S"ir'- l ffi;g&ffi@ffi'€p.$r Conference. Proceredin gs The 5 Rojobhot University Nolionol & lntemotionol Beselrch ond Rcodemic Conferenco I r I DECEIUBER 2-5,2418 ,l ,l '' ,,:i,,.. :. '.,i ,.: :: .ir. ... Phetchaburi Rajabhat U niverslty lnterdisciplinory ond Creotive lnnovqtions to Promote st Foundotion Beseorch in the 21 Century 2-5 Dacember 2018 Phetchoburi Bojbhot University , Phelchoburi, Thoilond Address:38 lv{oo 8, Iambon Nawung, Amphoe Mueang, Phetchaburi 76000 E-mait : researchpmait.pbru.ac.th Tel. : 032-708-608, A3?-493-277 Fax: 032-708-608 , A12-49t27-; Session: Science and Health Science 2 (SHS 2) Room:25604 Presentation Time No Presenter Paper Title 13.00-13.15 Design and Architecture of a Mobile Hand Rehabilitation 1 l\ilatthew Chin Heng Chua System for Stroke Patients 13.15-13.30 Development of a wearable gait rehabilitation device with 2 Matthew Chua C.H tactile-based stimulation 13.30-13.45 Ergonomic factors and work-related musculoskeletal disorder 3 Narupawan Prommawai among rock salt workers in Bandung district, Udon Thani province 13.45-14.00 The Effects of Molasses Content and Fermentation Time on 4 Naveed Zahra the Fermented Grass Juice Ouality produced from Mombasa and Mulato ll Grasses 14.00-14.15 Alkali pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse for ethanol 5 Saovanee Choojit production by SHF and SSF processes 14.30-14.45 Deve'lopment of Pineapple Cider Beverage from Low Valued b Chanokphat Phadungath Pineapple in Ratchaburi 14.45-15.00 ln Vitro Seed Germination and Seedling Development of 7 Mohd Zulhilmi Misrol Tacca integrifolia Derived from Different Sterile Seeds '1s.00-15.15 The Macroinvertebrate Distribution of Organic Rice Field in I Tatporn Khunpradit Some Area of Chiang Mai Province 15.15-15.30 Oevelopment of a Functional Food: Milk Chocolate Fortified Paradorn Ngamdee with Anthocyaninfrom Broken Riceberry 10-. 15.30-15.45 Nipawan Labbunruang lnvestigation of Trematode Metacercariae in Fermented Fish from Udon Thani and Kalasin Province, Thailand 11',. 15.45-16.00 Jintana Wiboonsirikul Degradation kinetics of color in butterfly pea extract dried with sugar 12-- 16.00-16.15 Atitaya Samontha Effect of Temperature on lnhibition Efficiency of Eugenol for Copper Corrosion .'Papers to be published in TCI Journals The 5'h Rajabhat University National & lnternational Rasearch and Acadcmic Conference (RUNIRAC v) @ 2-5 Deoember 2018, Photchaburi Rajbhat U.rive.sry, Phetchabor Thailand RUNIRAC V Efficacy of Some Plant Extracts in lnhibiting lhe Mycelial GroMh of toercospora spp. and Their Effect on the Seed Germination of Green Oak Lettuce 512 Lakshya Bahadur chaudhary, Pimlai Meetum. Marla Kanianamaneesathian, Rachsawan Mongkol Ergonomic factors and work-rclated musculoskeletal disorder among rock salt workers in Bandung district, Udon Thani province i 518 I Jiradech Yarsiasat, Piyabhorn Phawchumnan, ThanamonlhachanoqPronpinij, Wanna Paiumpa, Tongpak Donprajum, Narupawan Prommawai The Effects of Molasses Content and Fennentation Time on the Ferinented Grass Juice Ouality produced from Mombasa and Mulato ll Grasses . 524 Naveed zahra , Pompan Saenphoom, Smedai Buroenok, Chaowanee Laosufthipong, Suphavadee Chimtong , Saranpong Thongruang Alkali Pretreatment of Sugarc€ne Bagasse for Ethanol Production by SHF and SSF Processes 529 Saovanee Choojit . Kummatin Paib@n Developrnent of Pineapple Cider Beverage from Lov, Valued Pineapple h Ratchaburi 535 Chanokphat Phadungath, Sawanya Panyanunt, Wannarat Chalernsenyakom ln Vitro k Germination and Seedling Development of Tacca integdfolia Derived from Oifferent Sterile Seeds 540 Mohd Zulhilmi Misrol , Thohirah Lee Abdullah, Johnson Stanslas, Mdleran Abdul Aziz The Macroinvertebrate Distribution of Organic Rice Field in Some Area dJ Chiang Maa Province 545 Tatporn Khunptadit, Pongpan Leelahakiengkai, Rungnapa Tagun '. Development of Dried Nipa Palm Leaf for lnfusion 549 N u al raho ng Thepwiwatjit Poster presentation Facile Method for Lead(ll) Determination Using Food Coloring as Chrofiiogenic Reagents 554 Weeranuch Karuehanon, Pijitra Prakobkij, Raltikan J antima Calcium Oxalate Crystals and Oxalic Acid Content in Some Vegetables Which Are the lngredients of Northem Local Food "Kaeng Kae" 560 Pornanan Boonkom. Piyarat Thongtanee The Study of Knowledge and Behaviors on Using Herbs in tiousehoEf: A Case Study of Moo '15. Tambon Thung Sai, Amphoe Sai Thong Watthana, Khampangphet Provlnce 566 Natcha Pheungmuang, Chudarat Muangrak, Supaphon Auem- th Siiaumpron Prasedslth. Wasoontara Ratanopas Preparation of Activated Carbon from Bamboo Waste by phosphoric acif Activation 571 Anchalee Makhin, Nongluk Srikaew, Patcharaporn pimchan Methylglyoxal Levels in Rice Seedlings (Orfza sativa L.) under Drought Stress 577 Budsakorn Auiyawong, Duangkamon potmuen, Suppaluk Jabumrung t-fhe 5'h Rajabhat University