Motivated innovauon BC architecture major shares his vision • for a redesigned campus center Campus. Page 8 ·~ ... www.therip.com· Vol. 77 • No. 6 Babrsfleld ~. April,,. 200I Rea .for change, willing to fight for it . ·~ :..:_!;i/t~ {>-. ;_ .,I~--~----~. -.· ' . ... ·_ I. • •• I; ..: ·• - .· ' •.·-· ~-··\·;,·, ... ( ·.. ·. DNIIU{~/1*W. _....., llidlllsflln•-' lnwnlllratiion IIIWI at• nw..d, an 11 Sb Ht d llne 11'1 ••••Ill en April 10. OWr 1o,0o0·peop1e estimdld to llllft jNilkfl1 u,1 ;, .. ,•form w-. J; t.• ~ ~ Keni supporters ofimmi~~ t, . Former BC M.E.ChA. club ,. I president nzeets with governor rights stage rallies, marches . • 1· . I · IJNttlCSIOCkiUN ... , 10et. ,_. • Kan County a.,ll By NICK STOCKTON . JWE SALGUEIO· chi-.tli twu wdllrlfr · Rip staff writer , "People are crossing the ~ staff wtilffl Slli4 ., 1t Arvta ffiat, ...... 111> Im • -.t st· -4 JIU 'lb ·' border regardless, aed Be's funJa M.E.ClLA J)l'Cli· "Si 90 ~ Si IC PIJe.cW" irrni.4Nl'l ..... lie -· ,.$jf dent faced off wi1h C'.alifumia 's we lose about 10,000 The old farm W\CUl!s• ~ Maida 29. · ~ ~ governor during a day of ,eanem­ [people] a year. It is a echoed ihioueti Jllb'o P..t the C'-iMbi Cc,,,1+1, 16, qr ;i :eie :.~~~..-.1waee­ th,-ce day walk through morning of Afril 10 •. blio tbe Mlblut in wllidi . --~ SC, :.· .. 0rt,._.._....._.~ Cwnpema DJ Clrios Ortiz Mllbd Arvin ffi&h_ ,.,,.. .. p-41:t ,. ._. 1 ·. ildJlti~af 1 ' cl Rl9jur. ... ~ the desert, many women lbe crowd up. 1be pllt Wiii • lea .I '"Wt;,,,. ........ '*,.. «.- . .. ·~~in.. JemilCWlbOte&:I) are raped in the process." of colors, most being ffld, while ml Diez.. 'Ille ..... left ..... • 'l"AS blue. _. ,RN ......, rr. Am{,.._., -~-~-;·i~~:~--.. · . , In adtitioo tt- !!:.: ro.iijority of U.S. I amoot ~ Is .··P .. · ... wes sdc to,1 &ca ap:- emigm. there wen: imny Olbet wd:~ by Ql\mg fdt;p rh,t-::: . '1Jiowin:$1y.300 IC \ Mil* COUlllries' lap tepr t,Atd· Mc:xi- be receMd MDe 3 $ '" P:. CI.Iii' '.)~.. 00 Mlldl-301Dsit~ CID, Bolivtln. a,.,.,...,NJ, Span- cs Dt1lft dw who fell ....- ,~~::OcJy'."~ Schwasq._ to visit <..bl:¥ez 's tomb. aod dlat lhis ilb, in u:lilioll to the nun,e.--ous wtJllkl mm "no diff biiu,'° .._ / ... .' :~ 111~.-uss ~ ..aasitiw llpk.of WU ..~ ID ibe Oicano a-'.l. .at flags~ with Iha~ [Meili<wl 'Mft~lttJ.4i. ,~iiliwtel-m. community." naDy believed, esrirn#ing him to be lbc lJailed F#ID Wcrtm' eagle. going IO be poor... :{!''Jiiiem. -, conftj. ... .,.. ll Scbwazeiore:u,:. laid a wrellb aowd 5 feet i. I iacbet, MmJ 1ca1 ~ies ~ ~ Jam ~........ 1$,. ~ ' Q(!Qi.ai .. bia pealrml in$a­ at the site, wtuch is located in • Th= wt'.R many ad. activities petceful pllkaiaj, md the emuing plled in die wa!t-oat '* ....... :sioos:on lhe puUU1. HI: dimmed rose gardm at the foot o( a hill lhllt dwing lhe fesaval. wbi,;b kXlk place march. b:ir l*ning Among 1hem eryt,ody _elle did" W111P ~ '1111,J :bowbefdlu~ OaaYC2 ased co climb ew:ry mom- io La Paz., which is li1 Kee.. in die wen Amro Rodripez, UFW ~- tbe amdl w going cm., Moe; 0, :-' .....