Volume II, Issue 2 February 2020 THE FEBRUARY MESSAGE OF THE RECTOR MAJOR from the Salesian Bulletin “The Power of Love” Dear Friends, offered it to us at the time as students gave the following We are ap- his first Encyclical Letter Deus diagnosis: "without the least proaching the Caritas Est (God Is Love). It is probability of success." time of Lent a love that we have received Twenty-five years later, an- which will and have met in our personal other professor of Sociology by prepare us for encounter with Christ. Pope chance found that previous the Passover Benedict tells us in his encycli- study and commissioned his of the Lord. cal that it is: a love “that gives students to follow up on the At this Season, the Church a horizon to life (…). The pas- project begun many years be- proposes to us prayer, fast- sion of God for each one of us fore to see what had happened ing, and charity to help us is made concrete in a personal in the lives of those boys and We are a Family along our path to Easter. Love – a Love that is predilec- girls, if they could be found. belonging all to Mary tion and that gives meaning to With this my greeting I am With the exception of 20 who our existence. God loves Man proposing to you a reflection had moved to another place to In this issue: and every human being, and that has a great deal to do live or who had died, the stu- His love becomes visible on the with an excellent way to pre- dents discovered that 176 of In, With, and For 2-4 faces of those with whom we pare for Easter: The way to the remaining 180 had the Church live.” live more and better at all achieved success in life; i.e., Marian Day 2020 5 times by LOVING – but tru- During a reflective moment I they had managed to have To Educate Like 6-7 ly loving, as they say collo- thought about how indescriba- orderly, stable, and reasona- Don Bosco quially, “until it hurts.” ble and unique is God’s Love. bly happy lives. It creates peace and tranquili- Salesian Family 7-8 This reflection is attributed The professor was stunned ty. If our little human experi- Spirituality Days to Mother Teresa of Calcut- and decided to continue the ences of love have enough ta: investigation. Fortunately, March for Life 9 strength to change people's many of those people lived rel- Pilgrimage to Italy 10-11 lives – a change that when it atively close by and it was pos- and WMOF 2021 Wherever you go, spread is a product of love always lifts sible to ask each one how they love: first of all in your up, always helps one get up, Our Family Album 12 interpreted the path their lives own home. Shower love always “elevates’ – and always had taken, knowing that the on your sons and daugh- launches forward to help one IMPORTANT family and neighborhood con- ters, your wife or your “get out of the ditch” – then DATES text presaged the worst ... Well, husband, your next-door how immense His Love must neighbor. Do not let any- in every case the answer, over- 1-Commemoration of all be! one ever come to you with- flowing with a great feeling of deceased SDB A beautiful fact of life that out leaving feeling better gratitude, was, "I had this 7-Bl. Pope Pius IX confirms what I have been and happier. Be the living teacher." 8-Northeast USA Marian Day saying follows here: Core Team Meeting @ Stony expression of God's good- A university professor Point, NY 10 AM ness – goodness in your wanted the students of his 9-Bl. Eusebia Palomino, FMA face, goodness in your Sociology class to go to the 13 -CPC Meeting Online 9PM eyes, goodness in your smile, goodness in your fringes of the big city 20-Forming the Formator where they lived to record Ongoing Sessions Online warm greeting. the life stories of 200 young “Venn Diagrams and Coordi- nators” 8PM people. Students were There is no doubt that this is 25-Protomartyrs, Bishop asked to offer an assess- VersIglia and Don Caravario, a simple and yet very specific ment of the future of each SDB program. Pope Benedict XVI respondent. In all cases, continued on the following page Page 2 S. F. Snippets (Rector Major Letter, cont. from p. 1) The Social Justice Teachings of the Church That teacher was still alive and the and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and professor looked for this still “alert and agile-minded old woman” to ask the Salesians of Don Bosco what magic formula she had used to The Rector Major’s Strenna of 2020 high- sought to treat children, adolescents, “save” those boys and girls from the lights an aspect of the Salesian charism and young adults with the respect that toughness of the ghetto and to guide that might ordinarily go unnoticed or at is due to a person created in God’s im- them along the path of an honest, least under-reported: social justice lived age and called to a fullness of life as a neat, and stable life. in our mission. human person. Don Bosco said that his It is really very From the very be- educational approach sought to help the simple, the teacher ginning of his work young develop into upright citizens and replied. "I simply with the young in good Christians. As humans, the young LOVED THEM." Turin, Don Bosco were born to a dignity that brought with was very attentive it both the rights and the responsibili- I simply to the human, so- ties of a citizen, neighbor, and family LOVED cial, and religious member. As Christians, the young were THEM. needs of the boys baptized as disciples of Christ, called to who were left to holiness of life, and commissioned to We can tell many, many stories like themselves on the streets of Turin. With proclaim God’s Kingdom though the this one from our own Salesian edu- Fr. Cafasso, Don Bosco visited the young Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. cational history from all over the people in the municipal prison in Turin. Both Don Bosco and Mary Mazzarello world. We are speaking precisely of To his horror, the younger prisoners recognized that their students were so- that great truth: Love has a power were held in the same open cells with a cial beings that needed the accompani- that transforms everything. Love large number of hardened, adult crimi- ment of family, community, and friends nurtures and heals. Love gives confi- nals. In effect, these young people were to be happy and to grow fully as upright dence in oneself; it strengthens and enrolled in a school of crime in which citizens and good Christians. They es- empowers. Love moves hearts and they were both victims and students. tablished an oratory environment char- life and has the strength to move the Don Bosco came out of that horrifying acterized by our Family Spirit that drew world and our lives within it. experience with the conviction that he everyone into familial relationship mod- It is too bad that we often act other- had to do everything he could to prevent eled after the Holy Family. They made wise! other young people from suffering that sure that everyone felt at home with Why do we so often struggle because same fate. each other. Their educational approach we hold onto grudges, and foment St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, with her relied on the formative effect of peer rivalries and confrontations, rather fellow Daughters of Mary Immaculate groups that were led by their best stu- than create spaces of understanding were gathering young girls in Mornese dents such as St. Dominic Savio and and peace? with the intention of helping them devel- Blessed Laura Vicuña. Within these Did our God make us so imperfect op the human, social, and religious facets small groups, the young people felt sup- that even while knowing that Love of their nature. They first began oratory ported and encouraged to develop the can do everything, it is very difficult gatherings and, soon after, sewing clas- qualities needed to be good Christians, for us to live on Love every minute, ses for girls orphaned of their mothers loving family members, and productive every hour, every day – or did He who became their first boarders. As with citizens. simply make us for Love and we con- Don Bosco, all of life was interwoven: Don Bosco and Mary Mazzarello took fuse and block ourselves with many evangelization, education, catechesis, seriously the right of all people to engage other things? and family were inseparable. These in work that is a continuing participa- I wish you all the best, my friends of young girls were helped to realize God’s tion God’s creation. They both took care the Salesian Bulletin [and Snippets call to holiness in their lives, their digni- to prepare their young people for life by and other Salesian newsletters] and ty as women, and their important role as training them in the virtues and skills I encourage you to join together to be mothers of families in society, and apos- that would be needed to engage in pro- part of this great group of millions of tles in the Church. ductive work, to gain a fair wage, and to people who believe in the power of From this beginning, they established an take economic initiative.
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