torr in making successful the efforts I past rear as president or this organ- of this chamber are the Birmingham daily ization. newspapers. Their attitude is beyond “Second, that the Chamber of Com- CASEMENT SAYS praise. No estimate can be mode of the merce is convinced and does now ac- MS I value of the in their to him that CREELMAN ■ publicity being given knowledge the results of columns every day of every week In the his labors as President of this organ- year. This is true of the news columns ization have proven of vast benefit to and of Ihe editorial pages. They co- Birmingham and vicinity, and that Weils Last suggest, admonish, such will remain not as a ben- Call operate. they they only IS DEM BERLIN -I they encourage, they lead ns to new and efit to this community, but will even- larger embavor. More power to them." tually be held as a monument to his ability, integrity, efficiency and good Many of these Hart Schaffner & judgment. Noted War TO BUY HIS HEAD Convention Committee's Correspondent Report “Third, the Chamber of Commerce 11 Idem chairman of the conven- Passes Marx Fall and Winter Suits are Henry hereby tenders to him its profound Away After an light tion committee, reported in part as fol- thanks for the results obtained during Irish Separatist Leader Ex- lows : his administration." Operation enough for Spring. "There have been in Birmingham during Farm Movement Work our fiscal year about BO per cent more hibits Letter “On December 9 this committee, in com- Offering j conventions than were hold here during pany with the wholesale trades commit- th previous year, having been about 60 Berlin. 12.—(Via for His tee and representatives of other organ- February London, Feb- 825,000 Cap- large and small gatherings. Time to izations and of busineses interests gen- ruary 13, 1:45 a. m.)—James Creelman, the enough yet get your money's "There was an article in one of our met erally. with Mr. W. R. Baughman American journalist, died .here today. He ture or Death papers early- in January of this year es- I campaign manager of the agricultural '$ .» the entertained dur- had undergone an operation two days | worth—besides can next timating delegates extension department of the International you begin ing 1914 at 25.000. and cash spent by these ago for Bright’s disease. Harvester company of New Jersey and delegates as approximately $625,0000. This Ctiica Berlin, wireless go. Take February 12.—(By information was obtained largely front James Creelman was one of tlie most A fall with new clothes and “As the Birmingham Chamber of Com- Men, practically to SayviUe. L. I.)—Sir Roger Case- the Chamber of Commerce, and Is as ac- known of merce is representative of the entire busi- widely American newspaper ment, leader of the friction curate as such an estimate can be made. separatist ness interest of the state of Alabama our men. He first attracted attention as a Hand in This the that This is in concrete form and shows howr satisfying knowledge you got in Ireland, published bore today an members were no doubt to a man In thor- war correspondent in the Spanish-Amer- valuable conventions are. 1 open letter to Sir Edward Grey British ough accord with a movement of this "Without burdening this report with a ioan war. At the battle of El Caney he Glove Sale character, even state for affairs, realizing that Birming- a real Note the reductions. secretary of foreign list .wo mention a few of the was seriously wounded after capturing a bargain. lengthy ham. with its coal and iron, was in the alleging that h< Sir Roger, has doc- conventions that have visited ns. some flag. Later he was a rnidst of an agricultural district and that Spanish eorresopnd- 4 \1) Our' evidence to prove that the for the first time, and who expressed ) umentary its future prosperity was so entirely de- ent in the Russian-Japanese war and was < ® a themselves as greatly pleased: tl.50 Gloves $22.50 H. S. & M. $25.00 H. S. & M. British government is in criminal pendent upon the prosperity of the farm- present at the fall of Port Arthur. "American Iron and Steel institute. to have him or ers that they unanimously adopted the Creelman was at Overcoats Suits and Overcoats conspiracy captured Theta born Montreal, Can- 4 \re "Now i Suits and "Phi Delta fraternity. plans suggested giving Mr. killed, says an item given out tonight Baughman's ada, November 12, 1839. His first news- .‘ "Southern Textile association. organization a written invitation approved paper work was in New York.* While l y the Overseas News agency. "Electrical Supply Jobbers’ associa- For such good makers as Adler, Per* by the directors of our chamber to come working as correspondent in the Euro- Sir Roger made a statement, con- tion. in and Bactno made them and to Birmingham. pean field he interviewed Leo XIIP you \ !