T MONDAT, FEBSUAKT 4,1988. IIWILTB V, manrlfratnr Etmtbts ifrrald THE WEATHER W E R A O B DAILY CIRCULATIOM Forecast of 1). S. Weather Burnaa. The Ulspah group -of the Wes­ The Sewing Circle o f Mona Tpres Princess and was given th* nams, In the Carnival Queen contast, con­ for the 'month of Jonnary, 1686 Hartford OLVER RHYTHM ORCH. leyan Guild will meet tomorrow eve­ auxiliary, will omit Its meeting plan­ "Rad Wing," and Jackie May was gratulated the Qiieen, Miss Alice ned for this week. POUCE COURT 2 6 5 COUPLES DANCE crowned with s Warrior headdress Brasauskis, during the Indian pag­ ning at 7:30 with Mrs. T. B. Kehler Snow this afternoon and early to­ '■il Tlinndar. Ffbniary 7th of 67 Cambridge street. Work will and given the name, “Red Eagle.” eant. 5 , 4 5 9 night; Wedneeday fair and slightly The Ancient Order Of United Just one arrest was made in Man­ Jrand March Skaters and guests were present TLeJWHALECo School St. Ree be on salting peanuts. chester over the week-eno. That AT CARNIVAL BALL Chairman Lawrence Converse from Meriden, Hartford, Spring- Member of ifie Audit colder. j Workmen will hold a brief business was Frederick J. Wilhelm of Elling­ Door Priw. meeting tonight at 8 o'clock In the and his daughter, Mias JuUa Ck>n- field, Holyoke, Cnilcopee and New Boreon et Clrculatlmia Mrs. J. M. Williams of Hudson ton, for driving an automobile while verse led the grand march of 12S York. • • • a e o M M to r ibmi and wwnM. street will grant the use of her home Bolch and Brown hall, and follow It SSe AdmlMlnn. under the Influence of liquor. He couple* follow ^ by the King and Miss Brasauskis, Carnival Queen, for the meeting of the Women's with a .supper at 8 o'clock, put on by was arrested by Patrolman Joseph HEALTH (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS the members. A good attendance la Queen of the Carnival, their court was given a free beauty treatment (ClaaaUled Adverttslng on Page 8.) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1935. League of the SeconJ Congregation­ Prentice on Center street early First of Events in Connection of honor and other guests and by the Weldon Beauty Salon, Main \ OL. U V „ NO. 108. al church Wednesday afternoon at hoped for. Sunday morning. In court this dapeers. street and was given a complete ABOUT TOWN 3 o'clock. The guest speaker will morning he was represented by At­ With Ice Pageant j s Big At 10:30 p.' m„ Mias Evelyn winter sports ensenlble by Rubi- MARKET be Alfred F. Howes, and his sub­ Vivian Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. torney William S. Hyde who enter­ (Chandler oi Brooklyn, featured art­ ^ w ’s store. ject "The Child Labor Movement.” Thora • Stoelir of GreenhIU street ed a plea of guilty. A flne of 8100 ist In the Carnival; Dr. Hulda ’ E. Townsend Defends Plan As Sane Mrs. Williams will be assisted by celebrated her 10th birthday yester­ and costa was imposed, w-hich was HILLIARD STRIKE BUT of tho EMt, Black Precep- Success. Berger, Bdlaa EMna Harris, Mias Ida Tlcketa are on sale for the targe Tuesday *s Meat toiy No. 18, win hold iu rogular Mrs. Frank V. Williams. Mrs. day. Mrs. Steehr and Vivian's paid. Bushnell, pupil of Dr. Berger, self- GOV. CROSS DEMANDS Joseph Wright, Mrs. John Zimmer­ grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Swartz en­ card party to be given at the Y. M. HAUPTMANN DEFENSE mantlTir In Orange hall Wedneeday styled "Lone Wolf* of the party; C. A. and for Its benefit, Friday •venlng. The oftlcere will make man and Mrs. F. C. Allen. tertained 16 of the relatives at a Otto Dahlmayr and Edward Hell- Specials HEARING IS HELD supper In her honor. Green, white Two hundred and sixty-five cou­ evening, February 15. Bridge, their report* for the year, and of- mund, all of New Yor’: were Intro- whist and setback will be played, Bcers will be elected for the com­ Mystic Review, Woman s Benefit and pink was used in the decorative ICE ON SIDEWALKS ples attended Manchester’s first Ice yduced to the gathering. The group ing year. A good attendance of assodatlon will hold lU regular scheme. Instrumental and vocal Carnival Ball In the State armory was received ^ th enthusiastic ap­ with prizes and refreshments. REORGANIZATION OF IN L O C ^ COURT Sir Knlghta Is desired at this meet­ meeting tomorrow evening at 8 music followed the meal. Vivian re­ Saturday night held under the di­ plause. LOSES 3 SKIRMISHES ing. o’clock In Odd Fellows hall. ceived many useful and beautiful re- M A I L W S BOGEY rection of the Manchester Veterans The featured artists gathered membrancat. association, sponsors of the annual