TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 TENDER for Manufacturing, Packing and supply of Crystal Iodised salt and Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt, & DFS in 1Kg pouches as per PFA/FSS Act and delivering to godowns in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh States for the year 2020-21. TENDER NUMBER : 5/FS/2020 ADVERTISED ON : 5.1.2020 LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF TENDER : 13.2.2020 by 11.00 A.M. OPENING OF TENDER : 13.2.2020 at 11.30 A.M. TAMIL NADU SALT CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT TAMIL NADU ENTERPRISE) L.L.A.BUILDINGS, FOURTH FLOOR, 735, ANNA SALAI, CHENNAI -600002 Phone: 044-28418344/28517088 Fax: 044-28525846 E Mail : [email protected] Website: www.tnsalt.com DETAILS OF THE TENDERER NAME: ADDRESS TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 1 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 CONTENTS OF TENDER DOCUMENT PART A- Technical Bid PART ‘A’ The following Section I to XII is part and parcel of the Part-A Technical Bid. Each and every page has to be signed in token of acceptance. P. No SECTION –I SCHEDULE OF TENDER 4-5 SECTION – II PROFILE OF THE BIDDING ORGANISATION 6-7 SECTION –III ESSENTIAL PRE-REQUISITE QUALIFICATIONS 8 REQUIRED TO CONSIDER TECHNICAL BID SECTION –IV DECLARATION BY THE TENDERER 9 SECTION –V EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) 10-11 SECTION –VI CHECK LIST 12 SECTION-VII REJECTION OF TENDERS 13 SECTION –VIII INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS & 14-18 TERMS AND CONDITIONS SECTION-IX SPECIFICATIONS 19-20 SECTION X GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 21-25 SECTION-XI DECLARATION OF PRODUCTION CAPACITY 26 PART ‘B’ B. PRICE BID SECTION – XII PRICE BID Tamil Nadu - CIS 1-10 SECTION – XIII PRICE BID Tamil Nadu - RFFIS 11-20 SECTION – XIV PRICE BID Andhra Pradesh – DFS 21-29 TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 2 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 Issued to: M/s. Cost of Tender Form Rs.600/- (inclusive of taxes) Non-refundable Issuing Authority Invitation of Tender and instructions to tenderers for supply of Crystal Iodised Salt, Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt, & Double Fortified Salt (To be returned duly signed on all pages) PART A – TECHNICAL BID TENDER No.5/FS/2020 The Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited, (hereinafter called the Corporation) invite tenders from firms which directly own all the required machinery and other infrastructure for the manufacture and supply of the following items as per the quality specifications at various Co- operative/ TNCSC or private/ designated godowns in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, during the year 2020-2021 (1.4.2020 to 31.3.2021) in the prescribed Tender Form: 1. Manufacture and supply of Crystal Iodised salt and Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt by packing in one Kg packets manually or by automatic packing machine and packed in 25Kgs PP woven sacks. Packing materials will be supplied by TNSC. 2. Approximate total quantity of requirement will be 24,000 tonnes per annum ie 250 tonnes of Crystal Iodised salt , 750 tonnes of Refined Free Flow salt and 1000 tonnes of Double Fortified Salt per month TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 3 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 PART – A Section – I Tender Schedule 1. Name of the Tender : Tender for manufacturing, packing and supply of Crystal Iodised Salt Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt and Double Fortified salt in 1Kg pouches as per PFA standard and for delivery to co-operative/TNCSC or private/ designated godowns in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh States for the year 2020-2021. 2. Last date & time for receipt : 11.00 A.M. on 13.2.2020 of sealed Tender Tender document should be sent through RPAD/Speed Post/Courier or in person. 3. Date of Opening of Tender : 11.30 A.M on 13.2.2020 Bid If the last date for receiving and opening the tender happens to be declared holiday then the tender will be received and opened on the next working day. 4. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs. 1,00,000/- 5. Tender outer cover should be : The Managing Director . Addressed to Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited, 4th Floor, LLA Building, 735,Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002. 6. Submission of Tender : Under Two Part system 7. (i) Clarification to be sought for : The General Manager I/c , From with a copy addressed Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited, To the other 4th Floor, LLA Building, 735,Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002. Phone No: 044-28522708 (or) The Project Manager, Mariyur Valinokkam Salt Complex, Valinokkam (via) Ramnad District Pin Code – 623 528 Phone No.04576 262224 or 262227 8. Place at which tenders will be : Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited, Opened at 4th Floor, LLA Building, 735, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002. TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 4 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 9. Cost of Tender Document : Rs. 600 /- (Non-Refundable) NOTE: 1. The tender documents shall be supplied to the intending tenderer after collecting the payment prescribed by the competent authority. 