List of Members

List of Members

8 LIST OF MEMBERS. 1 911 Adams, W . E., Sydney Harbour Trust, Circular Quay. 1 886 Adams, W. J., 175 Clarence Street, Sydney. 19 01 Adamson, E., Adelaide Steamship Co. Bridge Street, Sydney. 1918 Anderson, R. A., 6 B'ridge Street, Sydney. 1903 Arnot, A. J., Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. 1911 Bale, W . HI' 8 8 Pitt Street, Sydney. 1 918 Barr, R. H., 2 Martin Place, Sydney. 1911 Barraclough, Prof. S. H. E., The University, Sydney. 1 916 Bartlett, E. J., Dept. of Labour and Industry, Elizabeth Street , Sydney. 1 917 Bethune, R, Chief Engineer, Sydney P aper Mills, Botany. 1917 Blundell, J. H ., Commonwealth Naval Dockyard, Cockato() Isla nd. 1 897 Booth, W., John Danks & Co., Pty., Ltd., Pitt Street, Sydney. 19 09 Borchert, A. J., Bell's Asbestos (Aust .) Agency, Ltd., 31 5 Kent Street, Sydney. 1 90 3 Bra gg, J . W., Gibson, Battle & Co., Ltd., 53,5 Kent Street, Sydney. 1913 Brand, J . .J. C., H.M.A.S., "Adelaide." 1914 Bremner, H. A ., Commonwealth Oxygen Co., Ltd., Foy Street, Balmain. 1913 Bromwich , Capt. G. E., Naval Works Dept., Garden Island, Sydney. 1 909 Brown, J. B., 18 Bridge Street , Sydney. 1 888 Brown, T., Sydney F erries, Ltd., Circular Quay, Sydney. 1 915 Burn, R J ., 61 Hunter Street, Sydney. 1 917 Burrow, W. F., Railway Construction Branch, Phillip Street, Sydney. 1 907 Burrows, A. 0., " K animbla," Consett Street, Concord W est. 1910 Burton, C. R. 1916 CaIman , C. G., Wm. Adams & Co" Ltd., .175 Clarence Street, Sydney. 1 917 Cambridge, . E . R, Public Works Dept., Railway Const ruction. Branch, P hillip-street, Sydney. 1 918 Canning, Eng.-Commander H . T ., Garden Isla nd, Sydney. 1 912 Carruther s, J., Babcock, Wilcox, Ltd., 427 Sussex Street, Sydney. 1892 Christie, P. iN ., Sydney H aJ1bour Tr ust, Circular Quay, Sydney. 1 906 Clayton, R, C.S.R Co., Ltd., O'ConneU Street, Sydney. 1913 Cliff, R. C., 4 Castler eagh Street, Sydney. 1 91 0 Codd, H ., 94 Fletcher Street, Campsie. 1 917 Corin, Wm., Chief Elect r ical Engineer, Public Wor ks Dept.,. W ynyard Square, Sydney. 1918 Cornwell, A. E ., Manager, Naval Wireless Workshops, Rand­ wick. 1 891 Cutler, A. E ., Public Works -Dept., Sydney. 1916 Debenham, A. J., Sydney Harbour Trust, Circular Quay, Sydney . 1907 Drake, D. T., Drake's Dock, Balma"in. 1 914 Emmelhainz, E ., c/o Union Theatres, Ltd., Sydney . 1912 ,Fairclou gh, C. S., 63 Booth 'Street , Balmain. 19 03 Fell, J . W., 119 George Street, Sydney. 1898 Ferguson, T., Gordon Road, Roseville. 1 887 F er rier, R. R., Royal Exchange, Bridge Street, Sydney . 1914 Fewtrell, A. C., "Braemar," Ben Boyd Road, 'Neutral Bay. 1913 Fildes, P. A., Dept. of Labour & Industry, Elizabeth Street, Sydney. 190 6 Findlay, G. W. F., c/ o Messrs. J. Wildridge & Sinclair, 97 Pitt Street, Sydney. 1906 Finlayson, D. , c/ o Messrs. H. P. Gregory & Co., 74 Clarence Street, Sydney. 1901 Fletcher, A. C., C.S.R. Co. , Ltd., Childers Mill, Queensland. 1914 Forbes~Mackay, H. R, Town Hall, Sydney. 1913 Foster, E., 3 Kurraba Road, North Sydney. 