Key to Abbreviations A: Application deadline Ab: Abstracts deadline Conferences and Schools inv. : restricted to invited applicants NP: no proceedings will be published P : Papers deadline (information on procee­ In 1993, Europhysics News publishes two and are boxed. Events sponsored by EPS dings has not been received) Meetings Issues: in March and November. have all Information printed in bold type; PP: proceedings will be published (papers Urgent up-datings can also be included in all Europhysics Study Conferences have an E deadline) issues in the form of advertisements charged preceding the date and are also boxed; x: no. of participants (<x: restricted to x) at SFR 100- per insertion. European Research Conferences in Physics lim.: limited participation The events listed here are those for which organized In cooperation with the ESF, Stras­ + : country (area) tel. / fax details were received at the EPS Secretariat bourg, are boxed. email - bitnet address or other before 5 March 1993. In general, all events Meetings sponsored by the CEC’s Human interesting European physicists which take Capital and Mobility programme have a * place from the beginning of April 1993 are preceding the date (see page 42 for further The Information is given in this order: cited. For events prior to that date readers information). are referred to the November 1992 issue. For inclusion in the November 1993 issue, Date Title Venue The meetings are in date order divided into organizers should send details to the EPS Contact for information two categories — Conferences and Schools Secretariat by 25 October 1993 at the latest. A: ... / Ab: ... / NP, PP orP: Papers dead­ — although the distinction between these two Even if full details are not yet available, the line / Number of participants / inv. / lan­ categories is not always evident. Europhysics preliminary information should be given. guages other than English / Conference Conferences, i.e. meetings organized or co­ Entries are selected from a database com­ fee Sponsor organized by EPS, its Divisions and piled using information which is supplied by ► after the title indicates an important Sections, are printed entirely in bold type organizers and by meetings correspondents. amendment to the last published entry. Meetings Listings 6 - 8 Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Conferences 1993 Devices & Integrated Circuits: 9th Int. Conf (NASE- The Europhysics Meetings Database car­ CODE IX) Copper Mountain, CO, USA ries a complete listing of physics mee­ P. McKeever, 26 Temple Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland tings worldwide of interest to European APRIL +353 (1) 679 76 55/ 679 24 69 jmiller @ vax1.tcd.ie physicists. Listings sorted by date, venue PP: 6 Apr 93 / £IRL 250.-; 200.