PAGE TWO THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 13. 1605. J BONANZA CIRCLE MARKET MICHIGAN MINER HAS SONORA-BONANZ- A ASSAY IS ON THE BOOM RETURNED FROM AFRICA IS UP TO EXPECTATIONS MINERS UND MERGHANTS BUNK I BISBEE, ARIZONA ALL STOCKS SHOW AN INCREASE EDWARD OLIVER TELLS OF MIN- LATEST SAMPLES GIVE RENEW- OVER YESTERDAY. ING CONDITIONS THERE ED TESSTIMONY. CAPITAL - - $50,000 SURPLUS - - $50,000 Lake Superior & Pittsburg Advances Says It Is a Good Country For Experi- Senator Charles Smith, of Hubbel, to $520, and Bids of $16 Fall to enced Miners Who Can Stand Up Michigan, Is Now Satisfied That Sorto-- A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAQTEU Bring Out Any Warren Denn Also Under the Climate. ra Bonanza Is All That Is Claimed. Strong. (Marquetto Mining Journal.) (Houghton Mining Gazette.) (By Frank J. Graf.') Edward Oliver, who left hero about Senator Charles Smith of Hubbell OFFICERS: Wo had another good market today three years ago, arrived in Neguanco who qualified his endorsement of the! L.:C.;SMATTUCK, J. M. MUHEIM, J. T. HOOD, V-Pr- es. Jo- a - "ftlth all stocks on tho advance and Monday from the gold mines near oonoru-uoiiani- pruyvrij utur .uttua- Prca. Cashier plenty of buyers la tho field. All hannesburg, South Africa. Since leav- lena, Mexico, because a sample taken through, the stocks show on advance ing here he has worked in a good from tho bottom of the shaft by him C. over tho closo of last night, with Ind- many of tho new mining camps ot the did not como up to expectations, has DIRECTORSCL. Shtittuclc, J M. Muhcim, I. J. Overloclc ications of going higher tomorrow. The west and In the coal fields of Penn- now received and completed the assays Jakob Schmld, J. T. Hood. general advance is Tot confined to sylvania, besides spending a few upon an exhaustive sampling in the one fjtock, but the wnole list is includ- months visiting in Cornwall, England. shaft. The result Is a reversal of Is Fully Equipped to Anytfc ho spent eighteen months in OUR BRANCH AT LOWELL, ARIZONA, Handle no In the ed, from Calumet Arizona down. The In all his former unfavorable views. The Banking Line. C. market is In excellent condition, and South Africa, and although he liked property was represented to him as A. BENNETT, Mgr. V?e higher country mado big money there gold near of look for prices. the and having values the bottom TERRITORIAL. FA.IR, PHOENIX, -- Calumet & Arizona is not to be had the climate did not agree wlih him. the shaft of $40 per ton in gold, but DECEMBER 1th to 9th Under $120, with a strong demand at Ho was sick so often that he deemed a single sample taken by him from $119.50. C. & P. shows up strong at it best to get away as soon a? he that point ran less than $10. When $39.50 bid, with nono offered under could. he discovered this after returning $40.50. Lake Superior & Pittsburg Mr. Oliver says South Africa is a homo, he immediately employed a min- has made the largest advances ot good country for experienced miners er from Bisbee, with whom he is thor- Buyingjand Selling Copper Stock is my exclusive any, reaching $32.50 bid, and not a who can stand tho climate, though the oughly acquainted, to take exhaustive great deal offered at that price. Pitts- oldtlmo miners long for the conditions samples from tho shaft. The results burg & Duluth follows the rest of which prevailed before the war. The are entirely satisfactory to him, one business; that is why I can give you best them, closing at $29.50 bid, with nono importation of "coolie" laborers from sample running $39.60 In gold. He to bo had under $30.50. Junction China, which was tho last master feels, with this result, that he can holds at $31 bid, with a good demand. stroke of Lord Mllner before his re- place the fullest confidence in the rep- service buying or selling North Butte keeps right on advanc- tirement, when he saw tho utter de- resentations made by the management, ing, with sales at $S5.50. Denn-Ari-Zon- a feat and futility of all his pet projecfe which Is composed In a large meas- added a dollar and a half to its for subduing tho country, has kept the ure of mine and smelter employes bid price, and at $26.50 there is no mining camps at the gold diggings In of tho Greene Consolidated. Follow- stock to be found. American is constant fear of riot and bloodshed. ing is a table