ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT (EST) Programs & Policies BASICBASIC INFORMATIONINFORMATION ABOUTABOUT QUEZONQUEZON CITYCITY Location: in the heart of Metro Manila, the national capital region of the Philippines Coordinates: 14o38’N, 121o2’E Land area: 166 sq. km. (one of the country’s biggest cities) Income class: 1st class, highly urbanized city Population: 2.4 million (the country’s most populous city) Population density: 14,458 per sq. km. Population growth rate (average annual) : 1.9% PHILIPPINE MAP Population is predominantly young: 32% are less than 14 years Labor force: 1.02 million 1 BASICBASIC INFORMATIONINFORMATION ABOUTABOUT THETHE QUEZONQUEZON CITYCITY GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT Mayor Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Vice Mayor Herbert M. Bautista • Congressional districts: 4; the biggest is District 2 • Barangays (smallest local government units): 142 • Annual government revenues: $140.8 M BESTBEST KNOWNKNOWN FACTSFACTS ABOUTABOUT QUEZONQUEZON CITYCITY •• Predominantly Predominantly residentialresidential commcommunityunity (comprising(comprising 39%39% ofof thethe City’sCity’s landland use)use) •• Served Served byby thethe majormajor highwayshighways andand massmass transittransit systemssystems ofof MetroMetro ManilaManila •• Wholesale Wholesale andand retailretail tradetrade predominatespredominates itsits businessbusiness sectorsector •• Has Has thethe mostmost numbernumber ofof shoppingshopping mallsmalls inin thethe country,country, withwith 1717 scatteredscattered inin everyevery densedense communitycommunity clustercluster •• Reputed Reputed toto bebe aa healthhealth andand wellnesswellness clustercluster becausebecause itit hashas thethe mostmost densedense concentrationconcentration ofof hospitalshospitals andand healthhealth andand fitnessfitness facilitiesfacilities •• Becoming Becoming knownknown forfor itsits growinggrowing numbernumber ofof informationinformation technologytechnology facilitiesfacilities 2 BASICBASIC ESTEST CONSIDERATIONSCONSIDERATIONS QUEZON CITY Z A B A R T E Y UIRINO_HIGHWA ROAD NETWORK Q A V ROAD NETWORK S E E V U A _ S D A O O N H R O O B _ H R E IG V E D A N _ D R A E O R T A O IN UA E JO SH N R A G D G T A A I I N L RA L I V P M N A EL S A I D N_LU C M E O O G M M _ O H N I W _ W E A A L Total Road length: 2,077 kms. T Y H M Total Road length: 2,077 kms. _ A A V D E Y A _A N S A TA _ E A N S E V P E U P. D P I EL COMMON A W T EA C LT -6) A H (C R U K Z OT Y LU R A E B G A Primary Road : 154.96 Kms. _AVE DAHLIA L A D O _ A V E D REPUBLIC AVE.(C-5) UYO_R RIO_SA R EG O ULIO _G ON_J D D _R N ) A Secondary Road 8 - S : 167.59 Kms. R A ( T S AMPAGUI TA AVE A A Y S B N A M W AT H ) E 5 O G B - I - T_RD A B H BANLA C N ( A _ L O A IN T E _ V IR R U D A Q _ N E : 148.97 Kms. O V TA N Z A DAN _ U Collector Road L G M AM L S A S T E O ER R D R R AM E _ C A AV N U A E E R Y C V S G E E H 20 O RD_ N . R A I C E T E V _ L U H V A A E _ G O _ _ H E R L D T R E N R L M A A E E U AV R _ Z H AL A NW N U O SIO C S O Z W GRE M M ON M : 1,502.44 Kms. A C O R 8 ENTRAL_AVE VE RD_ C C Tertiary Road T R _ D_8 A V R C _ I D A S G A R O A Y D_3 A A Y N N A S A OLD _ _SAMSON_RD D A N N V I E NIVERSITY_AVE E M U D C V R N _ _ ORT P A M_H H_A N _D VE _ _ I G RD EL_ P L A_ G I LA O O S R E A A A A S I G N R IN I N L N G A W E D A C B A C U H V P K E L I A E S A A A S _ M _ F V _ I T N A A : 103.26 Kms. _ Service Road R N _ A A R V R E ( _ U C D E L O I J V T L - _ I E 4 800 0 800 Met ers L E _B R M E ) G K S E X O A D ERA I A ALIN O_RIV D V T A MILI U A SGT_E M E M E E J I B L C N I V A E S E