- students; incl. proc. and field can be ordered from the EPS April 1 Current Res. in Magnetism London, UK 7 - 9 Artificial Neural Networks: European Symp. loP, 47 Belgrave Sq., London SW1X 8QXt UK (ESANN) Brussels, Belgium M. Verleysen, Micro­ Secretariat, Geneva (SFR 50,- per 50 +44 (71)235 61 11 /259 60 02 electronics Lab., KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, entries). _______________ 4 - 5 Recent Developments in XUV Radiation B-3001 Heverlee Sources Chester, UK J.P. Marangos, Blackett 12-16 Materials Res. Soc. Spring Meeting San Meetings: 810 (1993); 142 (1994) Lab., Imperial Coll., Prince Consort Rd., London SW7 Francisco, CA, USA M.N. Geil, MRS, 9800 McKnight Listed in this issue: 668 (1993/4) 2BZ, UK Rd., Pittsburg, PA 15237, USA +1 (412) 367 30 03/ 4 - 8 European Union of Geosciences: Biennial 367 43 73 Meeting (EUG VII) Strasbourg, France Geological 13- 16 Magnetics: Int. Conf. (INTERMAG ’93) 19-21 Integrated Ferroelectrics: Int. Symp. Colo­ Survey of The Netherlands, Postbus 157, NL-2000 Stockholm, Sweden Congrex, POB 5619, S-11486 rado Springs, CO, USA A. Miller, Univ. of Colorado, AD Haarlem Stockholm - / +46 (8) 612 62 92 POB 7150, Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150, USA 4 - 8 Low-Energy Muon Science (LEMS 93) 13-17 Spatio-Temporal Patterns in NoneQuili­ 19-22 The Institute of Physics Cong. - Higher Santa Fe, NM, USA MP-VC, MS H831, LANL, Los brium Complex Systems: NATO ARW Santa Fe, Education Issues; Vacuum, Plasma & Surface Tech­ Alamos, NM 87545, USA NM, USA P.E. Cladis, AT&T Bell Labs, 600 Moun­ nology; Spectroscopy Conf.; 20th. Ann. Plasma Phy­ 4 - 8 Remote Sensing & Global Environment tain Ave., MH1E441, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA sics Brighton, UK loP, 47 Belgrave Sq., London Change: Symp. Graz, Austria R. Rogers, ERIM, 13-17 New Developments in String Theory, SW1X 8QX, UK +44 (71) 235 61 11 /259 60 02 POB 134001, Ann Arbor, Ml 48113-4001, USA Conformal Mode’s & Topological Field Theory: PP: 19 Apr 93 +1 (313) 994 12 00/994 51 23 NATO ARW Cargese, Corsica, France L. Baulieu, 19-22 Integrated Optics: European Conf. (ECIO 5 - 7 Analysis by a Combination of Ion-Beam Univ. P. & M. Curie, LPTHE, Tour 16, 4, place ’93) Neuchâtel, Switzerland O. Parriaux, Swiss (Accelerator-Based) & Surface Specific Techni- Jussieu, F-75252 Cédex 05 Centre for Electronics & Microtechnology, CP 41, ues: 3rd Int. Conf. on Ion -Beam & Surface Specific 13-23 Phase Transitions & Relaxation in S ys­ CH-2007 Neuchâtel +41 (38) 20 51 11 / 20 55 80 Analysis Techniques (IB-SA/93) Namur, Belgium tems with Competing Energy Scales: NATO ASI Ab: 15 Jan 93 ICO, SPIE G. Demortier, LARN, Fac. Universitaires, N.-D. de la Geilo, Norway G. Jarret, Physics Dept., Inst, for 19-22 Indium Phosphide & Related Materials: Paix, 22, rue Muzet +32 (81 ) 73 12 67 / 73 79 38 Energiteknik, POB 40, N-2007 Kjeller +47 (6) 5th Int. Conf. (IPRM-5) Paris, France IEEE Inc., A: 1 Mar 93 / Ab: 1 Mar 93 / NP / BF 4000,- 80 60 75 / 81 08 20 gerd @ barney.ife.no A: 15 Jan Conf. Cordination, 345 E 47th St., New York, NY 5 - 7 Sci. & Technology in Third-World Deve­ 93 / Ab: 15 Jan 93 / PP /100 / NKR 800.-; incl. board, 10017, USA Ab: 2 Nov 92 / PP: 8 Feb 93 / FF 2700,- lopment Glasgow, UK R. Heeks, IDPM, lodge; incl. proc. (3100,- after 7 Mar 93); incl. proc. Manchester Univ., Precinct Centre, Manchester M13 13- Dec. 4 INFN Eliosatron Project: 29th Work­ 19-23 Mathematical Methods & Supercomput­ 9QS, UK shop (13-19 April); 30th Workshop (20-28 June); 31 st ing in Nuclear Applicns.: Joint Int. Conf. Karlsruhe, 5-7 Journées relativistes 1993 Brussels, Bel­ Workshop (27 Sept.