Founded A.D. 1874 by John Singenberger (1538-1623) Vol. 61 FEBRUARY·· 1935 Entered as second class mat­ ter, October 20, 1931, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Formerly published in St. Francis. Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music monthly, except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay­ Vol. 61 February, 1935 No. 2 able in advance. Single copies 50c. IN THIS ISSUE Honorary Editor AMERICAN COMPOSERS 68 OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Managing Editor CHURCH MUSIC IN NEW YORK 69 WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY THE CHURCH AND THE MUSICIAN Kenneth Ryan 70 Business and Editorial Office M. E. DONAHUE ORGANIST S6 YEARS 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. IN PITTSBURGH, DEAD 71 Contributors DR. R. MILLS SILBY AT ST. JOSEPH'S lEV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.J., Buffalo, N. Y. COLLEGE, PRINCETON, N. J. 71 DaM ADELARD BOUVILL· EDITORIAL IN CATHOLIC DAILY TRY... IERS. O.S.B.. Belmont. N. C. BUNE, DUBUQUE, IOWA NOTES V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE, FATHER BONVIN'S JUBILEE 71 O.S.B., Conception. Mo. RT. REV. MSGR. LEO P. SILVER JUBILEE OF ST. ANTHONY'S MANZETTI, Roland Park, CHORISTERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. 72 Md. SINGENBERGER'S MASS SUNG IN REV. F. T. WALTER, St. Francis, Wise. CORK, IRELAND, 1907 72 REV. JOSEPH VILLANI, S. C., IJONNET PROGRAMS MAURO ... COT... San Francisco, Cal. TONE NUMBER FROM CAECILIA 72 REV. P. H. SCHAEFERS, Cleveland, Ohio. ~1ECENT DUPRE ORGAN RECITAL 72 REV. H. GRUENDER, S.}., TRAINING THE BOY CHOIR St. Louis, Mo. W. M. Hammond 73 SR. M. CHERUBIM. O.S.F. Milwaukee, Wise. LARGO Leo J. Sehringer 76 SR. M. GISELA, S.S.N.D., Milwaukee, Wise. ~EW MUSIC BY BIGGS FROM THE SR. M. RAFAEL, B.V.M., CAECILIA WIDELY USED 76 Chicago, Ill. M. MAURO·COTTONE. .l\N OUTLOOK ON THE CENTENARY New York, N. Y. OF THE SOLESMES SCHOOL OF MUSIC 77 RICHARD KEYS BIGGS, Hollywood, Cal. CATHOLIC CHURCH MUSIC IN ENG~ MARTIN G. DUMLER, M. M., LAND R. R. Terry 83 Cincinnati, O. JOSEPH J. McGRATH, OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH 86 Syracuse, N. Y. _MUSIC APPRECIATION ROLAND BOISVERT, Sr. Mary Cherubim, O.S.F. 103 Central Falls, R. I. W. A. HAMMOND, COMMUNICATIONS: Fort Wayne, Ind. Women in Church Choirs Rev. C. Rossini 108 ARTHUR ANGIE, Whitman, Mass. Latin Accent Long or Short? Arthur Angie 110 EDWARD A. MAGINTY, MUSIC BIOGRAPHffiS: Clement Francois- London, Eng. Theodore Dubois 1837~1924 112 JOHN MacDONALD, Glasgow, Scotland QUESTION AND ANSWER BOX Dam. Gregory Hugle, O.S.B. 113 Contents of each issue, Copy­ PROGRAMS 115 right 1935. Index of Contents for Entire Year 1934 obtainable on request. 68 THE CAECILIA A REMARKABLE NEW ORGAN durable. Radios operate now by merely Designed by Wicks plugging in to the regular house current. This new organ, gets its power from the same A need for a two manual and pedal pipe source, and there is a size for every place, organ (not reed or other imitation) has ex.... from an ordinary room, to.the great Cathe.... isted for many years. Thousands of churches, dral. orga?ists, lodges and music lovers who ap.... preclate the grandeur and majesty of a pipe organ, could not gratify their desires to own AMERICAN COMPOSERS one because of numerous material barriers. In the December 21, COMMONWEAL, They had to be satisfled .with a piano or a reed instrument. the eminent composer---critic, James P. Dunn, addressed a Communication, answering the Knowing full well under what handicap article uHow Bad Is American Music" by many choirs have been struggling along as Henry Bellamann. In the course of the let.... best they could without a pipe organ, and ter he pointed out that American writers and realizing. how hopeless the possibilities of artists were creating better material than the ever owning one appeared to many individ... foreign composers. He quoted McDowelt uals, we can fully appreciate the marvelous Carpenter, Hadley, Mrs. Beach among the achievement of the Wicks Pipe Organ Co., women composers, Victor Herbert, Taylor, Highland, Illinois. This concern, a leader and others. Especially interesting was the in its field, with a heritage of successful or... following: gan building, has eliminated the former ob.... HAs for Catholic Church Music ale not jections of expense and space, by building an organ which costs no more than a good the 'Missa Festiva' of Montani. or the 'Missa Pontiflcalis' of McGrath, equivalent to the piano or reed organ. efforts ,of RefIce or Ravanello." The organ contains pipes of standard size, voiced with great care by a master voicer, to With Mr. Dunn, we believe they are. suit each particular place where installation is to be made. America.n Guild of Organists' requirements are adhered to with accuracy Speaking of the composers