VILLAGE OF LAKE BLUFF JOINT PLAN COMMISSION & ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Village Hall Board Room 40 East Center Avenue 7:00 P.M. A G E N D A 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Non-Agenda Items and Visitors (Public Comment Time) The Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals Chair and Board Members allocate fifteen (15) minutes during this item for those individuals who would like the opportunity to address the Board on any matter not listed on the agenda. Each person addressing the Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals is asked to limit their comments to a maximum of three (3) minutes. 3. Consideration of the February 15, 2017 PCZBA Meeting Minutes 4. The continuation of a Public Hearing to consider amending the text of Chapters 5 and 6 of the Zoning Code Regulations to clarify setback requirements for property in the Central Business District (CBD) located: (i) along Scranton Avenue between Oak Avenue and Evanston Avenue; or (ii) adjacent to or abutting property in a residence district. 5. A Workshop Regarding an Update of the Village’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan 6. Staff Report 7. Commissioner’s Report 8. Adjournment The Village of Lake Bluff is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities, are requested to contact R. Drew Irvin, Village Administrator, at (847) 234-0774 or TDD number (847) 234-2153 promptly to allow the Village of Lake Bluff to make reasonable accommodations. VILLAGE OF LAKE BLUFF JOINT PLAN COMMISSION & ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 15, 2017 DRAFT MINUTES 1. Call to Order & Roll Call Chair Kraus called to order the regular meeting of the Joint Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals (PCZBA) of the Village of Lake Bluff on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Board Room (40 E. Center Avenue). The following members were present: Members: Sam Badger Leslie Bishop David Burns Mary Collins Elliot Miller Gary Peters Steven Kraus, Chair Also Present: Benjamin Schuster, Village Attorney Drew Irvin, Village Administrator Jeff Hansen, Village Engineer Glen Cole, Assistant to the Village Administrator Village Engineer Jeff Hansen announced that Glen Cole is the new Assistant to the Village Administrator. 2. Non-Agenda Items and Visitors Chair Kraus stated the PCZBA allocates 15 minutes for those individuals who would like the opportunity to address the PCZBA on any matter not listed on the agenda. There were no requests to address the PCZBA. 3. Approval of the January 4, 2017 PCZBA Regular Meeting Minutes Member Badger moved to approve the January 4, 2017 PCZBA Regular Meeting Minutes with changes requested by Members Badger, Burns and Collins. Member Collins seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote. 4. Approval of the January 18, 2017 PCZBA Regular Meeting Minutes Member Bishop moved to approve the January 18, 2017 PCZBA Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Member Collins seconded the motion. The motion passed on a voice vote. 5. The Continuation of a Public Hearing for 701 Park Place to Consider: (i) a Variation from the Front Yard and Corner Lot Side Yard Setback Regulations of Section 10-5-3; (ii) a Variation from the Maximum Gross Floor Area Regulations of Section 10-5-6 of the Zoning Code; (iii) a Variance from the Maximum Front Yard Impervious Regulation of Section 10- 5-7 of the Zoning Code: and (iv) a Variation from the Maximum Lot Coverage Requirement Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2017 of Section 10-5-8 of the Zoning Code; and (v) Any Other Zoning Relief as Required for the Proposed Improvements Chair Kraus introduced the agenda item noting this is an older historic structure located on the East side of Lake Bluff and the proposed modifications will increase the existing non- conformities. Village Engineer Hansen stated as a result of the feedback provided at the previous meeting, the Petitioner has provided updated drawings, a 3D model and supportive email from a neighbor. Ms. Victoria Lidstrom of Leggy Bird Design introduced Mr. Karl Strassburger, who built the 3D model and he reviewed the proposed changes. In response to a question from Chair Kraus regarding the proposed enclosed balcony, Mr. Strassburger stated the proposed modification will be within the same foot print as the existing balcony and extend to the existing façade. Ms. Lidstrom stated the balcony vertical to the façade will have a 1.5 ft. overhang which will allow the hip roof to have the same pitch as the existing roof. Mr. Strassburger continued the presentation showing the proposed modifications for the relocation of the stairs to the second floor, additions to the south side which will expand the first floor and addition of a one story mudroom