FREE EVERY MONDAY VOL. 25 ISS. 31 • MAY 24, 2021 THETACOMALEDGER.COM theUniversity of Washington ledger Tacoma TLC resources for finals week P3 2 MAY 24, 2021 THE LEDGER NEWS 1 2 IMAGE 1: COURTESY OF FOOD IS FREE ON FACEBOOK. IMAGE 2: COURTESY OF DAVID THOMPSON. Food is Free seeks to provide free, fresh produce or anyone who needs it. Food is Free Washington President, David Thompson awith his wife and garden coordinator, Ursula Thompson. Building community with food: Food is Free Washington President of Food is Free Washington, David Thompson, speaks about the fresh produce and food he and his team provide for all Tacomans. BY ROSIE MENDOZA-BAUTISTA Tacoma’s food deserts — parts of Ta- Currently, Thompson and his team ticular, they are looking for a food If you are in need of food assis- NEWS REPORTER coma where individuals lack access are preparing for this upcoming sum- rescue coordinator and garden crew tance, you may go up to a Food is Free to affordable and nourishing food mer and the goals they have in mind to assist them in their goals. sign or reach out via facebook for more The Ledger had the privilege to items. Thompson says these large to continue their work. However, even with his team how information and assistance. You can speak to the president of Food is Free food deserts are evident in East and In this upcoming year, Free Food it is, they have already seen the fruits also sign up with the app called Fresh Washington, David Thompson. He South Tacoma. Washington is pushing to build 30 of their labor. Especially throughout Food Connect that works to get food provided some context and details “On the Eastside, there’s an esti- more gardens around Tacoma. this pandemic, Food is Free Wash- delivered directly to those in need. about the non-profit organization mate that 60,000 people don’t have a Thompsons sees the need for gardens ington has been able to help give food that provides free fresh produce and grocery store. Then, if you go to in Central and South Tacoma along directly to the people. food to residents all over Washington South Tacoma, there’s only one gro- with the need for garden support. “There’s no means of testing. We — the majority of this information cery store on the other side of I-5. Another large goal they’re work- just give food to everybody. The little For more information stems from the branch based in Ta- South Tacoma is the other unsaid ing on is the 20% initiative. This ini- tables in neighborhoods have helped on receiving or coma. food desert,” he said. tiative would make it so that 20% of a lot of people and have become a This organization began because Because of this issue, Food is Free fresh fruits and vegetables that are lifeline for some. For our unhoused dontating food: Thompson had a surplus of food. “I aims to accomplish many tasks to consumed in Tacoma would be grown population, it has become a real life- Facebook: had way too much produce. I was provide food security. They have dif- locally whether it be through com- line for them,” he said. https://www.facebook.com/ trying to give it to the neighbors. I ferent divisions to meet these goals. munity supported agriculture, urban Overall, Free Food in Washington emeraldstatefood/ was trying to get my kids and family They have Food Rescue, which con- farms or home gardeners. has one mission. And this mission Website: to get it,” he said. “But I had too much sists of grocery stores giving away “At the beginning of the pandem- includes not only providing food se- https://foodisfreewashington. stuff; I couldn’t get rid of all of it, and food that close to expiration, but not ic, we saw store shelves empty. This curity for Tacomans, but Thompson org/volunteer/ it was too much fun to grow. So, I expired, to Free Food Washington. was a result of our supply chain also hopes that Food is Free helps found Food is Free on Facebook, and “We’re going to do FIG share days. breaking. What we can do by bring- build community amongst commu- Other website: we started from there.” They will begin on July 11. These are ing just 20% of our fresh fruits and nity members in Tacoma. foodisfree253.com Thus, this venture with Food is events that will happen every Sunday vegetables back to Tacoma, [is that] “Food is Free is all about building Instagram: Free turned into Food is Free Wash- and all summer and into fall. We will we could help stabilize that food communities and using food as the @tacomaurbanfarmer ington that started in 2015 and pros- be giving food away at local parks. chain system,” Thompson said. tool to do so,” Thompson said .