"~ ~ /~' Z - ­ ~~c,f“yyQm}:Jleunian50:15 f“i,®r,Haj `\ P* gif BH' ' '\.a F \ 'V Jun 1 5, xssa BRENTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CLASS OF 1943 GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY REUNION 1943 - 1993 >>> DEDICATION <<< This Reunion is dedicated to the memory of the following deceased class members: Earl Carpenter James W. Day Harvey Everhart Joseph Hofer, III PatriciaPolster (Mussman) LeRoy Stanford Marilyn (Wagner) Strothkamp PRE). .;§f§"\=" ,-‘”' ‘“\ _T:i: Q? "freeL' 1 ` Reunion 50:52- -. _. ).\'s‘.¢;-' J B " ' - - \ ,I Jun v 1}_5. ill: >>> INTRODUCTION <<< W e Welcome our fellow BHS Alumni who ar e graduationjoining us anniversary.on the celebration of our 50th c assas of Fellow1937, 1938, alumni 1939, from 1940, the graduation1941, 1942 11944 Thank1945, 1946, you for and sharing 1947 areour expected celebration. to attend. >>> 50 YEAR REUNION COMMITTEE <<< Tom Buder Harve Meier Elaine (Peterson) Parezo Arline (Conley)Jim Pectol Brinkmeyer Ted Steinmeyer “he committee gives speci al thanks for their cooperation and assistancthis Reunione in preparationto: for Norma (Hodges) Murphy (Class of 1941) and Hayne Thoms (Class of 1944) PAGE 2 "ff" L \_ "r .Reunion 50:5 ¢;"y¢,j: _ g f e_i 12£Z§' V' a "' '\ j'nm; nV_s 1993 15 :_ >>> CLASS OF 1943 <<< >>> GRADUATION CLASS ROLL <<< Shirley Virginia Berg Betty Jane Kroenung Arthur Bode, Jr. Betty M. Martin Thomas Buder Harvey Walter Meier Jack Elliot Callen Howard Edward Meier Earl Allen Carpenter Eva C. Moritz Jerry June Carr Norman Clark Nelsson Arline Ruth Conley Lawrence Edward Ott Leeta M. Davis James Lee Pectol Maxine M. Davis Elaine M. Peterson James H. Day Oscar George Polster Eugene E. Eichler Ella Ruth Roach Viola Marie Fischer Ruth Gloria Schmidtberger Bonnie Bonita Fritz James Randolf Simmons Dolores Dean Fritz LeRoy Stanford Marion Allen Green Theodore Joseph Steinmeyer Virginia R. Gualdoni Doris G. Vogelsang Dorothy M. Hofer Marilyn Joan Wagner Joseph Hofer, III Dorris Lee Walker Jerome Lee Howe, Jr. Ethel Virginia Wert >>> CLASS OFFIHZIERS -<<< Girls Boys President Elaine Peterson LeRoy Stanford Joseph Hofer Secretary-Treasurer Betty Martin Norman Nelson Reporter Dorothy Hofer Jerome Howe Sponsor Helen Shipmen Ira Gladfelter >>> CLASS; FIADWER <<< Carnation >>> C1J\SS COIADRS -<<< Maroon and Gold >>>- PROM QUEEN AND ESCORT <<< Blaine Peterson and Tom Buder PAGE 3 if<`-\ si! ' "r 5012 Z­. -,J i fle­ _-», Igyggf ' .H9- e- union s.1n»= '\ =~­ _ D0 YOU REMEMBER ??? In the fall of 1939, the Frazier School was opened. He started our Freshman year at that time, attending Frazier because the High School building was too small and crowded. The Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor stunned us at Brentwood High, as well as the rest of the nation, on December 7, 1941. There was gas rationing, shoe rationing, tire rationing, food shortages and 'meatless Tuesday". Brentwood High School was a very small structure in 1940 but a larger Gym replaced the old one that year. By the fall