1111111111111111111111111 111111;;1:11111111111111111111!1~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111111!11111111 11111 11 11111111 11• - .' \ SURVEYING_ EQUIPMENT· CO. April 28 VOL 45 . ~ .· FOO .. TBAl~·L Distributors of: 1973 No. 1 I .:~ ~ :&:c-.:o~R :o;·.. :~.,~~ e "SURVEY CHIEF" ALUMINIUM LEVELLING STAFF .~ .. ··~ . ~· .... ·.\~· 3m, 4m & 5m. Available in E Pattern or Regular Metric lc.m. e LUFKIN METRIC MEASL}RING TAPES & ACCESSORIES • RABONE CHESTERMAN,MEASURIN,G TAPES & ACCESSORIES • ESLON FIBREGLASS TAPES, · _.:"f. • TRUMETER ROAD MEASURERS- • FABER cAsrELL·-.:..:..:w·& G MErR1c scALE RULEs .r · e LEVELS, THEODOLITES & SURVEY ACCESSORIES. ,. "" ... .. '•. '-.., SALES AND. SERVICE . ' . TELEPHONE: "· .. 2A EDWARD ST., 502-2029 KINGSGROVE. 2208 , 1 u_1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111!1111111111111111111111111_1u11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 •, tI' . I ~ I ". .. ' ... \' .. f ', are"})leased to be· ~associated I I I f ~ : . .. ~ . with the Australian National L'. ' Football Le~gue Finals. CRAVEN ·FILTER OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE N.S.W. FOOTBALL LEAGUE belongs to your world 64 REGENT ·sTREET, .. CHIPPENDALE, N.S.W. 2008 l LIONEL BEALEO PHONES: 698 1660· v •,-- ...... ~ ......_.,.,.1 "' Secretary. 698 1391 ... I ' ~-..'' \ _r;. Albert Printing Company pty. Lim'l.ted, 27 Queen Street. Chippendale, 2008 - 69 5210 Registered at G.P.O. Sydney for transmission by post as 'a newspaper . ~~- ~. .. .. ~ .......; ..1 ~ . 9- . ,. ' ~ ~ ,.. ' .• /?" ~.; _.· ! .: . \I Bigger than ever trade-ins on New Falcon, New Fairmont. Lavishly equipped. Elegant styling. Sheer luxury. The supreme road cars. Here now at Wright Ford, Australia's biggest Ford dealer with Australia's biggest stocks. Widest choice of sleek sedans, roomy wagons. 6's and V /8's. For immediate delivery. Don't miss out. Drive one home today. Talk to Denis Aitken. For Sydney.'s top trade-ins you'll do a great deal better at the Big one. New Ford Falcon. New Ford Fain11ont. Immediate deliver)' At Wright Ford Crown Street, Cit)' m....... .,~· Now!! 310322. ' 7 ~ 8r l=! u58 tDn ~~ -<"'mrrO ol> ,, c' {/WlJf_.1i/ fl}-r' 1 ~ -I oZzl> .J ~iC mD ::0' coJ>"' --~ -1"' ,.... 0.::i:~ ~:J-· ::0 )> • -::0 ~ -Im (Q om-<::o "TIC> -<en ::C-1 mm n"' g (/) omnD )>-! (Q o~ ~o)>m n:!: Ol> @o ;;:::o "C"')>Cl>zo -<"Tl tT ......-<::c -1m :en mo n"' o~ g;~8 m: >8 CD O"tD;;: -t -1l> J••~ ~~ ., .... 24 THE FOOTBALL RECORD April 28, 1973 April 28, 1973 THE FOOTBALL RECORD 1 STATISTICS - CRAVEN FILTER CUP SECTION 1 RESULTS DIV. II Team Win Loss For Agst. Pts S. Uni. 10 19 D South 9.7 w Subs. 5 666 159 20 U. N.S.W. 15.5 D C. Services 9.5 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE E. Sydney 3 2 459 293 12 S. Dist. 14.12 D P Hills 4.8 St. George 3 2 311 455 12 Newtown 2 3 299 359 8 N. Shore 2 3 264 430 8 SECTION Ill The Craven Filter Cup Competition Baima in 5 254 557 Warringah 4 201 115 16 RESULTS DIV. I Macquarie 272 ,----- 3 1 121 12 finalised on a high note with gate re­ West 20.12 D N. Shore 3.5 B3nkstown 2 2 211 194 8 East 11.13 D Newtown 8.7 1·enshurst 1 3 234 207 4 ceipts recording the healthy increase St. George 15.12 D Balmain 13.11 Sutherland 4 45 326 overall of some $500. The noticeable SECTION II S. Dist. 4 1 626 218 16 improvement by the South Sydney, Sou­ S. Sydney 4 1 408 236 16 RESULTS DIV. Ill thern Districts and Balmain Club will s. Uni. 4 1 386 300 16 Macq. Uni. 8.7 D B.anks. 3.4 P. Hills 2 3 197 345 8 W"ingah D Suth. (forfeit) mean a more even competition. The in­ Uni. N S.W. 1 4 313 353 4 Penshurst - Bye terest in the Craven Filter Cup was c Serv. 5 174 652 heightened by the inclusion of all second division and third division sides and CHATTER our thanks go to the W. D. an.d H. 0. Pride of place in the front office at Third Grade Coaches have become Club Wills for distribution of pn;ze money to Football House in Sydney is the big Presidents this se<ison. Ansett photograph of a scene at the Gary Munson is the new President of eve1y competing club. 1972 V.F.L. Grand Final between Carl­ Southern Districts while long time ton and Richmond. player Kevin Egan is the President of We look forward to a good season This magnificent full colour photo­ Newtown Club. with the highlight being the match graph came to us by courtesy of An­ tr tr * sett's Mr. John Leber. Sydney Teachers College will have against A.C.T. at Canberra on June 24th· tr tr tr an Aussie Rules Umpires course in on this rests our hopes of an early clash with Tasmania. The State side Talking of John Leber it was indeed t:ieir syllabus this year. must win and win well against the A.C.T. lo be the logical challengers pleasing to learn