flNjTflRCiTIC A NEWS BULLETIN published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) Mr R.B. (Bob) Thomson, (left). Director of New Zealand's Antarctic Division outside Sir Ernest Shackleton's hut at Cape Royd's. He was with Lord Edward Shackleton on his visit to the hut from which his father attempted to reach the South Pole some 77 years earlier. - Photograph Antarctic Division. Registered al Post Office Headquarters. Vol. 10 No. 12 Wellington. New Zealand, as a magazine December, 1985 SOOflr»d3H isnvioos ljiaos jo noinh Hssn voia3r»v *OS3ivis a3HNn >sn o*ucr\ n o o o N i x o j u m o * n V3«MiV MJJX>S ws . assn uasneqs6ui||3g ft v n v w i s n v i s n v »sn jaujiej ci VNILKSObV dmv ' *n S| 3UIJU36JV 21 I S*OUVlAJH88v| £ 1 * n i a p i e i a p v l l I * n i u o j B u i u o i s 0 1 ajuuwi^oflo, QOS v 3-iimd tajj aiuapisajj 6 31IHD sui66ih.O opjewsg 8 3HM3 ieJd cuni.iv /_ , oav oiqiuejew, ojopoujoaaoiA 9 oav uoiadaoarj 9 voiiohvinv oav |3J13d fr oav UMOjg aiuEjituiv Z oav ezuejads^ j ouv ouauew siuaiuai [ Vli1SNIN3d aiioyviNV ,fl AN111V9. •"assn eAnspu6uiur| 1 >NV«| 3||l'urij) UJOUJnQ- 171 A 39H030 '/? 11130Vm a i l '/A QNVl viaojDiA, *iMSsr*" own sixiim 0WV1 .0UA8 3IUVW assn J(OlSO/\o 0NV1 ,, HiUOrWSnil vsn Awiyyji ONvH AHVH N33flO / U03S"U»*punuJV *" — a|d is —/ isnv siAerj \X. }auu<j>b^ ^N^.vinsNiNad' \ isnv ', VQ.NVlN05ib«.aNVnNOSiH3fltW3VW \ u o s M e w V | V ' \ J * \ L o w n \ / ^ ( \ Ai\ 8 UA8M30N1 3 0 N 3 onvi anvM dn NNOua pAeaA3HBH / ,< <*tf-»anvil3HS < \ s a s s n v , \*v * qnvi anvw an Nnoao h r H3003M/ r » HAnpS V /A eAeui|Mpo|ow,u< '' }Xl9 \ NVdvr eMOAg ' e U ^ o g i " V X / ' ' . V 3 l « 3 l M V H i n O S " / ^ ^ ^ ^ « _ > ! / % * - ^ \ " ' * / M ' 0 9 ^ ~ $ HssneA^fWiew^^p^fsaeu^ . - \ oa» sepeojn«X lag / *"«.., . -->* \ / «l AJNXBO HJJ10S / v / ' ■ iS-S*^ \ / / .»iH3i/*rjNvsmnos .. VI9H039 Hl/tOS (successor to 'Antarctic News Bulletin) Vol. 10, No. 12 120th Issue December, 1985 Editor: Robin Ormerod, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington Address all contributions, inquiries to the editor CONTENTS POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND 422 AUSTRALIA 430 CHINA 431 ITALY 433 SWEDEN 435 UNITED KINGDOM 436 UNITED STATES 439 SUB-ANTARCTIC 447 OTHER ACTIVITIES WHALE SURVEY 448 GREENPEACE 449 AUSTRALIAN YACHT 452 FOOTSTEPS OF SCOTT 453 LORD SHACKLETON 457 BOOKS 459 ISSN 0003-5327 © New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc.) 1978 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior permission of the publishers. ANTARCTIC December, 1985 New Zealand field work begins Persistent bad weather bringing poor visibility to the McMurdo Sound area disrupted flights from Christchurch to Antarctica and delayed the start of some of the New Zealand and United States base programmes and field events. The season opened officially on October 1 but no aircraft were able to land until October 4. By October 17 only nine of the planned flights had reached McMurdo. The weather then improved. Seven of the 11 man winter over Richardson, a supervisor of works team returned to Christchurch on with the Ministry of Works and October 7 after a year of isolation. Development. Initial clearing of The last of the party to leave was snow from the site was undertaken by the doghandler Kevin Conaglen from AJ\ Thomson of the Scott Base New Plymouth. His handover trip summer-staff and army construction to Cape Evans, Cape Roberts and the team supervisors Sergeant Wayne Blue Glacier with the dog team and Bryce, and Lieutenant Doug Gibbons. new handler Richard Balm from Arthurs Pass was disrupted when Sergeant Bryce is an instructor they had to remain at Cape Evans at the Trade Training Troop School for two days because of the weather. of Military Engineering at Linton The early survival courses were either Camp and Lieutenant Gibbons is a also postponed or curtailed because troop commander with Three Field of the poor visibility at the training Squadron at Burnham Camp. The site. site was resurveyed by Vince Belgrave The official handover of the base (Wellington) and Phil Winters from the winter party to the summer (Gisborne) who are also providing staff occurred on Sunday October surveying assistance to a number of 6 at 4 p.m. when Peter Cresswell of scientific projects. Christchurch took over from winter Construction of the building, which leader and postmaster Leo Slattery. is Stage VI of the project and com Peter Cresswell was officer-in-charge prises the carpenter's shop, electrician of Scott base last summer. and base engineer's workshop and Early priorities for the season machine shop, is the task of ten was the