.�. 3' at'a blishe.d .1863. Volume 54, Number 13. TOPEKA, KANSAS, JUNE 1916. , ' , loose? is about what you .leave f�ur hundred dollars lying �round ,,:�at The team receive care commen- a good farm team IS worth. certainly s�ould - . " the cold cash it -. surate with . represents. WOULD \ In hot weather 'special precautions must be taken. Qverloading and fast driving the horses a drink when you may kill your horse. .Do you ever arrange to give yoUrSelf in dollars and cents. took a pull at the water jug? ,Try it. It will pay In feeding, study the individual;, Feed carefully, 'neither overfeeding nor The horse rob his mate. ' The, grain Cap steals from Billy Will . underfeeding. greedy m�y horses ,a warm Dran mash a certainly do Billy no good and may hurt Cap. 'Give work hyi�e i week in h.9t weather. Heavy rations are heating. and adds to the comfort of the horse and of collar greatly . Proper fitting harness- increases his efficiency. You have $400 in this team. A little extra care during the hot weather' may G. C.. W. save you serious loss. When You Take a Pull at the Water Jug Give the Horse a Drink. It Will Increase His Efficiency and May Save Serious Loss 'K Al� SAS " IIp.lil.-.illi the BOiler FAR:M' PO"WER .� the bl"lllhful �,With 1� 01 lICIt a pilat. th� � ��oaable item 10 lie fouad 1Jl,� eaame ffi� the & Nicholl S� CompllllY bwlc:l. ' Items Intere8t A�out Evory• of Automo�ile$, thiDa it of the belt. Engines, Tractors, and Motorcycles I aOOD TRIOTIOI E'4GIIE L the unfailiDa of thia selection of an automobile is than to a all­ .. � method. enough buy light weight Whea. we thllt 1t.1S one of the which I., aood We are kerosene tractor that will not .. problems many purpose backed by the eapreAed THEpeople are to solve at this do all the work done rea.Jy opInion trying. only formerly by of thouAnda or UIerI who know time of the year. The is too the but do it better and in question horses, quicker, every detail what a often the pod ,iridian en• decided, not by merits of the much cheaper. sine abould be. car, but by the salesmanship and skill Let us contrast the method and ex­ of the demonstrator. It is much- safer pense of keeping horses with .the 'man­ rer to purchase a, car of a make which is ner and' cost of of the, small THE USER upkeep . IS. , SITISflED known to be reliable, even without a farm tractor. nat gr�' every �veaienc:e. that every econ, "than to select a car With the demonstration, . by spring break-up the horses 0!DJ of, 0t*aboII. that every �ety de. cal ·the demonatratton alone. are thrown into VIce that .. thefleld and used every � o_r practical will III" The first thing to decide. is the size' available 'minute from till dark. be where it belo on daylight � right ... �_ dill df car most suitable for the require­ They are' soft from their enforced win­ ments and' purse of- the purchaser. ter's idleness, and consequently the RED RIVER SPECIAL (if Briefly, tile advantages of the larger heavy field work soon begins to tell. Ei�GIIE . cars are i More easier more Five _ ud Uteen variations style, riding, They lose weight, contract sore shoul­ are @ built. &om 13 .. 40 to room, smoother operatlon and greater ders, occasionally straln their muscles, �� 30.96 "on The 'smaller H. P.: WciOd. coal or maw speed good roads, cars, and become generally run down before may be Ihl on the other' are lower in first - _ for fuel. the be haJ hand, the spring work is completed. eaaine may in \\";1 as well as in EveI}' or double the cost, operating expenses. year. hundreds of horses die from vari­ qe cyliader. mounting 1.1 be center or rear. Due to .the' and to the ous causes may No matter what 1:\( . light weight com- from overwork. resulting needs be for p'aratively narrow tires, small cars Starting in the spring of the year with JOur mey qric:ultural trac, gj' more over tion we make en that travel easily muddy, sandy the of the we see a power enaine will nil hid .... Dealers opening season, light fill die bilL .; , Enrywhere. or other heavy roads. farm tractor hard at work in the field. 1\, The two chief items of in It is three or four lend for a COPT ot. the Kome EtUtlon of the . expense pulling two, plows, River !Ita qll 4 ... "­ an automobile are and 8peoial paper. You wiU lind that some. running ttrea according to conditions, and instead of one iD III SIVES A TEI'M c.II.... Tour lJiiJrietUate vicinlt;v haa tried with � and. these will be almost them a luooe.. a Jliohol. • 00. fill WArm ........ fuel, directly 'lifting trifle' as is done when 8hepard tract ion eu. ..... aine on e'l'erT kind of wor'k that It proportional to the weight of the car. we see the horses we are t:·oclot 1\: �"'NK plowing, put­ OBD do. They h.....e beeD piuud wit!! tl" It is a mistake to a car 110 Ie great buy big ting them down to the last notch, turn­ lulu· end hava written us' to tell ;ir", how use 'well It Tbere is a lot of ex =-:.. and then it sparingly on account of soll that has never �rformed. "dance F_W ing up been exposed. oondens.a in th... ..... the of With the l.ttera that may bl useful expense operation. the comes the disk or to ·you. Ask for a at t" Tlle, one successful Following plows Big Oatalog same III same one can one of the time. It illustrates and desoribes th, BiDderEDgine. At­ money buy peg-tooth harrow, POWI! re conserving every pos­ that wlU haul the mortlfage oil the fer:::,. tachments for � smaller cars and keep up with the ex­ sible trace of moisture and 111 biDder. 'l'wohOl'88S practically penses for 10,000 to 15,000 miles of a We - til pulJ8-ftbiDd· assuring good crop. plow straight easlly service. ' eriD heavygraiD.as through to the noon hour, and instead f,o eDlriDe drivessickle The type of motor to select depends of unhitching and returning to the barn . ,and all m�hiDery. IICHOLS I SREPIRn largely 'On the preference of the _indi­ for feed and we the �Ol rest, replenish hop­ Continuoul BusIness vidual. The motor is less (In Since 18'; 3) ,1 four-cylinder per with water and let the boy or the and has fewer aUILOlUla 8JlOI.U81V.&.r 0' Wei� eomplleated parts. Sixes, hired man keep on wotking while we a: C�o����mL" . En�ines w and twelves more Throttle GoVerned. V� eights are flexible, go to dinner. After' working steadily THRESH INC -MACHIN �RY light weight. 4 H. P. 011" and better balanced. The life WIlhw Special ..... Wibd quieter, through the afternoon, we have n..hnl., '" SL:<km 190ibs. Forced water cool. plowed St_ ... OIl-Gal 1rectM. iBea and, reliabillty of any motor more the than horse ..... �epends during day any • the but (I) BA'f,1'LIl CR.IK, MIOHI""U:l (, t:=J.:.te��egr.:t. upon workmanship an4 design drawn gang plow of size could anc:es on rear. Fric­ equal ena!na not the number of CI tion Clutcb Pulley. AU tor upon cylinders, possibly turn over. All the heavv farm Enlrina Book. • to 20 B. P. When ignition systems are considered, work can be done and SI quickly cheaply' Cushman Motor Worb there is nothing more reliable than a with the tractor. q eaa Nortli 21st S.,... first. class high Due fl UNCOUt. N••RASKA .tension .magneto, Plowing, disking, harrowing, seeding, to the limited in the ordi­ t, spark range harvesting, pulling the corn .and form it is not picker, nary of. magneto adapted heavy hauling can be done with the Jl to sixes and eights. In addition to re­ tractor. and 'when not busy in the field c the car must have an liability. pleasure it can be used to saw wood, pump water, which is flex­ \, ignition system extremely run the feed grinder, corn sheller, silage ible. have this Storage battery systems cutter or small thresher. With the ex­ of and are v quality flexibility cheaper ception of the light work, the horses are than the because magneto installation, an unnecessary quantity, and instead of current is drawn from the starting­ a barn full of expensive horses that lighting battery. The Ford ignition sys­ represent several thousand dollars' in­ tern, which is unlike any other, 'is more vestment and indi-vidually eat the pro­ than either of the complicated above, duce of five acres of ground, yon have but a convenient means' for provides three or four horses and a light, eco­ locating a "missing" cylinder. nomical tractor costs . that nothing when t'ransmlealons, the selective Rugnrding not working. and needs merely a shelter. sliding gear and the planetary gear from the weather. cover the field. The After practically sliding .decidlng to buy a tractor, many more and gear operates quietly provides farmers have made the mistake of look­ an intormcdiate for roads gcnr heavy ing for the. lowest priced machine, re­ and hills. The is less planetary gear gardless of quality or of service. liable to be length damaged by inexperienced The trouble and grief that almost in­ operators, allows quick maneuvering and variably results from such but occasional purchases quick get-away, requires have hindered the growth of tractor adjustment and of the replacement' farming popularity, because many land V.
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