OCTOBER 2$ 1921 The BTIllboard TT BLACK SWAN RECORD CO. PIEDMONT COLORED FAIR la Showing Remarkable Growth Hurt by Circus OPPCIHK -A Most Batty H. Pact, who has been one of the Comploto Exhibition, Voi Prob­ originator* of three different enterprises of J AJACKSONS PAGE able Financial Flivver national eonaequei et, probably achieved the ultiniiiit' when be laesed the experimental stags In The Interest Of The Colored Actor, Actress What will probably go Into history ss the most with (tie Black Svr in records made by the Pace complete colored fair af tbe season baa bad tbe Phonograph Cerpertirlon. a. And Musician Of America. misfortune to have been opened on October 11 In Senaing the pos ibilltles of the record bust* COMMVrWCATlONS TO OUR. Of fICtS, 1493 BftOADWAY. DEW YORK opposition to the Singling-Barnaai * Bailey n.'S.-. lie started t ie organizution in the mldat Circus. It It understood that the fair sssocia- of L.H.UUMI Uu»ln< «a depression. In order to tlon availed Itself of a local law on licenses, devote all of the energies possible to the new JACKSONVILLE PICTURE HOU8E CONCERT TOUR CANCELED snd filed objection to the circus. Tbe mstter enterprise, he withdrew from the Pare & llmuly Jurietta Whitney, soprano, of New Tork, who was sdjusted, however, by tbe circus paying Uaslc Publishing i ompsny even as he had re- Pull* Novel Publicity Stunt was enjoying a very prosperous tour thru the tbe fair people $750. tirrd from the Standard Life Insurance Com­ Carolinaa, appearing in schools, churche* and While this offset the loss sustained by the fair pany <>f Atlanta for the music bouse. promoters it afforded no relief to tbe Murphy Out Sellgman, manager of the big Frolic auditoriums, has been obliged to cancel all In less than a year be haa exceeded the Carnival Company, which provided tbe attrac­ capacity output of tbe original factory. A new picture bouse on Ashley street, that caters to bookings >nd close the tour at Oreensbore, V tions for the midway. The week's business was plant has been added and arrangements for the colored audiences, sent out tbe following letter C, because of throat troubles that demanded not sufficient to take the company off the "not." marketing of a ma bine have been effected. to mi of Hie members of the Employers' Asso­ expert attention, she went directly to her Thit, is quite unfortunate, ae Mr. Murphy placed The company ha- already recorded and placed ciation of tbe city: home la New Tork on October IS. a good ebow on tbe grounds. There were fire oo the market fortv different numbere*by twelve "To the Busy Employer—Enclosed yon will The tour wae under tbe business manage­ ebows, twenty-six concessions. Ferris wheel, bsad Individual artists, one quartet and two or* find five theater ticketn worth fifty cents. You ment of Dr. O. 0. Gordon of Wilson, N. 0. and free aerial art. rbestras. the entire li»t of artists being of no doubt employ colored people in jour busl- Bualness waa further retarded by the fsct tbst our race. n»*s or at home and well know that It requires ANNOUNCING A MARRIAGE tbe company did not get up In time for business Tbe catalog of iumbers includes every type amuremenf coupled with work to make an em­ on tbe opening day. Tbe weather, too, was of musical offering, and all are by famous ployee efficient. * Edmonla Henderson, who bee been doing ber against them. Tbe four days of the fair ware artists. "Why not give them a treat by presenting act on the same vaudeville bill with "Dude" unususlly cold. Even the efforts of tbe three Among those re< rded on Black Swan records them with one or more of tbeee tickets? We loVDow, both booked solid over the T. 0. B. A., local bands tbst alternated with concerts each day and the big fireworks dlsplsy could not in­ ire the famous K ir Harmony Kings, Bender- essur* you that tbey will be extremely grate* writes to announce that tbey were married at •m't Dance Orchestra, Tbe Black Swun Or­ ML 2 p.m. October 11. while playing the Douglas duce the people to endure tbe chilly blasts. chestra. Creamc | Layton hare recorded two Theater, Macon, Oa. The team of Delaney and As s fslr of community value it was way of their newest typical numbers, and Katie "Thanking yon for tble consideration, we are Delaney were the witnesses. In ber letter the above tbe average. Local clubs, farmers, Crippen Lulu Wbtby and Ethel Waters have yours truly. Tbe rrolle Theater." bride credits the Psge with baring been to chants and Implement dealers placed on really embedded at me "blues" in the wax. The management is