Nalional & lntemational Research and Academlc Conference (RUNIRAC V) @ 2-5 Doc€mber 2018, Ph€lchaburi Raibhal Unrvorsity, Phetchabun. Thailand RUNIRAC V Development of Pineapple Cider Beverage from Low Valued Pineapple in Ratahaburi * Chanokp hat Phadunqath , Sawanya Panyanuntl and Wannarat Chalernsaenyakom tFood Processing Technology, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat Universily, Chom Br.reng, Ratchaburi, 70150 'Conesponding Author [email protected], 032-261-790 6ia 3'109, Fax. 032-261-790 Abstract The aims of this research were to develop pineapple cider beverage from low valued pineapple in Ratchaburi. To develop the formulas for pineapple cider beverage, the basic lequirernent was that the cider must contain 15 mL pineapple cider vinegar and 15 mL honey. The developrneht of beverage was comprised of two steps, which were developing the optimum volurne for the beverage (100, '150, and 200 mL), and developing the optimum concentration of fresh mulberry juice (100, 50, and 25%) for the beverage. "Brix values, pH values, and total microbial count of the beverages from the first step ! rere in the range of 't}'r,, ,ur-r."t, ana .lOo CFU/mL. respectively, and from the second step were in the range of -3A,3.21-3.29, and <104 CFU/mL, respectively. The beverage formula that receaved the highest sensory raling score contained 15 mL vinegar '170 \7.5yo), 15 mL honey (7.5%) and mL water (85o/o). The beverage formula with mulberry juice that received the highest sensory rating score contained 25olo corlcentration of pasteurizpd freshly-squeezed mulberry juice in place of water in the previous formula. Keryords. Cider Beverage, Pineapple Cider Beverage, Bankha Pineapple 1. lntroduction weather condition. Thus, it is important to develop Bankha district is a biggest area that cultivating tood product thFt can utilize and increase the value and harvesting Pattavia or Smooth Cayenne of prneapple (Phadungath et al.. 20'18). Pineapple in Ratchaburi province. ln 2014 - 2015. Vinegar is a common Iood product that is widely Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives started the available in the rnarket. ln Thailand, there are three "Big Farming' policy to improve quality of agricultural types of vinegar, cider vinegar, distilled vinegar, and products as well as reducing the cost of agricultural synthetic vinegar. Cider vinegar is normally made production. Thus, the Pineapple Big Farming has from carbohydrate-rich food products such as fruit since started in Bankha district, which composed of juices, grains, apples, grapes or sugarcane, while 82 members of pineapple farmers with approximately distilled vinegar is made by fermenting dilute distilled '1,622,400 square meter of land (1,014 Rai). Though alcohol into vinegar, and synthetic vinegar is made the Bing Farming project has increased the quality of by diluting acstic acid (Ministry of Public Health, fresh pineapple and reduced the cost of pineapple 2001). ln addition to being consumed as a part of production in the area, there is still a grave concem food condiment, vinegar has also teen used as an regarding the low values of pineapple, owing to ingredient in v{ieties of products, including sauces, overflow supply of fresh pineapples in the rnarket ketchups, saladidressing and mayonnaise (Ho el at., and low quality pineapples atrected by unpredictable 2017). Recentlf cider vinegar has been regarded as -535- TThe srh Raiabhat Universily Nation.l & lntematlonal Research and Academb Conference (RUNIRAc v) @ 2-5 D€.€mber 2018. Phelchaburi Rajbhat Unrvelsrly. Phetchabun Tharland RUNIRAC V a healthy natural lermented food prcduct. Consuming Celsius to stop the heating pro@ss. Finally, the cider vinegar daily has benelicial effects on beverage samples were liltered and hot filled in the consumers' health, such as lowering cholesterol glass bottles. The development of beverage was levels an blood by inhibiting the oxidation of low comprised of two steps, which were developing the density iipoproteins (LDLs), alleviating obesity by optimum volurne for the beverage, and developing altering the lipid metabolism, inflammation and gut the optimum cohcentration of fresh mulberry juice for microbe composition, reducing postprandial glucose the beverdge. and insulin levels, improving lipid profiles and 2.2 Optimum volume for the beverage suppresses fat accumulation, reducing A CRD dssign was ulilized to develop the hyperglycaemia and improving insulin secretion, optimum volurne for the beverage, which varied the lowering blood pressure, inhibiting prcliferation and vclume of the beverages to three treatments: V1 inducing apoptosis in human cancer cells (Na et al., (100 mL: 15olo cider vinegar and 15% honey), V2 20'16; Samad et al., 2016: Beh et al.. 2017; (150
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