~da¢furfR~ .... • ing to waldl the sun rime.. Tehachapi IDl-+4MDIS Tbele in­ deal; .......ila ilf'I Dobes Huerta. aesa,,+,d.. '1 dan't bow." ~·'~r'n11hat "1le 1.."'<0bd tite'be The govemar ~ b..wed on me cluded wibbopl, poetry ....1g1. aad C,cujoth Khe!n, ~ of Babu6eld CaPep ,.,..., Ja. wasn't concemed wilh issues such eco.lOUlic ioipect rhaa would n:aaJt and polioc.l s,:ia.cr edentiooat the kal Sith faidifuL s= ltlaara Wiii II I..,.,..,.,. Part. ~ as walkouts and immigration bills." from the criwin& of lbe agricul­ d:iscus.,iorw. The group al!o helped After tbe mlhusiastic rally in c:udiag to n..n. tbe ,.,,ctcm -- Ibarra als& said that the gover- tural business. with some liodlc 44"1 needs. aod lhe p.t. wbicb city worms say .... ••• tbic:c ,_..... mt - nor talked about his doubls that Speaking abo.lt toe governor's re­ ch Mug up of Ille pa. ilr .tlbe wm UIIGlt &p ldc:tl lfllerwlld. the tb11 HR 4437 is "ncist.. ..... lll- HR4437 would pas.s, and be aho putedly inipressive physical caodi­ ~Ila. nesty 12.,000 ......., liDcd up in maitJ md Ood." said that the governor told him ·that tion, Ibarra reYelJed ..ii appeaed Ibara belie\U ~ Che illepl poapi of bs nl mamed down-, Maicda A ti•K ioG, lloug willl be was in .fa... or of a guest worker a !hough the funner Mr. U1aitase itnrnlgn1tioo poblean sbonld have IDWB.. <Jlbtl' IW' ...,. plOWidod ba:b b . program. had not WOlted out in I while, jot· been adcM:aed keg •· He sa.j This biply upo+mj, md most- the •e-h ,a., A..,.,-.ljg• .-, ·Azt. lbarta later COIJU1)ef1ted that it ingly aiding '1 could 1-£ him." He thlt "people ~ aoaa.g lhe bar- )y dl!t, plbeiiog WU I IDIIIUred cicn. M J*dlll t.J p cm # .~ commeodable tbar lhc ~ that aiso toot note !bit Schwamaeg­ ds 1c,-Jleu, tad w lolc .,.. evolmiol, &rm Ille wordi:wtc cl , yet food b ,00 elf a . be was me first California g,ow:mor i,11 \lolli QOl iii l.il1. Ii be hid origi- S••IIAllhPaieei pdy ~·liiidUiibbd 'ftik-outl wmcb . s. PiOibl,,... s Card. claims victory in. narrow presidential ~lection By N1C1C STOCKTON The two condur'trd euesgetic campaigns, dent popntlfioo.. accordiog to !be 6ml c.D-1. feds v Gfw:m tblt they will be ironed out by Panm. ...__ I . ...._... Rip staff writer md Im.like Che migltty Sperm Whale md Gi- In complf'ison. las( year only ~ of dll: II&: oeil: • ,.,., ..;r,,,,-,- Nmsing major n.mn , ........ 26, will ant Squid. 1tvoicicd peuooal. aaacts sn.ieoC p •..-,.;:oa '<'OCeCi. ID etitifm co die bippro6ic duel for the be upt-oWin& • lide oi TnJwau. wi Am Bakersfield ~. you have a new ruler. <'w woo~ oflhe voee, w.ti Om,h . Curn:llt SGA Pn:ri1m1 ·Alb Welt -1 pi'I . t, I '}, die fulowillg ~ die omc,- ollices Ow ii lbe aew lq;Ll-ciwe ti-ieoe Micah Card, a Vet· nipping • her heels wilh 47%, a mere 20 ne. of S(nrtru Senice& Doa Taney bocb 1111111..e dee iek-1 ill die ••:rioo· Snb Ode: II, wllo be a_ •• ml* ...... enn of coOegc politics V'OliCS bdaiod. <n · ter 1be dee cion ID he a lmF .., •,... Flec:11a e,.i:J : iug !!!!!,.'cw md ICdl of N!rp Erm& wl p.ljti,;11 Mff e, ii 1be ("' .,, -.1;..,. ...... • B-· '1..1. ...,. .. ....