Suggested Restaurants in Chile Santiago RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE Quinoa Variety of cuisines available - moderately priced Luis Pasteur 5393,Vitacura, Santiago 7630186 56 29540283 [email protected] http://www.quinoarestaurante.cl/ Bar Liguria, Lastarria Chilean cuisine - fantastic ambience Merced 298, Barrio Lastarria Santiago 56 222357914 www.liguria.cl Ambrosia Creative modern cuisine, elegant setting, lunch only Merced, 838 A (detras de Centro) Santiago 56 26972023 http://www.ambrosia.cl/ Ambrosia Bistro Young chefs offering wonderful preparations for Chilean food Nueva de Lyon 99, Providencia, Santiago 56 882334303 [email protected] www.ambrosiabistro.cl Opera French cuisine - elegant atmosphere Jose Miguel de la Barra esq. Merced, Santiago 56 26643048 http://www.operacatedral.cl/ Casa Lastarria Seafood, sandwiches and salads - informal Calle Jose Victorino Lastarria 70 Local 1, Santiago 56 26383236 Peluqueria Francesa French cuisine - traditional setting Compañia de Jesus 2789 56 26825243 Confiteria Torres Chilean Cuisine - informal, traditional setting Alameda 1570, Santiago Centro, Santiago 56 26880751 http://confiteriatorres.cl/ Borago Modern cuisine, fine restaurant Nueva Costanera 3467, Vitacura 56 229538893 [email protected] www.borago.cl Valparaiso RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE E-MAIL WEB PAGE Restaurant La Concepcion Local cuisine Calle Papudo 541, Valparaiso, Chile 56322498192 [email protected] http://www.restaurantlaconcepcion.com/ Hosteria Espiritu Santo Mediterranean cuisine - outdoor seating Hector Calvo 392, Cerro Bellavista, Valparaiso. 56322470332 [email protected] http://www.hosteriaespiritusanto.cl/ El Internado Fun place with wonderful food Paseo Dimalow 167, Cerro Alegre, Valparaiso 56323354153 [email protected] www.elinternado.cl Oda Pacifico Romantic ambience Condor 35, Valparaiso 56322238836 [email protected] http://www.odapacifico.cl/ Vina del Mar RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE Moros y Cristianos Chilean and international cuisines - good lunch spot 7 Norte 76 entre San Martin y Avda. , Vina del Mar 56323209971 [email protected] http://www.morosycristianos.cl/ El Austriaco Austrian Cuisine - reservations suggested 3 Norte, Vina del Mar, Chile 56322683692 http://www.elaustriaco.com/ Aqui Jaime Chilean cuisine - reservations suggested Av. Borgono 21303, Vina del Mar, Chile 56322812042 [email protected] http://www.aquijaime.cl/ Six Bar Nikkei Japanese Cuisine 8 Norte, Esquina 3 Poniente, Vina del Mar 56323203069 [email protected] http://www.sushihome-sixbargroup.cl/ La Ciboulette Belgian cuisine available - reservations 1 Norte 191, Vina del Mar 56322690084 [email protected] http://www.laciboulette.cl/ Wok & Roll Japanese Cuisine - reservations suggested 5 Norte 476, Vina del Mar 2520198, Chile 56322123480 [email protected] http://www.wokandroll.cl/ Basko Delicias del Mar Typical Basque-inspired food - moderately priced 459 Avenida San Martín, VIñA del Mar 5632901837 http://www.deliciasdelmar.com/ San Pedro de Atacama RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE Baltinache Restaurant Chilean cuisine - late night Domingo Atienza, San Pedro de Atacama Adobe Local cuisine - outdoor seating - reservations suggested Caracoles 211, San Pedro de Atacama 5655851132 [email protected] http://www.cafeadobe.cl/ Bendito Desierto Japanese cuisine Domingo Atienza 426, San Pedro de Atacama http://www.benditodesierto.cl/ Blanco Latin, Mediterranean, International cuisines Caracoles 195, San Pedro de Atacama 5655851164 [email protected] http://www.sanpedroatacama.com/ingles/r-blanco.htm Tierra Todo Naturale Local cuisine - moderately priced Caracoles 271, San Pedro de Atacama 5655851585 [email protected] www.tierratodonatural.cl La Casona South American cuisine;Special Occasion Dining Caracoles 195, San Pedro de Atacama 5655851337 [email protected] www.lacasonadeatacama.cl La Estaka International, Chilean cuisine available Caracoles 259, San Pedro de Atacama 5655851201 http://www.laestaka.cl/ Puerto Montt RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE El Fogon de Pepe Chilean cuisine, reservations, late night parties Rengifo esq. Baquedano, Puerto Montt http://www.elfogondepepe.cl/ Puerto Varas RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE La Marca