1911 Fox, F. C., Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., Granville. 1870 F ranki, J. P., Mort's Dock and 'Engineering Co., Ltd., Bal­ m ain. 1895 F ranki, R. J. N., N.Z. Insurance Building, 81 Pitt Street, Sydney. 1911 Fraser, Wm., C. S.R. Co., Ltd., O'Connell Street, Sydney. 1914 Free man, H. R., Gibson, Battle, Newcastle. 1891 Friend, A. H ., "Kenilworth," Roslyn Gardens, Darlinghur st, Sydney. 1907 Gardiner , E. J., Oak ura Street, Rockdale . 1910 Gibson, ,A. J., c/o Broken Hill Pty. Co., L td., Steel Works, Newcastle. 1911 Giles, B. 18., 232 Clarence St reet, Sydney. 1 91 7 Gillies, Duncan, C.IS. R Co., L t d., O'Connell Street, Sydney. 1913 Goodall, T. M., 303-5 Kent Street, Sydney. 1903 Granowski, 0., 387 Kent Street, Sydney . 1898 Grant, R., 4 Drummoyne Avenue, Drummoyne. 1 907 Grieve, W. H., 175 Clarence Street, Sydney. 1907 Hamilton, Jas., Sydney Steel Company, Ltd., Edinburgh Road, Marrickville. 1 918 Ha milton, P. B., Supt. Carriage and Waggon Dept., N.S.W. Railways, Eveleigh. 1906 Harricks, D. F. J., C.S.R. Co., Ltd., O'Connell 'Street, Sydney . 1 906 Hart, A. J., Pendennis Chambers, George Street, Sydney . 1913 Hall, A. G., C.SJR. Co .. Ltd., Nail sori Mill, via Suva, Fiji. 1910 Hasemar, A. H., c/ o Messrs. Poole and Steel, St ephen Street. Balmain . 1908 Hawkes, G., Hotel:\'letropole, Sydney . 1 914 H enderson, Jas., Machinery and 'Scaffolding Dept., BriSbane. 1911 H enderson, Jos., H oskins & Co., Ltd., Lithgow . 1 917 Her on, A. C., 251 George Street, Sydney. 1 901 Hillhouse, W., 50 Newcastle Street , R ose Bay . 1 917 H ipsley, W. B., H ipsley & W addell, Ltd. , 35 P almer Str eet, Sydney . 18 91 Holden, E. A., " Coorparoo," Grosvenor ,Road, Lindfield. 1912 H olland, W. B., 79 Macquarie Str eet, Circular Quay (East), Sydn ey. 1913 Holliday, H. A. '8., c/o C.S.R Co., Ltd., O'Connell Street, Sydney . 1903 H olroyde, C. J., " Daily Telegr aph " Office, King Str eet, Sydney. 191 3 Holr oyde, J . B., C.S:R. 'Co. , Ltd., New Farm, Brisbane. 1 911 Hou ghton, T. H., 63 Pitt Street, Sydney . 1911 Howart h , J. F ., Box 1 912, G.P .O. , Sydney. 1 913 J ohns, M. J., "Mount Morgan Mining Co., Ltd., Mt. Morgan, Queensland. 1904 Johnston, D. W ., Messrs. H oldsworth, Macpherson & Co., 252 George Street, Sydney. 10 1913 Jones, B. W., 535 K ent Str eet, Syd ney . 1908 .Juli us. G. A ., C ulwulla Chambers, Castlereagh S treet, Sydney. 1 884 K idd, H ector, " Craig-Lea," Cremorne Road, Cremorne. 1 908 Kidd, J. W., Dalgety's Wharf, Miller's Point, Sydney . 1 899 K ing, H. R., Mort's Dock and Engineering Co. , Ltd., Balmain. 1917 King-Salter, J. J., Manager, Commonwealt h Naval Dockyard. Cockatoo Island. I 1 912 Lancaster, J. G., Marshall Avenue, Green wich. 1903 Lawson, J as., Messrs . Flox & Lawson, Sussex Street, Sydney. 1898 Lea , A. Eo, Ocean Beach F reezing Works, Inver cargill, New Zealand. 1917 Leahy, H., P ublic Works D ept., ·Railwa y Constru'ction Bran ch . Phillip Street , Sydney. 1917 Little, A. G., c/ o Messr s. Lane & Peter s, Burrinjuck , via. Goonda h. 1 914 Lock ley, R., C.S.R. Co:, Ltd., O'Connell Street, Sydney . 