Preparation for the Competition The 5th international online Mathematics competition — for students from Classes 1-12 A competition that brings children from 7 countries together April 5 - May 30, 2021 What is ? BRICSMATH.COM+ is a large annual international online mathematics competition for students of grades 1-12. Since 2020, the geography of the competition has been expanding. Now students from 7 countries will be able to take part in it: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam. The compe- tition tasks are available in all the official languages of all the participating countries. The purpose of the competition is to cultivate interest in Mathematics and develop logical reason- ing skills, as well as to unite children from different countries. In 2021, the BRICSMATH.COM+ competiton will be held for the 5th time and is dedicated to the 13th BRICS Summit that will take place in India. The competition was included in the Declaration of the XI and XII BRICS Summits 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 5th Competition 1st competition 2nd competition 3rd competition 4th competition 13th BRICS Summit, 9th BRICS Summit, 10th BRICS Summit, 11th BRICS Summit, 12th BRICS Summit, China South Africa Brazil Russia India 670 000 1 000 000 1 600 000 2 300 000 3 000 000 PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS ARE EXPECTED FROM 5 COUNTRIES FROM 5 COUNTRIES FROM 5 COUNTRIES FROM 7 COUNTRIES Vietnam and Indonesia took part in the Olympiad for the first time Recognition and support MINISTRY OF ENLIGHTENMENT MINISTRY OF HUMAN CENTRAL BOARD MINISTRY OF EDUCATION BASIC EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND MINISTRY OF OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OF SECONDARY EDUCATION OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA TRAINING OF VIETNAM RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS, OF INDIA REPUBLIC OF CHINA INDONESIA KEMENTERIAN AGAMA REPUBLIK INDONESIA DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Jalan Lapangan Banteng Barat Nomor 3-4 Jakarta 10710 Telp. (021) 3811244-3811642-3811654-3811658-3811679-3811779-3812216 Faksimili (021) 3503466 Website: www.pendis.kemenag.go.id МИНИСТЕРСТВО ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ CBSE/ Dir(ACAD)/ 2020 December 03, 2020 РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Nomor : B-2236/Dt.I.I/PP.03/10/2020 12 Oktober 2020 (МИНПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ РОССИИ) Lampiran : 1(satu) berkas NOTIFICATION Perihal : Himbauan Partisipasi Mengikuti Olimpiade Каретный Ряд, д. 2, Москва, 127006 Тел. (495) 539-55-19; факс (495) 587-01-13; e-mail: [email protected] Subject: BRICS Math Online Competition 2020 – reg. ОГРН 1187746728840; ИНН/КПП 7707418081/770701001 BRICSMATH.COM is an annual International Online Competition in Mathematics, for Yth. Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi students of classes I – XII of 07 BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and u.p. Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah/Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Islam 20 г. № South Africa, Indonesia and Vietnam). The competition is held online on the website Seluruh Indonesia www.bricsmath.com and is completely free of cost. To participate in BRICSMATH.COM, a student needs to have access to a computer or tablet Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. connected to the internet. Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации свидетельствует свое The purpose of the competition is to cultivate interest in Mathematics and develop Men yusuli surat kami Nomor: B-1905/Dj.I/Dt.I.I/PP.11/09/2020 Perihal: почтение Министерству образования Китайской Народной Республики и имеет logical reasoning skills, as well to unite children from different countries. Informasi Penggunaan Platform Pembelajaran Dragonlearn dengan ini dalam rangka честь сообщить, что с 2017 года на базе образовательной платформы UCHi.RU menumbuhkan minat terhadap mata pelajaran Matematika, mengembangkan The 4th BRICSMATH.COM competition in Mathematics is being held from 16th keterampilan berpikir logis serta menyatukan siswa siswi dari negara yang berbeda, проводится международная онлайн-олимпиада по математике для школьников стран November to 20th December 2020. The details of the competition are enclosed for information. maka dragonlearn.org akan menyelenggarakan Olimpiade Matematika Online БРИКС – BRICSMATH.COM. Internasional BRICSMATH.COM+ yang bisa diikuti semua siswa madrasah. All school heads are requested to encourage participation of students in the Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut diharapkan Saudara dapat meneruskan dan Четвертая онлайн-олимпиада BRICSMATH.COM+ состоится с 19 октября competition on voluntary basis. menginformasikan kepada seluruh Kepala Madrasah untuk dapat berpartisipasi по 20 декабря 2020 года в рамках XII Саммита БРИКС. В этом году в ней примут dengan mengikuti kegiatan Olimpiade tersebut (Babak Ujicoba 19 Oktober - 15 November 2020 dan Babak Utama 16 November - 20 Desember 2020, penjelasan участие не только школьники пяти стран БРИКС, но и обучающиеся из Индонезии Joseph Emmanuel terlampir). Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Direktorat KSKK Madrasah, и Вьетнама. Director (Academics) Subdit Kelembagaan dan Kerjasama (CP. Riska 081234234774 atau Instagram dragonlearn.indonesia) Целью данного мероприятия является популяризация математики Encl: as above Demikian atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik disampaikan terima kasih. как школьного предмета среди учеников 1-12 классов, развитие у них навыков Copy to the respective Heads of Directorates, Organizations and Institutions as логического мышления, повышение интереса к изучению точных наук, а также indicated below with a request to disseminate the information to all the schools under their jurisdiction: Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. объединение школьников из разных стран мира. Организаторы онлайн-олимпиады 1. The Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, 18-Institutional Area, Shaheed приглашают к участию всех без исключения детей вне зависимости от их уровня Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-16. 2. The Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, B-15, Sector-62, Institutional Area, a.n. Direktur Jenderal подготовки, социального и географического положения. Noida 201309 3. 3. The Director of Education, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Old Direktur Kurikulum, Sarana, Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации поддерживает инициативу Secretariat, Delhi-110054 Kelembagaan, dan Kesiswaan Madrasah, 4. The Director of Public Instructions (Schools), Union Territory Secretariat, Sector 9, проведения онлайн-олимпиады и полагает, что указанное мероприятие будет Chandigarh-160 017 5. The Director of Education, Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim –737101 способствовать укреплению контактов между странами в области образования. 6. The Director of School Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar –791 111 7. The Director of Education, Govt. of A&N Islands, Port Blair - 744101 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ िश�ा सद राऊज़ एव�े यय इं�ीटीयशदनएएरया दई �सदनट– КИТАЙСКОЙ НАРОДНОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ‘ ’, ,17 , , 110002 ‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110002 г. Пекин फ़ोन/Telephone: 011-23212603 वेबसाइट/Website :http://www.cbseacademic.nic.in ई-मेल/e-mail: mailto:[email protected]. Tembusan Yth. Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Media about us BRICSMATH to be “金砖+”国际数学竞 International Запустилась Nos dias da cúpula dos Olympic toán học trực Dragonlearn, Cara inaugurated at the 赛举行 中小学生可 competition in международная BRICS, foi realizada a tuyến quốc tế có Việt Seru Belajar 随时在线报名答题 mathematics, онлайн-олимпиада abertura da Nam tham gia sẽ bắt Matematika Secara BRICS summit in BRICSMATH.COM+, has по математике на competição đầu từ ngày 16/11 Online Brazil on 13th started платформе Учи.ру internacional online BRICSMATH.COM Feedback about us I found the competition a great way to encourage children to dedicate themselves to studies, help- ing them to develop their reasoning. (Nielia Souza de Oliveira, Parent, Maua, San Paulo, Brazil) The tasks in the Olympiad are non-standard, with a creative approach, which we liked very much. Thank you for developing such a wonderful Olympiad! (Svetlana B., parent, Moscow, Russia) This competition is very useful to all the students, it helps to increase our thinking skills, as well as it helps to know more about mathematics. (Aarshiya N., Student, Thalassery, Kerala, India) Excellent platform and initiative to develop interest in maths! It’s a very good way to promote out of box thinking ability. (Wang Hongyang, Parent, Shanghai, China) The Bricsmath competition is a good way of giving learners an interesting and encouraging way to use problem solving skills. Learners love it and it has given them more interest in Math. (Luzuko Ndoyana, Teacher, Western Cape, SAR) Dates of Preparation Trial Round Main Round for the Competition Autumn 2021 Autumn 2021 April 5 - May 30, 2021. • The preparatory round consists • The trial round gives the students • In the main round, students will of the best tasks of the past years an opportunity to practice before only have 60 minutes to complete and provides an opportunity the main round. the tasks. They can solve the main round on any day during the to practice. The results of the • Students can solve the tasks an competition. preparatory round do not affect unlimited number of times during the final results of the competition. the trial round. • It is not mandatory to complete the trial round tasks before solving • Each participant has the • The results of the trial round do not the main round. opportunity to solve interactive affect the main round. tasks without any restrictions. The uniqueness of the competition • Any student from the 7 countries can take part in the competition BRICSMATH.COM+.
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