“The pered from then. Now, his wife and We have a rotating schedule of four Because of all the plans they are whole idea is to get to know your Volunteer: fellow volunteers work to secure free parks,” Thompson said. tasked with both currently and in the neighbors and have your neighbors https://foodisfreewashington. org/volunteer/ produce for all Tacomans. They also focus on gardening and future, they find themselves very busy come up and talk about the garden. This concern for accessibility of building up new gardens. Street gar- with the amount they do and are ac- Gardening is a universal thing that free produce and food came from dens are something they’ve created. tively seeking new members. In par- can draw all kinds of people together.” THIS LE C N Office: MAT 151 E Editors Art Y W C The Ledger E S P R Phone: 253-692-4428 Editor-in-Chief .....................Talia Collett Illustrator .............................Lore Zent A E P E S R A E P UWT’s weekly student publication L Email: [email protected] Managing Editor ...........Alyssandra Goss Photographer....Nickolus Patraszewski May 24, 2021 | Vol. 25, Issue 31 News Editor .........................Garrett Yaen Opinion Editor .....................Andrea Nadal Design A&E Editor.........................Madeline Hiller Page Designer...............Natalie Peyton thetacomaledger.com ZOOM Office Hours: Page Designer...............Phong Ngyuen Monday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 3 - 5 p.m. Tuesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Staff Writers facebook.com/uwtledger Wednesday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. News Reporter...Rosie Mendoza-Bautista Cover Art Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 - 4 p.m. Opinion Columnist .........Bengisu Incetas by Natalie Peyton 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. & 3 - 5 p.m. @uwtledger Friday Opinion Columnist ...........Madi Williams Zoom Link: A&E Columnist..........................Lore Zent Managers @uwtledger https://washington.zoom. Film Critic..............................Henry Nguyen Web Manager...............Morgan Morgans Advisor us/s/91636229141 Sports Columnist.................Brooks Moeller Layout Manager............Morgan Morgans Publications Manager........Daniel Nash NEWS THE LEDGER MAY 24, 2021 3 TLC resources for finals week UW Tacoma tutors, tutees and teachers offer resources and advice for finals week. BY GARRETT YAEN ting up an appointment immediately. She explained that even if tutoring studying for an exam becomes a more NEWS EDITOR "...we are more than “We’re pretty quick in giving re- sessions have gone virtual, it hasn't fluid and less stressful process. Cao said sponses and we have to be strategic affected her love for the TLC because that those who pay attention to the As final exams loom students need welcome to help on about what feedback we give, given it still helps her focus. resources shared by the professors also not brave the storm alone. The Teach- the TLC website for that we don’t have unlimited time,” “Before the library shut down, I tend to focus on conceptual under- ing & Learning Center is here to give 1-on-1 Zoom ses- Guzman said. “So, if they come in would always study at the library standing of the material, instead of its virtual shelter to those needing a with a 15-page paper wanting to cor- whether I was with friends or not cramming their brains at the last min- push through finals. sions, we also have rect all the grammar mistakes with because just by being in that environ- ute which doesn’t encourage deeper According to TLC Writing Consul- other services that 30 minutes on the clock, we’re not ment where there are people around learning or long-term memory. tant Renee Anne Marie Guzman, in can give quicker help going to be able to help them as much studying, you can’t help but want to She noted that this helps them reflect addition to improving their learning as we like. And they’re not going to study too,” Markley said. “Even on previous mistakes made on home- skills, the TLC also helps students pre- or knowledge with- get as much out of the session com- though the in-person feeling is gone, work and previous tests. Thus, they are pare for exams and/or final papers on out having to file a pared to if they read our resources I would still think tutoring sessions more resourceful when seeking help nearly any subject they choose. More session,” about grammar, and come in with the to be helpful for anyone who has from their instructors and classmates. than this, the TLC also works to pro- parts they’re most confused about.” ADD or can’t study by themselves.” With some final last words of ad- vide students with resources to help having to file a session,” Guzman said. “It can be kind of overwhelming Accounting Professor Dr.
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