Supermarket bulk food She gives beauty East TKO’d becomes health concern the real brush on In ^HCC play ... page's ^ .. page 11 ... page 15 Clear tonight; Manchester, Conn. sunny (^rlday Thursday, March-1, 1984 — See page 2 Single copy: 25<P li. Crash kills ^ - 'fc president of Pioneer The president of the Manchester- ____________________________________ ________________ 4ME^BISIfeA i ^ based Pioneer International Corp. *'■ ■ ....■■^iw alEi& x im ^ Sn^SkTSiS _ titi- - • Iv bridge abutment on interstate 84 ^ Amm extension just east of the Highland rj Street exit and he was thrown from . w ®‘“‘® P°'‘“ JB b X K fe’* ■ V-..' Andrew Nazareth Bohialian. 49. ^H H W VV' L*M V 1 ' i ■• ^ speeding .west in his 1983 'i’ " "i^xisis^s^p^ V *' ’ Porsche when he apparently lost control, police said. The car spun . J ■ „.. I and his body was taken by v ^ :;> ambulance to Manchester Memor- . .. ; - ial Hospital. ’ .ii'JStm*. * ' < M X F ' ' The accident is being investiga- ' 7 tion, and state police are looking 1 ' V for the witness to the accident who i d '^ '4 .<111^1 they said stopped to give help. The ■ li' ^ y , JT jr- I witness protected the scene until ' state and Manchester police and ‘ £f n m e m b e r s of the Bolton Volunteer M i < Jk^ w Department and the Man- * » “ ■» S,7\“5h";r;:i;,:„ A n d r e w b o h j a l i a n MMH had a double leap • S S * SJd'■ ^ n s e o u o s s 643-6604. profit in 1983, after showing a loss Newborns Hillary Lahue, left picture, and Christopher Vernon. She was born at 2:10 p.m. and weighs 8 pounds. "Obviously we feel a great sense in .1982, according to figures “ “"“ '"a »'aa llrs. Ctotopher, held sy his molhei,^ ''Sh^rlriKtasd .1 birthdays until 1988. The Leap Year babies were born at 3:07 a.m. and weighed 7.3 pounds. Karen and her -There is a lot of shock. Andy Catherine (Nelson) Bohjalian. He Wednesday, Feb. 29, at Manchester Memorial Hospital. husband. Dale, are Tanner Road residents. has been with the company i7 was born in Yonkers., n .y .. on Hillary is with her parents, Joyce and Michael Lahue of years." . ^ *934 and had lived m ' ■ ■' "Perhaps, was Greenstadt s Manchester before moving to ■ only response to an inquiry on Glastonbury 16 years ago. m m b J^ m .^b ■ B BBB ■ B whcthcr OF how soon th6 pciF^chutc At thc Urn6 of his doBth ho WdS oUnUnii QGCISIOn aWSliBOj war QO€^ Of! r.ff^sLr.rB ihjSn'' iS s^ m K S i'ff'’"'''”' Instead he named a four-man Besides his wife he leaves a son, B v David Zenlon There was no immediate com- resignation. At least one Sunni Moslem management team that he said Thom^as N. -Bohjalian, and a United Press International ment by the government, which “ We cannot have respect for militiaman was killed and another will run the cimpany at least for daughter, Leona L. Bohjalian, both earlier pledged to keep the French Amin Gemayel because he bears wounded when a shell fell on their the immediateiiuture. at home; a brother, Aram Naza- B EIR U T Lebanon __ Rebel force in Beirut despite Wednes- responsibility for the Shouf moun- position in West Beirut near the The team includes Richard reth Bohjalian of Mt. Vernon, Moslem militiamen clashed with day’s decision by the U.N. Security tain war, the massacres of Sabra "Green Line,” Sunni Moslem radio Jagoutz, executive vice president N.Y.; a «ster, Rosemary R trooDs loval to President Amin Council not to seni a U.N. force to and Chatila and the destruction of said. , in charge of manufacturing; Wil- • Muench of Douglaston, N.Y.; and Gemayel today while both sides Beirut. The couifeil voted 13-2 to the suburbs,” Juntblatt told Druze But the casual^ figures re- bam Hyland, vice president in several nieces, nephews and awaited the Lebanese leader's approve a U.N. force but the radio. Sabra and Chatila are mained far below Wednesday's toll charge of finance and accounting; cousins. .,, u u u c • decision on bowing to Syrian resolution was vetoed by the Soviet Palestinian refugea,£amps where when seven people died. Irving Sobolov, vice president in ThefuneralwillbeheldSatur- ^em ands and scrapping the May 17 Union. hundreds were ^ g h t e r e d in Officials also reported a small charge of contracts a ^ adminis- day at 11; 30 a m. from the Holmes Peace accord with Israel The United States, Italy and September 1982 by Christian blast on the campus of the tration; and former Manchester Funeraj Home, 400 Mam St. Burial **^n Paris, there were reports Britain, have all withdrawn their militias. U.S.