2. The tender documents can also be downloaded from Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited website (www.tnsalt.com) at free of cost. 3. The Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque towards the cost of tender documents shall be drawn in favour of Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited payable at Chennai. TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 5 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 SECTION - II PROFILE OF THE BIDDING TENDERER (To be submitted with the Demand Draft for the required EMD in separate cover super scribing as Part-A, Technical Bid) The particulars of the Tenderer firm/company are furnished as follows. : I. Name of tenderer II. Address a. Postal : b. Telegraphic c. Telephone No. Office Residence c. Fax No. e. E-Mail f. Mobile Phone No. g. No. & Date of TNGST & CST/VAT h. Name of the Officer to be contacted III. III. Whether you are a Proprietor concern/ Partnership firm, necessary certificate deed/ agreement should be enclosed IV. In case of Company a. No. & Date of registration b. Name of Directors c. Attach a copy of the Articles of Association and Board Resolution authorizing the transaction V. Whether you are a SSI Unit /NSIC Firm, The presently valid certificate must be Notarized by a Notary public (or) ested photocopy to be furnished. VI. VI. Whether you have furnished EMD as prescribed. If so please furnish the details. TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 6 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 VII. Whether you have obtained License : from Tamil Nadu Pollution control Board if so furnish license No. & Date VIII Capacity of the Plant and machinery for : manufacture of the Iodised Refined Free Flow Salt. The details of the no. of automatic packing machines and its capacity available now and also manual packing capacity/day. Furnish in details IX. Date from which the unit is functioning : X. No. of staff working in the Unit : XI Whether you have previous experience : in supplying Crystal Iodised salt & Free Flow Refined Salt/Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt to any reputed Companies/ Government organisations, etc. If so furnish the relevant details. XII Whether you are willing to abide by the : terms and conditions of tender XIII Whether you are financially sound to : execute the contract. Furnish solvency certificate/ bank guarantee/certified copy of balance sheet and profit and loss account certified by Chartered Accountant as evidence. XIV Whether you have been manufacturing : packing and supplying Crystal Iodised Salt and Iodised refined free flow salt and DFS for at least two years. Furnish incorporation certificate. XV Have you supplied CIS, RFFIDS to : TNSC in the past - if so, details may be provided in a separate sheet. TN SALT CORPORATION CHENNAI 2 Page 7 of 26 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER TENDER NO 5/FS/2020 SECTION-III Essential Qualifications required under Part – A, Technical Bid. 1. The tenderer should remit EMD of Rs.1,00,000/- and enclose the same along with the Part A Technical Bid. 2. The tenderer should have his own refinery or should have tie up with reputed refinery for the supply of Refined Free Flow Iodised salt matching ISI specifications and relevant supporting evidence should be produced for ability to manufacture/ supply the quality salt. 3. The manufacturer should have valid license issued in Tamil Nadu for the period of the contract for manufacture of Crystal Iodised salt , Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt and Double Fortified Salt issued by the competent authority. 4. The tenderer should have preferably semi automatic or good quality (reliable) automatic packing machine for packing of crystal Iodised Salt and Refined Free Flow Iodised Salt,Double Fortified salt of 100 tonnes per day by using LDPE/LLDPE Multi Layer Film Roll or manual packing capacity of 50 tons per day by using LDPE/LLDPE pouches. The possession of required no. of semi automatic or reliable automatic packing machine and its capacity and manual packing capacity per day shall be duly certified by the Chartered Accountant. 5. An average annual turnover of the tenderer for the last two (2) audited years shall be not less than Rs.20 lakhs. The same should be certified by the Registered Chartereed. 6. The tenderer shall have at least 3 years experience in carrying out similar nature of carrying out similar nature of work in any of the salt refinery. Sould enclose certificate obtained from the firm to whom the work was carried out successfully. 7. The tenderer should be registered labour contactor and should possess EPF code. The document to the proof of the above should be enclosed.
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