D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 7 / J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 8 Association for PPerspectiveerspective Humanistic Psychology ahpweb.org World Views & Emotional Climate HeartprintG Effect and Emotional Climate Grof and Wilbur’s Transpersonal Synthesis Remembering Dreams ATP Newsletter Depression and Communication REVIEWS AUTOBIOGRAP HY OF ALA N WA TTS INTE GRAL PSYCHOLOGY TE LLI N G STORIE S: GERMANS AND JEWS, ISRAE LIS AND PALESTINIANS DYING AND GRI E V I N G LEADERSHIP DOJO NOND U A L WISD OM SOU L SEARCH Renewal and growth in a charred plant on Rainbow Farm, after the Witch Fires in San Diego County DECEMBER 2007/JANUARY 2008 ahp PERSPECTIVE 1 ATP NEWSLETTER World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality orld Congress Hear presentations on Iranian political leaders, yoga teachers, and on Psychology Children’s Conversations With prison reformers, the Congress has and Spirituality God, Siberian and Mexican Sha- become a microcosm brimming with in Delhi, India, manism, Spirituality in the Work- ideas to create world cultures of WJanuary 5-8, cosponsored by the place, Vedic Fire Ritual for World enlightenment whereby everything Association for Transpersonal Psy- Peace, Spirituality in Sexuality and “works” and reaches toward the chology, Infinity Foundation, and Marriage, Holotropic Therapy Re- ideals everyone longs for—loving Shruti Foundation, and inaugurated search, Unknown Tantra Mysteries, relationships, spiritually inspiring by Lama Samdhong Rinpoche, the Spiritual Ecology, and 300 others. events, creatively effective methods Prime Minister of Tibet in exile, This action-oriented, internation- of conflict/problem resolution in a with keynotes by B. K. S. Iyengar al networking event aims to foster just and sustainable world. Young- and S. S. Ravi Shankar, now has global collaborations, demonstra- est attendees range from two years some 400 people from 40 countries tion projects, and co-authorships to fifteen and eldest to ninety-five. on six continents. among its attendees. It is structured Ways to Live the Congress: Find around the universality of the hu- your team of international col- man lifespan itself, from youthful laborators for your world-chang- International Transpersonal enthusiasm through the ages of ing project—be open to a mystical family creation and into the elder experience that will transform your Networking Meeting years and the mystery of death. life—locate universities to create To create similar breadth within a student/faculty exchange pro- At the Congress, there will be representatives our community of participants, gram—make a contact who will from more than 20 of the 27 international scholars in the fields of psychol- translate your book into Japanese or transpersonal associations. An outcome from this ogy, consciousness studies, Indic Polish or Slovenian—find partners meeting is expected to be the creation of a net- traditions, philosophy, medical and to create an international restor- working association to allow the international psychological clinicians, media and ative justice tribunal—find partners associations to share resources and maintain performance artists, and spiritual to create an international emer- contacts and exchanges. Contact Coordinator teachers from diverse traditions are gency trauma therapy team—find David Lukoff at [email protected] invited to present a wide range of producers for a global sacred music topics. More than 400 people are festival—find techies to create new registered to join the creation of virtual communities with you. See www.WorldCongressPS2008. the World Congress from Brazil, NEW: January 3–4, two-day org for information and to register Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Holotropic Breathwork session with for this historic event and to meet France, Canada, The Netherlands, Ingo Jahrsetz, Hans-Peter Weiding- Dr. R. Ganesh who awakened the Russia, Norway, Czech Republic, er, Anna Mauer, Patrick Baudin, and Universal Mind and its near-infinite Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Bernadette Blinn. January 5 morn- powers of intelligence and concen- Bulgaria, Iran, Slovenia, Sweden, ing—the powerful preconference tration, far beyond any meditation Scotland, Switzerland, Austria, Yagya Meditation Fire Ritual at master known to the West. He Japan, United Kingdom, Denmark, Surya Farms. There is still time to taught himself 14 languages, wrote Germany, Korea, Malaysia, USA, register. For details, 17 books, mastered modern biol- India, Australia, New Zealand, see www.worldcon- ogy, chemistry, physics, computer New-South-Wales, Israel, Mali, gressps2008.org science, ancient Sanskrit literatures Mozambique, Krygyzstan, South and dramatic arts, and can carry on Africa, Venezuela. STUART SOVATSKY, 100 conversations at the same time With