that the N.S.W. Foot­ The Leagues Umpires Coach Mr. Mal to Tasmania. Good luck to all our competing clubs in Season 1973 and ball Union had conferred Life Member­ Lee has been conferring with Teachers ship on John at its recent Annual Meet­ College officials and many t~achers of we look forward to more co-operation with the news media du.ring the ing. Physical Education will be qualified season. Clubs can co-operate by close liason with the League's Public Re­ 11/Ir. W. Hart, President c.f the umpires at Diploma time. lations Committee. N.S.W.A.N.F.L. presented the Life Member's Medal to John Leber in ap­ A big welcome* back* to thetr Sydney And finally to our patrons who support the code, the promise is - preciation of his many years of service Football scene to Mr. Ernie Marshall, to tne Code as a player Um;iire and prominent member of Western Suburbs 1973 The Best Season Ever. official. CL.1b and the N.S.W. League's Legal AJviser. W. H. HART Mr. Marshall returned to Sydney just President COINCIDENCE Newly appointed prior to Christmas after getting thrc.ugh N.S. .N.F.L. member of the P. and Q. Committee 15 countries of Europe in a fabulous 3 W.A Bob Barnetson (ex Balmain player) be­ months holiday and staying in over 30 gan duty the other night and was chat­ hotels. ting before the meeting with P. and Q. The trip began with the Law Conven­ **********************************************~********* member Billy Adams whose broad tion in Monaco. and after hobnobbing Scotch accent is a delight to listen to. with Princess Grace he and Mrs. Mar­ BALMAIN CLUB NOTES In the course of discussion they dis­ shal! travelled to Spain, France, Italy, covered they were both born only 40 Portugal, Greece, Belgium, England and 'The Pre-Season Competition completed 2nd Grade will definitely be playing miles apart from each other. Bob in Austria to name a few. it is now up to the selectors to digest the in the finals, provided they don't lose Edinburgh and Billy from a "wee toon" Ern sent the League a "wish you form of the fifty players who tried out concentration or get too complacent. called Selkir·k in Scotland. We don't were here" card from Portugal and also for the honour of wearing a tiger jumper know which one was born first. from Monaco. Coach John Meldrum is confident and - tr tr tr Ern !V!arshall missed seeing Western Players like Bruce Arndell, Tom Watts, full of new ideas. Another 1973 Coincidence is the fact Suburbs win the premiership but says John Hughes, Keith Claxton, Ian Hall, 3rd Grade under Coa ·h Doug Lock that not one but two of last year's he will see them win the 1973 pennant. Kevin Stuchbury, and Kevin Williams, should perform well. All the bc.ys come ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1:: should benefit by the experience gained from our Junior Association. in the Pre-Season Competition and should mc0:ild into a solid combination. Today its Souths and I can't think of a better way to start the season than 1,: P"t p,:::;.~,·~~,:: ::::: '::'~~:· ::GRATll I:~ Coach Cec Quilkey is determined to with wins in all gradP.s. and Life Member of the League MR. H. A. RYALL make this a good year for the firsts. Tigers to win "The Claw" ~11111111u1 111111111 1 11111111111111110111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11111111 11 11 1 1111•11,111•!11••::,·:•1: 110~ April 28, 1973 THE FOOTBALL RECORD 23 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111• .. April 28, 1973 THE FOOTBALL RECORD WESTERN SUBURBS AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL CLUB LTD. HIGHLIGHTS FOR '73. WELCOMES TEAMS OF T·HE N.S.W.A.N.F.L. One of tre highlig:1ts of the 1973 season will be the N.S.W teams visit to ON PREMIERSHIP MATCH DAYS Ca1berra in Ju:ie. The Canberra League celebrates their 50th Anniversary this year and N.S.W. r.as accepted Canberra's invitation to play a mate~ as the centre­ pie::e of their Anniver.:;ary ce:ebrations. APRIL ENTERTAINMENT A Sydney team will participate in a proposed Country Carnival at the Lavington SATURDAY, 28th - Sports Club ground in A:bury. FAYE WARNOCK Vocalist/Entertainer PROMOTION TO SECOND DIVISION ~ SUNDAY, 29th - The President of the League, Mr. W. Hart announced last week that DUO VALENTONES Vocal/Instrumental Duo MacQuarie University and Penshurst Clubs will play in the Second Divi­ MAY SHOWTIME sion Competition this season. SATURDAY 5th - With these two clubs will be University of NSW, Sydney University, "!RISH NIGHT" Pennant Hills, Combined Services, Warringah and Bankstown Sports. TERRANCE FINNIGAN ......... Irish Vocalist THE MAN IN WHITE - NEW FACES MAUREEN WHEELAN !RISH DANCERS First up, we have gained Capt.
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