cop VOL. XV NOTRE DAME COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND, OCTOBER, 1948 No. 1 Father Moody to Tour Sodality Ideals Theme Of Opening Vespers FIRST FIRST FRIDAY of the college Chapel Newly Panelled In Oak, Eastern Military Area year. Veronica Imperato and Pa tricia Fifteen Notre Dame delegates at­ Curtin stop in for a fam ilia r visi t in To Re place Cardinal tended the Diocesan Vesper Serv ices Wins Admiration Of Returning Students a new setting . On Defense M ission October 3, officially opening the Sodality Photo by W illiam Cogan Aim of Student Activities Fund Reverend Joseph N. Moody, lecturer year. Members of New York's campus and parish societies gathered in St. For Three Years Fulfilled in pol itical science at Notre Dame, and Patrick's Cathedral, heard the Reverend until recently Commander in the United Henry J . Pregenser urge a deeper real­ States Navy, has beeen named at the ization of the Sodality as a way of life. request of the government to replace " Yours is a life spiritually, intellect­ His Em inence Cardinal Spellman on a ually and socially centered around the tour of key defense points in the East Blessed Virg in. She alone can defend and Southeast. you from the hands of the enemy. In all your projects, you must remember Father Moody will witness military, the Sodal ists' motto, 'To Jesus through naval, and air demonstrations at Pen­ Mary'." sacola, Fla ., Fort Benning, Ga ., and The Most Reverend Joseph Donohue, W right Field, Ohio, as member of a V.G., presided at the ceremonies which committee of leaders in industrial and concluded with Benedict ion. Not re Dame professional fields at the invitation wa s represented at the Vespers by : Mary of the new National M ilitary Establish­ Henry, prefect of Sodality, Mary Rya n, ment. From November 8 to 18, the Consue lo Kueker, Gloria Smith, Mar­ group will take part in conferences and garet Nash, Elaine Reynolds, Ellen Kelly, inspect defense preparations as part of Mary McArdle, Joan Costello, Mary a Joint Orientation Conference Program Bakaisa, Jean Shannon, Dorothy Quinn, to acquaint the citizens with the current Dolores Yandoli, Bernadette and Therese act ivi t ies and problems of the Military Leclerc. Establishment. The government is also seeking the views of the members of Manhattanville College, October 10, this group on matters concerning na­ was the scene of the first semester meet­ t iona I defense. ing of the N. F. C. S. S. T heresa Barton and Mary O' Fla herty represented Notre Leaving New York on November 7 Dame as• de legates from the New York on board a m ilitary pla ne, Fathe r Moody and New J ersey Regions drew up the The redecoration of the chapel, newly will travel first to Wash ington for a series following agenda fo r the coming year- pane lled in si lver oak, was comple ted in NOC Joins RAP Drive '48 Chemists Received t ime for the opening of the College. of conferences at the Pentagon and November 13- McKennion Hall (St. Returning students saw on their first then to Pensacola ; the t ri p from Flo rida Ignatius Loyola Parish ) Annual meet­ On Radio Comedians Into National Society visi ts a transformed chapel- broad un­ to Georgia will be aboard a naval a ir­ ing of Leadership Inst itute . ( Panel Joar, Conway Heads Eight Notre Dame graduates ( Class divided panels, ceil ing- high, bordered craft carrier. After the demonstrations d iscussions and lectures by student Campus Committee of 1948) have been admitted as As­ with a polychrome carved molding; a at Wright Field, Father will return by leaders from various colleges.) sociate Members to the Ame rican In st i­ new carved oak tester above a matching Notre Dame has chosen Joan Conway, plane to New York. Decembe r 4- Fordham Un iversi ty. Mar­ tute. of Chem is ts, a national professional wood altar. iology Commission. '49 as cha irman of a local R. A. P. com­ association. They are Tina Catalano, The mold ing is spira led with a con­ When His Em inence was forced be­ mittee in response to an appeal from Juli anne Dowd, Gloria Florio, Do lores Decembe r 12- College of Mount St. ventionalized oak leaf design; a narrow cause of his current vi sit to Puerto Rico the Natio nal Press Commission to co­ Hanlon, Jane McGowan, Jean Midwin­ Vincent. December busi ness meeting panel embossed with the Tudor rose to decl ine the invitation of the Military operate in a nation- wide Rad io Accep­ ter, Loretta M iller and Irene Tilton. and day of Recollectio n. ( Reservation continues down from the tester to form Establ ishment, the government asked The Iristitute , which includes among only ) tance Poll. a frame for the altar. A gift of the its members about 2 , l 00 industrial that Father