MY FIRST GAME XVth Chess Olympiad at Varna WITH FISCHER U. S. S. R. Is Victar by World Champion Varna, the Rulgarian resort town situated on the west shore of the Black Sea, Mikhail Bohinnik was the host to thirty· ni ne participating countries in the !-'ifteenth Chess Olympics from September 15 to October 10. (A Cltes"s Life Exclusive) Each country entered a four-board team and the 39 teams were divided Into GRUNFELO DEFENSE four preliminary groups, each group playing a round·robin. After the completion of the preliminary tournament, the three lop-scoring learns of each group were placed White: Botv jnnik Black: Fi5cher in "Section A" of the Finals; the next three in "Section B" and the remainder in 1. P·Q&4 P-KN3 "Section C. " Groups w('re determined at a technical conference of team captains 2. P·Q4 H·KB3 and lots were drawn to determine competitive numbers of the teams. Play was 3. N·QB3 P·Q4 started at 4 P.M., local time, Sept. 16 by the referee, International Grandmaster Salo Flohr of the U.S.S.R. f'il;chcr very rarely plays the Grunfeld Defense. The four top seeded teams, U.S.A., Argenti na, U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia, were placed in different groups and each lived up to expectations by taking first place 4. N·B3 B·N2 in its group. And, in fact, they were the fou r top finalists. 5, Q.N3 ..... ... nagosin's Systcm-onc of the strongest The l:.S.S.R. captur ed the team title in the Finalists Tournament with 31.5 points wa ys of meeting it. out of a possible 44. The results of Section A were as follows: 5. ...... PxP Place Team Score Plaee Team Score 6. QxBP 0·0 7. P·K4 S·NS 1. U.S.S.R . ............ ........... .. ... ... ....... ......31.5 7. W. Germany ............... .. .... ... ... ......... 21 And t his is Smyslo v'~ Variation - a 2. Yugoslavia . ...... .......... ..... ... ..... ....... 28 8. F:. Germany .... .. ... .. .. "' .. ............ ... ....2 0.~ sound line of defense. 3. Argentina .. ................... .............. .....26 9. Rumania .. .... ....... ... ..... ...... ...............20 .:s 8. B·K3 KN·Q2 4. U.S.A. .. ............................................2 5 10. Czechoslovakia ................ .............. 18.:s 9. B·K2 ........ 5. Hungary ..........................................23 11. Netherlands .................................. .. 18 A modest move, which is not particu­ 6. Bulgaria ........................... .............. .21.5 12. Aus tria ....... ............... ...................... lO.:s larly popular. 9. 0-0-0 is morc ener­ getic. -COliI'd I'. 219 9. ... ," ... N·QB3 u .::.- It was more precise to play 9 ..... .... , N-N3 • j and not decide the position of the Queen's Knight yet; Smyslov d id that - against me in the 4th game of ou\' reo • turn match in 1958, 10. R-Ql N·N3 11 . Q-BS 0 -03 12. P·KR3 BxN 13. PxB KR .Ql Carelessly played. The correct mo\'c he !" c wa~ pointed out by Furman - 13 ..... .... P·K3! - and Black gels an equal game. No w White can start a dan· gc rOliS pawn advance. 14. P-QS N-K4 15. N-NS ••• ••• •• At once 15. P-B4 is not good because of 1:S . ........ , N( K4}·B5: 16. BxN, QxQ ; 17. BxQ. NxB: 18. P·K5 , NxNP; 19. R·Q4, P·KB3! and White's central posi· tion breaks up. 15 . ....... Q·KB3 N (K4)-Q2 16. P-B4 HISTORIC MEETING. The- first game- ever played between World Champion 17. P·K5 ....... Botvinnik and Bobby Fischer wu during the XVth Olympi.d at Vuna on (Continued on P(I IW 220) October 8. The game, with Botvinnik', notes, begins in column one. 