April 2016 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Report on Submissions City of Fremantle, City of Nedlands, Town of Claremont, Town of Cottesloe, Town of Mosman Park and the Shire of Peppermint Grove Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Report on Submissions City of Fremantle, City of Nedlands, Town of Claremont, Town of Cottesloe, Town of Mosman Park and the Shire of Peppermint Grove April 2016 Disclaimer This document has been published by the Western Australian Planning Commission. Any representation, statement, opinion or advice expressed or implied in this publication is made in good faith and on the basis that the government, its employees and agents are not liable for any damage or loss whatsoever which may occur as a result of action taken or not taken, as the case may be, in respect of any representation, statement, opinion or advice referred to herein. Professional advice should be obtained before applying the information contained in this document to particular circumstances. © State of Western Australia Internet: www.wa.gov.au Published by the Western Australian Planning Commission, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 MRS Amendment 1210/41 Report on Submissions File 809-2-1-91 Pt 1 Published April 2016 Internet: www.planning.wa.gov.au Email: [email protected] Phone: (08) 655 19000 Fax: (08) 655 19001 National Relay Service: 13 36 77 Infoline: 1800 626 477 This document is available in alternative formats on application to Communications Services. Introduction to Metropolitan Region Scheme major amendments The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for keeping the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) under review and initiating changes where they are seen as necessary. The MRS sets out the broad pattern of land use for the whole Perth metropolitan region. The MRS is constantly under review to best reflect regional planning and development needs. A proposal to change land use reservations and zones in the MRS is regulated by the Planning and Development Act 2005. That legislation provides for public submissions to be made on proposed amendments. For a substantial amendment, often referred to as a major amendment (made under section 41 of the Act), the WAPC considers all the submissions lodged, and publishes its recommendations in a report on submissions. This report is presented to the Minister for Planning and to the Governor for approval. Both Houses of Parliament must then scrutinise the amendment before it can take legal effect. In the process of making a substantial amendment to the MRS, information is published as a public record under the following titles: Amendment report This document is available from the start of the public advertising period of the proposed amendment. It sets out the purpose and scope of the proposal, explains why the amendment is considered necessary, and informs people how they can comment through the submission process. Environmental review report The Environmental Protection Authority must consider the environmental impact of an amendment to the MRS before it can be advertised. Should it require formal assessment, an environmental review is undertaken and made available for information and comment at the same time as the amendment report. Report on submissions The planning rationale, determination of submissions and the recommendations of the WAPC for final approval of the amendment, with or without modification, is documented in this report. Submissions This document contains a reproduction of all written submissions received by the WAPC on the proposed amendment. Transcript of hearings A person who has made a written submission may also choose to appear before a hearings committee to express their views. The hearings proceedings are recorded and transcribed, and the transcripts of all hearings are reproduced in this volume. Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................1 2 The proposed amendment ......................................................................... 1 3 Environmental Protection Authority advice ................................................ 2 4 Call for submissions ...................................................................................2 5 Submissions ...............................................................................................3 6 Hearings .....................................................................................................3 7 Main issues raised in submissions ............................................................ 4 8 Other issues raised in submissions .........................................................15 9 Other modifications (not in response to submissions) ............................ 17 10 Modifications ............................................................................................17 11 Responses and determinations ...............................................................18 12 Coordination of region and local planning scheme amendments ........... 18 13 Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................19 Schedule 1 Alphabetical Listing of Submissions Schedule 2 Summary of Submissions and Determinations Schedule 3 The Amendment Figure as Advertised Schedule 4 The Amendment Figure as Modified Appendix 1 List of Detail Plans as Advertised Appendix 2 List of Detail Plans as Modified Published under separate cover Submissions Transcript of Hearings Report on submissions Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Cities of Fremantle and Nedlands, Towns of Cottesloe, Claremont and Mosman Park and Shire of Peppermint Grove Report on Submissions 1 Introduction On 22 February 2011, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) resolved to initiate this amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) in accordance with provisions of Section 41 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. 2 The proposed amendment The amendment proposal is detailed in the previously published Amendment Report (March 2012) and summarised below. The purpose of the amendment is to rationalise the Primary Regional Roads (PRR) reservation in the MRS which presently exists over Stirling Highway from Queen Victoria Street, North Fremantle to Broadway, Nedlands. The amendment, as advertised, reduces the existing reservation by more than 26 hectares. Stirling Highway traverses six local government areas, including the Cities of Fremantle and Nedlands, the Towns of Claremont, Cottesloe and Mosman Park and the Shire of Peppermint Grove. Accordingly, the highway requires application of consistent regional road planning and design guidance along its entire length. Generally, between Broadway/Hampden Road, Nedlands and Jarrad Street, Cottesloe, the existing 80 metre wide reservation is proposed to be reduced by up to 51 metres to vary between 29 and 40 metres. Between Jarrad Street, Cottesloe and Queen Victoria Street, North Fremantle, the existing smaller reserve, which cannot accommodate safe road requirements, will generally be increased to between 27 and 40 metres, expanding by varying amounts from centimetres to more than 10 metres over some properties. The proposed reservation is based on a concept design for Stirling Highway that is supported by the Department of Transport representing: Bikewest, Public Transport Authority, Transperth and Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) agencies. The detailed road design requirements are part of the Main Roads Supplement to Austroads Guide to Road Design, and are updated regularly. They may be viewed on the MRWA website (https://www.mainroads.wa.gov.au/BuildingRoads/StandardsTechnical/RoadandTrafficEngin eering/GuidetoRoadDesign/Pages/home.aspx). The concept design shows that wider (than existing) verges, a solid central median strip, on- road cycle lanes, bus queue jump lanes and right turn pockets can be accommodated in the rationalised reserve. The design retains two through traffic lanes in each direction. 1 The proposed reservation is wider at signalised intersections to accommodate turning and bus queue jump lanes. Changes to reservation width vary, based on the difference between the existing reservation and the concept design. The concept design merely demonstrates the proposed amendment provides an effective reservation for future road planning and is a starting point for MRWA detailed design work. Amending the reservation over Stirling Highway will provide clarity and certainty for orderly land use planning along the highway’s multi-functional activity corridor. The modified reservation will inform road planning initiatives and budgets necessary to give priority to improving the existing physical road environment of Stirling Highway. 3 Environmental Protection Authority advice The proposed amendment was referred to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for advice on whether environmental assessment would be required. The EPA advised that the proposed amendment does not require formal assessment under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. A copy of the notice from the EPA was included in Appendix D of the previously published Amendment Report. 4 Call for submissions The amendment was advertised for public submissions from 20 March 2012 to 27 July 2012. The amendment was made available for public inspection during normal
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