R O _R A R Y V R O D _ U A A S M O T _ S PROPOSED : G I ) A S R -7 T A N R E _ N ( V E A K G A A A _ _ _ VE F E S E E A L TE_A L V I G A N N I C A L MO PE A A U _ _ V DE S _ N V U R N IG E M _LU _ NA E O P R _ R I Z E R AVE XA G ROAD NETWORK H VI E T U T A ERV E O TI _ IL V . M LE_ A A Q M S O A _ G AV R A _A V S A E _ I VE K O E ANT R B D R O E R O B _ A T AS M V A A _ C I FRAMEWORK PLAN _ M K S N DON A M _ N _ T A K A N D A ALEJ _ E A C _ M J Road Density: 0.128 kms./has. A _ W NDR _ T A T O_RO S B Y E R A C O D R S Road Density: 0.128 kms./has. U A ES R T _ L _ T _ A AV I O C SC E J G A IA_ (C T_C NIN D Z V HU A U G N O R A U A - TO M D E C A E M 5 O R N ) K G _ _ K A O E ) A R _ O 6 LEGEN D : V Y - V M _ J W (R E . E I D E M N V T E BL V N A_ VE AL E R _A D Z O SR L R D PROPOSED PRIMARY ROAD N Z_ E U LV UE A Y A _B _ G G _ N I M O DR R Z O IL _ UA R M H D T O_ _ 2 I E P 0 G O O T L M 1 H PROPOSED SECONDARY ROAD U R E E A 5 _ _ D T A A Y H V V _ E E O A NG Z I V M E I E YAN DO T EXISTING PRIMARY ROAD B A _ I N N E B _ MAR C IPOSA G EXISTING SECONDARY ROAD R RD A AN_ E N L V A TO AN A D S _ A N E A N U U L P I O T G A I K O _ VE VE R A REENMEADOWS_A O UNAN_ G IP D KAT R I G U E Z _ J O R R _ TI A G V A E S_ AV E BASICBASIC ESTEST CONSIDERATIONSCONSIDERATIONS DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION OFOF QUEZONQUEZON CITY’S ROAD NETWORK amongamong itsits CongressiCongressionalonal DistrictsDistricts % to % to % to % to CITY DIST 1 City DIST 2 City DIST 3 City DIST 4 City Total Population 2.53 M 0.37 15% 1.55 60% 0.28 11% 0.33 14% (In Millions) Total Land Area less Reservoir 13,538 has 1,959 14% 7,062 53% 2,175 16% 2,342 17% Area (In hectares) Total Road Length 2,077 315 15% 1,132 55% 300 14% 320 16% (In kms) Road Density (In kms/has.) 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 (ideal at 0.2) 3 BASICBASIC ESTEST CONSIDERATIONSCONSIDERATIONS BULACAN TRANSPORTTRANSPORT SYSTEMSSYSTEMS N CALOOCAN ModeMode ofof transporttransport isis purelypurely MONTALBAN land-basedland-based VALENZUELA SAN MATEO AverageAverage distributiondistribution byby typetype QUEZON CITY NA VOTA S MALABON CALOOCAN of vehicle E of vehicle D S A MARIKINA RIZAL - Cars, light private vehicles: 82% RA O R U A - Jeepneys: 12% SAN JUAN ニ MANILA CAINTA MANDALUYONG ANTIPOLO PASIG - Buses : 3% MANILA BAY MAKATI - Trucks : 2% PASAY PATEROS TAYTA Y TAGUIG OtherOther transporttransport modesmodes ? Light rail transit systems : PARANAQUE LAGUNA DE BAY - EDSA (MRT 3) LAS PINAS LEGEND : - Aurora Blvd (LRT 2) MRT Line 2 (Aurora) MUNTINLUPA MRT Line 3 (EDSA) MRT Line 4 (Quezon Ave.) Tricycles : 20,607 units LRT-1 CAVITE (confined to inner communities) BASICBASIC ESTEST CONSIDERATIONSCONSIDERATIONS 2005 METRO MANILA PREVAILINGPREVAILING ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC TRAFFICTRAFFIC SITUATIONSITUATION FINDINGS TwoTwo ofof thethe country’scountry’s longestlongest andand widestwidest highwayshighways runrun thruthru aa largelarge partpart ofof QuezonQuezon City:City: EDSAEDSA andand CommonwealthCommonwealth AvenueAvenue EDSA is the most traveled thoroughfare with an average of 159,610 vehicles per day (vpd) volume Quezon Avenue is the second most used with an average vpd of 135,460 Commonwealth Avenue is third with 117,800 average vpd (TEC, 2005) 4 BASICBASIC ESTEST CONSIDERATIONSCONSIDERATIONS LANDLAND USEUSE ANDAND PLANNINGPLANNING TheThe useuse ofof landland aroundaround QuezonQuezon CityCity isis requiredrequired toto complycomply wiwithth aa ComprehensiveComprehensive ZoningZoning OrdinanceOrdinance ((OrdinanceOrdinance No.No.
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