Routt Tveiir Dtimiriictin Warm Amined Farces

Routt Tveiir Dtimiriictin Warm Amined Farces

• V.'*' :r:. i' 4:irv^'^ ‘('.i r-. i-'-r.’• >‘ -'5:' ^v i ■^■'■''''> i .. r . • -•-'t. ^ ■fK.-.bK-.'^r-jL • , Tk , *' 0 M ^ N e t l M $ y M'-'-i V;■'’’it'. i"- •‘'i.“'fcir'-''■'■’>• ', .\'- ■ ,•.' - '•'Deei^rij ■^I »' « f tb« Aadlt .' . .. ,’ r. rtN klU w ttfh$R^f^0 to W, >•( OIMllUt, itl^ " '; ''i^^B«aaas|r^*^t to t». • ;.-J. 'tiy%:.'<--.y V ->^ yj,,,.;.:. .-..^iV'y, ■ . ■ '■' ■•grr i -. .“ a . ' '• ■ !i '!A '/!' J<' •■*>/:'!'• .. .....w ,-y ^ .......y ,-,n. r y ■-. , y < ,.;„. ' .i; v .;y r 'oB fia ^ - l^ ) CENTB ' .l.'- -V' ? • . ---- -A4-.' I f ■ill I ' '" 'i-.i . il^”___ ‘ ^.- .' . -.-x-- '-'.,/ < i . ' X -r i y’ ^' ___ .’rV.'. 'h- V- *V ader ..-K IV R ou tt ri^ed In G uatem ala m : . 4 V X !lfr _ / Jan. 2 (fPy-r-A -f' StftK Dcf^tMent iipidccsMgn. J- -•■'^N < / dentrd teMy tha( the tJoHed Blatea ;^adc . ■ d*«l \with GuateMabt^ih ^I|| in training Beja, Portiigal, rJan. 2 “ ** *n oi* ‘ By Cuban, exiles for iaat -jeaf^ »Va Uoma • hoflnitftl.h p ^tal ■ - ^ invadioni.<>f Cnl^a. Th€ h«nt waa dirt©{i«y fo’f po­ T h e. govi^M ebt tightened se- ' Only one pefsoh .was;killed litical associates '«t, .aj rebel f>wjty. prediuttons after'the upris- in a traffic accident in,Con­ leader who tried uflsuiJi|ssfulf Mg'by. plMtng an poUee'and-Mili- necticut over the 2-day holi­ *^'GuateMala, Jan.‘ 2 (fP)— , ly .to seize.a military bai^auia. taiy u i ^ lii;, a “ state ,of preven- day, weekend. Is State Police President Miguel YdigoraA Both and tpwpn off. ^ resolution ^ e r e was ho general, alert. ri^dly pa^llbd. the state's says'last'April's invasion ofj ^ liui^e Lisbon rally scheduled Cuba b.v^«'fprces trained, in | against PtSMier Aiifdhio'Sal- r tomorrow nighy was' canceled, highttfiiya." 'i-VT* asar^s governMent; ■ HoWi^er.'Connecticut wound up Guatepnala .so Ifightened F> Mak^.; ^:ie’ Capt. Joao. Maria Paulo .Vi . (CobUbu^ OB Page laree)'' " the ybarXwith at least two , ihore del Castro ‘‘that hil Warlike fabaUties than i»ito. '"Two'persons’ activities outside Cuba ceased^ GoMes,, air arMy officer tuMeU po. - ; ' - I Who-were Injufed . in traffic acci litlcian, la.v- near death'in^e Be- since thht date.’’^ . ^ ja Hospital. MiMuelr-SprM, a for- T r a ffic - D eatliS 'l«."“S2S “ ■ The Guatemalan preeident, dis­ ipin: -RoMan ifca&ollo^outh leader “ "nieip/deaths plus the'"one New closing offlciaHy Jn a New Year s By STAn IEjCT JOHNSGN . ?v , _ wiip ;aiithprities nta shared - lead­ " ' , rearMs weekend fatality brought Message , Saturday . night for the s'" ersHlp of the uprutng uhth GoMes, V a ^ ta l for the year to 478, corn- first time that'snti^^fistro Cubans Moscow, Jan. - 2 O ver JH ollda was captpre^j^yWle heading for fed wfth'474 for HliW, .■were trained In GuateMala, also A* M b a s 8 a d 0 r L lew d ly n ,.the-S|p0 l8if«Prder with four heav­ Lawrence X.. .Lanata; 41,'b f Wal­ declared:. - , r.