Ecography ECOG-00195 Hanspach, J., Schweiger, O., Kühn, I., Plattner, M., Pearman, P. B., Zimmermann, N. E. and Settele, J. 2013. Host plant availability potentially limits butterfly distributions under cold environmental conditions. – Ecography 36: xxx–xxx. Supplementary material Appendix 1. Table 1. Species-specific results for the agreement between butterfly distribution and host plant distribution (h – only host present; b – only butterfly present; n – neither host nor butterfly present; hb – host and butterfly present); Taxonomy according to http://www.biodiversitymonitoring.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/documents/daten/anleitungen/10 10_Anleitung_Z7-Tagf_v15.pdf Lower limit Upper limit Main and Main and Butterfly species Main host Main host secondary host secondary host Aglais urticae h b Anthocharis cardamines h b h Apatura iris h h n h Aporia crataegi h h b n Araschnia levana h h Argynnis adippe h h Argynnis aglaja h b Argynnis niobe h h Argynnis paphia h b Aricia eumedon h n Boloria dia hb h Boloria euphrosyne h n Boloria napaea complex n b Boloria selene b n Boloria thore n h Boloria titania h b Brenthis daphne h h Brenthis ino h h b b Brintesia circe h n Callophrys rubi h h Carcharodus alceae hb h Carterocephalus palaemon b n Celastrina argiolus hb n Coenonympha pamphilus hb h Colias croceus hb b Colias hyale complex b hb h h Colias palaeno n h Colias phicomone h b Cupido argiades hb h Cupido minimus h h b b Erebia aethiops h h Erebia alberganus h b Erebia epiphron h h Erebia euryale h h Erebia gorge n hb Erebia ligea h h Erebia manto h h Erebia medusa h b Erebia melampus h h Erebia meolans h h Erebia mnestra h h Erebia montana h h Erebia oeme h h Erebia pandrose h hb Erebia pharte h h Erebia pluto h hb Erebia pronoe h h Erebia tyndarus h h Erynnis tages h n Euphydryas aurinia h h n n Euphydryas cynthia h b Gonepteryx rhamni h b Hamearis lucina h h b b Hesperia comma b h Inachis io hb n Lasiommata maera h n Lasiommata megera hb n Lasiommata petropolitana h b Limenitis camilla h n Lycaena hippothoe h b Lycaena tityrus h b Lycaena virgaureae h b Maculinea arion h b Melanargia galathea h n Melitaea athalia h b Melitaea diamina h b Melitaea phoebe h n Nymphalis antiopa h b Nymphalis polychloros h n Ochlodes venata hb n Oeneis glacialis h b Parnassius apollo h b Parnassius phoebus n b Plebeius argus n b Plebeius idas h Plebeius optilete n h Plebeius orbitulus n h Polygonia c album h n Polyommatus bellargus n h Polyommatus coridon n n Polyommatus damon h b Polyommatus dorylas h Polyommatus icarus hb b Polyommatus semiargus h b Pyrgus malvae complex h n Satyrium w album h n Satyrus ferula h n Spialia sertorius h n Thymelicus lineola h b Thymelicus sylvestris h h Vanessa atalanta hb b Vanessa cardui h n .
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