• "Alabama Educational association. Pope tinues the news to the «^ now means. ■ agency. charging “TTp present time 22 counties in and also many crowned heads. He left what thRt "Alabama State Fair. Tansfeldt De C. Findlay, British min- north Alabama have extended invitations for Berlin to represent a York paper size assortments ■ "Alabama Merchants’ association. Fairly good offer to our organization, raising the necessary on 2. i ister to Norway, with conspiring with union. January f "Alabama Farmers' hoice of tans, dressed and '■_rS funds and all other undresaeit making provisions for Creelman married Miss Alice Buell of Sir man Adler Chris- we can count on and a Roger’s servant, "No doubt these * id. t conveying the various experts to the Ohio in 1891. Mrs. Creelman is now on tenson. a Norwegian, for the capture large percentage of the other gather- $30.00 H. S. & M. $35.00 H. S. & M. speaking points on the dates set. The her way to Europe aboard the steam- ings coming back to us in the near fu- or killing of Casement, for which counties that have already been covered Adriatic, started this ture. A partial list for 1915 includes the ship having early Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats Christenson would receive 125.000. have attended these meetings in num- week when apprised of the serious illness Our 1.00 ! following: 7Q bers estimated from 60 to 600. An ac- of her husband. Sir Roger showed a photographic Alabama Bankers association. Gloves I curate number is kept of the attend- copy of what purported to be a letter Southern ( attlemen’s association. ance and will be Ft is ' Lumbermen's association. published. so far written on British legation paper at Tri-State estimated that. 90.000 farmers have heard _ Alabama Baptist Laymen. Christiania, in the minister's handwrit- the divers!fl cation speeches in 22 counties Alabama State fair. and over his The in north Alabama. The ing signature. writer Alabama Merchant’s association. Montgomery *20 J25 Chamber of A of New of this letter “on behalf of Commerce, which is co-oper- Quartet f promised Southern Commercial Secretaries as- ating with our chamber in handling the the British government,” that if, sociation. Books Which I south Alabama counties, have arranged Sing through information Chris- Greeters’ association (one dayi. given by to put on the movement In j6 counties up Sir be "We can never hope to b«* a really large Their Own 1 tenson, Roger should captured, to this date with five more requests hav- either with or convention city until a liberal fund is without his companions. ing been added recently. Christenson guaranteed and a regular organization Praises 1 would receive “from the “The information given to thpse farm- British employed. Our committee, acting for the government” £5000, would be ers has been furnished under the slogan Chamber of Commerce, have solicited a ! Montgomery, February 12.—(Special.) The Turmoil, by 1 OK allowed personal immunity and would of ‘Alabama Must Feed realiz- j Herself.* The senate committee on finance and M. & be given free passage to the United number of conventions for their 191f> and WEIL that until the A,Ot# BRO. ing farmer grows his own Booth States if he 1916 meetings, with some measure of sue- ! taxation this afternoon over as Tarkington so desired. home products for feeding his and passed j| this family Christenson ac- cess; without expending much money. | as bills recess commit- personally declared, his stock that it will be necessary to many 30 to the Help Wanted, 1 OP "Presently we shall have a big audi- by 1915-17 First Avenue cording to Sir Roger, that Findlay told mortgage his cotton to purchase these tee, whose duty it will be to devise a him to Sir a torium and will be in working shape for Lait & Dennison lure Roger to point on Paine materials from our imported sister new revenue law and to make a thor- :1J the coast where a keeping it actively used. Tn the mean- British ship could states. The farmer is also given accur- run in and him. “or still time we will he increasing our conven- ough investigation of the financial con- A Set 1 The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes get better, ate Information as to how much corn, of'Six, by OK <1 to knock him In the tions of considerable size and import- dition of the state before the I head.” meat, hay, poultry, butter and other legis- Conrad A.Ot/ Sir ance; certainly many more than we can Joseph Roger said that he had asked things are shipped into his state each lature reconvrmes next July.
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