Friendly service and the best grilled mea Vicente Perez Rosales 1589, Puerto Varas 65-232026 http://lamarca.cl/ La Gringa Friendly and welcoming staff Imperial 605, Puerto Varas 65-231980 [email protected] http://www.lagringa.cl/ Cumbres del Lago Excellent food and top notch service Imperial 0561, Puerto Varas 65-222000 www.cumbrespatagonicas.cl/ Fogon Las Buenas Brasas Gorgeous hydrangea garden in the summer San Pedro 543, Puerto Varas 65-234154 [email protected] http://www.lbb.cl/ Mercado 605 Excellent wine list, live music 605 Imperial, Puerto Varas 65231980 [email protected] Caffe El Barista Great value Walker Martinez 211, Puerto Varas 65-233130 [email protected] http://elbarista.cl/ Casa Valdes Best restaurant in Puerto Varas Santa Rosa 40, Puerto Varas 9-9079-3938 Pucon RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE Cassis Large portions, moderately priced Fresia 223, Pucon 45-44908 [email protected] http://chocolatescassis.com/ La Maga Parrilla Uruguaya Grill Geronimo de Alderete 276 esq. Fresia, Pucon 45-444277 http://www.lamagapucon.cl/ Restaurant La Fleur de Sel Excellent food prepared with local ingredients Camino Pucon Huife km 28, Pucon 4920000 451970060 [email protected] http://www.termaspeumayen.cl/ Coyote Grill Seating both indoors and outdoors Camino Internacional Km 3.5 Sector El Claro, Pucon 56-9-54285199 Naukana Nice atmosphere Colo Colo 181 Esquina Calle Geronimo de Alderete 56-45-444677 [email protected] http://naukana.cl/ La Creperia Desserts General Urrutia 123, Pucon http://www.lacreperia.cl/ Viva Peru Good food and service Lincoyan 372, Pucon 56 045 444025 [email protected] Temuco RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE La Pampa Meats Av Caupolican, 155, Temuco 45329999 www.lapampa.cl/index.htm Gohan Modern sushi bistro Hochstetter 401, Temuco 45911110 www.gohan.cl/ Marriet The best hot chocolate in Temuco Galeria Massmann, Local 9, Temuco [email protected] www.marriet.cl/locales.html Jack's Burger and Sandwich Excellent sandwiches Avenida Alemania 0389, Temuco http://jacks.cl/ Madonna Italian cuisine Av. Alemania, Temuco 45329393 http://www.madonnapizza.com/ Lola Good location, varied menu Thiers 898, Esq San Martin, Temuco 45404400 http://www.lolarestaurant.cl/ El Criollito de Armando Excellent food service San Martin al 200, Temuco 45911370 [email protected] http://criollitodearmando.cl/index.htm Punta Arenas RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE La Marmita Charming little restaurant Plaza Sampaio 678, Punta Arenas 5661-222056 [email protected] Cafe Inmigrante A perfect place to stop to grab a snack Quillota 599, Punta Arenas 56-61-222205 [email protected] http://www.inmigrante.cl/ Cafe Tapiz A beautiful place, wonderful atmosphere Presidente Julio Roca 912, Punta Arenas 87303481 [email protected] www.cafetapiz.cl/ Sotito's Bar The best place in town 1138 av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, Punta Arenas 5661-243565 [email protected] http://www.chileaustral.com/sotitos/index.shtml Damiana Elena Beautiful restaurant chilean and international cuisine Magallanes 341, Punta Arenas 61 2222818 https://es-la.facebook.com/damianaelenarestaurant/ El Meson de Lalo Typical Patagonian Barbecue 21 de Mayo 1650, Punta Arenas 61 237 1149 https://es-la.facebook.com/El-Fogon-de-Lalo-1554178391460466/ Puerto Natales RESTAURANT DESCRIPTION ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL WEB PAGE The Singular Patagonia Restaurant French cuisine Puerto Bories s/n, Puerto Natales 6160000 56-61-722030 [email protected] http://thesingular.com/puertobories El Living Good food, moderately priced Arturo Prat 156, La Plaza, Puerto Natales 56 61 411140 Pizzeria Mesita Grande Pizzas Arturo Prat 196, Puerto Natales 56 61 411571 [email protected] http://www.mesitagrande.cl/ Rustika Restaurant Great food and beer Tomas Rogers 131, Puerto Natales 56-61-414585 [email protected] Patagonia Dulce Nice sidewalk café, convenient location Barros Arana 233, Puerto Natales 5661415285 http://www.patagoniadulce.cl/ Baguales Brewery Restaurant Excellent craft beers Carlos Bories 430, Puerto Natales 56-61-411920 [email protected] http://www.cervezabaguales.cl/ Angelica's The best place in Puerto Natales Bulnes 501, Puerto Natales 56-61 410365 [email protected].
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