Moody, as fo rmer officer The next regular monthly meet ing of late Monsi gnor William H. Flynn, the Established la st year with head­ chemists throughout the country, has in the Navy's Chaplain Corps substitute the N. F. C. C. S. will be he ld at the new altar is liturgically simple, orna­ quarte rs at St. Joseph's College, Indiana, as its aims to maintain professional for him on the tour. College of New Rochelle. mented only by carvings of the Euchar­ the R. A. P. is enl isting support of Cath­ standards and to promote industrial re­ is tic emblems and panelled lilies, symbol olic co ll ege students throughout the search. At the June meeting of the of Our Lady. On the reredos beh ind the country in a widespread evaluation of New York Chapter, Notre Dame gradu­ f altar are liturgical medallions-a right radio programs on the basis of their ac­ ates were received for the first t ime as hand, figurative of the Father, accord ing Grace Fraser '4 7 Receives Year ceptabi lity to morality and good taste. Assoc iate Members, that is, as persons to the line of Isa ias, " Who hath meas­ quali fied to enter industrial chemistry, ured the waters in the hollow of His In Florence on Taylor Award Here, on campus, Joan Conway and holding a degree in chemistry from a hand .. poised with three fingers the her committee, will choose each week college recognized by the Institute. Grace M . Fraser, '47, one of five Miss Fraser, a mezzo-soprano who bulk of the earth" , and the Dove, sym­ ten students to li sten attentively to Full membership is accorded only after young women awarded a Myron Taylor was often heard as featured soloist at bol of the Holy Spirit. Scholarship for a year's study abroad, Gl ee Club concerts at Notre Dame, will programs designated by the Central two years work in chemistry and the The original statues in natural oak sailed October 20, for Florence to con­ study under Maestro Lu igi Cherubini Committee at St. Joseph's and rate each rank of Fellow, after ten. have been co lored and set in wall tinue her work in music at the newly of the Accademia de belle Arte. in one of fi ve cl assi fications, rang ing Since June, two of these alumnae, brackets beside the altar; a del icate founded Institute Pius XI I. from hig hly acceptable to unacceptable. Jean Midwinter and Loretta Miller, have violet blue has been shaded into the Together with four young women, Each student's ratings will be returned begun their careers as chemists with the Phiezer · Company and the Fleuroma veil and gown of Our Lady of Sorrows; recent graduates of the colleges of New to Indiana where the nation-wide re­ Company, respectively. St. Joseph's tunic and cloak are russet. Rochelle, Mount St. Vincent, Manhat­ ports will be tabulated. Results will be The Stations of the Cross, originally tanville and Marymount, Miss Fraser brought to the attention of the sponsors relief panels in natural wood have been With Katherine West in the t it le will live and study at the fifteenth of the programs evaluated and pressure set into the walls and the details colored century Villa Schifanoia which Mr. ro le, Little Theatre will this year pre­ brought to bear on those whose shows sent I Remember Mama as its in terra cotta and antique blue to match Taylor gave to His Holiness to be used were rated 1.Anfavorably. winter production. Both perform­ the altar carvings. as a graduate school for American ances-one Sunday afternoon, De­ On the new doors to the chapel and women. Each year fifteen American The National Press Commission, a cember 12th and the other Monday sanctuary are black heavy metal ring graduates of American women's colleges branch of N.F.C.C.S., has chosen to di­ evening, December 13th, will be given in Lavel le Hall . Included in handles and hammered iron hinges, will follow courses in the fine arts at rect its efforts to the broadcasts of pop­ the cast are Evelyn Anselmi as Papa; copied from those on an old English the Institute, conducted according to ular comedians carried by the national Joan M . Murphy as Christine; Mari­ Manor house in Essex. The stained the Ambassador's wish by the Dom­ networks. Programs to be rated the first lyn McCarthy as Ne ls; Bernice Bau­ glass windows, gift of Mrs. F. D. Kohler inican Sisters of Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, mann as Uncle Chris, and Maureen week include the Jack Benny program, Givens, Maryann Mcloughlin and when the chapel was first decorated ten and affiliated with the Academia de and those of Phil Harris, Bob Hope and Martina Griff in as the Aunts- Sigrid, years ago, show to far greater advantage belle Arte of the University of Florence.
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