Montani and in the construction of the two manual and McGrath, the following letter praises Me.... pedal console. This console is no different Grath's new Mass, very highly, after having from the type used for a $7000.00 two man... seen part of it in Mr. Montani's magazin,e. ual instrument. This new Mass is easier than the now' fam.... ous uMissa Pontiflcalis" and the following . Mechanically the organ has the highest letter to Mr. McGrath tells its own story: guarantee and its all... electric action provides freedom from the customary maintenance Dear Sir: troubles. The performer will marvel at its In the Sept. issue of the Catholic Choir.... instantaneous response and beautiful tone master I became aware of your HMissa Pa.... qualities. A very small and quiet blower rochialis." It appealed to me. Our clergy provides the necessary air. Operating cost here insist upon devotional and appealing is reduced to a minimum. There likewise is harmony---and most of all, brevity. Your a tremolo and a full complement of acces... mass has all of these. The Choir took to it sories to aid the player. in splendid fashion---it was performed twice No special preparation ne,ed be made for on Christmas day---Pontiflcal Mass at 5:00 installation. The blower is connected to the and at a Solemn Mass at 11.00. We have regular light line and any floor is suffiCiently here many Gregorian adherants. They strong to carry the weight of the instrument (much to my surprise) were fascinated by itself. the Credo. I felt they might object to the There is no excuse now for a church or mixing---but you handled it so well that each school to continue using an old \\TheezyReed lends to the beauty of the other., I feel it Organ, while the new Wicks can be ob.... only right to let you know that your work is tained for as little $750. appreciated. Sincerely yours, You may call this an ad, if you like, but we Vincent Scully. really believ.e that this new UDirect Electric" principle is but a mark of the 20th Century Organ...Choirmaster progress. No more Cyphers, no intricate St. Joseph's Cathedral, mechanism to get out of order, and yet it's Hartford,Conn. THE CAECILIA 69 CHURCH MUSIC IN NEW YORK As Described by H. E. Krehbiel in the Church Music Review -- June, 1904 Predominant in the Roman Catholic most potent of all churchly agencies, in con... churches of New York City (and generally nection with the eucharistic rite, for bringing throughout the world) at the celebration of the outward picture of the mysterious act of high mass are the settings of the Ordinary atonement to the consciousness of the sim... (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus pIe worshipper. and Agnus Dei) made by the Continental Years ago a revolt was organized against masters of musical composition at the end of it by the leaders of the so... called Caecilian the eighteenth and in the first half of the movement, which was pushed almost as nineteenth centuries. It is this music which strenuously as was the movement to abolish comes to mind when the Catholic Church "figured" music (that is, the unaccompanied, service is thought of. artistic music as it had been cultivated by It is an outgrowth of the style of mixed Palestrina and his predecessors and was con... vocal and instrumental composition which tinued by that great master's successors) be... came in with the invention of the lyric drama fore the Council of Trent in 1563. The and the development 'of the orchestra. It Caecilian movement was started by Dr. has enlisted the finest efforts of the greatest Proske, canon of the Cathedral, and Chapel... musical .gen~uses that the world has known. master Mettenleiter, of Ratisbon. Dr. Proske Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Cherubini, published many of the manuscripts of the Pa... Weber, Schubert, Humrnel, Rossini and pal Choir, and Herr Mettenleiter brought Gounod are represented in its crowning out a book of old Church music, entitled achievements, and have bestowed upon it "Enchiridion Chorale", and these publica.. some of their loftiest inspirations. In a tions drew attentioJ). to the treasures left by sense the Solemn Mass in D, by Beethoven, the Church composers of the sixteenth and is a higher flight than the choral part of his seventeenth centuries. Dr. Franz Witt, a Symphony in D minor; Cherubini's "Re... Bavarian priest, pupil of Proske and Metten... quiem," and his masses in D minor and A leiter, and an admirable composer and choir... major, show the culmination of his genius master, assailed the prevalent music in a ser... better than the operas which made him fam ... ies of powerful essays, stirred up the bishops ous; Schubert's Mass in A flat is the chiefest and clergy and in 1868 founded the "Cecilien of his choral writings; Gounod's "St.
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