of 1944 the first addition to the original school building was completed The south wing contained eight classrooms and there was a lunch room in the basement. Our Junior-Senior Prom was held at Van Horn's Farm on Litzsinger Road. (Do you know it's now a church?) Elaine Peterson was the From Queen and Tom Buder was her escort. Class Presidents were Elaine Peterson for the girls and LeRoy Stanford for the boys. BRENTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL Cafeteria Menu March 29, 1940 Meatloaf, tomato sauce $0.03 CreamedMashed potatoes onions .01.02 AppleWheatCookie Muffins & Butter .01.01 .01 Milk .03$0.12 PAGE 4 *NV;j§`TT;‘ f"`1t£& §|*\/I _;;;Ci#<' _ hrfi.g lzfzjv. J-g .Reunion w' ” \"JmnI -' ,gm 1,.L = u a lj 3 THE CLASS OF 1943 B. C. (Before Computers) We were before the pill and the population explosion. We were before television and before penicillin, polio shots, antibiotics, and frisbees. Also, we were before frozen foods, nylons, dacron, Xerox, and Kinsey. In addition, we were before radar, sonar, fluorescent and lasar lights, credit cards and ball point pens. For us, time-sharing meant togetherness not computers or vacation spots; a chip meant a piece of wood; hardware meant hardware and software wasn’t even a word!! We were before Batman, Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer and Snoopy. Also, before DDT and vitamin pills, disposable diapers, Scotch tape and M&M's. When we were in school, Pizzas, Cheerios, frozen orange juice, instant coffee and McDonalds were unheard of. We thought fast food was what you ate during Lent. We were before FM radio, tape recorders, electric typewriters, word processors, computers, electronic music and disco dancing. Almost no one flew across the country and trans-Atlantic flight belonged to Charles Lindberg and Amelia Earhart. We were before Israel, and the United Nations; before Pakistan, Indonesia, Iceland, the Philippines, and many other new nations were independent countries. He were before pantyhose and drip dry clothes. Also, before ice makers and dish washers, clothes dryers freezers and electric blankets. Before Hawaii and Alaska became states. we were before yogurt, Ann Landers, plastics hair dryers the 40 hour week and minimum wage. We got married first and then lived together How quaint! We were before coin vending machines, jet planes, helicopters and interstate highways. In our day cigarette smoking was fashionable; grass was mowed, coke was something you drank and a pot was something in which you cooked. In our time there were five-and-ten cent stores where YOU C°“ld buy things for five and ten cents. For just one nickel you C0uld ride the bus or make a phone call, buy a Coke or buy a stamP U0 mail a letter and get two cents change. If anyone in those days had asked us to explain CIA, NATO, UFO, NFL, JFK, ERA or IUD we would have said alphabet soup. We were not before the difference in the sexes was discovered but before sex changes. We just made do with what we had! AND S0 IT WAS IN 1943! PAGE S [E f' ia­ d__;;>“J;/ H _ “___ :,H:/"5‘»" f`~ v ­ |§_) `_ _. » .