NOTES ON THE MANNING FAMILY OF CO. KENT, ENGLAND. WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE WATERS, PROCTOR AND WHITFIELD FAMILIES. BY HENRY F. VVATERS, A.M. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION. 18 9 7. Reprinted from Waters's Gleanings in the Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1897. PRES:, OF DAVID CL.Al'P & Sos. MANNING FAMILY. RrCHARDE l\fANNYNG citizen and merchant tailor of London, 11 October 1544, proved 22 November 1544. After debts paid and funeral expences "doofi " I will that my goods &c. shall be divided into three equal parts whereof Agnes my wife shall have one &c. after the Custom of the City of London, and the second part to my children Francis, Bridget, Dorothy and Anne ~Iannyng equally amongst them to be divided, and to be <lelivered to every of them when they and every of them shall accomplish and come to his or her lawful age of twenty one years or else be married. The third part I reserve to myself and to ~y executrix to perform my legacies &c. lVIy "suster" Joafi Pope. To my brother John J\Iannyng all such sums of money, <lebts and duties as my brother George oweth to me. The residue to wife Agnes, to her own proper use, the which Agnes I make my execu­ trix. And I make and ordain my brother Henry l\Iannyng my overseer. Pynnyng, 18. LEONARD MANNYNG, citizen and skinner of London, 2 April 1545 proved 22 of April 1545. To be buried within the chapel on the North side in the parish church of Barking, London. To my brother Richard Mannying ( wearing apparell). George Alen. To Andrew Bery my ring with the signet or seal and four pounds sterling. To my daughter Agnes l\'1annyng one hundred marks towards her marriage. J\,f y servant Thomas Warner. I bequeath all my lands and tenements with their appurtenances lying and beiug in the town of Sandwich in Kent to Eliz : my wife for term of her life upon condition that she find and provide towards my brother Richard l\ifannynges necessary ( ?) so far forth as the pro.fit thereof will extend. I will my wife do provide for and find my brother Richard his necessaries convenient during his natural life, so that he be ruled and use himself well towards her. The residue to wife Elizabeth and I make her sole executrix. Pyunyng, 26. l\IYLLES l\fANNYNGE of Tedington, l\Iiddlesex, gen~ 25 l\Iarch 1555 proved 25 October 1555. To wife Anne all her wearing gear &c. ( among other items) a sheet that is about my child. The residue of my goods &c. not bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Hughe l\Iannynge my father, which Hughe I make my sole executor and I make Henry l\Iannynge my uncle the overseer, giving him twelve pence for his pains taken. l\'Iy father, the said Hughe Mannynge shall have all my lands and tenements &c. within the said village and fields of Todington ( si·c) during his natural life and if it happen that .the said Hughe do die before my son Ed ward come to the age of twenty one years I will that Henry l\'Iannynge, mine uncle and William l\fannynge my brother shall have the order and the occupation of all my lands &c. paying yearly during the nonage of the said Edward ·my son towards his finding and learning to them that shall be charged with the 4 custody of the said Edward during said nonage four pound by the year &c. and after the said Edward shall come to the age of twenty one years then these lands &c. shall remain to him and his heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; failing such then to my brother William &c. and next to my brother Richard l\1annynge. Proved by I-Iugh l\iannynge the executor. Consistory Court of London. Book Wymesley (1J48-1556) L. 168. HuGHE lVIANNYNGE of Todington (sic) in Middlesex, gentleman, 28 July 1557, proved 91\Iay 1558. To be buried in the church of Toddington. The high altar there. I will that mine executors shall distribute among the poor people at the day of my burial in bread the tiar ( ?) of one bushel of wheat and a kilderkin of double beer and as much cheese as shall be thought convenient to be eaten with the said bread. To son Richard my house and tenement with the land appertaining. &c. being in the parish of D~wne in Kent, with remainder to the next heir. To my son "\Villiam my tenement sometime Peter Larkes with ten acres of land thereunto belong.