
co. HISTORICAL Assn., This freek COVERING 16 PAGES 1 TOWNSHIP* Of UULMDEL. HAOISON Plus Shopping UABLBOBO. MATAWAN AND Section UATAWAS no&ovoa Mtmber 91it YEAR — 52nd WEEK National MATAWAN, K. X, THURSDAY, JUNE SO, 1960 K«w Jena/ Piw Ausoli Single Copy Ten Cent* targe Attendance American Xegtou AiiylUqry Presents 50-Slui- Flag Aberdeen Road Matawan Board Public School 19 j Awarded pegiee Lawrenc* Salman, recreation director, announced >' that the Contract Awarded MtinrK Borough Recreation Takes Oil Bid Has 28 Graduates program epened Monday with • Council Also Vofeix taiga number et cUtdrao attend* School Supply Exercises Held In Parking Lot Lights log. Mr. Salmon noted Out with Contracts Awarded Cheesequake June 2! the UM of the Jackson St. play- , The Jannarone Engineering Co., ground and the Little League At a short special meeting Mon- Graduation excrclisi warti hold Matawan, Tuesday night. was baseball field many fames, such day, the Matawan Township Board on Juno 22 at 8 p.m. in the Cheese- awarded a contract to resurface as loft baD, basketball, badmin- quako Fire House for the 38 fliihtli and reconstruct a half-mile section of Education acted, on bids on ton and kick ball, are available. school supplies and fuel oil. grudo pupils of Public School No Ot Aberdeen Rd. on its bid or 111,- Games at the two areas we 19. Old Hrldfio, Madison Township, 935.73, the Jowcst of three reeetv- scheduled • day In advance so Fuel oil bids accepted were Hess Tho Madison Townihln School Bond . ed by council at a special meet- that children can plan which Fuel Co., Perth Ambby, tor 100,000 played "Pomp iinil Circumslnnco" Ing June H, playground they wish to attend. gallons of No. 4 a,t .0701, cents per lor tlio proccsslonnl after which The award ot contract to the The playground is open to all gallon and Hollywood Service Inc., Gicuory Kcokosky led tho Saliitc lo lho Flat!, ontl lho I'ntlro assembly Jannarone firm was made at the children between the ages of 8 Keyport, for 25,000 gallons of No, recommendation of Karl Heuser, JOIIB tho Nulfunal Anthem, Ilio In- and 14 and the hours arc from 2 at .098 cents per gallon. - Borough Engineer. Unsuccessful 8-ll:M a.m. and from 1-1 p.m. vociitlon wus given by tho Rev. bidders for the project, undertak- Starting today bus transporta- Both' contracts conlaln_en cscal Francis Canlel, pnslor (it the liKiwutonn Conimunlty Church. en with slate aid funds, Included tion will be provided for loose ator clause which permits, the prlo the Manzo Contracting Co., Inc., wishing to swim at Cheesequake Dr. William J. Samplti, Mmlisnn Matawan, $12,803.10 and Charles to rise with the market price. It State Park. Mr. Salmon stressed also was stipulated that the oil be To win hip Sii|)rrlnlcndcnt of J. Hesse Inc., Beiford, at $13,974 that ample lifeguards are avail- Schooli, unoko to tin' (sradnnti's Work on the .i mile stretch of able at the paik and tie pro- delivered in metercd trucks and The clnss of l!«l) took part In I'or roadway Includes reconstruction gram is planning |o take child- metered when delivered. Am«rlc« nnd nonj "You'll Novor JOHN llAllBACiF.IATA ., with an eight-inch gravel base and ren swimming every Tuesday ' There were two other bids, on Wulk Alone." Riiwmn IVmtyn pro- Installation of drainage: facilities, and Thursday. • No. 4." (escalator). Sterling Oil ]O(trd "llo|W for (ho Fttturo," curbing, guard fails and concrete Mr. Satmtm laid that tourna- Terminal, Jersey City, at .0733 imd 'I ho Mid-Madison Civic - Assocla- Tba American Legion AjUlllary, Department of rltk Bluschko, aiilsUni hospital chaplain, and Cha: headers, it was reported, i ments will be set up in the var- Lawes Coal Co., Red Bank^at .0748. 1 lion award.'for gciioral cxcollisncb Matawan Man Work To Proceed | New Jersey, presented a 50-atar nylon flag and stand lain John Fowler, Chaplain fowler appropriate ious games and sports and Other escalator bids on NoTj were to Marlboro State Hospital during Sunday servlc«a chose as his topic for the-day, "Thank Your Lucky was presented ly Joii'ph Sultls to Councilman Cyrus K. Brown not. champions will be announced. Rowono Durstyn; cltlzcnslilp .104S of Sterling and .1050 of Royal held at tho hospital. Pictured above, left to right, Stan." ' ed the bid'!was in excess, of $9000' are Hn, (lomer MaltHoa, Cllffwcod, hospital con- The special project ot the Department American award, given by the, Parent- Awarded Degree in state aid funds that'were rc- Oil Service, Clifiwood. Firms bids tact chairman! Mis. Many Evtia, Neptune, President Legioni Auxiliary lh!» yea* waa lo present M-slar Teacher AnsoiMatlim ol Public - celved for the project. As a result, on No. 4 were .0739 from Hess of the American" legion Auxiliary, Department of flags to two veteran* hospitals, two veterans homci, Schnols 18 anil ID, was praenled John Barbagelato he said, the contractor has agreed Firemen, Aiders and .0761 from Sterling; on No, 2 New Jersey, who presented the flag to Dr. J. Berk- and six state boapltalsi Including the one at Marlboro, by Mrs. Curt Draln'ti,. prcsldont, Receives Matter'! eley Gordon, medical director ol the hospital; Dtr- , , •• . • .