1918 Lucy, E. E., Locomotive Depa rtment, N.S.W. Railways, Eve­ leigh, 1901 Macar tney, J as., 64 Pitt Street, S ydney. 1 91 6 Mackie, J. W., Irvinebank Mining Co. , Ltd., I rvin ebank. Queensla nd. 1913 Mainwaring, M., 1 to 5 Market Street, Sydney . 1906 Marr, N . C., R. L. Scrutton & Co., Ltd., Clarence Street. Sydney. 1 903 Marr, W., Navigation Dept., Cir cular Quay, Sydney . 1 917 Marriott, E. W.,' C.S.R. Co., Ltd., O'Connell Street, Sydney. 1 91 2 Mawdesley, J. E., Phillip Cour t, P hillip S treet , Sydney. 1904 Medcalf, W . R. , c/o Messrs. Wildridge & Sinclair, 97 Pitt Street, Sydney . 1 914 Miles, H . E. J., Fairymead, Bundaberg, Queensland. 1896 Milne, W ., 1 6'6 Sussex Street, Sydney . 1917 Mit chell, H. A., Commonwealth Naval Dockyard, Cockatoo> Island . 1916 Mitchell, .s. lVI., Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd., 1 20 P itt St reet, Sydney . 1 911 Moorhouse, T. E ., c/o 'R. C. P aterson & Co., Pty., L t d., 39 6- Flinders L a ne, Melbourne. 1897 McAllister, C., North Coast Steam Navigation Co., 3 Sussex Str eet, Sydney . 1916 McCann, M. A ., c/o Toohey's, L td., Standard Brewery, Sydney. 1910 McCrea, W. D., "Thornhill," Turramurra. 1877 McCredie, A. L., Burns, Philp & Co. Buildings, 7 Bridge Street, Syd ney. 1 91 2 McE win, J. G., Gore Bay, Greenwich . 1906 McNamara, J as., C.S. R. Co., L t d., O'Connell Street, Sydney. 1917 Me-Roberts, H. A ., C.S.R. Co., Ltd., Harwood Mill, Harv.: 0od, Clarence River, N.S.W. 1916 Nicholson , A . C., Naval Works Department, Garden Is land ; 1893 oyes, E., 'Messrs. Noyes Bros., 115 Clarence Str'eet, Sydney. 1917 Oakden, F ., Man ager, N.S.W. Cement, Lime and Coal Co., Ltd., Hunter S treet, Sydney . 191 3 Orams, H., Public Works Dept., Existin g Lines Branch, Brid g& Street, Sydney .. 1906 Pasquill, H., C.S.R. Co., Ltd., q'Connell St r eet, Sydn ey. 1 913 Payne, J ., Commonwealth Naval Dockyar d. Cockatoo Island . 1908 Petree, C. G., Box 10'5, P ost Office, Bundaberg, Queensland . 11 ' 1 89 0 Pickering, .T. , Baltic Chambers, 50 Wellington Street, Glasgow, Scotland. 1912 Pocock J. H., Box 1602, G.P.O., Sydney. 1913 Poole, Win., Culw ulla Chambers, Oastlereagh Street, Sydney. 1918 Price, F. W., C.S.R. Co. , Ltd., O'Connell Street, Sydney. 1 917 P rice, W . K. N., 68 ~ Pitt Street, Sydney. 1 900 Rae, 'J. L. C., " Lisgar," 7 5 King Street, Newca,stle . 1918 R eed, C. A., c/o J ames Hardie & Co., Ltd., Co r. York and Wynyard St reets, Sydney. 1918 R eid, H. N ., Supt. Eng., Tooth .& Co., Ltd., George Street West, Sydney. 1886 Reek s, Walter , Ch amber of Commerce Building, George and Grosvenor s t reets, Sydney. 1911 R o.berts , H . A., " Coolabah," Greenwich, Sydn ey. 1903 R oberts, J. S. 0., c/o Walker's, L t d., Maryborough, Queens- land. 1917 R obertson , W m .. 251 George Street, Sydney . 1 918 Ross, H. E ., Equitable Building, George Street, Sydney. 1 910 Saun der s, F., 232 Clarence Street, Sydney: 1 906 Sa ville, J., Commonwealth Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Port- land, N.S.W.

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