connecting the home to the existing garage. Chair Kraus asked if the north side would have a separate overhang. Ms. Lidstrom stated the plan is to replace the existing overhang above the front door with a different type of overhang. Member Collins asked how the roof overhang contributed to the FAR. Ms. Lidstrom expressed her understand that if the roof overhang extends pass two feet it counts against square footage. The FAR calculation includes over a foot of the overhang which is one of the reasons the home is non-conforming. A discussion regarding FAR followed. Ms. Lidstrom showed slides of the existing and proposed elevations. Member Peters inquired of the square footage of the balcony. Village Engineer Hansen stated the existing balcony is approximately 179 sq. ft. and included in the FAR calculation. In response to a comment from Member Bishop, Village Engineer Hansen confirmed that if the breezeway and extension around the house are approved it will be 51% over the front yard impervious coverage limit and 41.8% over the building coverage limit. Member Bishop inquired of stormwater management. Village Engineer Hansen stated stormwater mitigation is reviewed during the building permit application process and noted there will be a full grading plan submitted with the proposal. The storm sewer for this property flows down Simpson Avenue to the ravine and he noted this area should be able to handle an increase in stormwater drained. Member Bishop expressed her concern regarding increased impervious surface because houses are being allowed to increase beyond the allowable amount. She stated this could create a slippery 2 Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2017 slope for the Village if it continues to allow more square footage to be covered up on the east side of the ravine. Member Collins expressed her understanding the 51.5% front yard impervious surface variation is a result of the proposed breezeway located within the front yard setback, which already exceeds the permitted amount. The maximum building coverage variation seems to be 300 sq. ft. more than the existing surface. Member Badger stated he is okay with the proposed variances as opposed to demolishing the house. Member Bishop stated should the piece meal process continue there will be large houses built on small lots. She asked if the proposed renovations could be done within the footprint of the house rather than increasing impervious surface. A discussion followed. Member Burns expressed his appreciation to the applicant for their decision to renovate the home. He stated he is okay with the proposed modifications and side additions which appears more workable. However, he cannot rationalize why the breezeway would be considered a hardship because it seems more discretionary and asked if they had considered not having an attached garage. Ms. Lidstrom stated there were other options considered but the attached garage will benefit a larger family and noted the 8 ft. breezeway is currently partially paved. Member Collins stated from an historical review of previous applications, the PCZBA has set a precedent of being generous to owners that undertake the efforts to maintain historic structures. In response to a comment from Chair Kraus regarding impervious surface, Village Engineer Hansen stated the impervious surface is calculated from the housing line and FAR calculation would only include the large overhang because it exceeds 24”. The front yard impervious and overall lot coverage would count from the housing line. Chair Kraus stated the proposed mudroom would add to the existing non-conformities and asked if it would be calculated from wall to wall. Village Engineer Hansen stated it would be included in the building coverage area. Chair Kraus addressed the standards for variations: Unique Physical Condition - He stated the Zoning Code provides flexibility for building conservation and generally reasonable modifications to existing structures as opposed to demolition. Practical Difficulty or Hardship - He stated a foundation issue was identified in the submittal. Special Privilege - He stated the privilege is related to the ability to live in a historic structure upgraded for contemporary living. There are procedures in place that allow variations not strict interruption of the code to provide individual insight. 3 Joint Plan Commission & Zoning Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2017 Code Purposes - He stated the Village Code does allow flexibility to provide, in special situations, special provisions to the degree possible that historic structures that exist within the Village make the Village the place that it is. Public Health and Safety - There is no impact. Chair Kraus opened the floor for public comments.
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