of the results of assays to Cal- J. strong 120. "coolies" are not as by George L. Heath of the Graf at Bids of $16 failed As laborers the made Frank locate any, there being a little offer- satisfactory as the kafirs whom they umet & Hecla smelter at Hubbell upon ed at the close at $18. Wolverine & were imported to replace, and they five samples taken from the shaft by Arizona weakened some, with sales at are treacherous, their quarters being the Bisbee marl for Mr. Smith: Broker $6.50. Cochise is still scarce, with under constant surveillance. Gold Silver Cop. per Ct. bids of $5.75, failing to bring any out. Oliver went to South Africa a year Bottom $16.20 $0.60 .01 ago last spring, on being urged by 5 ft. un 17.60 .42 .01 Copper Queen Hotel Bisbee, Arizona Telephone 1 1 1 Bisbee and Miscellaneous. Robert Prout, who left hero for that 10ft. up 0.60 .42 .02 2 country few years ago. em- 15 up 39.60 .52 .00 Bid. Asked. a Prout is fc Forget 4-- 9 2 Don't the First Territorial Fair, Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. C. & A. $119 50 $120 ployed as timber captain In one of the 20 f L up 17.20 .54 .02 inclusive C. & P 39 50 40 mines, and draws a big salary. As This shows an average in gold alone "Facts about the Warren Mining District" is yours Tof the asking L. S. & P. 52 50 soon as Oliver reached tho gold dig- of $39.32. P. & D 29 50 31 50 gings ho found that he had to pass o Junction 31 00 32 00 an examination, conducted by a gov- MUCH ACTIVITY AT CONGRESS North 85 50 ernment inspector, on mining and tim- Butte Gold company Is Denn .. 26 501 bering before he was allowed to take The Congress Manhattan a Job. He got off with very little working steadily at Congress and Is meeting amount of &, f Blk. Mtn 15 00 16 00 questioning because of the influence with tho usual DUEY OVERLOOK, BroKers of a superintendent whom success. There are about 115 men American 20 00 mine under already Warren 16 00 IS 00 he had worked in California some working, and the big mill has to re- W. & A 6 00 6 62 years ago. He says the examination resumed operations, or is ready 190S. sume. Thoro are fourteen power Closing quotations Dec. 12, Cochise - 5 75 is very rigid, and demands a thorough Bid. Asked. Unlisted Securities 52 00 knowledge of ground formations, drills working In the mine and a large Shattuck piled on the C. & A. - ?H9 00$121 0J Chiricahua 12 50! strength of limbers, etc. amount of milling ore is dump ready to run through. The C. & P. 39 50 40.54 He had charge cjf. a gang of "coolies" 52 00 WARREN and his only labor was to give them cyanide plant Is running steadily with L. S. & P DISTRICT STOCKS Boston and New York Markets. good results. Prospector. p. & D 29 00 30 50 Amal $ 9S directions about the work he wished 32 00 Our Specialty camp o E Junction 3100 Am. Sugar ... - 147 them to do. In the where he North Butte 85 25 85 75 X was only A of fc. x1 . ol located there were about IS 00 19 25 1500 cool- & American ... A. S. & R. Co 159 sixteen white men and over PRITCHARD, HAGEN CO. Blk. Mtn 14 50 1C 00 ies. The whites carried arms con- "Wired Quotations Received Regularly E. R. T. S6 I W. & A 6 50 Colo. Fuel & Iron 52 stantly, and they were conspicuously 1 00 . Warren 16 Erie Ry. 48 displayed, to let tho coolies know that 00 they were prepared any uprising. n Denn ...... 26 t. & N 153 for Greene Con. ,.., 28 12( 29 50 Phone us your order. No. 286 Mo. Pac 102 Oliver says that there is plenty of Brokers and Promoters. : employment experienced Shaittuck j 50 00 N. Y. Cent 154 for miners in Cochise 6 001 Rook Island 25 South Africa and the demand is con- Front Rooms, New Telephone . P. .1 So. Pac 69 stantly growing, as the country Is re- BIdg., 'Phone 135, Bisbee, Ariz. O. Building Disbee, Arizona 3L 178 covering from the effects of the late . Xilll h go I i-- la 143 war. But miners who there must v be well up in their calling and pre w i . 141 V. S. Steel 38 pared to answer the long list of ques- The handling of "Bonanza COCHISE CODNTT ABSTRACT COM- on mining strength of TJ. S. Steel (Pfd.) 105 tions and the Circle" and other Curb stocks, K PANY. Allouez 42 materials before they can secure a on commission, OUR SPE- K Greene Con .. 23 job. Once they pass they have an CIALTY. Complete abstracts of all acreage easy they no Shannon ....
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