Eo Co No. SSf ESTIMATES COMMI1TEE (1968-69) ru"I'Y-SIXm REPORT (FOURTH LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AcdOD taken by Government on the recommendadou contained in the Ninety-third Report of the Estimates Committee (fhird Lot Sabha) OD the MiDistry of Home Mairs- Public Service. LOa: SABBA SECRBTARIAT NEW DELHI III"""" 19f8ISTafJ4M, 18go (&.rAwI) .""\0.,,1- '2 Pria : Re. 1·15 UST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALB OP LOR; SABRA SBCRBTARIAT PUBLICATIONS Serial Name of Agent Agency Serial Name of Agent A&eoc'/ No. No. No. Ko. ANDHRA PRADESH 13. Deccan Book Stall, Fer­ guson College Road, 1. Andhra University Gene­ Poona-4- ral Cooperative Stores Ltd., Waltair RAJASTHAN (Visakhapatnam) 8 14. Information Centre, Gov- 2. G. R. Lakshmipathy ernment of Rajasthan, Chenyand Sons, Ge­ Tripolia, Jaipur City. neral Merchants and News Agents, Newpet, UTTAR PRADESH Chandragiri, Chinoor District. 94 IS. Swastik Industrial Works, 59, Holi Street, ASSAM Meerut City•• 3. Western Book Depot, 16. 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Jaina& Brothcra, Service, Deccan Gym- Mori Gate, Delhi • thana, Poona.... II 24· The Central News Agen­ II. Charles Lambert & Com­ cy. 23/900 Connaught pany,IOI, Mahatma Place, New Delhi • Gandhi Road,Oppo­ I, lite CIoc:k Tower. 2S. The BngIish Boot Store, Fort, Bombay. ,-L,Connaught Cir- cus, New Delhi. • 20 Ia. The Current Boot Houae, Maruti Lane, Raghu­ ae. Labhmi Book Store, 42 nath Dadaji StRet, Munidpal Market. Bombay-I. JIDJ*h, New Delhi ----------COR RIG,S N D A·'--~ to Fifty-Sixth Re:-ortof the "!stima'tes 'Committee on Action Taken on.the reco1Il~ndations contained i.n the Ninety-:-third 3eport (Third u;k,Sabha),~tl tlJ~,' Hi¢str.}r or ti2 me ~ffa1rs";,vabMe.Wyise s . [.. ,. P~g~ ~~~e'3 .from b~~w ~ : f?r , 'Mi~i t!:ies~.- readuif"'Rini st1;'1e.s t ! . c, • =:' d... '~_' , Page 8, line 'J.,.O~· w- ,~·,closif:i.ca t1on' : ~ 'clasSf1'.1e4L+'(5li'.. Page 11'; :lin~ ~3" ..tor' ta'll" 'I.5d :1 the' .' , Page 19, line 27',af±er' t very' insert ' 'early' • Pag~.,t9, ;lin.e 27~, ~'Gl' ~requ1remenst ," '- '~, '~' read'requirements ..' '.. ., . Page 19 , line' 36." far ,to' read' "tb' . Page 20, last llne,'.9:!l£.: :JCommissibn1 at the end .. Pa goe 21 J ,line 23, fQJ'~ '0' read I to' '. ' p~ge~ ~:3, 11.ne,c-31,. aftet,f'c~i~L1caJly' inse,rrt: 'r'eV1'ewed l .,' , .' .. ' "":' :' , ' " ", " Page ~~, ~i'!le ia-!'.rcOr;'}t,i-{l~hg'F~r'ead Itra:~x\1ngt,. Page 29, .af,ter, l1n..~~,22",ins.ert'-tlfe folloWipg line; I Gove.rni~1)t ~Y' sta te ,tfie. ~a'tes1i '1'0 ~i·ti'0t:l' • Page ~, Q..rn1 t last'line.'· ~~_:'" Page 32, line 12, for ',VI' read'.':1:-5'. Page 34, line, 29, 'tor, I deta,in t ,read ~ retain~. Page 38, line 4, for'r-eyective' read ' reflective'. Page 38, eolumn,l, li-ne 7 from bel,ow, for 'over' rfiad 'ever'., " '. _ ' page 38 co, '1m l, line 2 from below, --m t sclentlfls' read t'scientifi,c'. :2 .,• Page 39, column 2, line 14 fro m below, for t substntial' read 'substantial'., Page 41, co lu m 2, line 12, ' for,' 1955' nad~ '1965'. Page 41, column 21 line 16, 1Q! 'these', read, 'those' • ' , " Page 41" colu1!lIl 2, lines23-24, ,,2l!l!! 'ap-thosewho'. p.age41;,: column 2, .1ine2S', 'Xpr f 269' ~~2B9' • ,Pi;t.'ge.:~~5 ',l~PJ_~~ .. .tr.Qm.belO'w,'-om1t 'the' after:,'in'. '-pgg-~'" -~ !ine":'"?, 1.Q.!:. 'cntinu1 ty1 ,l'ead 'co.rfttiQl ty' • ' 'Page 5l, lirieI4,.!Q.t' UOxle' r~ad' Zone' .! ' " .:; Page 51, line 24,.f.Q!: '25(i)' read'3~(i)'.,' Page 55, line 19, 1.Ql: 'eamine' ',read 'examine' '. ': Page 66, line 15, from.: b91ow,ij.-fter"' avenue" insert for' .~c, ,~:, Page 66, line 14' from below, lli" to' ~ (by',. Page 66, line II '!rom below, droit 'be'. Page 67, line 9'from belo:w, for 're~ate' read 'rotate '.', 'r :: ' c.. , ",' " Page,69, li..Ile ,4; after '~pplyf insert lof,' • Page 69, line 6, for 'conrolled r read I controlled' • Page 69" line 2.,E5 ,.fQ!: r (LLS)" read '(SLS)'., . Page 69,' line 6 ~om ;b~low, ill 'intim1nable' read 'interminable' .:.' ," Page 70, line 25, !2.!: t taff' read 'staff'. CONTENTS PAGI ~MPOIlTIOK OP THB COMMITTII (iii) ..:co~TlON OP STUDY GROUP 'F' OF THB CoMMITTBB (1967-68) (iv) " "1:NTaoDuCTION • (v) uCiIAPTBR I Report 1 ~CIIAPTBR II Rec.munendations which have been accepted by Government 3 rCHAPTIR III Recommendations which the Committee do DOt desire to purs1le in view of of the Goven:unent's reply 0 'CRAPnR IV Recommendations in respect of whk:b replies have not been accepted by the Committee t>CHAPTBR V Recommendations in respect of which finod replies of Government are atill awaited _ APP8NDIaS- I. Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 1/8/61-AIS(V) dated the 23rd December, 1961 to the Chief Secretary to the Government of all the State Governments • II. Statement giving cadre-wise the strength aad composition ofthe cadres before and after the triennial review of 1966 • III. Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. 21/,p/64-AIS ;: (III)A. dated the 31St March, 1961 and No. 21/42/64-AIS(III) dated the 31st March, 1961. / IV. N.ote indicating the progress made towards constitution of the new AU India Services • . { V. Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) O.M. No. F. IO(24)-E. III/B/60 dated the 29th August, 1966 79 WI. Analywis of the action taken by Government on the recommendations contained in the 93rd Report of the Estimates Committee (Third Lok Sabha). • ESTIMA TES COMMITTEE (1968-69) CHAIRMAN Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah MEMBERS 2. Shri B. Anjanappa. 3. Shri R. S. Arumugam. 4. Shri Panna Lal Barupai. 5. Shri Onkar Lal Berwa. 6. 8hri Tridib Chaudhuri. 7. Shri Ganesh Ghosh. 8. Shri Hardayar Devgun. 9. Shri Y. Gadilingana Goud. 10. Shri J. M. Imam. 11. Shri Tulshidas Jadhav. 12. Shri C. Janardhanan. 13. Shri S. Kandappan. 14. Shri Yashwant Singh Kushwah. 15. Shri K. Lakkappa. 16. Shri J. M. Lobo Prabhu. 17. Shri Inder J. Malhotra. 18. Shri Yamuna Prasad MandaI. 19. Shri Bibhuti Mishra. 20. Shri F. H. Mohsin. 21. Shri Kartik Oraon. 22. Shri Chintamani Panigrahi. 23. Shri Gajraj Singh Rao. 24. Shri Erasmo de Sequeira. 25. Shrimati Jayaben Shah. 26. Shri Shantilal Shah. 27. Shri Rajdeo Singh. 28. Shri Arangil Sreedharan. 29. Shri K. Subravelu. 30. Shri Tula Ram. SECRETARIAT Shri B. B. Tewari-Deputy Secretary. Shri G. D. Sharma-Under Secretary. (m STUDY GROUP cP (ESTIMATES COMMII lEE) (1967-68) CoNVENEll Shri S. Kandappan MEMBEllS 2. Shri Jyotinnoy Bosu 3. Shri Tridib Chaudhuri 4. Shri Y. Gadilingana Good 5. Shri J. M. Imam 6. Shri Baij Nath Kureel 7. Shri K. Lakkappa 8. Shri Yamuna Prasad MandaI 9. Shri Dhuleshwar Meena 10. Shri F. H. Mohsin 11. Shri Gajraj Singh Rao 12. Shrimati Jayaben Shah 13. Shri Shantilal Shah 14. Shri P. Sivasankaran SECllETAllIAT Shri B. B. Tewari-Deputy Secretary. Shri G. D. Sharma-Under Secretary. (v) INTRODUCfION I, the Chairman of the Estimates Committee having been authorised by ;jlhe Committe, present this Fifty-Sixth Report of the Estimates Committee · on action taken by Government on the recommendations contained in the · Ninety-Third Report of the E9timates Committee (Third Lok Sabha) on · the Ministry of Home Affairs-Public Services. 2. The Ninety-Third Report was presented to the Lok Sabha on the 21s1 · April, 1966. Government furnished their replies indicating the actio taken on the recommendations contained in this Report between 20th Octo- o ber, 1966 and 25th January, 1968. The replies were examined by the Study Group 'F' of the Estimates Committee (1967-68) at their sittings held on the 28th November 1967 and 4th April, 1968. The draft Report was adopted by the Estimates Committee (1968-69) , on the 19th .July, 1968. 3. The Report has been divided into the following chapters:­ I. Report. II. Recommendations which have been accepted by the Government. III. Recommendations which the Committee do not desire to pursue in view of the Government's reply . IV. Recommendations in respect of which replies of Government have not been accepted by the Committee. V. Recommendations in respect of which final replies of Government are still awaited. 4. An analysis of the action taken by Government on the recommenda­ ~tions contained in the Ninety-Third Report of the Estimates Committee (Third Lok Sabha) is given in Appendix VI. It would be observed there­ from that out of 50 recommendations made in the Report, 29 recommen- · dations i.e. 58 per cent have been accepted by Government; the Com­ o mittee do not desire to pursue 11 recommendations i.e.
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