-3 Oct.); 32nd Workshop (10-16 Germany H. Küsters, KfK GmbH, Postfach 3640, gium F. Englert, Service de Physique Théorique, Nov.); 33rd Workshop (26 Nov.-4 Dec.) Erice, Italy W-7500 Karlsruhe 1 +49 (7247) 82 24 81 / 82 48 74 Faculté des Sciences, Campus Plaine, CP 225, CCSEM, I-91016 Erice +39 (923) 86 91 33/89 92 26 PP: 1 Jan 93 ENS, ANS B-1050 Brussels +32(2)650 55 69/650 51 13 14- 16 Crystal Growth: General Disc. Glasgow, 19-23 Applicn. of Isotope TechniQues in 5 - 8 Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics: 3rd UK Y.A. Fish, Royal Soc. of Chem., Burlington Studying Past & Current Environmental Changes Nat. Conf. Chester, UK D.M.P. Holland, Daresbury House, London W1V 0BN, UK +44 (71) 437 86 56 / in the Hydrosphere & Atmosphere: Int. Symp. Lab., Warrington, Cheshire WA4 4AD, UK - / +44 734 12 27 Vienna, Austria IAEA, Conf. Service Sect., POB 100, (925) 60 31 95 14-16 Low-FreQuency Noise & Vibration: 7th Int. A-1400 Vienna +43(1)23 60 13 10/23 45 64 5 - 8 Microscopy of Semiconducting Mate­ Meeting Edinburgh, UK Multi-Sci. Pub. Co., 20 - 21 Scanning Laser Opthalmoscopy, Tomo­ rials: 8th Oxford Conf. (SMM VIII) Oxford, UK 107 High St., Brentwood, Essex CN14 4RX, UK graphy & Microscopy: 4th Int. Meeting Heidelberg, RMS, 37/38 St. Clements, Oxford OX4 1AJ, UK 15-17 Grand Unification: From Quantum Ideas, Germany R. Burk, Augenlink, Univ. Heidelberg, +44 (865) 24 87 68 / 79 12 37 loP, MRS Via Relativity to Cosmology Stony Brook, NY, USA Im Neuenheimer Feld 400, W-6900 Heidelberg 5 - 8 Global Warming Sci. & Policy: Int. Conf. L. Paldy, Center for Sci., Maths. & Technical Educa­ 20 - 23 Dense Z-Pinches: 3rd Int. Conf. London, Chicago, IL, USA S. Shen, Nat. Resources Mgt. tion, Harriman Hall, Rm. 202, State Univ. of New York UK M. Coppins, Blackett Lab., Imperial College, Div., Supcon Int., One Heritage Plaza, Woodbridge, 1 6 -2 3 Emittance Preservation in Linear Colli­ Prince Consort Rd., London SW7 2BZ, UK - / +44 IL 60517-0275, USA ders: Int. Workshop Tsukuba, Japan K. Oide, (71) 589 94 63 6 The Netherlands’ Phys. Soc. Spring Meeting Accel. Div., KEK, Nat. Lab. lor High-Energy Physics, 20 - 23 Nuclear Spectroscopy & Nuclear Struc­ Utrecht, The Netherlands A.M. Hoogenboom, NNV, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan +81 (298) ture: Int. Conf. Dubna, Russia T. Donskova. Int. Julianalaan 74, NL-3722 GS Bilthoven +31 (30) 64 11 71 /643 18 urakawa @ jpnkekvm Dept., JINR, CIS-141980 Dubna +7 (09621) 28 56 26/25 13 81 1 7 -24 Polarised Quantum Fluids Cargese. 634 48 / (095) 975 23 81 6 - 7 Physics & Technology of Medical Ultra­ Corsica, France G. Frossati, Physics Dept., Kam- 21 - 23 Polymer Sci. & Tech. Conf. (to honour I.M. sound: 7th Biennial Meeting York, UK Inst, of merlingh Onnes Lab., Leiden Univ., Postbus 9506, Ward on his 65th Birthday) Leeds, UK R.A. Physical Sci. in Medecine, Campleshon Rd., York NL-2300 Leiden +31 (71) 27 54 00 / 27 54 04 Duckett. IRC in Polymer Sci. & Tech., Leeds Univ., YO2 1 PE, UK NATO Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Europhys. News 24 (1993) 31 April 1993 Conferences 21 - 23 Acoustics '93 Southampton, UK Inst, of 4 - 6 Optical Fibre Sensors: 9th Conf. (OFS-9) 10-14 Holography, Correlation Optics & Re­ Acoustics, POB 320, St.
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