-,... "I mo fflllly excired to wort wicb dlis Id- 'Ibey .-. iwk lbe m 1 llaciDg ~ lbe ••••ion Rodolfo C.orrea. 17, will ~ bis 8Ctiviliea )ii .... hc:r ~ seat md miinistnticm.,.. Crd said when ubd about new oo1irE t.lb. U: CS kicb!:t up OD the vice plesP'llil's The aw-ill lel&1 ~ ID be fiDed by 1..e¥- IMC ovtt as the Student her fecliogs on lbe win, ~ "'1bere is • lot Srodec«... au on II& sysem ..PMVd enle Kwi. Om1lg Jomi.. laytor Jc · •'· GoYa'nmr:nl ~ ... WU . Gupeec Oram, md Miry Cli05o& of pt*> f I in tis group.• A.tim Mme-.. a ~,em' old· ... • sy. The ~ al Guzal Coaoc;iJ taml tion JNESi&i• Clld .bomd me °'l'ealy WWB IO loot ii*> - a.jol' ..lbll "it._ cliffii 41Dwe for iD a edp,GHell + ..-P Ly w, ilL in a. 1n ••r•-a. Ihm r. 11 ... 5cm Her viclory came rm.odctiog the C-,,u,s Cena.~ md comid- 1he tint time." <idlle Lah Cnne, '}[, ~ oid, 11-1 • Jn- chat aft available lo the WI iik, S • Milis .. I . her . ell .. .... ~....... • . ... &L-- wilh a dOtle awgim ers • p.awy Jt1r1.ge • pitiiUI •• ~ uc,,'*1 YWa • DIIIJIX _....I'll..-~ 1..eiM,;;*l)' -;c.., Aayoole who feels diey lml} t.,e WOD I, O',U' rival Will Chm­ A. ~ iMMllet of ...le.a:s ¥CJled ill 'be bmd da l)A 110 be "a.11, ' " Clnl's iCIC.idaial office will be llml O"l'a' wrile-iD c:a,1id• y should •1111Di1 die Sia­ cAer. k ,r»ons, ~'I 617, or O¥a" ft of die a. Wc:IC 1Cb,.wkdp:s «1111 ~ ~ bup, bat by I S-yar-okl ..... Y major Osu.ood 'deul Affairs offioc. I , . i ;.. ' .. t~' : i . ! . '. ' - ( ~ f 3( ( f • 'I I [ f . :· 1 Page 3 Page2 The Renegade Rip I www.therip.com April 19, 2006 April 19.2006 The Renegade Rip I www.thenp.::om .. ------- . -----------·· I'EJl'l'U:BESI . ' Fl!.RTURES l • . Got a Bad Religion rocks the ···=··• beef vvith bugs? Daxter Basic In-sk .......... __ does pest control with a twist By DOTIY SUP.NS Catherine's relentlelll; mind games, especially De1eetive Opinion Editor Roy Washburn (David Thewlis), Scotland Yard turns mosh pit once again Catherine over to the clinical expertise of Dr. Michael Sy STEVEN MARTIN pretty this game is, and that is something l ne,·er do. Imagine a middle-aged Sharon Stone with iacquered Glass, a criminal psychiatrist David Morrissey, who Rip staff writer The audio is also 4uitc good with everything from By JUUE SALGUERO skin, tightly clad in a b?ack designer dress, sprawled pPays Dr. Glas5, is depPor11bly unmovini, :ight from the the roar of the engines of~'" ,·thicles you pilot to the News Editor over a recPining lea1her chair divulging in the most can­ very st..rt. I'm no< sure if the role requires Morrissey lo Platforming games for handheld gaming systems frantic sounm of battle.
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