URGENT URGENT URGENT Send funds immediately We have less than a single hectic month to make the enormous preparations necessary for this national Freedom March in Boston. It is a challenge to all of us to meet the staggering costs of this historic undertaking. $50 will purchase 1,000 buttons $100 will buy 50 reams of paper $500 will print 50,000 leaflets $1,000 will provide postage to mail information to 10,000 people $3,000 will charter a bus from Birmingham, Alabama It is imperative that we have funds quickly. Remember, though things are expensive, human rights and dignity are priceless. •• • • •• • •.:-••• • •••• • - •-••••••••-•, N,,,•-•-••• • ••••••,,..",r, •••■••••1N7C".":`, "•'••••` ---- ••••• ••• How your organization, religious group, school, or trade union can help FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE is urgently needed! We depend on contributions from groups and individuals dedicated to the cause of human rights to narkg_ our mobilization against racism a success. Please help. Enclosed please find my group's contribution of $ C My group can assist in fund-raising for the mobilization. SPONSOR the December 14 demonstration in Boston. We urge ail groups who support our cause to add their names to the list of sponsoring organizations. F - My group wishes to sponsor the December 14 demonstration against racism in Boston. TRANSPORTATION depots in many areas of the country still need to be set up. If there is not yet arrangements being made in your area for transportation we ask that your group help to organize buses or car pools so that all who want to come to Boston may do so. L My group can help set up transportation in our area. LOCAL ORGANIZING CENTERS are needed in every town and city. Many have already been established where people can pick up leaflets and information to distribute in their neighborhoods, schools and places of work. My group can arrange a local organizing center in our area. LEAFLET DISTRIBUTIONS are needed to get the word out across the country. :IMy group can distribute leaflets in our area. Please send us leaflets. MAILINGS to your membership and acquaintances are urged. '1; My group will send out information on the December 14 demonstration to our mailing list. Please send us leaflets. PRESS CONFERENCES AND PUBLICITY are being arranged nationwide. We ask that all groups call local press and arrange press conferences and mailings to get the word out. My group will contact the press in our area. r Name Address City State Zip Phone 1. Emergency Committee for a National Mobilization Against Racism 634 Massachusetts Ave., Room 207 1182 Broadway, Room 701 (nr. 28 St.) Cambridge, Mass. 02139 New York, N.Y. 10001 tel: (617) 876-9295 tel: (212) 532-6980-1 12..*Setel.v wIrmmetimmnpr.MIOVie.Ttro.31.1,1•01,,L■CFP:!...1441,1.,t,P,,,,,,,r4.1.1e16.4,,a..,.!!,,,11,1,41.,,,ArtMet..V,T,,,,,,, • Vengan a Boston Martha de liberation para la dignidad humana "Los ojos de Ia nation y del mundo se enfocan en Boston. La manifestacion del 14 de deciembre en contra de la violencia racista demonstrara que la gran majoria de los cindadanos de Boston—negros, morenos, amarillos y blancos—haven frente para con Ia justicia y los derechos humanos y se oponen a la violencia canalla dirijida a ninos escolares. "TAMBIEN LE PEDIMOS A TODO AMANTE DE LA JUSTICIA EN LOS CINCUENTA ESTADOS QUE VENGAN A BOSTON Y SE UNAN CON NUESTRA MARCHA DE LIBERACION. "Tenemos que enlazar nuestros brazos—blanco y negro—y marchar juntos para con el derecho de todo nino escolar de it a cualquier escuela en seguridad completa. Que nuestra voces y nuestra presencia diga : No al racismo institucionalizado, ;No! a la violencia canalla, ;Nol al racismo en la educacidn. El mundo entero oird nuestro mensaje." El eligido Senador de Estado William Owens Conventiculo Negro Legislativo de Mass. Sabado, Las fuerzas del racism() continuan organizando en Boston. Es ahora que todo el que apoya la justicia 14 de deciembre tiene que responder. MARCHA Y REUNION NACIONAL EN CONTRA DEL RACISMO Para una lista completa de los fiadores, information para transportation desde su area o coma puedeayudar a organizar in su localidad recorte abajoy mandelo al comite de Emergencia. Ii E Quiero ayudar a organizar en mi area Nombre telefono I I 0 Quiero inforMacidn acerca de transportation direcciOn 1 I 0 Incluso esta mi contribution de $ para ciudad estado I ayudar en la lucha en contra del racismo I Z Com ite de Emergencia para una Mobilizacion Nacional en Contra del Racismo 634 Massachusetts Ave., Room 207 1182 Broadway, Room 701 (nr. 28 St.) Cambridge, Mass. 02139 New York, N.Y. 10001 tel.: (617) 876-9295 tel.: (212) 532-6980-1 Come to Boston Freedom march for Human dignity "The eyes of the nation and the world are now focused on Boston. The December 14 demonstration against racist violence will show