­ ing, with two garden plots adjoining to the same tenement, with all that my garden plot adjoining to my house wherein I now dwell (and other lands). My daughter Julian Cherrye. Elizabeth l\lannynge my brother's daughter. Emme Mannynge. My daughter l\1ary. My son- Thomas at eighteen. The residue to son William and to daughter l\'lary the wife of Stephen Domynycke als Domrycke whom I make my sole executors. And I make and ordain my brother George l\Iannynge and my brother Henry l\Iannynge to be my overseers, to whom I give for their pains twenty pence apiece. Commissary Court of London. Book Darbyshere (1555-59) L. 36. JONE SHELLY of Westminster J.\,1iddlesex, widow, 26 January 1558, proved 9 February 1558. To be buried in the parish church of St. l\lar­ garet in Westminster. · Servants named. My daughters children Dorothy Mannyng, John Nedam, '\iVilliam Nedam aud Jane Nedam to be executors and my goods to be equally divided unto them and to be delivered to every of them at the day. of their marriage or to the men children at the age of twenty one years and to the women at the age of eighteen years. l\line overseers to be Edmund Tymewell and George Gate who shall have the governance and bringing up of my said executors till they and every of thetn come to their lawful age as is aforesaid. The overseers were granted administration during the minorities of the executors named in the will. Welles, 40 • • JOHN 1\IANNYNGE of Lambeth Surrey 5 l\Iarch 1566, proved 9 l\Iay 1567. To be buried in the church of Lambeth. I give to my brother George l\Iannynge a ring of gold of the value of twenty shillings or better with a dead man's head graven in it and to his wife ten shillj11gs. I give to my brother Harry ten shillings and my lute. To my brother Harry's wife ten shillings in gold or silver. Go9-son John Frauncis. J\,ly goddaugh­ ter - Barton~ l\Iy god daughter - Disher. The poor of the parish of Downe. To Peter Mannynge my godson all my copyhold land in Lam­ beth, in a field called the '' Ote Arsche" holden of the manor of Kenyng­ ton! All my houses· in Lambeth which be free hold and that I and my wife did purchase of Richard Ide of Camberwell, after the decease of Agnes my wife, shall be sold by my brother George and by my neighbor John Cawstone &c. And after my debts paid, ·my funeral and legacies per­ formed and paid. I give to Elsabeth 1\iannynge my brother George's daugh­ ter three pounds. To Isabell Bowdre four pounds. To Agnes Capon my " suster" Popes daughter three pounds. To Richard Pope forty shillings. To l\Iargaret Hogges ten shillings. The residue to wife Agnes whom I make sole executrix. And I desire my brother George and my neighbor Cawston to be my overseers. Commission issued at above date to George Mannynge supervisor &c. to administer the goods according to the tenor of the will for the reason that Agnes the relict and executrix renounced. · Stonarde, 16. ERASMUS KIRKNER of East Greenwich Kent, armorer, 4 September 1566, with a Codicil dated 27 May 1567, proved 2 June 1567. My kin_s­ man Leonard Geb:111. l\Iy godson Erasmus Waller. I give and bequeath unto Katherine Mannynge my daughter in gold twenty ~billings to make a ring for a memory. The same to daughter Anne, to daughter Susan, and ·to·my son in law William l\Iannyng. To every child of every ofmy daughters twenty shillings apiece. To Henry l\iannyinge my son in law three yards ·of crimson satin to make him a doublet. The residue to wife Agnes whom I make my sole- executrix. And my overseers I make my sons in law Henry l\Iannynge, William 1\iichell and William l\tiannynge. .Lands ~nd tenements in White Friars •in the parish of St. Duns ton's, London, to my wife {or life and then to my three daughters Katherine l\Iannyng, Anne Michell and Susanne Mannyng. Lands and tenements at East Green­ wich, Kent, in the same manner, with remainder to my kinsman Leonard Gebull. · Stonarde, 20. WILLIAM MANNYNGE of Todington Middlesex, gentleman, 4 October 1573, proved 12 February _1573. · The poor of the parish of Chevininge. The poor of Grenwiche and of Todington. To my brother Richard a bed furnished except curtains which I myself did commonly use to lie .in and also a cupboard standing in the kttchen. To J\,[argaret l\:ianninge a silver spoon to the value of ten shillings. To. my daughter Anne twenty nobles of lawful money to be paid unto her at the lawful .years of marriage or else at the age of twenty one years, which cometh first. My god daughter Anne Manning at fourteen and .Katherin her·sister.
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