district of the Aktobe region (territory of ) are mogram of 16314 women for 2014 and 17406 women for the ground “Emba-5). ng/1 2018, at the age of 50-60 years. Tasks: To study incidence and mortality of the population idn’t RESULTS: In 2018 the number of the examined women of the Mugalzharsky district which is in a zone of influence pres- increased in comparison with 2014 by 6.7%. In 2014 on of the former military proving ground “Emba - 5”. tN o. BIRADS scale, above regional average these inhering’s to METHODS: The retrospective analysis of incidence and 3.91 the 2nd category (cysts, lipomas) women in Bayganinskom mortality of the population of Mugalzharsky district (from : (0.4 (62%), by Mugolzharsk (61.0), Uilsk (62.8) and Kobdinsk 1995 to 1999,2006-2007 and 2016-2017) -was carried out naxi- (58.9) areas are revealed. Falling into the 3rd category according to the central district hospital and the Aktobe lyses BIRADS, above regional average data, are revealed in regional management of health care. v'able Kobdinskom (13.5%), Kargalinsk (14.1%) areas and RESULTS: According to Mugalzharsky district hospital icm), Aktobe (9.3%). To the 4th category, demanding the mor­ the number of the registered diseases revealed for the first >und) phological analysis by realization of a puncture biopsy, time on the area in 1995 made 63.0% of average inci­ -2.27 women of Irgizsky district (1.1%), Khromtau District dence on area counting on 100,000 population. Mortality from (1.15) and Aktobe (0.8%) were carried. The women hav­ for 26.4% was below regional average data. In 1996 sharp ing strong indications of breast cancer on mammograms increase in incidence is noted (for 40.5% in comparison liv e r are revealed in Mugolzharsky district (1.1%), Shalkarsky with 1995) and reaches the level of a regional average indi­ id) - district (1.1%) and Aktobe (0.04%). In 2018 the number cator. However, decrease in death rate is noted. Indexes t4 .1 1 carried to BIRADS M4 increased by 31 women and made of incidence and mortality in 1997 tend to decrease, with iba-5 0.8% of investigated against 0.6% in 2014. The women small rise in 1998. By 1999 the incidence decreased by lo. 2, belonging to BIRADS M5 increased by 15 that made 3.37 times, mortality by 2.5 times in comparison with hum 0.1 % of investigated (0.04% in 2014). In 2018 around the regional average data. In 2006 the incidence on the area (in iiface city Aktobe women of inhering’s to BIRADS M5 made comparison with 1999) grew almost by 3.7 times, mortal­ ;sv/h.
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