physicians, lawyers, art- Ph.D., Congress Co-convener, www. without losing his place. He shows ists, ecologists, scholars, gurus, WorldCongressPS2008. us that meditation is far more than a journalists, students, therapists, org, http://home.jps. “mind-emptying” practice. engineers, corporate executives, net/~stuartcs?about.html 2 ahp PERSPECTIVE DECEMBER 2007/JANUARY 2008 ATP NEWSLETTER ATP and AHP Got Married in San Francisco n August 16, 2007, the that have inspired and nurtured so Professional ATP-AHP member- day before the start of many in the exploration of and the ship where the benefits of both the APA Meeting, there evolution of Consciousness—the organizations can be obtained for a was a celebration of a Association for Humanistic Psy- considerably reduced rate of $159. Onew era of a reconnected ATP and chology and the Association for AHP held at the California Institute Transpersonal Psychology.” of Integral Studies. David Lukoff, Eugene Taylor gave a brief Co-president of ATP stated: “I view historical perspective on the this event as critical to put these relationship between humanistic two movements back into alignment and transpersonal psychology to with each other. It will initiate a initiate the evening of sharing of new era of cooperation and col- stories from the past 40 years by laboration.” AHP President Carroy prominent “elders” from ATP and U. “Cuf ” Ferguson stated: “This was AHP, including Maureen O’Hara, an important and significant his- Mike Arons, Eleanor Criswell, toric event…in essence and spirit, a Tom Greening, Harris Friedman. celebration of an enhanced recon- In addition to cosponsoring AHP PRESIDENT CUF FERGUSON AND nection of two sister organizations conferences, there is a new Joint ATP PRESIDENT DAVID LUKOFF Scholars from Kyrgyzstan Participate in a Transpersonal International Exchange he Institute of Trans- are reminiscent of personal Psychology the ancient European hosted a colloquium megaliths, and the ritu- on October 23, 2007, als conducted there are KYRGYZSTAN VISITORS AT ITP: JAMAL GRANICK (ITP), DANIELA MAIFEI (ITP), GULNARA AITPAEVA (AIGINE), ELENA MOLCHANOVA (AIGINE), Tentitled Transpersonal Psychol- a synthesis of Islamic REGINA HESS (ITP), OLGA LOUCHAKOVA (ITP), AIDA ALYMBAEVA ogy in Central Asia: Searching and pagan worship. Dr. between Spirituality and Science. Aitpaeva oberved, “A lot of pil- between national cultural heritage, The new International Exchange grims come to the sacred sites to epic poetry, and healing rituals. and Learning Program is designed experience surpassing the borders Dr. Olga Louchakova, the Inter- to increase the exchange of ideas of individual consciousness.” For national Exchange and Learning and diverse perspectives among her book, Mazar Worship in Kyr- Program founder and director, and scholars in Transpersonal Psychol- gyzstan: Rituals and Practitioners in program coordinator Regina Hess, ogy from around the world. Talas, Dr. Aitpaeva collaborated are very excited about this new ini- This inaugural event was led by with local healers, ritual specialists, tiative. Dr. Louchakova says of the Drs. Gulnara Aitpaeva and Elena and clairvoyants to study Kyrgyz new program, “We hope to become Molchanova, both from Kyrgyz- sacred spaces. The researchers worldwide consultants in apply- stan, who discussed their research found transpersonal psychology a ing transpersonal psychology on a on the ancient Kyrgyz tradition paradigm that allows them to study number of different levels. We look of worshipping at sacred sites. their cultural heritage scientifically forward to hosting practitioners Interestingly, the stone structures while still retaining the connections from all over the world.” DECEMBER 2007/JANUARY 2008 ahp PERSPECTIVE 3 ATP NEWSLETTER Evening Honoring Robert Frager’s 50 Years in the Martial Arts obert Frager is a pio- psychology, which may be described Wada and I attended the celebration neering transpersonal aptly by O’Sensei’s statement, together. The following is a quote psychologist who has “You stand on the floating bridge from Sensei Wada’s blog (/jack- served as president of between heaven and earth.” wada.blogspot.com/): RATP, co-founded the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology (which Aikido is a spiritual transformative art. July of 1990 we had a famous guest has been a major force in main- O’Sensei set a standard for each person to instructor at Aikido of San Jose at our old taining the academic rigor of the set their own standard and to ‘behave as if Japantown location. At that time Robert discipline), and has influenced the God was seeing you.’ It is the quality of Frager and I were co-hosting a series of field through his incorporation being with your partner. The quality of Aikido Summer workshops. Earlier in the of principles of Aikido into both interaction,
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