that the vast majority of Bostonians, black, brown, yellow, and white, stand on the side of human rights and justice and oppose mob violence against all school children. "WE ALSO CALL ON JUSTICE LOVING PEOPLE FROM ALL FIFTY STATES TO COME TO BOSTON AND JOIN OUR FREEDOM MARCH. "We must link our arms, black and white, and march together for the right of all school children to go to any school in safety. Let our voices and our presence say: NO TO INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM, NO TO RACIST MOB VIOLENCE, NO TO RACISM IN EDUCATION.' Our message will be heard around the world." — State Senator-elect William Owens Massachusetts Legislative Black Caucus The forces of racism are continuing to organize in Boston. Now, all who are for justice must respond. National March and Rally Saturday Against Racism December 14 For a complete list of sponsors, information on transportation from your area, or on how you can help organize in your locality, clip below and send to the Emergency Committee r i I DI would like to help organize in my area Name 1 I I I. ElPlease send me information on transportation Address 1 i 1 I El Enc lased is my contribution of $ to City State I help fight racism Zip Phone L I Emergency Committee for a National Mobilization Against Racism 634 Massachusetts Ave., Room 207 1182 Broadway, Room 701 (nr. 28 St.) Cambridge, Mass. 02139 New York, N.Y. 10001 tel: (617) 876-9295 fel: (212) 532-6980-1 Emergency Committee for a National Mobilisation Against Racism 634 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 207 1182 Broadway, Room 701 (nr. 28th St.) Cambridge, Mass. 02139 New York, N.Y. 10001 tel.: (617) 876-9295 tel.: (212) 532-6980-1 Boston. November 14, 1974 Dear friend's ), We are sure you share our outrage at the recent outbursts of racist violence in Boston. Certainly the ugly sight of mob attacks on black school children is sickening to the vast majority of Bostonians as well as to all people everywhere who are for elementary democratic rights. But the forces of prejudice and reaction all over the country are emboldened by this spectacle. They are mobilizing in every• corner of the U.S. using these events as their rallying cry. Their code word is anti-busing. But in reality their organizing tool is racist hysteria. The bigots have gained strength and confidence from the fact that there has been no sufficiently massive outcry against these attacks. Many who are opposed to them and would speak out for basic human rights have been intimidated into silence. So far it is those anti-democratic forces who have had the momentum and the spotlight. They may remain quiet for a while but their threat and their organization remain intact. We cannot allow them to continue to appear to speak for the majority. THEY DO NOT But that impression will continue until all of us, who are supporters of the struggle against racism, publicly take a stand. We believe that the urgency of the situation requires the broadest possible demonstration bringing together from all over the country the maximum number of people who are against the mob attacks on black school children and who are for the right of these children to go to any school in safety . The Emergency Committee for a National Mobilization Against Racism in its few short weeks of existence has reached hundreds of individuals and organizations who have agreed to join together in sponsoring such a nationally called peaceful mass action. (Some of their names appear on the partial list of sponsors that follows.) Such a mobilization is a monumental task and we urge you to lend your names s) and your efforts to help make it successful. Please come to Boston on December 14 and be part of an historic Freedom March for Human Dignity. Help organize others to come from your area. And donate whatever you can to help defray the enormous organizing costs. We are confident that if everyone pulls together we can turn the situation around and make Boston a symbol of anti-racism. • Name ❑ I support the National Mobilization Against Racism. Please add my name to the sponsors list. Address ❑ Add my organization to the sponsors list. City State Zip ❑ I can aid the Mobilization Against Racism financially. I Telephone enclose $ donation. Identification ( position, organization, occupation, etc. ) ❑ I can help organize others in my area. EMERGENCY COMMITTEE FOR A NATIONAL MOBILIZATION AGAINST RACISM 634 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 207 Cambridge, Mass. 02139 tel .: 1617 ) B76-9295 November 14, 1974 Partial list of sponsors for the Boston Freedom March for Human Dignity: Individual Sponsors—AU organizations listed for identification only Francisco E. Aguilera—Professor of Eve Carey—Attorney. New York Civil Charles R. Farrell—Minister.
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