- ,J—^.--•-. to carry the project as-far as,the .1093 from Sterling and .1098 Roy- to Gregory Kcokosky. Mlu Duruihy state aid funds will allow. Study Alarm al. '.' . • ;' Dclbosto «uvo thn mudent.pntro John Hiuliuiii'lnlii, II lulitoimra Mr. Brown was authorized to or: award, on behnlf -of Hit) Miicllsoi' f., M»l«wim, rwtlvi'd n Mtttoti Supply Bids Fashion Show ~ 1 der the installation of. four street Audible System Township Teaclieri Ansoolullim, to oiinn In HiulnMn Ailmlnliiluitlim On supplies, bids accepted were: Swim Program Turn Land! ills Hdwtuil floik'N. nt tho Junn II cnimiiriK'CimMH i'X- lights in the Matawan Gardens de- Matawan High School:~:2neral As a feature ql H ...illan Days velopment and six mercury vapor Changes Planned In Kcyporl, a group of Kcyporl Diplomas Awnrdod iirolsoi of .Wuiini'i' Callrne, Sliilcn type lamp] in the muncipal park- supplies, J2033.91, Kurtz- Bros. For Township Islntul, N. Y. • A joint meeting of representa Paoll, Pa.: physical education, merchants will present a fashion Down In Madison Thv claim lung thu Alnm Malar Ing lot at Broad and Little Sts. show tomorrow on tho mall, West following which Patrick A; Tono, A trannportatlnh• oxecuttva for Arrangements will be made to lives of the Matawan First Aid $1014.54, Don Selby and Associates. To Continue For Two Areas Offered, Squad and the Fire Department Hopewell. Matawan Grammar I rout St., near Main St., begin- prliicipnl, prc.'ionti'd lho uraduolcs ho past 20 ycain, Mr. rinrbniii'lutn have all but two of the lights ex- ning at 1 p.m. lo i>i, sample who, In. turn, pie ulto liolils n at'contlary education tinguished before midnight, since was urged by the Matawan Bor- School: Supplies, $4355.58, Kurtz Summer Season Standards Nor Met ough Council Tuesday night to Bros., Paoll, Pa, Cliftwood 9ram- lo provide the Belling Miss 8cutcd thorn lo Jaii'jili Huff, prml tendilnji cvrtlflrnlv. 'lie'currently they are very bright, Mr. Brown The^Matawnn Township recrca- Two proposals for a taniliry dimt of Ihn Mnillion., Township is an cxocutlvo of lho Niippl Truck- said.' '••"• -•;.• '.. ......... -." work'ou; a new. squad call alarm mar School; Supplied, $3811.74 Carol Larsen, ol Terry Shops, on swimming program got un will present an Hawaiian dance landfill, io Madison Township Hoard of Ktlucntlon, whti awiirilcd ill! Coi'iuirallon, Chcctoquuluv on the borough fire alarm system. Kurtz Bros., Paoll, Pa., arid «22.- L.-rway Thursday at Cheesequako .diplomat. ThK-:Memorl»l Scliool , Council extended until Jan. 10, 07, Don Selby and Associates, and Hawaiian music will lie play- might mod the July 1 dendllnn, Mi', llnil)«|[pbli\, win) spi'eliil- 1961, a deadline for the Matawan A delegation of first alclmen ap- Slate Park. Taking part in the first were tubmllk'd la the Mndlion Dnnil played for thu rcccmlunal rod In innrki'lhiH manmiuinnnt' peared before council and said they Hopewell. , ed at the fashion* are shown Gardens, Inc., developers, to bring program of the season were 125 from a platform to be erected Township Committee Thursday, Music win undor tlio illicdlun ol ludloH «t Wngnor, U n clmrlof drains, curbs and streets in their had been notified the fire depart- children, ages 9-10-19, along with on the mall. Mrs. Ann Kofoed, One, by lha Urowntawn Cartage Victor Kink, Wnyne WulU'ri (nil mpinbfr of lho IH'lii llctii (111, him. development- up to specifications. ment planned to discontinue the! 14 chaperones under the super- I.lll-Ann Sh'oppe, will be the com- Co,, sought to get the t/lwnshlp Joseph Kntlick, orary bimlni'ih soi'loly nl SI, linna- A bond Is held by the borough to iisa pi air horns;. F. I*. Armstrong vision of Daniel 3. Stanklewlcr, mentator and fashions will In- garbage and trash disposal con- Honor, itiuiontu wcro Howmn vyntuiu UnlviThily. Olonrt N, Y. assure, the work Is done properly. The squad noted the sirens pres- recreation director. clude apparel far men and wo- tract for a sanitary la/dflll (Ho Burstyn, Joiin -PaltsriPn, Maty Cu> ili> neivi'il ns pd'hldciii niut pru- ently are used to signal a first Bank Chairman At the park, the children were men, b a t h I n g suits, drewx, of fivo aero near Checiequake Key, Suian Dlichop, anil Hdward dlioLtur (if that ni|i<ml< aid call, They asked if the siren jven swimming Instruction and en- sportswear and various •pedal St»to Park.
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