Via Microsoft Teams Basildon & Brentwood CCG Governing Body meeting in Public 26 November 2020 – 1400 - 1600 Agenda Objective Papers Lead Time Page No. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Welcome and apologies for For Noting Dr ‘Boye Tayo, Chair absence 1400 2. Declarations of interest & For Noting Attached Dr ‘Boye Tayo, Chair Review of Register of Interests 3. Minutes of the meeting held For Attached Dr ‘Boye Tayo, Chair 24/09/20 Approval 1405 4. Matters arising & Action Log For Noting/ Attached Dr ‘Boye Tayo, Chair agreement 5. Questions from the Public For noting Verbal Dr ‘Boye Tayo, Chair 1410 6. Patient Story – Care Home For noting Presentation Geraldine Rodgers, 1415 Deputy Chief Nurse SYSTEM ITEMS 7. Board Assurance Framework For Noting Attached David Triggs, Head of 1420 Corporate Governance 8 Covid 19 Central Incident For noting Attached Anthony McKeever, 1425 Management Team Update Joint AO 9 Appointments to Joint Executive For noting Verbal Anthony McKeever, 1430 Team Joint AO 10 EPUT Quality Account For noting Attached at Geraldine Rodgers, Response (included as part of Item 14 Deputy Chief Nurse Item 14) 1435 11 SEND Update Report (included For noting Attached at Geraldine Rodgers, as part of Item 14) Item 14 Deputy Chief Nurse PLACE ITEMS 12 Chair’s Report For Noting Attached Dr Boye Tayo 1440 Chair 13 Alliance Director Report For Noting To follow William Guy, 1450 Alliance Director 14 Chief Nurse/Quality Report For Noting Attached Geraldine Rodgers, 1500 including: Deputy Chief Nurse (a) EPUT Quality Account (b) SEND update 15 Finance Update For Noting Attached Dee Davey, Interim CFO 1510 Via Microsoft Teams 16 Performance Report For Noting Attached Emma Timpson, 1520 Director of Planning, Performance & Demand Management 17 BB CCG Exception Reports For Noting 1530 a) Audit Committee Attached Chair AuditCommittee b) F&P To follow Chair F&P c) CEG Attached Chair CEG d) PS&Q Attached Chair PSQC AOB 18 AOB 1540 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 19 28 January 2021 Quoracy: BBCCG Gov Body – 9 Governing Body Members, including 5 clinicians Minutes of Virtual Board Meeting in Public 24 September 2020 Part 1 - By Teams – Draft v1 1 Introduction Name Role Dr Adegboyega Tayo Chair, GP Board Member, SEMC Locality Member Anthony McKeever Interim Joint Accountable Officer (from 2:35pm) William Guy Director of Strategy and Transformation Teresa Kearney MBE Chief Nurse Emma Timpson Director of Planning, Performance, & Demand Management Dee Davey Interim Chief Finance Officer (from 3pm) Dr Arv Guniyangodage GP Board Member, Brentwood Locality Dr Ken Wrixon GP Board Member, Brentwood Locality Member Dr Olugbenga Odutola GP Board Member, Arterial Locality Member Dr Nimit Dabas GP Board Member, Arterial Locality Member Dr Sooraj Natarajan GP Board Member, Brentwood Locality Dr Femi Salako GP Board Member, SEMC Locality Member Dr Vishal Sharma GP Board Member, Partnership BIC Locality Member Dr Anita Pereira GP Board Member, Partnership BIC Locality Member Dr Julia Hale Consultant for Secondary Care Nick Spenceley Lay Member for Audit and Governance Katherine Kirk MBE Deputy Chair, Lay Member, Chair Governance Committee Gill Jones Lay Member PPI 1.1.1 In attendance Name Role David Triggs Head of Corporate Governance Marion Barritt Administrator (Minutes) 1.1.2 Apologies Name Role Maggie Pacini Consultant in Public Health – Essex County Council (ECC) Cllr Stephen Hillier Essex County Council (ECC) 1.1 Welcome and apologies The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting in public Apologies were noted as above. The Chair reminded everyone of the protocols for MS Teams video calls including staying on mute unless speaking and using the ‘raise your hand’ symbol when wishing to speak. 1 2. Declarations of Interest Katherine Kirk declared a direct conflict of interest in Item 13 Chair’s Report as this referred to an extension of her contract. She would step out of the meeting during this item. There were no other declarations of interest other than those already on the Register of Interest. 3. Minutes of previous meeting RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2020 be agreed as an accurate record. 4. Matters arising and Action log The action log was updated and attached to the minutes. 5. Board Assurance Framework (BAF) Head of Corporate Governance presented his report and informed members that this re- affirmed approval of the new BAF. It was noted that the Board approved revised Corporate Objectives at the public meeting on 30 July and endorsed the proposed BAF. At the Board meeting (held in common with other CCGs) on 27 August the Board approved the new risk appetite statement. It was agreed that the next step in embedding the BAF was to ensure that training was made available to Executives leads and risk owners . RESOLVED: that members of the Board note progress in developing the new Board Assurance Framework. 