with the committee for refresh­ PORK The Sodal Six held their weekly Hosvard Murphy, Jr, Ronald Far­ skating pageant. The armory was ments In the lower hall at Intermis­ BOSTON OR NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENTS Nine Employees Are Wit­ meeting at the home of Nellie Jura. ris, Buddie McDowell and Mervle Mrs. Arra Sutton Mlxter, who has decorated In beautiful .colored sion. Refreshments of hot dogs, CHOPS There was Important business be­ Cole -were among the Manchester a host of friends among the hou.se- Failure of Townspeople to streamers and cluster bunting and sauerkraut. Ice cream and soda was $2.25 O.W. $4.05 R.T. fore the meeting and this took up Boy Scouts who spent the week-end wives of Manchester will give a music was by BUI Tasillo's orches­ served under the direction of David nesses Today; Head of AT TODAY’ S SESSION most of the time. Refreshments at Camp Pioneer. Winsted, and at­ series of cooking demonstrations on tra of 10 pieces. McCollum, chairman of the refresh­ Provldenoe ..$3 O.W., 88.50 K .f. were served by the hostess followed tended the reunlpn of Sea Scouts. Tuesday afternoons through Feb­ Sand Them Endangers Pageant Impreesive ment committee and a corps of Asks AboEtion of Csmiy 5 H I P B U I L D E R S ’ They report a wonderful time. OENTEB TRAVEL BUREAU 2 S « ’ Firm His Own Defense toy a soda] hour. ruary, under the ausplcea of the Y. Mlantonomoh Tribe, Improved auxiliary workers. TeL 7007 M. C. A. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 Them Delivering Mail. Order of Red Men, as 'ted by Tan- Queen Congratulated Leoiii, fresh pork chops C.r.».rs..d R^blish.l p r o t e s t e d KAMINSKI DENIED Court Rules Out Efforts to Show Fisch Visited Woman The Amaranth Sewing club will o’clock In the banquet hall of the Y kerooaan Tribe of Rockville and Mies Dorothy Brown, runner-up tender, pink meat! Against Violation Charge. meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 she will prepare the following sea­ members of Manchester Degree of o'clock with Mrs. Astrid Dougan of Corrective Facials sonable and popular meal: stuffed Failure of townspeople to sand Pocohontae presented the opening men! of Ment System in Late in 1933 Bearing Certificates ~ Defense Hints 148 Schocfl street. loin of pork with onion dressing, sidewalks leading from their houses pageant depicting an Indian village We Are Ah Agent For A NEW HEARING A complete molding with In­ to the street is making the delivery In misery and distress In mld-wln- Settlement of the 10 months old Donaldl young son of Mr. and currant Jelly, browned potatoes, L a m b Letter to Assembly. BY U.S. ENVOY That it WiU Attack Mental Condition of Dr. C on d on - structions how to care for your cauliflower polonaise, chicory and of mall an extremely precarious ter. awaiting the arrival of the textile strike of the E. E. Hilliard Mrs. Everett Kennedy of Center task for local letteft- carriers this Prince and Princeaa of the Lands skin at home. street who has been In the Hartford pepper salad, apple pi? with cheese Company, woolen manufacturers of pastry and coffee. Those lectures are winter. It was learned today. Sever- Beyond the Sea, which proved to Unless Governor Intervenes One of ReiOy’s Witnesses Says He Saw Three Mys­ Isolation Hospital for the past three n carriers have suffered nasty falls, be the King and Queen of the Car­ C h o p s state Capitol, Feb. 5.— (A P )— j Ambassador Gibson Cabled Hilllardrillc appeared near this weeks with a septic sore throat and free to all. A box for voluntary con­ [OPPERS morning as a result of a hearing in the most serious by Thomas Don­ nival, Jackie May and Miss Alice Abolition of county coroners and re- i complications, which at first puszled tributions to cover expenses will be Brazauskis, winners Jn the recent Loin lamb chops I the town court before Richard C. placed at the door at each sesilon. nelly and August SImonsen. establishment of a merit system! He Will Die Week Begin­ terious Men Near Graveyard On the Night Ransom physicians, returned to his home Mr. SImonsen returned to his contest. State Department Not to Evarts of Boston, sitting as referee. here today. route today after being laid up a The pageant was well done by 31 were proposed today by (3ov.. Wil­ Evarts Is a member of the Textile Forty-four setback players at­ members of the fraternities with bur L. Cross as he laid down a Relations Boa: d of New England. ning Feb. 17. Money Was Paid— Federal Agent Is Questioned. tended the Pythian Sisters social week and Mr.
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