'y",,,.,,e XVII Number 10 October, 1i62 EDITOR: J. F. Reinhardt CONTRlaUTORI Weaver Adams, Leonard Barden, Peter Berlow, Arthur Bisguier, R. E. Draine, Dr. Richard Cantwell, John W. Collins, Fred Cramer, Edward A. Dickerson, Major E. D. Edmondson, Arpad Elo, Larry Evans, Kenneth Harkness, Eliot Hearst, Edward Lasker, William Lomburdy, Erich Marchand, Ernest DUe, Jerry Spann, Gary Sperling, PRESIDENT Raymond Weinstein, Fred Wren. Fred Cramer VICE PRESIDENT Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. SECRETARY Marshall Rohland WE STILL HAVE A JOB TO DO! REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS Thanks to the fine cooperation of all vital segments of American Chess, NEW IiNGLAND the USCF, ACF, CllCss Review, the Lamport Foundation, and the Piatagorsky EASTERN Charles A_ Keyl er Foundation, we were suc<:essfuJ in organizing and fielding an excellent Olym. David Hoftmlnn Allen K.ufll'l.nn pic Team consisting of Fischer, Benko, Evans, Robert Byrne, Donald Byrne, MID.ATLANTtC Jobn D. M.theson Morde<:al T reblow ~ I cdn i s (mel Clptain Eliot Hearst. Financial assistance from these organizations Wll.lU.m S. 8yland p lus a grant from the Cultural Exchange Foundation of the State Department SOUTHERN Dr. Stunt Noblin Jerr y Sulllvin L.nneau Fo.ter has taken <;;l.rC of a l1 expense except ~2 , (X)().OO stil! dlle the players fo r fees, G REAT LAKES J ack O'Kede which is the share-of-burden role assumed by the USCF. ~-. Wm. S.uer Dr. Howard Gaba NORTH CENTRAL ~- r ank Skoff Ev. Aronlan 'Vc have contacted some 40 chess l('a<iers around the country to undertake Dr. Oeo. V.n Dyke Tiers the assignm('nt of rai s in~ $50.00 in each of their respective areas. Please reo SOUTHWESTERN spond to their call with a dub or individual donation and it will be credited PACIFIC He ,,1')' GrO\lS on area basis and reported in a future issue of C HESS LI FE. Checks or money­ Richard Vandenburc Mabel 8urllncame orders sho uld he made out to the USCF, 80 E. 11th St., N.Y. 3, N.Y. NATIONAL CHAIRMEN AND OFFICERS AF FtLIATIi STATU5. ... ..... .speneer Van Gelder Our players went all o ut for us ... we cannot do less for them! ARMED FORCE' CHEIS.. ......... ..... Robert Kar ch BUSINESS MANAGER. ............... J. F. Reinhardt Jerry G. Spann COLLEGE CHESS ........ __ ..... ................ Peter Berlow F. l. D.E. Vice President INDUSTRIAL CHESS_...... _.. Stlnley W. D. KIn, IN STITUTIONS CHEIS __ ._. __ Dr. Ralph Kuhn5 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIR$ .... _J . r ry G. SP<lRn - J UNIOR CHESS __ . __ ._ .... _ .. Morde<:.1 D. Treblow - .. MEMBERSHI ............ ..... _... _Edwlrd A . Dlckef1.(l1l JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP 5ECRETARY ... .sybllll Ha r kness NOMINATIONS .. ............. ...................... Peler Lahde USCF Is • non-profit democr.tlc or&,anLntlon, the official lIovernloi body .nd FIDE WlJt RATING IiTATIliTICIAN .. ........ .. .... Gny Sper ling for che .. In the USA. Anyone Interested In adv. ncln, American che .. Ia eligible for membenh40. RATING SYST EM_... ..... _....... .. ..... _._ .Arpld .E. Elo SWISS SYSTEM METHODS_...... _.. Arp.d .E. Do IMmbenhip. Ineilidioi CHESS LlFE subKripllon. e llglbllil,. for USCY.ralln" aDd all TAX DIiOUCTIBILITY.