6. Patient Story (video) The Chief Nurse apologised that it was not possible to show the planned video due to technical issues. SYSTEM ITEMS 7. Mid & South Essex (MSE) / Covid 19 Incident Management Team (CIMT) Reports CIMT Briefing The Interim Joint Accountable Officer (JAO) presented a report outlining details of the management of the COVID 19 incident covering the governance of the incident and key decisions made by the incident management team and various workstreams that would otherwise have come to CCG Boards for approval or discussion. The JAO confirmed that with the incidence of Covid increasing across the country preparations were being put in place to manage a second wave whilst Managing winter pressures and supporting the local health system to restore cancer services and maximise elective activity. RESOLVED: That the Interim Joint Accountable Officer’s CIMT update be noted. 2 8. Joint Executive Team (JET) The Interim JAO presented a paper setting out the Joint Executive Team (JET) structure as approved by the CCG Board (meeting in Common) held on 10 September 2020. It was noted that the agreed structure was in line with the CCG Constitution . The agreed Joint Executive Team structure consisted of the following posts: • Chief Finance Officer • Executive Director of Nursing & Quality • Executive Director of Integrated Service Delivery • 4 x NHS Alliance Directors one for each place in the Health & Care Partnership: Basildon & Brentwood, Mid Essex, South East Essex and Thurrock. During discussion of the paper a concern was raised around the levels of support in place for staff The Interim JAO assured members that Human Resources and EPUT colleagues had arrangements in place to support staff during this difficult time. Some of these processes were outlined in the People Pandemic Policy. RESOLVED: That the Interim Joint Accountable Officer’s report was noted. 9. Continuing Healthcare Reset (CHC) The Chief Nurse appraised the Board of the work undertaken during the Covid 19 pandemic and the system reset currently taking place. It was noted that as part of the Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic Continuing Healthcare (CHC) assessments were deferred and Covid-19 Hospital Discharge Service Requirements were put in place. ix of the CCG’s CHC nurses were redeployed to Brentwood Community Hospital (BCH) to support the discharge process. The Board noted the approach that Mid and South Essex NHS Funded Care Teams had taken to ensure the CHC restart and adherence to the latest Hospital Discharge Guidance are in place to continue to support a timely and appropriate transfer of patients from Acute and Community Hospital settings, back into the community. In response to a concern the Chief Nurse assured members that there were established models to manage the expected second wave but this would be reviewed if and when the situation demanded it. RESOLVED: That Board Members noted the CHC reset programme. 10. Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Strategy This strategy had been developed by the local authority in conjunction with police and other health partners. This strategy was the first of its kind and pulled together all the services provided under one umbrella. The CCG commissioned some of the services that support this programme. This has been through governance processes and was being presented to health for approval. 3 RESOLVED: That Board Members approved the Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Strategy. 11. Mental Health Investment Alfie Bandakpara-Taylor, Head of Mental Health & LD Commissioning joined the meeting to present this item. There were two papers for approval and these represented critical parts of improvement to support funding of the Mental Health Investment Standard. It was noted that the Mental Health Five Year Forward View and the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) set out an ambitious transformation plan for mental health. The NHS’s Long-Term Plan reaffirms the commitment to putting mental health care on a level footing with physical health services. Within MSE significant progress had been made towards delivering this ambition through a strong partnership approach. Although delayed as a result of the response to Covid the NHSE Chief Executive letter calls on systems to reset programmes and ensure the mental health investments continue to be made. The paper emphasised that the long-term plan ambitions were key to managing any surge and winter pressures. The paper focussed on the three remaining ‘do it once’ system transformation projects seeking approval for investment into: . Expanding the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service . Adult Eating Disorder Services in south Essex to meet the level of the Mid Essex. Improving therapeutic support in adult mental health Inpatient Care The second paper was seeking approval for a business case that would support the ambition in the NHSE Long Term Plan. The Business Case aimed: i. To describe the development of an appropriately resourced Integrated Primary and Community Care Mental Health transformation programme to deliver a new model of care that is inclusive, community based and designed with and for Primary Care Networks and make the case for recurrent investment; ii.
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