-.i.' •** ' • ' '*V' ThoMpson and Sovkt FoWii^i'e ily.; ainfiied"^pMpanlonSj,,-, • ' * T d p E s t i M ^ lingford was killed In a .crash to "President Kennedy still has'the M in ister A n d fej A . GroMUfko - - Be^VMn ^0 and 50 persona, Most ,N«w Haven- Friday niigbt. - responsibility of a sequel. of theM workers, Were-^apparently I Stote Police, , out to full' , force, copferred 21/i houra today on;*" In'thp-band engaged Salazar's Bv THE AiiMkTIATE^r^RliSS iusfii a program of special spot : He did not explain. this state- Berjin. It was Traffic .....'....:..y;'.-...,..S35 i che^s froM Friday.-ntght until. ,10 hient clearly, but w‘ent on to. toy'; " iroPps In a-S-bqur gun -hattle yes- a n,lw atteMpt,, to- rsaclt gf V \ i., terday at the .barracks of the ;3rd ' Fires ...........,.:y........ .... 83 !p!lM.“Monday toehold down the aov .‘The Bay o f• Pigs (scene of the ■ 'Ilrfantry,Jflegiment. Officials a t! MiscellsneoUs ........... 59 tcldent toll. The checks resulted to AprU invasion) was a. \-ictorj-, hot' basis, agreeaye to both gjS fs-. flrstlghhouneed all had been killed i 73 arrests, including three'ltpr drlv- a defeat, and he who .begins uitoer for negotiationa.aboatwie.dt- •r cajltured.. Total ,..477 iing undef the influence of alcohol, sp.oh auspices njuat go oh.with-the yld^.city;: ' , - ’and ],bl9 warnings. ' Blit, so far -the governMent hast grtol tato o f de-opMnitMtolng jhat S^n&ging; froM tJjp toreigM Mln- ■^ Anil, A Sharp spuTt of aCcidcnts in the I One of the persons injured earlier paH df the AMerican territory. M ! “»»• *'ours of the Nbw rear's holi 1 was Mrs. Delores .ReMer,^^, of Utry, ThoMpsoirt declined to asy X There are sighed commitments In how ttie^meettag went. ' 'X ■•J''. R«»*i*<* Uie fmal Moll of traffic j SouUiington, who. died in New Bril- SpuUj, AM*-loS.” >; nil’' beyond the Nauonal Safety aln General Hospital Sunday. The " ,fin ,-BalM Beach, Fla., . white ' HS tmd neiVBMcn he defiM ^y iialtlU estlfhat*. [death was attributed to injurie.. Hoiise press secretary Pierre .^fal- plant.'to see Grim^Ju) aitolh on ualtleS were, believed to have been,. *. \fAnriav -wh^n ih.. i iw.... • f..,n.nan ni>a*i. ™,>nh fh .» ' At ntfOnlght Mogday, .Wheu the | suffcred Ib 'a tWo-car crash to inger told, reporters that inquiries the subject of Berlin, but-ha dies Much higher then the government s-day holiday period ended, the Southington Dec. 24. abhut' Tdigoras' speech should be niqt aapee|. Utaee prsUminsry ■aid.. pount-of traffic fafaliUes stood at Grlando Morey; 63, of simsburv Mnga to Jsst tong. If. s profitable Most notable caguiJty bn the directed to the State Department. 3^, In addition, therb were 8S died in tfartford flospttal Salilrday (In Was(iingto)i. the-detort-toefit AMiodsQoh is found, the next stM governMent sidr i-wa* ' M.- Col, deaths resulting froM (ires, a'rec-' night .Of injuries suffered in^an, ac. Is 'topectad to'lie s'foreign Mints- Jaime FHUpe Sfa' Fonseca, undersec- prd for a New Tear period since had no offlclal.eonunenf.'But.o#- cldent in-Granby Dec. 26,' ftoials indicated, they do not eon; teraX oonfantoce. • . pstary .for war, whp rushed to the World War n, >ifid 69 deaths attri-i Autbpritles Said thebe, Mav be Nstto Mofcow' snd the SdifiSrt lovtheM. city of Bej^^roM Lisbon. buted to Miscellaneous accidents. ;anotb^leb t"traffic falaUty ■to ••the death•• sidcr the United States has 'any unfulfilled duty to perform' regard­ news Agani^ Tsss maije no IM- H e ordered UwigovtThMent forces The-PI,-. over-all— toll .