-owned InternatiLal College police Capt. James Sweeney, now will be in East Cemetery. Frmnds France was on the verge of troops after 18 months in Lebanon, " i strongly reiterate my call for of Beirut that caused material head of procuren)eTit for Pione may call at the funeral home withdrawing its contingent to the leaving just the French to police the resignation of Amin Ge- damage but no in juries. Police multinational peace-keeping force Beirut, where Moslem retels are mayel, " Jumblatt said. said no one immediately claimed replace, he said. Hechangedthe . in Beirut fighting to overthrow the U.S.- w h ile Gem ayel and Assad responsibility for the attack. ”j. our company. The family has requested that "Our troops are in the red backed Gemayel government. talked, fierce mortar fire broke out official Beirut radio said the Greenstadt credited Bohjalian for* memorial contributions made danger zone. We can no longer While Gemayel met ip Damas- in the Shouf Mountaina overlook- second day of the Gemayel-Assad leading the company back to to the Andrew Nazareth Bohjalian iustifv one more French death in' cus with Syrian President Hafez ing the capital and shelling and summit was accompanied bv profitability in the last year. Memorial Fund in care of the S n o n "' T F r L T televis^^^^ Assad, Syrian-backed Druze rebel sidper fire increased in the south- V e S 'tLt t h fS e s e presL Sales have risen 40 percent smce Savings Bank of ^nchester, 923 newscast said, quoting diplomatic leader Walid Jumblatt ended 10 ern suburbs and along the "Green dent will shortly be announcing the Bohjalian was appoint^ pre^dent M m n S t., for th ^ purchase of sources. “ They will pulled out months of self-exile and returned U ne” that separates Moslem west abrogation of the May 17 agree- -1“*^ over a year ago and the m escal equipment for Manches- imminently.” to Beirut calling for Gemayel’s Beirut from the Christian east. ment’’ that Syria always opposed. company turned a $1.34-a-share ter Memorial Hospital. \ Mondale hits Hart as Democratic field dwindles * Inside Today WASHINGTON (UPI) - W ith. Sen. Alan Cranston, the first' Askew plans to make a major rest of us and get dirt under his ” ooo«*' 2 sections the Democratic field pared down c a u d a te in the race, became the announcement about his plans this fingernails and get to work. momem Advice ............................ 12 by at least two — maybe three by first to drop out Wednesday. Sen. week, possibly as early as today. Mondale says he is ready to do just Alabama, Geor^^ and Florida Busjnesv.....................................^^.20 the weekend - and John Glenn Ernest Rollings of South Carolina Mondale, his strategy of ignor- that. m u i. v dav" Mar^h 13 andSou^^^ Com*cs .............................. s trying to overcome two bad will formally announce his deci- ing the large field of challengers In a swift post-New Hampshire V j . „ Entertainment......................!»,... 12 showings, Walter Mondale is mak- sion to give up the race for the destroyed by the New Hampshire parade through Georgia and Ala- latP^ ° caucuses Lottery.................................. K . .2 ing Gary Hart his prime target. nomination today, campaign sour- primary, has been forced to shift bama Wednesday, M onMle ac- y • ^ Obituaries....................................lo ^ The former vice nresident no ces said late Wednesay. gears. cused Hart of writing off the South ^ *u 2**'” '.°? iil......................................t Inn “pr a shoffavo^^^^ And former Florida Gov. Reubin As Jesse Jackson said, when the and “ ignoring a major part of our The Southern st^ates do not have Pf^o'^taik .............................. a I S e D e m i ^ r r c p r e S Askew, who drew about 1 ^ rce n t returns showed Hart a runaway ^“ “ " X i n e could not have been f n ^ l ^ s faT ef w ^ hold r r v V i o T , ! i.! nation has decided to rio ihto Hatl of the vote Tuesday night and winner in the New Hampshire The timing could not have been in ail, nine states wm hold weather.:. 2 with the a C S r s t X i v ^ ^ finished last in the field, is also primary. Mondale "wUl have to better. primanes or caucuses with more ■ ............... Presid en tR e^an rethinking his plans. Aides say come down in the streets with the In less than two weeks, the than 500 delegates to be chosen ............... No immediate effect seen from record Pratt contract I • ' ** timer, is powered by Pratt & business should improve as air,?^ than 9,000 workers since 1980, this week’s adjustments in its work By .Kathy Garmus Whitney's JT8D-200 engine. company’s* total yearly sales, lines move toward purchase of including about 370 non-production force were not due to the recent Hwald Reporter American Airlines announced Berson said.
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