drilling of two boreholes members of the 1 and 3 Field in the Wright Valley as part of the Squadrons of the Royal New Zealand U.S./N.Z. seismic programme and Engineers. They began in mid- the surveying and preparation of the November and hope to have com site for the construction ot the new pleted the shell, or exterior of the light workshop complex at Scott building by mid to late January. Base. Another team will return to Scott Supervision of the design and Base at Winfly in August of 1986 to construction of the new building finish the interior. Equipment will is the responsibility of Mr Allan be installed next summer. December, 1985 ANTARCTIC Equipment for the season's drilling by Dave Earl, radio operator, Kevin projects was transported in two trips Jenkins, drill supervisor and drillers by cargo train from Scott Base. Both Max Williams and Wayne Little. were led by Garth Varcoe buildings They left Scott Base on October 19 and services officer with Antarctic at 7 a.m. and reached Butter Point Division. at 8 p.m., camping there to dig out The first trip of the season carried and load other equipment left from fuel and science equipment for the the previous season before going on to Waikato University, N.Z. Geological Marble Point from where Garth Survey project to obtain core samples Varcoe and Dave Earl subsequently from the floor of the Marshall Valley. returned to Scott Base. The samples will be used to study the From Marble Point the equipment chronology of successive Ross Sea was airlifted to the drill site 4.2 km glaciations. east of Vanda Station just below Equipment for the project left Bull Pass on the northern face of Scott Base on Saturday, October the Wright Valley. The required 12 for Cape Chocolate and was 42 helicopter flights were made be carried on two sledges hauled by a tween 29 October and 8 November. D5 caterpillar tractor. NZ1, the first of the new wannigans was carried DRILLING on the third sledge. It is equipped with six foldaway bunks, table, chairs, Working in two shifts from 8 a.m. storage space and a gas cooker and is to 4 p.m. and from then to midnight carpeted. It was manufactured for the drill team which also included Antarctic Division by Redpath Pat Cooper and Graham Brown used Industries of Levin and delivered as the Longyear 44 drill. They com part of the resupply cargo at the pleted the first hole of 100 metres end of last season. A snow trac in eight days. It was 7%" in diameter accompanied the tractor train. and produced a core, composed Although Cape Chocolate is 50 km mostly of granite, of 6W. The hole from Scott Base ice conditions caused required to be not more than 3 degrees a 10km detour and the trip was made off vertical was drilled .31 degrees in ten hours at about 10 km an hour error. A second hole of 30 metres in temperatures of -15 deg C. was completed in six days on Visibility at times was very restricted. November 30. Accompanying Garth Varcoe were Linda Harrison, Scott Base informa SEISMOLOGY tion officer, Chuck Neels, radio The holes will house seismometers operator and field assistant Peter from which data will be transmitter Brailsford. All are from Christchurch. via repeater stations at Mt. Newa] Forty-five thousand pounds of drill equipment, fuel, drilling fluid and Crater Hill to Scott Base. It will be recorded on equipment to b and camp equipment were subse installed in the physical sciences quently transported by cargo train from Scott Base to Marble Point in laboratory and stored for subsequent mid-October in preparation for the transmission to the data collecting centre of the Geological Survey Centre joint DSIR/U.S. Geological survey seismic project in the Wright Valley. at Alberquerque in the United States. Leader of the team was again Drilling equipment was returned via Garth Varcoe who was accompanied Marble Point to Butter Point in readi- ANTARCTIC December, 1985 ness for the second stage of the CIROS During three weeks between late project next season. October and mid-November Dr Chris In 1984/85 the CIROS 2 hole Adams and Pam Whitla of the Institute cored units of well sorted sand and of Nuclear Sciences, DSIR, Wellington laminated sand-mud "couplets". These collected approximately 50 samples were unusual lithologies in a glacial of microschists and other metamorphic moraine sequence. rocks from the Lower Wright Valley and mid-Victoria Valley near Lake EXPLANATION SOUGHT Vida for dating by rubidium-strontium methods. Scientists from Victoria University The samples were sent to the sought this season to explain this Institute for crushing.
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