INDEX Dr William P. Howlett 2012 INDEX A – B INDEX A carbamazepine 91 abducens nerve 21, 295 diazepam 94 absence seizures 79, 82 ethosuxamide 92 accessory nerve 27, 305 phenobarbitone 91 accommodation reflex 21, 289 phenytoin 91 acetylcholine receptor antibodies 320 sodium valproate 92 aciclovir 141 aphasia 51, 369 acoustic nerve 25, 303 apraxia 51, 369 balance 26, 303 Argyll-Robertson pupil 290 hearing 25, 303 Arnold-Chiari malformation 239 acoustic neuroma 377, 402 ART associated neuropathy 204, 268 activities of daily living (ADL) 251 astereognosis 59 acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) 123 asterixis 340 aetiology 124 astrocytoma 367 ceftriaxone 129 ataxia 54, 278, 404 chloramphenicol 129 athetosis 339 clinical diagnosis 126 aura 81 CSF in ABM 129 AVPU method 217 diagnosis 128 axons 259 epidemiology 124 B Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 125 34 management 129 Babinski sign , 48 See Neisseria meningitidis 125 bacterial meningitis. acute bacterial meningi- outcome 130 tis (ABM) 329 pathogenesis 126 basal ganglia 47, penicillin 129 Becker’s muscular dystrophy 314 204 prevention 130 Bell’s palsy , 268, 301 signs of meningitis 127 benign essential tremor 337 Streptococcus pneumoniae 125 benign intracranial hypertension (BIH) 359 acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM) benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) 140 304 acute dystonic reactions 339 beriberi 278 acute epidural abscess 236 bladder 56 adjuvants 435 incontinence 56 agnosia 60 parasympathetic 56 AIDS 191 sympathetic 56 akinesia 330 Blantyre coma scale 166 149 akinetic-rigid syndrome 335 brain abscess , 166, 194 alcohol 279 pyogenic 149 Alzheimer’s disease 387 toxoplasmosis 166, 194 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 341 tuberculoma 132, 194 analgesic overuse headache 356 brain death 225 54 management 356 brain stem 47, aneurysms 109 brain stem and cerebellum 369 anosmia 16, 287 brain tumours 367 anticholinergic drugs 335 chemotherapy 379 antiepileptic drugs 89 clinical features 368 444 Index C – C INDEX focal neurological deficits 368 chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneu- management of tumours 378 ropathy (CIDP) 281 medical 378 clonus 29 radiotherapy 379 cluster headache 357 raised intracranial pressure 368 cochlear division 25, 303 seizures 368 codeine/dihydrocodeine 436 sites 369 cognitive function 38, 387 surgical 378 cognitive testing 391 Broca’s area 51 colloid cyst 376 Brown-Sequard syndrome 56 colour vision 291 Brudzinski’s sign 39, 127 coma 213 bulbar palsy 342 assessment 213 causes 215 C emergency treatment 221 café-au-lait spots 400 general examination 216 caloric testing 226 history 215 carbamazepine 91 investigations 220 care in neurology 431 level of consciousness (LOC) 216 carotid artery stenosis 107 management 220 carotid doppler 109 pathophysiology 213 carpal tunnel syndrome 261 common peroneal nerve 262 case fatality ratio 68 complex partial seizures 79 cauda equina 55 confusion/delirium 195, 225, 437 cerebellar ataxias 404 chlorpromazine 437 54 cerebellum 47, haloperidol 437 51 cerebral hemispheres 47, consciousness 37 cerebral malaria 161 consensual reflex 21, 288 artemether 164 constipation 441 artemisinin compounds 164 coordination 32 artesunate 164 corneal reflex 24, 300 clinical features 162 corticobasal degeneration (CBD) 334 coma 162 corticospinal tracts 55 complications 164 cover test 299 definition 161 cranial nerve disorders 287 diagnosis 163 cranial nerve examination 16 epidemiology 161 assessing the pupils 20 pathophysiology 161 distinguishing the type of deafness 26 Plasmodium falciparum 161 examining eye movements 21 quinine 165 examining the tongue 28 retinopathy 162 examining visual fields 18 seizures 162 fundoscopy 19 treatment 164 head turning 27 cerebral toxoplasmosis 123 jaw opening, closure 24 See cerebrovascular disease. stroke pupillary reactions 20 cervical spondylosis 237 shoulder elevation 27 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 405 testing facial movements 25 Charcot’s joints 148 testing facial sensation 23 cholinesterase inhibitors 321 testing hearing 25 406 chorea 339, testing smell 17 William Howlett Neurology in Africa 445 INDEX D – E testing the gag reflex 27 vascular dementia 389 testing visual acuity 17 dementia with Lewy bodies 334, 386 the accommodation reflex 21 Denis three column model 422 the consensual reflex 21 dermatomes 58 the light reflex 21 dermatomyositis 316 craniopharyngioma 375 Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica) 244 cryptococcal meningitis 123, 136, 193 diabetes 277 amphotericin B 138 diffuse axonal injury (DAI) 415 clinical findings 136 diplopia 21, 296 CM and ART 138 disability 70 cryptococcal antigen (CRAg) 137 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) 69 Cryptococcus neoformans 136 disease burden 69 diagnosis 136 disease prevention 71 fluconazole 137 disorders of peripheral nerves 259 flucytosine 138 distal sensory neuropathy (DSN) 203, 