__w»» l:_" LW” ‘v“y\ ~'-_,______ -q; ‘#::;5¢; 5 :uni -Q". ' Pace 6 RENTHOOD H I GH SCHOOL SHA I / B I V >>) CLASS PICTURE <<< >mD HWHZURH MCOEEHW WWEMU UCWDZQ WWEMW Axom *Umm USU MH 301 UHm mg# oem :Om UCOHH wiv ww 30m dm” w£P_ HUCUGZ UHOuUEMum £0501 AOHUUN NUHHMZ HOMUZ m:Ox C>HHHM: >O¢UA NHHW WUENH M>m >U>h¢: OEOHWU "UM3uUHa EOM” UCHWMA: HHN; HUXHMZ CHHMME HULUWMM mhwm HHNU UCDCOOHX hUmHwnuUHEcUm HULUQ WHHHOD >uuUm NHOH> >UHhM:m UCI" >uu0m Lula “EOR uW_ EOWHUuUm HUuWHOm HCOUHMJU WH>@D >OHCOU WH>ND Nuwhh HWHOI mCMWH0mO> WEAMHE _U_O MHCHmHH> UEAXUZ UCHdH< NUWUJ WUHOHOD UHCCOQ >£uOH0D MHHOD qazuiw COWHUZ EUHHMU CUWMO Quo HU>UECHOum HUuO= HUUHUmHMU MUHOE HOU2m 050m CMEMOZ *Own COHHMI UUCUh=MA UUE UO” AHMH UhM3Ox EOF H5£JH< "___Qm Em vvv EMDEUHN ZOHP<DD<¢U AAA m¢mH WO mm¢AU QAuO**H_W **UUHI QnuOh)B_AW~wm Mau! _n -in _ V __ ME ` H `u_=m '_H_M 1| _ww *em VA Vh, F* 1 _`r`M \|\z` ll’ l Page 7 \\\ CDDDHBTTRH FTACC AT' 1OA? UUPH THHTODC 1/1 ff/ unnuvnA;vn yunuu VL L./'IJ IIHUH UUL\.LV|\\J \\\ G } Vaman Bsnal §].|.Lnl PU&E1 Pue rum Bl|`2°f 6 ~s llbris Bltfiy Iuka: ?f\ 3'<¥H1113 nn va unnmgr i / -._- \ 1' _QL ur­ Hmm hier 1 HAI-vsylhbar Sunnis P`:,z Fritl 1 1*§ 1 1? ~;;;;t;' nu-y ‘men Vidll lk: nn mnem­ :ann :_ kr1G'|'\ Q \]r9Gl'| Q ` _­ Y w f I , \ » a ‘_ ills |‘\.l ` _:ia mum Jllns [111 - 1!L\'|mion| \\ Puri an w­ url ” Q 1 ml l \T\ A nm-n _ "` ,q 1. qu ~.u Page TTT\TT{‘\DQ /zz >>> GRADUATION FTAQCvu uu w.AD l943 WHEN U U|\L‘J|\\J \\\ Q -.\ ‘S ` \ .'DT\1lll'\ Tblsun Jw l` 0 un­ Ehry mm­ v * , | \ v1rgs.r.:.» cmlumx D°1'°lh¥nom- J,ram _ Annu­ 1-1.1-my Bddb -` Pitman ,_ __. .E 1~ ~ r 4 | - . \Pblkh l H Breyer \ *A J-=\<_ \ A E \\ , Q J. hm-u UHGH.. \ \ `W I lhvu , _ 1 ncquur.xl-J. S \ \ lj I or N ` -f I 15 - 1 'L .1 ,_ _ fx f \ 1 _4.5.-~;1 ~-\ -_ \ r- \-. ' anruqn ,\ \:\ ir ngmr amy.L;;.;;`. ' 1 1.‘\Y.\ ;,. meK \ `.\ \\ I .L |' ­ mu-mmm;~ 2 \ \ I _W , HWY .1-ms 5!.a.\'\.fDl'\i Final ¢. v_F X I'. ­ Lf llrruma `\ \| \\ Un. nnmor. 7 ;.,,.,¢, mn­ SY-eil'I¢y!l'u-im­ \ 6/ Hu( r ~n=pumg omg/ f \m-gn rn.-.1 rum­ am..­ Page 9 =st:~~\-e-ai se,-- *`~50th /ff £>f*,rc ear` "lg\ B .Reunion ` » U:_ 7' ""."_. J! ;;=-'" “H >>> JUNIOR CLASS OF 1942 <<< FlowerColors - -Maroon_and Carnation Gold Sponsors - Miss Case & Hr. Hatfield J ` Cl amb` ` ` t be h l f l and true to our school and each ogggr.unwgrhopzsglwayéttgnlise gg to thx gdeals of Brentwood High. Hay theseThe ideals following stand lines as a indicate guide theto usway rough we see our each future other --life. in verse.7. _ Q 7 Brentwood is John Beekman's home But is Maglewood he likes to roam. Little Shirlex erg must be dynamite _ PeggyCause Berger s_e ishas new a ring and for nice. every _ night. VernonShe Bertel picks is the tall men and and blond. not the mice. From him you rarely hear a sound. ArthurBecause Bode,his in teacher’s class_he grow ikes gray to play. Tommy Buder, who is quite a lad, Has ways with_g1rls that are sad.
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