confident that tbe some degree responsible for bringing tbe court­ tbe best of their respective wares and talents. Mis* Waters heads a company on a concert cleanliness and general class of the house to­ ship to that conclusion. Tbanka for the credit. School authorities, under the supervision of TJJysses Beynolds, maintained an excellent tear, beginning at Washington, October IT, un­ gether with the character of tbe program will May tbey always be happy. of school work, both in the form of papers snd der the direction f tbe company. This is in make a permanent patron once a person has response to a publ.e demand to bear in person In practical handiwork of the pupils of the col­ been brought into the house. Tbey bin the ANOTHER ACT ored schools. the artist who ba« been made famous by the bouse as "the finest colored theater in the records. A feature of tbe fsir was tbs complete hos­ tibuth." While the Page haa not seen all of John Green, the dancing demon, and Bobby pital and sanitary display, under the super- J. Arthur Oalnes. Eddie Gray, Harry Dei- the houses In the South, we are prepared to Robinson hare Joined bends and are on tbe nor*. Marianne Johnson, Jusn Harrison, C. vision of nurses from the colored department of say that the Frolic is truly a fine place to Keith Family Time. They opened on the cir­ tbe Winston-Salem Hospital. Daley Tier wae Carrol Clsrk snd Alberta Hunter are artl.-tta spend an evening. cuit at Bochester. N. T., tbe week of October 9. who have enabled the company to catalog the In charge. sentimental and rlassie style of songs, thus A five-race program of trotting races was of­ enabling tbe colored public to secure a complete fered each day under the supervision of C. B. library of assorted records, all of which ere by Jones, with G. W. Bill as lodge. Ifotwlthstsnd artists of one race. lng Mr. Jones being one of the richest Negroes HERE AND THERE AMONG THE FOLKS la tbe State and one of tbe busiest, he hss found Tbe number of rtiata employed, tbe extent time to interest himself in horse flash te the of tbe trade possit llltles and the definite place extent of having become aa expert of more ettsblisbed for the Negro in this field maika A ploughing demonstration was the feature of Krause sV Marrs. publishers of ThomasTllIe, than State prominence. Mr. Pace's achlev uent as one of unusual in­ the Florence Community Pair at Jame-town, fla, Invite the "Giggers" to send for free Tbe three buildings devoted to exhibits con­ terest to not only his race, but to tbe trade in N. C. professional copies of their new number. "The general. tained several thousand different entries. Sub It. -i Knight, a little Philadelphia 'horns girl, Ku-Klox Blues." The Page cheerfully passes etantial prises were paid out to the winning ex­ Tlie American pu lie has long cherished a huh is in unfortunate circumstances at 490 Jeffer­ it on to our bands, orchestras snd entertainers hibits. regard for the Net 'o singer, and there is little son afreet, Savannah. Ga , and seeking work. The All-Star Band, under Freddie Pratt, played doubt that tbe re* rded voire* will meet with The Two Seminole* have closed their eessoo tbe opening day. Aa an added artist he had aa much fa TOT from tbe same public. Bill Jnxseti, the singing and dancing come­ with the Walter L. Mala Circus snd gone in­ dian, who his Ju«t completed sn European tour, doors. Last week they were st tbe Ha market. with him Lawrence Booker, who for tea years waa a BM'ltonrd caller. Chicago; thi, week et the Park, Indianapolis, led tbe band on tbe Eph. Williams Show. Pro­ THE ALLEN MIN8TREL3 fessor Braachflcld and his Gold; Leaf Bead pro­ VISIT THE PAGE Mr. Dtt'Mey has sgsln assumed charge of the and will be la New Tork in els weeks. This Vaudette Theater in Detroit The Page would is certainly one steady working set. vided ths concert oa the second day, end I. be pleased to bear the season's plans for the Peggy Gamble, who was known ss "Vamping Greer, with the Odd Fellows' Band, played the The Allen Mlast els, playing at Rural Hall, closing' dsy. ___ North Carolina, a corded tbe Page the moat house. • Peggy" on tbe Haraney IMIasrreh*. <* now Boy White's "Stylish Steppers" played the managing and starring the ETkins Stock Co., A. Stevens haa the Garden of Anab Show witfe exceptional honor of visiting him at Winston- tbe Murphy Carnival. Sailor Smith operates the Salem oa October 18. The boys seemed to be Star Theater. New Orleans), October T. snd now in rehearsal in Etklns, W.
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