__ .. __. David Holfmann prlvllele,: 1 yr.: $5.00; 1 yra.: $9.50; 3 yn.: SI3.5O: Sustaining: SIO.oo (beeDnl.e. W e Membel'lhlp TOURNAMENT AOM-_._ •. Geor,. Koltan0W5id afte r 10 pl)'menb); ute: IUOO.OO. Faml" Membtn h lp (t wO' or more falnily memben: .t AIDe TOURNAMENT RU LES. .. ... ............ J lmei She[",\,ln .ddre.. , only one CH FSS L IFE .ubscrlptlon): ute. IS above for OrA lamUy member. pma TREASURIiR. .................. .. .............. ..... Mllton Rusldn followin, fo r ••ch addlUonal member : 1 yr.: $2.50; 2 yr •. : S4.15; 3 yrs.: $6.15. U. S. CHAMPIONIiHIP .......... ...... Maurtce Kasper CHESS LIFE I. pubitlhed monthly by USCI' Ind entered ...econd ·cla .. matter .t Dubuque. WOMEN'S CHE ••..... _. ....................... .Ev. Aronson low • . Non·member I-yr . .... lncriptlon: 54.00 ~.OO out!dde USA): slnlle copy: 4Gc (SOC ou ...... USA). Ch, n,e 0' addn ..: AlIo... four weeks notice: please glv. ul both the new addrus and WORLD CHESS FEOERATION the old .ddress, lndudlD, the numbers and date, on the top line or your sleoell. (F.I.D.E.) Jerry G. Spann Addreq III eommunleaUoDl, ,nd m .ke all cheek, pay.ble to: Vice·President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, .. fa. t 11th Straat, NEW YORK 1, N.Y. 218 CHESS LIFE U.S.S.R. VICTORS- Round Totals - Winner's Group (Contin ued from front vage) ROUND I ROUND VII This is the sixth straight time the U.S.A. E. Germ.. ny U.S.A. Fischer ... ............. .... 1 Uhlmenn ................ 1 F Is<; hu .................... 1 Unzicker .................. 0 U.S.S.R. team has won the chcss olym­ Benko •... .... .......•. _. .. 1 Plehs<;h .................. 0 Benko ...................•.. 1 Darga .. _ ....................0 D. Byrne .... .. ........ __ 1 Mfl lich .............•........ 1 IiVins .•.......... _.......... 1 Schmid .. _....... •.•...... 1 pics. Their domination of the event Mednls ...................... 0 Fuchl ••.........•............ 1 D. Byrne .......... __ .... 1 TrOflger .................. 0 started in 1952 at Helsinki in the tenth - , , I Olympiad . Over this period the team has " centered around Botvi nnik, Smyslov and ROUND II ROUND VIII Keres, and it is a tribute to their U.S.A_ Argenlina U.S.A. Bulg..ria Fischer ._._ ................ 1 N'idorf .................. 0 Fischer .. _.... _--._ •.. 1 p.denky •..••.•.•• _..•. 1 Benko . __ ... _._ .... __ .1 staying power that they have swept the Bolbochen ~ ............ l Ben ko ~.-.-~ ...... --.l Trin90'" ._ ... _ ..• ___.1 E... a ns _._. ___ .... _.__ .1 Pfl nno ... ·_ _......... _•.. 1 EVins •..... _... __ ..._ . _1 Minev __ ......._ ... _. .. _. 1 field for so long. A non·Russian vietory R. Byrne __ ............. 1 ROSHllo •....•.•..•..... _0 R. Byrne __ ... _. __ .... 1 Popov ._ ................... _0 this year would not have been too sur­ -, -I prising-for the competition, in theory " " at least, was equal to the task. ROUND III ROUND IX U.S.A. C:r:echoslonki .. U.S.A. HungflrY But as pl ay progressed the Russian Fische r .................... 1 Filip .......................... 1 Fls<;her ............ .... .... l Portls<;h ..•..•....•....•.
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