267 prognosis 138 dizziness 304 treatment 137 Doll’s eyes 225 CSF findings in meningitis 129 dopamine 331 cutaneous fibromas 400 dorsal columns 49, 55 cysticercosis 175 drug induced parkinsonism 334 albendazole 176 Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy 314 clinical features 176 dysarthria 52 diagnosis 176 dysdiadochokinesia 32 life cycle 175 dysphagia 438 pathology 176 dysphasia 52 praziquantel 176 expressive 53 prevention 178 global 54 seizures 176 receptive 53 steroids 177 dysphonia 52 Taenia solium 174 dyspnoea 440 treatment 176 dystonia 338 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 198 E D echinococcosis. See hydatid disease deafness 25, 303 electroencephalography (EEG) 86 dementia 200, 385 electromyography (EMG) 266 aetiology 386 encephalitis 139 Alzheimer’s disease 386 encephalopathy 214 cognitive testing 391 epilepsy 79 dementia with Lewy bodies 386 AEDs and women 93 epidemiology 385 aetiology 80 frontotemporal dementia 386 brain imaging 88 general course and prognosis 386 clinical diagnosis 84 HIV-associated dementia (HAD) 200, 390 common forms of seizures 81 management 388 discontinuing of AEDs 92 mini mental state examination 392 driving and epilepsy 95 Parkinson’s disease 386 drug treatment 90 prognosis 386 epidemiology 80 risk factors 386 epilepsy syndromes 79 446 Index F – H INDEX investigations 86 G management 89 gag reflex 27, 305 prognosis 94 gait disorder 61 status epilepticus 93 cerebellar 61 treatment gap 95 hemiparetic 61 Epley’s manoeuvre 305 myopathic 61 ergotamine 355 neuropathic 61 examination of the gait 36 Parkinson’s 61 examination of the limbs 28 sensory ataxic 61 coordination 32 spastic 61 finger nose test 32 generalized tonic-clonic seizure 81 heel shin test 32 general paralysis insane (GPI) 148 inspection 28 Gilles de la Tourette syndrome 340 power 29 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 38, 216 reflexes 33 Glasgow Outcome Scale 417 sensation 34 glioma 370 tone 28 clinical features 370 extradural haematoma 418 management 370 extrapyramidal disorder 330 prognosis 370 Parkinsonism 334 global burden 67 Parkinson plus syndromes 334 glossopharyngeal 26 Parkinson’s disease 329 glossopharyngeal nerve 26, 305 eye movements 21, 295 Gower’s sign 314 tracking 295 grand mal 79 voluntary saccades 295 graphanaesthesia 60 grasp reflex 40 F Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 205, 279 301 facial nerve 24, clinical features 279 facial pain 360 general management 280 facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 315 intravenous immunoglobulin 280 fasciculations 28 investigations 279 fatigability 319 plasma exchange 280 febrile convulsions 84 prognosis 280 femoral neuropathy 263 finger-nose test 32 H flaccid paraplegia 55 haemorrhage/haematoma 102, 108, 414 fluorosis 238 aneurysm 102 foot drop 262 arteriovenous malformations 102 fourth nerve palsy 298 extradural 418 freckling 400 intracerebral 102, 421 Friedreich’s ataxia 404 subarachnoid 109 Froin syndrome 236 subdural 108, 420 frontal lobe 51, 369 Hallpike’s test 304 frontal lobe release signs (FLRSs) 40, 201 HAT. See human African trypanosomiasis grasp reflex 40 headache 351 palmomental reflex 40, 202 primary 352 snout reflex 40, 201 secondary 357 frontotemporal dementia 389 head injury 413 fundoscopy 19, 293 health delivery 72 William Howlett Neurology in Africa 447 INDEX I – I primary care 73 Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) secondary care 73 244 tertiary care 73 Huntington’s disease (HD) 339, 405 health promotion 71 hydatid disease 182 hearing 25, 303 albendazole 183 Rinne’s test 26, 303 clinical features 182 Weber’s test 26, 303 diagnosis 183 heel shin test 32 Echinococcus granulosus 182 helminthic infections 161 life cycle 182 hemiballismus 339 praziquantel 183 hemiparesis 59 prevention 184 hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) 406 treatment 183 herpes encephalitis 140 hyperventilation syncope 223 diagnosis 141 hypoglossal nerve 28, 305 hiccups 340 hypoglycaemia 224 history taking 13 I HIV. See Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-associated dementia (HAD) 200, 390 immobility 440 HIV infection 191 immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome HIV related neurological illnesses 191 (IRIS) 199 HIV related neuropathy 203, 267 immunoglobulin 322 ART associated neuropathy 204 impaired communication 436 Bell’s palsy 268 incidence rate 67 distal sensory neuropathy (DSN) 203, 267 inclusion body myositis 318 137 inflammatory neuropathies 205, 269 India ink , 193 Holmes Adie pupil 290 infections 123 Horner’s syndrome 289 bacterial 123 Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) fungal 123 161, 168 parasitic 123 clinical features 169 protozoa 123 CSF examination 172 viral 123 diagnosis 171 inflammatory myopathies 316 eflornithine 173 inherited myopathies 312 399 encephalitic stage 170, 171 inherited neurological disorders 312, haemolymphatic stage 170 dystrophies
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