-11 from traffic, firei i^'M rs. Ella Hayitud. 47, of Stam­ ■todlsteXMantWh of the day’s de-' to hold ..their fire ahd then walked and miseellaneotu causes was 477- ford. She d l^ Friday. She had ing the Cuban situation. Inter-AMerican treaties, &p- .valbpMant.' into the barracks to'deMand" that beM in a pursing.home 'since be­ A fU r r'dpbrttog to the UB. (be rebels Burrender. T h e y shot (ConttBoed OB 'pBge Ftmf ing Injured to a crash Sept. 22 kill-, joMats said,, .iMpose on the United States'and Wther heMisphere na- SUto D S p s^ a n t in Weshtogton, - > tog .heiy husband. Authorities> .iiav^havp' Thompson ttonhopad jthe Britito. not\.^yet officially" deterMf""'*■Mined tioiyf the d"iny of repelling "aggrtoi sipn and deferMlfig. the toteh- FVenjto and wbat Oeraum AMbas­ whether., the accident caused'd /her sadors And filled thsm in on tha - dbath. AMeriesn democratic ♦ystem. Withpjut Prior CondiMons- U,S.'' indicated toiej* ebnf results-to his talk with GroMyko'. si.dered there W as no obligatipn''on JKo.plans to have aXUrther confifr- •V Zero to Zrro/ the psurt of PreaideBt Ktoriedy tor ence''with.ihe threeI St: his eMbaaay Hartford.„Jan. 2 (AlT^The.State any apoctoc aettoh,- as was indicat­ toMorrow. Motor'Vehicle depanlment'a daily ed b.v the Guatemalan chief execu- U.S.'AMbssAadof Llewellyn Thompson tolks With’ newsmen Wi front of'MoB0(to*a .defense rnin- ' The ThoMpaonrOrwtoko talk Dutch Callf^r record of autOMoblie fatalities as Jive.-.- , ".' /,. Istry'todiy after conferring with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko: Snowrflakes, took place on the sovanth floor of of last midnight,and the totals on ( Tdigoras' atateMhnt concerning fall oh the statesman as be parries questions. ,(AP Photofajyetor-hidlo from Lonilon). , the.toralgn mtnlaicy, a apVfod aky- the BaMevdate la I yesr:. .,.... • 'Signed toMMitMapto" could have ahrapar oh ShMflaaak Sruare. T ^ IM l 1««2 referred to the Mutual defense •WWW ta|qa Mhttonat iiofUitfig to oat or "'KtHed .,..0 0 ' act of "Rio de Janeiro, under whieh" ^ ■ \ - otomMa has. celled tor a foreign SirateRic Outlook for ^62 '.t^Mnpaoa tobk XaMPton; JMk- gnlaters’ cdnfjtotoC* A u t o e r s (ir V - The .... o r 'lt collMTunre.rl year About 60. and hia aon, Jawea, iMUneid .U . , _ ......_ began the new'.year w(|th A . iAiMeistsB^'’bfQM caa to * wWlibl»i> AiA A Htoohev, a Soviet tha-VKAttzB of WlsiL when. Wksy-expBctVthdir. foreat to splash—in the frigid waters of which was a pledge, to fight CoM- eroign Mlnletry cSlciai Who- wab , he ■ ttihngtbcdod by *hips and Guinea with Indoneito without ae^ - l ^ g isla&d Sound. niuniat sggreesian. pr IMUtrailoa toM ^ y ambAisadto^to Ba*t-Ger,... b u ceaittttotid hitfdrehand. ptoni.M acquired froM Oommuhlst A t Studebakei' The Griys went swimMing to this heMtspbe'rai or .to any other V 'l / n«fnl8h Jan de Quay the bloc countries.

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